5 Things Every Woman Should Know About the Scorpio Full Moon

Are you experiencing intense dreams, intuition, or psychic messages about or from your love? Is this a very spiritual and sexual time for you? If yes, you are experiencing the powerful energies of the May 7 Scorpio Full Moon. 

When the Moon is full in Scorpio, you may have a desire to connect with your partner on a more intuitive and intimate level. The Scorpio Full Moon favors shared activities that build strength and personal transformation. 

If possible, spend time getting to know your partner’s emotional and physical needs. He will find you more attractive the more time you both spend learning how to please and uplift each other.

 To help you manifest your love’s true potential during the Scorpio Full Moon, I am sharing five things every woman should know. 

5 Things Every Woman Should Know About the Scorpio Full Moon

1. Scorpio is Deeper than Sex

I know when you hear the word Scorpio, you probably think about the same things I do—sex, money, passion, pleasure, power, greed. But Scorpio is deeper than sex, power, and tantra. Scorpio is also bright, soothing, and unbelievably caring. Scorpio men and women can be loyal, attentive partners.

As the eighth sign of the Zodiac, Scorpio rules the subconscious and hidden mind. It represents the esoteric and mysterious elements of the human consciousness and also the intimate and sacred aspects of marriage and love.

When the Moon is full in Scorpio, you may feel braver and more empowered around men. You may feel like you have a better understanding of what your partner wants and what he needs to feel loved and fulfilled.

If your partner loves a particular sports team because his late grandfather took him to games during his youth, purchase tickets to a game, or buy him a jersey to honor the legacy of his grandfather. He will find your thoughtfulness so attractive.

If you are single and looking for a partner, the Scorpio Full Moon also reminds you that love is about more than just the physical. If you want a long-lasting relationship, go deeper. Be vulnerable and direct. Take your time and get to know his soul.

When dating and going out, choose intimate and quiet places that make great conversation. Avoid crowded places that are loud or cause distractions. You’ll miss important information and nonverbal cues from your man.

With the Full Moon in a fixed water sign like Scorpio, men are more introspective and laid back. They may come across more reserved until they are ready to pursue. So remember to play it cool and get to know your subjects. Don’t be so eager to jump his bones. 

For those interested in connecting with their soul mate and twin flame, the Scorpio Full Moon’s spiritual energy is perfect for that. 

Try closing your eyes and imagining your love coming to you—really get into it. Share your excitement and invite the Full Moon to allow your true love/twin flame to be revealed to you. 

What You See is What You Get in Scorpio Full Moon 2020

2. What You Ask For Is What You’ll Get

Have you ever heard the old saying, “Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it”? Well, that’s what the Scorpio Full Moon is telling you now.

When the Moon is in Scorpio, your subconscious desires rise to the surface, and this is amplified any time there is a Full Moon.

In love and relationships, Scorpio’s magnetic energy is perfect for manifesting the soul mate of your dreams.

If you are in a relationship, think about how fulfilled you are in your partnership. Is there something that you may be lacking or want more of? Ask yourself, How can I bring more of this into my relationship?

For example, if you would like to experience a deeper physical and spiritual connection with your partner, this is the time to ask for it. If direct communication isn’t your thing, maybe give him subtle hints about it over dinner or while cuddling in bed.

If you would like to have more financial and emotional support from your partner, perhaps you can explain to him what you’ve been feeling and give him specific examples of how he can improve to make things better.

Whatever you are seeking during the two-week lunation period of the Scorpio Full Moon will come more easily to you, especially if you or your partner are a Scorpio Sun, Moon, or Rising sign.

Just make sure that you aren’t asking or sending subliminal messages that are the opposite of your true desires. Be transparent about what you want, and you will get it.

Scorpio Full Moon Let Go Of Your Past

3. It’s Time to Let Go of the Past

The Scorpio Full Moon reminds you that to move forward, you have to let go of the past.

With Venus, the planet of relationships, stationing retrograde in Gemini just six days after May 7’s Scorpio Full Moon, you may start thinking about—or even run into—an ex or past lover. This could also be someone you have unfinished business with or who caused you deep hurt or transformation in the past.

But with this focus on the sign of death, transformation, and rebirth, the Scorpio Full Moon encourages you to let go of toxic habits and people to make space for new love. This is the best Full Moon to help you release and feel comfortable with letting go.

I believe this will be one of the most healing and transformational Full Moons for women all year, especially those born in the signs of earth and water.

If you feel triggered or challenged by this energy, remind yourself that Scorpio intends to push you out of your comfort zone so you can attract a higher experience and vibration of love.

For example, if you recently got into a bad fight with your husband, broke up with your boyfriend, separated from your life partner, or felt betrayed by someone you cared for, the Scorpio Full Moon says, “There’s something better out there for you; trust in your intuition and let go.”

Read next: Hot And Cold Behavior From Men Based On Their Zodiac Sign

Independent Woman Zodiac Astrology

4. Independence = Romantic Freedom

It may be hard to talk about independence—especially the financial and sexual kind—when you first start dating, but freedom is important in a relationship.

As the eighth sign of the Zodiac, Scorpio rules the eighth house of shared resources, so it’s common to evaluate your emotional, financial, and sexual independence at this time.

Perhaps you’ve gotten comfortable being alone and relying on yourself for fulfillment, or maybe it’s the opposite and you tend to be jealous and possessive of your partner.

But with the Moon full in Scorpio, you will be inspired to get real and raw about who you are, what you feel, and what you really need. It’s time to be honest about where you stand and how comfortable you are on your own two feet.

If you have been too reliant on your partner in terms of finances, emotional and sexual support, and shared resources, the May 7 Scorpio Full Moon is telling you, “You are powerful and capable of establishing security within yourself.”

If you are giving too much to the point of self-destruction, rather than loving and taking care of yourself, the Scorpio Full Moon says, “It’s okay to ask for what you need.”

Instead of giving too much or too little, think about your independence. I know how important it is to have something sacred for yourself.

Whether it’s a hobby, passion project, online cooking class,ife coaching session, a new diet, a lifestyle makeover, etc., make a conscious decision to make more time for what’s important to you. 

This is a good time to incorporate “independence” into your romantic relationships. Your current and future partner will love you more for this.

Read next: How to Effectively Seduce Him According to His Astrological Sign

About Scorpio Full Moon

5. Unleash the Freak

I know I said Scorpio was deeper than sex, but I think we can all agree that physical connection is still important.

With Mars, the planet of willpower and action, in innovative Aquarius during the Scorpio Full Moon, this unique planetary transit inspires you to unleash your inner “freak.”

If you’ve been tiptoeing around, playing hard to get, or just haven’t had the time to get sexy with your mate, use this pleasure-filled lunation to go ahead and get it on if you feel ready. Just make sure that you and your partner have more than a physical connection, as mentioned in point number one.

One thing I find interesting about the Scorpio Full Moon is that it occurs while Mercury, the planet of communication, is in Scorpio’s opposite sign of Taurus.

Naturally, this planetary opposition would influence tense communication between lovers; however, I believe this can be avoided with a little roleplay and experimentation in the bedroom.

Perhaps it’s time you channel that extra tension you’ve been feeling into sexual energy—or if sex isn’t on the table, get creative together and make one-of-a-kind tantric art.

If you have space, throw paint on the walls in the nude or try edible art.

Besides going deeper, asking for what you want, establishing independence, and unleashing your inner freak, the Scorpio Full Moon reminds you that love starts within.

Sex and intimacy are important parts of a relationship, but they aren’t everything.

If you want to take love into your own hands and explore your chemistry right now, take my free compatibility quiz to get instant results.

If you’re comfortable, I would love for you to share your results and feelings about the Scorpio Full Moon in the comments!

I can’t wait to hear from you.

Your sister and relationship astrologer, 

Anna Kovach 

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