How To Tell If He Wants You — Check Out His Mars Sign

You already know your man’s Sun sign, the general tones of his personality and what he needs in order to shine, but do you know where his Mars sign is?

The position of his Mars is essential if you want to understand the primal, masculine part of his nature. It describes his male ego, his approach to relationships and sexuality, what turns him on and what turns him off, his desire nature, his assertiveness – how he goes about to get what he wants (you, hopefully!).

Knowing how a guy pursues his love interest can help you figure out whether or not he’s interested in you. It can also assist you in determining whether you are comfortable with someone approaching in that way.

Understanding Mars In Astrology 

Mars represents a passionate impulse, drive, action, willingness to pursue your dreams. It defines our discipline, will power and endurance. In the natal chart it shows how we assert ourselves in romantic relationships. It resonates with desire and attraction.

For instance, Mars in a fire zodiac signs like Leo and Sagittarius, will make us impulsive and direct, while in earth zodiac signs like Taurus and Virgo, it will be more pragmatic and reserved.

Mars can also reveal what makes you angry and also how you express your anger. It’s the aggressive part of us. You might say that you are not aggressive at all, and you are probably right. It is probably because you have your Mars sign in a less direct and aggressive sign, such as water zodiac signs Pisces or Cancer. Mars in water signs will make you more dreamy, but the need for love will be great.

Finally, in the air zodiac signs like Gemini and Aquarius, it is more inclined toward intellectual curiosity and communication. This is how we express our Mars energy.

How To Tell If He Wants You — Based On His Mars Sign

In man’s chart, the position of his Mars will show you his masculinity, assertiveness and sexuality.  

It shows the way he expresses the “I want you!” principle. If you don’t understand the way his male ego operates you might miss the signs that he is really into you and fail to respond in like manner – assure him that you ARE the yin to his yang.

So let’s dive into the secrets of his Mars position and find out what turns him on and how he behaves when he wants to impress you like a woman!

Mars In Aries

Fiery Aries Mars is a real macho type and a go getter so if he is into you – you will know it, and he will not give up until he conquers your heart.

He is thrilled by the chase and loves challenges where he can prove his worth, which is why rejection only makes him even more determined. You can play a little hard to get with this guy; it will only spice up his desire!

He loves a bit of competition in a relationship and an occasional argument, which doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you, on the contrary – he wants to see what you are made of and he is attracted to women who can handle his passionate energy.

Aries defends those he loves, he is a warrior and an idealist so if he stands up for you, treats you like a princess who needs to be saved from dragons – rest assured, he IS into you.

How To Approach Mars In Aries Man

To approach a guy with Mars in Aries, you need to take initiative and engage in direct communication. This may require confidence and assertiveness. He may appreciate your independence and willingness to take risks.

It’s also important to keep in mind that Aries men tend to be independent and enjoy a bit of a challenge, so don’t be afraid to be a bit mysterious or hard to read.

Mars In Taurus

Taurus Mars has a sensitive, sensual and practical masculinity so if he wants you he will show it in tangible ways: by buying you gifts, trying to please you with wellness weekends and by doing practical things for you.

In order to impress you he might even brag by how competent and reliable he is, or by how much he is earning.

He is not just showing off though, he is trying to show you that he is able to take care of you, for once the relationship is on the go Mars in Taurus is not afraid of commitment, he thrives in a stable relationship.

His sex drive is enormous but he is also fond of cuddles, kissing, hugging and touching so watch out for these signs, they mean a lot when Taurus Mars is concerned! And don’t be surprised if you spot possessiveness in him, this is how Taurus treats those he loves, like he owns them.

How To Approach Mars In Taurus Man

You need to be patient and persistent. A Mars in Taurus man will appreciate your patience hugely, and you’ll see him slowly start warming up.

They are famous for their long-term planning so it is better to take things slow and build a foundation to secure your relationship. Showing that you understand and appreciate their values and interests can also be effective in getting their attention. 

Mars In Gemini

If a Gemini Mars likes you he will be in contact with you all day everyday; via instagram, facebook, viber, you name it. He desires contact and communication and talking to you turns him on!

He will try to impress you with his intellect and wit, by showing how smart and in-the-know he is so be engaged in the conversation! He likes a good discussion, word plays, puns, inside jokes and the newest memes, so use communication to spike his interest!

Mars in Gemini is playful and fun to be around and he might take you to new and interesting places since he is always ready to try something new! He will engage you in lively conversations and make a lot of jokes so be sure to show your playful side and a sense of humor for he hates dull women.

How To Approach Mars In Gemini Man

A man with his natal Mars in Gemini needs mental stimulation, so it is best to keep the conversation light and interesting. You can expect him to change his mind a lot.

If you are spending too much time with him or if you frequently text or call, note that he will slowly lose interest in you. You need to be independent, curious with a wide range of interests. 

Mars In Cancer

If a Cancer Mars wants you he will want to take care of you, nurture you emotionally; protect you like a precious jewel. Feeling needed makes him feel like a man so he might make himself indispensible, shower you with attention, cook for you and will touch you often for he craves emotional closeness.

He might even get a bit mothering – smothering, making you eat even if you are not hungry, or making you take his coat even when you aren’t cold, but that’s just because he likes to take care of you and sometimes he thinks he knows what is best.

Cut him some slack every now and then for he is pleased when he feels he had pleased you! Cancer is very emotional and being a sensitive sign he will sense your mood changes so be open with him, tell him how you feel – it will give him a sense of mutual closeness and turn on his libido!

How To Approach Mars In Cancer Man

To approach a guy with Mars in Cancer, you need to be nurturing and sensitive. Tell him that you’ll be there for him no matter what he does.

These men are more likely to respond positively to an approach that is sensitive and compassionate, showing that you understand and connect with their feelings.

Additionally, they tend to be very intuitive and in tune with their emotions, so being genuine and authentic in your approach is important.

Mars In Leo

If Leo Mars wants you there will be no doubts about it. He will display his affection in explicit and lavish ways with the tendency of even going too far.

Proposing in a stadium full of people while airplanes hover over and write your names in the sky is 100% Mars in Leo MO. If he likes you, he will want to put you in the spotlight for all to see, since you are now the leading female role of his big love story, and Leo is a hopeless romantic with a flair for drama.

He takes great pride in the ones he loves so don’t be surprised if he shows you off – your specialness makes him feel special too and he wants his queen to stand by his side.

He will show you his generous side by showering you with gifts; he will channel his passion in romantic gestures and give you a lot of attention. In short, he will treat you like a princess that you are, and the princess he deserves!

How To Approach Mars In Leo Man

Be confident and assertive. Men with their natal Mars in Leo like to be in the spotlight, so showing interest in their passions, interests and accomplishments is likely to be well received.

Additionally, they are natural leaders and may appreciate someone who can take a step back and let them take the lead. It may be helpful to approach them in a way that is playful and light-hearted, as they tend to enjoy having fun and enjoy the good life.

Avoid being critical.

Mars In Virgo

Virgo is very discriminative in selecting partners so if he chose you rest assured this is the result of thoughtful consideration and you passed with flying colors. Congrats!

Careful Virgo Mars doesn’t like to make mistakes, which is why he is not a promiscuous type, but once he is into you he will do his best to take your breath away by showing just how dependable, organized and capable he really is! He wants to be helpful, useful – a man you can count on.

He will be there for you and come running whenever you call, strive to solve your problems, and offer help in practical things. Virgo Mars might even try to “fix” you, ahem, help you to become a better version of yourself so don’t get upset if he comments on your new hairstyle (most men don’t even notice it, right?). He has an eye for details and likes to improve things he cares about.

He wants to be a part of your everyday life so doing chores and grocery shopping together means he really likes you. And if you wonder how to approach him, ask him to fix your bike and then show LOTS of appreciation!

How To Approach Mars In Virgo Man

You need to be organized, neat, detail-oriented, as men with their Mars in Virgo tend to be quite methodical and organized. Show him that you are a responsible and reliable person.

Avoid being impulsive and overly emotional. 

Read next: How To Make Him Fall In Love With You According To His Zodiac Sign

Mars In Libra

Libra is one of the most romantic zodiac signs and Mars in Libra is prince charming, a master of seduction! If he likes you he will take you to the best restaurants, the trendiest art places, dazzle you with his good taste in music and fine food.

He will listen attentively to what you say and surprise you when you least expect it – yes, Libra Mars man actually listens. He really cares about what you want to do so reaching agreement will flow naturally and he will often leave the decision up to you. (And if both of you have Mars in Libra, you might want to flip a coin.) A hopeless romantic, he will send you flowers and romantic texts, flatter you incessantly.

Libra Mars prefers sex in a committed relationship so you might have to wait until things get serious for him to make a move, but when he does, the bed will be covered with rose petals and candle lights will light up the room!

How To Approach Mars In Libra Man

Mars in Libra man has a strong sense for fairness. He probably has a need for balance and harmony and you need to respect that. You need to be a charming, considerate and open-minded person.

He cares a lot about aesthetics so taking care of your looks is also something that serves your approach.

Mars In Scorpio

If a Scorpio Mars wants you you can hardly miss the signs, for this is an “all or nothing” kinda guy. He craves closeness and depth so he will try to be as close to you as possible (whether you like it or not), he will be involved in your life and approach the relationship with full force and intensity.

Your issues and problems won’t scare him off so you can confide in him at any time – sharing secrets and deep contact are what turns him on. Mars in Scorpio tends to be faithful, for although his sexuality is strong he appreciates quality more than quantity, but he will expect the same level of involvement and commitment from you.

You might even feel overwhelmed by his intensity and his subtle demands, or you may feel that he wants to possess you – which IS probably the case. But this is the price to pay for his emotional interest and integrity, and yes, lots of passionate sex.

How To Approach Mars In Scorpio Man

Show him your strong sense of determination to pursue your goals and get what you want. 

Mars in Scorpio man is attracted to power and control so be intense, passionate, confident and self-assured.

Mars In Sagittarius

Sagittarius Mars is a free spirit, a nomad, a philosopher, and a know it all. So if he likes you he will aspire to fascinate you with his positive and daredevil attitude, make you fall for his big ideas and ideals, for his vision.

His open mindedness and plans for the future are what makes him feel like a man so complimenting them will be a plus in his book. He is spontaneous and fun to be with and he will want to enjoy his time with you; take you to loud concerts, spontaneous trips, rafting, bungee jumping, a fun fair – any place where you can have fun together and enjoy an adventure.

You will never be bored with him and he will do his best to make you laugh – he finds intelligent women with a sense of humor very attractive, and since his humor is spiked with sarcasm and bluntness do keep a playful and witty attitude.

His honesty and directness are a real breath of fresh air if you value such qualities, just make sure you are fit enough to keep up with his tempo.

How To Approach Mars In Sagittarius Man

Simply by being energetic, enthusiastic and optimistic!

Be ready to travel and explore new horizons with your Mars in Sagittarius man! They value freedom and exploration. This is how you will get his heart.

Mars In Capricorn

Ladies, you are in for a real gentleman! Mars in Capricorn may take some time before he makes a move and opens up for he needs to feel safe before he puts his cards on the table. But once you melt the ice and he starts to feel secure, he will show you what he is made of.

He will treat you like a princess, open doors for you and indulge your every wish. He is a traditional kind of guy so allow him to play the “male role” during the courting game! If he wants you he will strive to show you that he is a “real man”; a provider, a supporter and an attentive lover.

He takes pride in his dependability and practicality and will want a stable, committed and serious relationship with the one he loves. The way to win his heart is to show ardent support for his ambitions and life goals for he needs to know you are here for him for the long run.

How To Approach Mars In Capricorn Man

By all means, don’t flirt with him! Be ambitious, as Capricorn Mars men are quite ambitious and driven, so they may appreciate someone who shares their goals and is willing to work hard to achieve them.

This is how you will build a relationship with integrity. If you disrespect him, you will be fired!

Mars In Aquarius

First and foremost, Mars in Aquarius wants a friend in his partner. Sex is cool, some romance might be cool, but friendship, trust and intellectual stimulation are paramount to him.

Don’t worry if he is not all over you, he is just more into the friendship side of a relationship than the sexual or touchy feely one. If he wants you Mars in Aquarius will want to show you just how smart he is, how interesting and unique he is, so don’t be surprised if you see his freaky side and be sure to appreciate his love for the unusual and “out there”.

If he bores you with the latest conspiracy theory – he is into you. It is important to him that his partner shares his ideals and ideas and that she is herself interesting and independent – Mars in Aquarius likes strong women and will support you on your own path.

Also, in line with his progressive views on gender roles and ideas about fairness, he WILL do a fair share of household chores, which is definitely a turn on for most women.

How To Approach Mars In Aquarius Man

Traditional and romantic gestures don’t work here. You need to be an unconventional, free-spirited person who will engage him into intellectually stimulating conversations.

Aquarius is a cerebral sign so you must be really focused on progressive thinking and individuality.

Mars In Pisces

Mars in Pisces is a sensitive soul: a lover, a poet, an artist, not a fighter. He will win you over by subtlety (with such subtle signs of affection you might even miss them…), by romantic gestures, emotional warmness and a lot of flattery.

He might try to impress you with his sensitivity, artistic talent and beautiful atmosphere; candle light, soft music, fine wines, the whole nine yards. Mars in Pisces is basically shy so you need to sharpen your love sensor since his love signals sometimes tend to be discreet – no “pulls your hair and takes you to his cave” scenario, he thrives on fantasy, mystery and subtlety.

But if he expresses his emotions artistically, writes you a poem for example, be sure to compliment him and let him know the message is received! Mars in Pisces is very emotional and will usually open up to sex only after some level of romance and emotional connection had already been achieved, and then you got yourself a very tender and sensitive lover who can sense your desires.

How To Approach Mars In Pisces Man

A man with his Mars in Pisces has a great need to be loved and is extremely timid and shy, therefore your approach has to be sensitive and compassionate. Emotional and intuitive.

In games of love, he is both a victim and seducer. Be patient with him and show your emotional vulnerability. 

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Final Thoughts

There you have it ladies, now that you know what makes his heart tick and how he shows his affection, stroke his masculine ego from time to time – the way he likes it – and make him fall for you even more!

I hope you realize the importance of Mars in Astrology for getting a great insight and helping you navigate your relationship.

Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (don’t worry, it’s anonymous).

Wishing you all the luck of the universe

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

3 thoughts on “How To Tell If He Wants You — Check Out His Mars Sign

  1. Patience and persistence are my guides to my Taurus man. I want him to want me but he is fearful of physical contact. He is more comfortable with me today than when we began getting to know each other. There is a primal hidden side to him which he keeps under wraps. He has a healthy ego except in this area. Do I seduce him or wait for him to kiss me? He may never have been with anyone. We are both 71 and first met 50+ years ago. He called me two years ago. I told him I want it ‘All’. We broke up 5 months ago. Slowly we are circling back to each other. He is attracted to me but pulls back. Can he do this? What do I do next. He knows I want a future with him. As an Aquarius I know the odds are slim. I have been married twice. I was married to a Taurus who died about 3 years ago. We are both Catholic and he has never married or been with someone. I received an Annulment earlier this year. I did not tell him as I thought it would frighten him further. He always does things for me if I ask him. He says I make him happy. I want to make him happy. He likes my cookies and food. I have my own life. Neither of us has children. We share common interests. He is content with friendship and I am not. I want to teach him how to have it All. I want joy and happiness with him.

    1. Dear Desera,
      This is certainly a very big case of opposites attracting though. In that, it can be full of chemistry and the two of you can certainly complement each other very well. Unfortunately, you may idealize this a little bit more than he does. But, you can turn things around fairly easily if that’s the case.Taurus man is very, very uncomfortable with exposing his innermost thoughts and feelings. Doing so makes him feel vulnerable. It makes him afraid. If you do come at him with an abundance of feeling early on he may run or build walls up pretty quickly.
      You have to be very careful that you don’t allow yourself to throw so much emotion at him, early on. Allow yourself to enjoy the experience as it builds. You’ll find this works out a lot better than over the top declarations of your feelings.
      I hope all goes well for you both.

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