Weekly Tarotscope For November 21st-27th

Hello, my darling readers, welcome back to the weekly Tarotscope, this time for November 21st-27th. I’m interested to see if the cards will reflect the shift of the Sun into optimistic Sagittarius!

The Sun moving into Sagittarius signals a period of faith and confidence. Sagittarius energy is our pathway to realizing that the world is on our side and even the hard knocks yield valuable lessons. 

The Sun forming a trine to Jupiter makes this about as happy of a time as you can imagine. Our will and awareness are aligned with our higher self and spirituality. This creates a sense of peaceful confidence that exudes to those around us. 

Mercury meets up with Venus for most of this week, adding to the general good vibes. You’ll realize that you have more in common with others than you think during this time, opening up pathways to communicate with others. It’s easier to express love freely throughout this period.

Mars forms a square to Neptune which can mislead us in directing our energies. It dilutes our energy to the point that we can’t effectively get our point across without escalating, at least in some cases. 

Mars will receive a beneficial reality check as Saturn forms a trine with it. This may serve to ground your intentions and to communicate more effectively with others about your needs. Taking responsibility and control of yourself is a theme with this transit. 

Now that we know the transits, let’s cover how the Tarot indicates that you may experience these planetary movements. Find your Sun or Rising sign below to know how this upcoming week may look for you.

Read next: Weekly Love Horoscope for November  21st-27th


Weekly Tarotscope for Aries: Three of Swords

Aries, the 3 of Swords is hardly ever an easy card to deal with. This is a card of potential heartbreak, loneliness, and grief. The sort of situation that feels like a gut punch could be coming your way. This could be explained by Mars’ square to Neptune, which could kick off a chain of events that requires distance. 

Mars’ trine to Saturn indicates that this dark cloud was necessary and the responsible thing to do. But just because it was ‘right’ doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. Take care of yourself this week, Aries. Offer yourself more compassion and love than usual and be your own source of comfort in rocky times.


Weekly Tarotscope for Taurus: Page of Wands

Taurus, when the Page of Wands appears in a reading, sometimes it indicates that good news is on its way. It’s a signal to pay extra attention to your inbox and your mailbox. Alternatively, there could be a new project on the horizon that is capturing your attention. 

Taurus, it takes true passion for you to shift your approach, and this week may trigger that fire in you. The Page of Wands is telling you to waste no time and charge full speed ahead in the direction that your gut is telling you! Venus (your ruler) meeting Mercury gives you the inspiration and the ability to change your life very quickly, and for the better!


Weekly Tarotscope for Gemini: Two of Wands

The Two of Wands does not surprise me for you, Gemini. Twos are representative of preparation for a decision that you’ve recently made. You’re finally getting to act on the spark that planted this seed in you. I can’t help but think this applies to a business venture or a partnership. 

You are looking ahead with anticipation. At this time, you are confident in the direction you’ve chosen, and the Two of Wands confirms that this is the right direction for you. If you aren’t sure what I’m referring to, it’s possible that the spark of inspiration and decision are both ahead of you this week. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Cancer: Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups makes perfect sense for you, Cancer. The suit of Cups represents water (your element), along with emotional and romantic beginnings. In your house of romance, there is a New Moon. You feel major lunar changes more than any other sign, Cancer. 

The New Moon in Scorpio is a witchy-flavored Moon that favors rebirth and new beginnings more than in any other sign. Something romantic could feel like it’s coming to an end, but the Ace of Cups tells me that this is truly just a rebirth (water/cups signals rejuvenation). Your relationship could come out far stronger than when you started with them, Cancer. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Leo: The Emperor

Leo, the Emperor is a card of influence and power. My version of the Emperor features a Sun overhead (your ruling body) and a human figure with a ram skull, calmly shielding a lamb from danger. This card’s imagery speaks to how a Leo acts when they’re as confident as they should be. 

This card is highly beneficial to you. This tells me that you do not need to show force, raise your voice, or even speak to show power. It’s supposed to just be an inarguable fact that you’re powerful just because you’re you. Embodying this level of self-confidence will turn the tide in your favor this week, Leo. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Virgo: The Star

Virgo, you are meant to be inspired and to inspire. This week you’re meant to find joy no matter what. Last week you got the Tower, and the drawing of the Star this week is truly kismet since the Star comes after the Tower in the deck. This means to me that this week is all about finding hope. 

If last week cut you down and shook your foundation, this week is the week where you decide to be okay with it, or at least to make the best of it. This decision is your pathway to happiness and creating a reality that you’re okay with, despite the occasional hardship. You can recognize that life is not fair sometimes and that you’re still able to thrive. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Libra: Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands indicates a bold new beginning. If you’ve been looking for a green light to pursue the person, hobby, etc., that you’re inspired by. The Ace of Wands signals a spark within you that has the potential to grow into an all-consuming fire. 

The Ace of Wands can feel like a fire being lit up after a period of darkness. Suddenly, you have a light to follow and a source of inspiration. The momentum you generate now sets the tone for the duration of the project. Use this abundant energy to your advantage. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Scorpio: The Queen of Cups

Even as the Sun slips out of your sign this week, Scorpio, you feel content. The New Moon in your sign this week could provide a springboard for emotional growth, as the Queen of Cups has an affinity for the element of water and the emotional themes it represents. The Queen of Cups is an emotional badass – never selling herself short but always choosing mercy and compassion.

Scorpio, you should embrace the new start brought about this week. Engage emotionally with everyone around you! Holding back on your feelings robs not only you of your emotional freedom but also others from experiencing who you authentically are in the moment. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Sagittarius: Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles signals the sort of satisfying work that leads to the development of skills, Sagittarius. As Mercury, Venus, and now the Sun rest in your sign, you’re being inspired to once again inject your energy into projects that you were working on before. 

This card signals collaboration as well. Collaboration between yourself and others along with spirit and your manifestations. A connection to the bigger picture is what provides you faith so that little mishaps in your journey aren’t slowing you down for long. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Capricorn: The Tower

The Tower card rarely signifies a good time. It appears that something is breaking down in your life, shaking the foundation of your existence. This is absolutely a rock-bottom type of moment. The shock of this event is sure to be swift and perhaps devastating. All of this, of course, depends on your unique life circumstances. 

The Tower is not without use. It crumbles the façade of everything in your life that wasn’t legitimate or authentic enough to have staying power. It won’t be long before you realize the blessing in disguise the Tower represented, but for now, prepare yourself for impact. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Aquarius: Nine of Swords

Aquarius, the Nine of Swords indicates a period of high anxiety and potentially loads of worries. What is keeping you up at night? Knowing you, it could be a feeling of failure to live up to your own expectations of yourself. Whatever it is, your mentality feels crushed under the weight. 

Worrying about a certain situation can actually serve to manifest it into reality. It’s important to cut off the offending thought at the source. Any other approach increases the risk of unintentionally creating your nightmare scenario. Don’t be a victim of a situation that hasn’t even happened, Aquarius. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Pisces: Knight of Swords

There is simply no time for you to rest this week, Pisces. At least, that might be how it feels to you. The Knight of Swords indicates a tough and biting intelligence. Your thoughts are powered by direction and clarity, which gives you the confidence to follow through on them. 

Jumping in headfirst is always a risk, but something may be telling you to just go for it this week. The Knight is not easily deterred. Just ensure that you’re not so single-minded that you don’t take the emotions of others into account, Pisces. 

Read next: Weekly Love Horoscope for November  21st-27th

Wrapping Up

My loves, thank you for joining me this week for your Tarotscope. I’m blown away by how well these cards interact with the overall story arc of some of you! It’s like I know each of you as friends, I swear. 

Sometimes I’m asked about romance specifically, but the cards have a mind of their own in these general readings. 

But with the number of requests I got, I have a special deal for you still with a free three-card Tarot draw to shed some light on your love life specifically!

Make your way over there to find out the additional energies relating specifically to love and romance!

A three-card love draw is available here to add additional romantic clarity to your reading. 

Wishing you all the luck in the Universe.

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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