Weekly Tarotscope for June 19th – 25th

Hello, Beloveds,

With a warm embrace, I invite you to embark on another enchanting week of tarot love readings! As we sail into the next week’s cosmic journey, a universe of opportunities in the realm of love is about to unfold. Wrap yourself in the magical energies weaving the period from June 19th to 25th (click here for my Weekly Love Horoscope for this week), poised to bring transformative moments and delightful surprises on your path to love.

In these moments, I strongly encourage you to delve deeper into the boundless wonders that the tarot has in store for you.

Aries – Hierophant

The Hierophant card is all about learning and wisdom, so this week, it’s important for Aries Women to take the High Road, you should be tolerant, and you should try and see the bigger picture when it comes to your life and relationship matters.

The hierophant is also associated with prayer and spirituality, so there’s absolutely no harm in using prayer to gain solace, resolution and to help you cope with relationship difficulties or decisions. Alternatively, if you enjoy using mindfulness and meditation, this can be really helpful this week. So you are encouraged to engage your higher consciousness to give you that extra bit of guidance in navigating your love life and your romantic life

This card is also about traditions, therefore, if you are getting married, engaged or having a Christening or any type of important traditional or religious event within your family, that is absolutely perfect timing.

This week is also a great time to establish new relationship rituals: relationship rituals often create stability and structure to the relationship and give you both something to either look forward to or an opportunity to work on the relationship, so those are great to establish right now.

Taurus – Six of Swords reversed

The key message with this card is perseverance! This card indicates that you may be trying your best to move on from a relationship transition. So it could be that you have ended a relationship, or you and your partner have just made a big decision, you may be having a few regrets or cold feet about this decision, but you are keeping them to yourself. This indecision is physically and mentally draining because somewhere within your soul you are dragging your feet and you don’t necessarily want to take the next step forward, but you know you really have to. So it’s a little bit of a spiritual and emotional challenge to keep yourself moving forward and leave the past behind you.

It’s always easier to leave the past behind when we engage in forgiveness, and we understand the lessons of the past. It’s vitally important to remember that this life is about moving forward and keeping learning, and we should never allow ourselves to be dragged back into old habits or relationships that clearly weren’t working. So this is a time for moving forward, but do it slowly, do it at your own pace and be kind to yourself.

Gemini – The World

This is a very positive and encouraging card for Gemini; this indicates that reward and fulfilment are on the way and all the hard work and effort you have put into either a business venture or a relationship will soon pay off or come to fruition. You are about to come to the end of a cycle, and it’s important to reflect on the challenges, the hardships you encountered on the way and how you overcame these and are all the stronger for it. This is definitely a time to pat yourself on the back and to reward yourself, so this is a good week for you and your partner to reflect on your achievements and to come together with a celebration in mind.

What this card also suggests is you should know when to quit while you are on top, so don’t over-egg the pudding; this is a good time to cash out, take the money and run so to speak, and enjoy the rewards.

In many cases, Geminis may be attending weddings, graduations or you may even be celebrating the birth of your own child. This is also a great time for you to become pregnant and embark on family life, particularly if it is your first child, because the world has tones of achieving completion, and as we know, a child makes a family complete.

Cancer – The Star

This is a very encouraging card for Cancer women, if you have been feeling a little bit flat, blue or depleted, or possibly you feel you have run out of ideas, this card brings you renewed hope and a sense of the true abundance and possibilities of your life. So hang in there; you’re about to turn the corner this week. You may develop some fresh ideas, or you may even get some good news that will change your perspectives. So what this card is telling you is that you should have faith, and trust in yourself, in your partner and in the universe, and things are about to turn the corner.

It’s also very important right now to have a true sense of purpose if your life. At the moment, if life feels meaningless or rather dull and repetitive, this is an ideal time to make the relevant changes in your life that can transform yourself into something new and dynamic so that you begin to live life to the full again, rather than just experiencing an endless series of days with no particular focus.

Leo – Emperor

This card represents contact with authority figures this week. Thus the influence of either a father figure, a boss or some other important male in your life will be felt more keenly. This could mean that Leo is attracted to an older man in terms of dating simply because of the status they have and the security they can offer. It may also mean that you are more likely to look to your father for the advice, guidance and wisdom he can offer you. You are looking for a sensible and grounding force in your life, and this is often found within a man with a lot of experience, and as I say, this may represent your husband, it may represent a mentor or your father.

There is another meaning; however, it’s also important for you to show your children strength and leadership, so when it comes to marriage, you and your partner need to be the adults in the room. This is not a time to try and be best buddies with your children, it’s time to show them that you have authority, you have experience and they need to respect you. So this can be an important time for either you yourself or you and your husband, to regain control of your family and bring everyone into line.

Virgo – Five of Wands

This can be a somewhat challenging and frustrating week; there are lots of differences of opinions and new ideas to take on board. In some cases, there can be some conflict and tension, and you may have to compete to get your voice heard or to be fully understood. It’s a hard time for the family to work together, and it’s also not the easiest time to work in a team with your partner.

The trouble right now is ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’; everyone has a viewpoint, but no one is listening, so there’s not a lot of progress. The best thing you can do as a Virgo, is to pretend you are the chairman of the board, stay out of the debates but at least try and steer discussions in a sensible way and make sure everyone is heard. Sometimes the best way to deal with the issues this week, is to rise above them, let the dust settle and start again next week with a fresh slate.

On a positive note, if you can create some harmony, it’s an excellent time for brainstorming and problem-solving with your partner and with other family members. This may be a week when you don’t get much intimate time alone with your partner, but if you deal with it well, you can establish some peace and quiet for next week.

Libra – Fool

Now getting the Fool Card doesn’t mean you are playing the fool as such, but it does bring a playful sense of innocence into your life, and it’s quite important to operate with just a touch of naive and an adventurous youthful spirit. This is actually a wonderful card for dating because it puts you in the mood for dipping your toe in a new arena and seeing what happens. It’s very important to take a ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’ attitude this week, and it’s also important not to take anything too seriously; this should be seen as a time to have fun, to experiment and to take a chance.

This is an excellent time for romance, so if you want to use your creativity to engineer interesting date nights or find new ways to impress your partner that will totally surprise them, it’s an absolutely great week for that. Remember, anything can happen now, so take a chance on doing something differently, and you will pleasantly surprise yourself.

The Fool Card is ideal for brand new relationships, but it’s also a great signal for you and your current partner jumping into something totally new and unknown that you both are doing for the first time.

Scorpio – The Moon

The Moon is a rather suitable card for Scorpio because it taps into many of your innate characteristics. Scorpios have great intuition, you like to read between the lines, use your ESP, and you are quite a skeptical and often suspicious character. It’s important right now not to be paranoid and not to be overly worried; however, it can be important for you to understand the true emotional machinations going on in any situation. The Moon indicates that it’s time for you to step back, assess and understand, so be an observer, see how people are reacting to different situations and judge the different agendas at play.

It can be important to analyze the themes in your dreams for clues about the mental blocks and anxiety that may be lurking below the subconscious and subtly undermining your more proactive and positive goals.

Move cautiously in new love because everything may not be as it appears, sometimes, there are illusions and delusions within the romantic sphere, and it’s important to be totally honest with yourself about your expectations for the relationship and your partner’s expectations.

In marriage, reserve judgement until next week because right now, you are a little bit more prone to seeing the glass as half empty.

Sagittarius – Temperance

The key to success in relationships and in your life this week is achieving balance and being moderate and patient. Now these are all big challenges for Sagittarius because you are naturally women who like to race ahead, and take chances and you can be a little bit extreme when you get excited, and therefore it takes a lot of willpower for you to reign yourself in, be pragmatic and take everything as it comes.

It’s important to remember right now that everything has a unique rhythm and sometimes it’s best not to rush things. It’s also important to use Occam’s Razor and look for the most obvious solution, and that means taking the Middle Road and avoiding extreme judgments or conclusions.

In terms of dating and love, it’s very important to focus on the long-term vision for the relationship, relationships take time to mature and develop and they get better with age. Remember right now in relationships, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Capricorn – Ten of cups

This is a really positive card for harmony and happiness within marriage and relationships. It’s a wonderful time to enjoy yourself with family members and to strengthen family bonds within your immediate family unit or the extended family.

It’s a time when you also enjoy enhancing your home, maybe entertaining and enjoying activities around the home rather than perhaps travelling.

This is an excellent time to chill, relax and have quality time with your partner without distractions. Right now your home is your castle; it’s where good things happen. It’s time to put the career, the social life and all the stresses aside and to create an oasis of tranquility within the home where everyone can come down a few notches and begin to enjoy each other’s company again.

If you are in a relationship, it’s time to focus on traditional things because they often bring the greatest sense of completion and harmony and can be more fulfilling than you would imagine.

Aquarius – The Magician

This is a really interesting card for Aquarius because it’s all about the power of the mind, being skillful, thoughtful and using your wits, and that is definitely one of your fortes. So this is definitely a month to be logical and rational; it’s time to detach from the emotions and see problems in an honest and straightforward way.

This is a great time for anyone undertaking any job evaluations, presenting new ideas or teaching because you can apply skill and initiative to all your tasks, and there’s also a strong desire to begin new things as you have a Can-Do attitude and a great sense of optimism.

This is also a delightful card for dating, it puts you into an excellent mood for meeting new people, making new friends and being active on the social scene. Double dates and other social occasions are definitely favored.

Creatively you are very inspired, and you’re an ideas person; whatever you are going through in terms of your relationships, you have the necessary Chutzpah to tackle them in a savvy way.

Pisces – Four Pentacles

This month substance is the key, it’s very important for Pisces to think about your current romances or the way you’re going about dating and understand if either your current partner or the recent people you’ve been attracting have any substance. If the answer is NO, and you are attracting people who are flirtatious but flippant, superficial and insincere, it’s time for a change in strategy so that you are more likely to meet people who are genuine, grounded and have positive emotional engagement with you.

This is definitely a time to move away from relationships where you feel insecure and undervalued, often there’s a temptation to be more controlling or more possessive, hoping that the person will change when what you really need to do is to change yourself, to move away and to realize that leopards don’t change their spots and sometimes it’s better to move on.

In terms of Pisces who are married, this is a great month to make investments, to think about buying property, assets or organizing your pension. It’s a time when coming together over financial decisions gives you a lot of confidence in the relationship and helps you to save for important goals and landmarks that you have made together.

Read next : Weekly Love Horoscope for June 19th – 25th

Summing up

I warmly invite you to continue your journey of discovery within the endless treasures that the tarot offers. Step into the mystical world of your personal readings, and let the remarkable insights shared by Angel Adams grab your curiosity. Harness the deep knowledge radiating from these sacred cards and allow their guidance to chart your course towards plentiful love and immense satisfaction.

Get your free three tarot card spread reading here.

As we approach the upcoming week, may the cosmic energies align harmoniously in your favor, setting a backdrop for significant changes and delightful surprises on your love path. Remain open to the mesmerizing magic that surrounds you, for the cosmos’ loving intentions are ceaselessly at play, arranging wonderful moments and auspicious meetings to materialize in your life.

Until we meet again for another thrilling week of tarot love readings, may affection and blessings gracefully guide your every step. Relish the exciting journey that lies ahead, cherishing the infinite love that envelops and lifts you. Have faith in the celestial forces that steer your course and embrace the remarkable future that lies before you.

Love and light,

Your friend and relationship astrologer,


One thought on “Weekly Tarotscope for June 19th – 25th

  1. Iam a scorpion, and your reading is spot on . I will step back and see what happens. Thankyou Anna ❤️

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