Top 7 Worst Synastry Aspects That Lead to Breakups

Have you ever experienced a relationship that no matter what you did, didn’t work out? Well, Astrology is a wonderful tool to use in relationships. It has the ability to show whether or not a relationship can make it in the long term or if it is doomed to fail eventually. It is definitely a good idea to take a look at the synastry aspects you have with someone you have feelings for, because you can quickly see if this relationship is worth investing in or not. 

Synastry is so useful in assessing whether a relationship has the potential for success. It can give you great insight into your relationship to see what the attraction is between you and that special man.

Learn more about the best synastry aspects for relationships here.

It is quite easy to see what the red flags are in the connection if you look at the synastry. Isn’t it better to know this before fully investing yourself in a relationship that is doomed to fail anyway?

If you’re interested in finding out what the worst aspects for romance are and what you need to look out for in your relationship synastry, then keep on reading. This might save you a lot of wasted time and heartbreak…

Worst Synastry Aspects — Signs to Look Out For

In synastry, there are a few things that you can look out for to help guide you in seeing the potential success and failure of your relationship. One of the biggest signs a relationship can be quite challenging is if there are many squares between you and your partner. 

Squares in synastry cause a lot of friction and challenges between two people. This can lead to a lot of misunderstandings, arguments, and negative feelings. Of course, a couple of squares can keep the relationship quite interesting, but if the whole connection is based on conflict, then it may lead to more problems than what the relationship is worth.

Conjunctions and oppositions can also be quite painful to deal with. But this depends more on the nature of the planets and which signs they find themselves in. 

Another red flag to look out for is when there are many aspects between Mars, Saturn, and Pluto. These three planets tend to cause a lot of disruption and drama in relationships. Neptune and Uranus have the potential for destruction as well.

When there are too many of these aspects in a relationship, it may overtake all the positive aspects two people share. 

Top 7 Worst Synastry Aspects That Lead to Breakups

Not all planets have the same weight in synastry. There are a few planets which are more sensitive than others. Conflicts between these can lead to pain and quarrels in the relationship.

Here are the top 7 synastry aspects you need to look out for that can lead to breakups.

Moon Square/Conjunct/Opposite Saturn

The Moon is one of the most important planets when it comes to relationship Astrology. This is because the Moon is the ruler of our feelings and emotions. It is the thing that governs our deepest and most intimate reactions. It is how we respond to the world around us.

Saturn, on the other hand, is the planet of restriction, responsibility, duty, and Karma. When it comes into contact with the Moon, feelings of repression and isolation might come up in the relationship. 

It can feel like neither party really understands one another. This can be extremely painful in a relationship. All the Moon person wants is to feel loved and supported by the Saturn person, but they just end up feeling unloved and abandoned by them.

Often the Saturn person can be quite oblivious to the Moon person’s feelings. It is as if they don’t know how to access the love between each other. All of this can lead to quite a lot of pain in the relationship.

Venus Square Saturn

Venus is probably the most important planet when it comes to relationships because it is the planet that rules love, romance, connections, as well as relationships.

While Saturn restricts everything it touches and can be quite cold and detached. When this aspect comes up in a relationship it can lead the Venus person to feel isolated and alone in their love. 

Whatever they do, they will never be enough for the Saturn person. Many misunderstands may come up in this connection that can lead to quite a bit of pain and conflict. 

Saturn will continue to block the love of Venus as it restricts them from being able to express their love authentically. This is a very hard aspect to contend with as it can cause a lot of hurt feelings.

You may also want to readThe Secret Connection Between Your Sun And Venus Sign

Mercury Square Mars

Arguments are the center of this aspect. Mercury is the ruler of communication and expression, while Mars is the planet of war and aggression. When there is a tough aspect between these two planets, it can cause many painful fights. 

The energy of this aspect is explosive and fiery. This couple won’t be able to contain their anger and are likely to express it in quite an unhealthy way. They might feel triggered when they try to communicate and have a hard time expressing themselves in a productive manner. 

Their communication styles might lead to frustration and constant arguments because they can’t seem to understand each other. They get extremely triggered by one another. Power struggles seem to be at the forefront of this union.

Mars Square Saturn

Mars and Saturn are both known as malefic planets in Astrology. This means that these planets have the potential to do a lot of harm and can cause quite a bit of conflict between each other. 

These two planets are not easy and can cause quite a bit of pain between two people. They have the potential to really hurt each other. Mars is a planet that moves quickly, is aggressive, and doesn’t think twice before acting. 

Saturn on the other hand is slow, cold, and detached. When these two planets square each other, it can lead to major pain in the relationship and an eventual breakup.

These two individuals will have different expectations of the relationship. One of them will want to move quickly, while the other one will go at a very slow pace. This will lead to all kinds of conflict that can be rather detrimental to the relationship. 

Mercury Square/Opposite Mercury

Mercury is the planet of communication and intellect. I often think that Mercury is actually quite overlooked when it comes to romantic relationships. But communication is the foundation of a healthy union, and if two people don’t understand one another, it can be quite difficult to have a flowing relationship.

When Mercury is in conflict with the other person’s Mercury it can lead to a lot of drama due to miscommunication. These two will find it impossible to understand one another.

Poor communication will destroy even the strongest of relationships and cause a lot of heartbreak in the union. If you want to learn how to communicate better with your partner, based on your Mercury sign, check out here.

Mars Square/Opposite/Conjunct Pluto

Both Mars and Pluto tend to be extremely violent planets that can cause a lot of destruction in a relationship. These planets can be extremely intense and make the attraction between two people off the charts. 

However, these aspects have the potential to be quite abusive in a romantic relationship. Themes of control and manipulation are quite common in these dynamics.

This connection can feel quite alluring and seductive which makes it incredibly difficult for this couple to let go of one another once they have established their connection. The drama can be quite addictive. 

This relationship will go from one power struggle to the next. Feelings of jealousy, possession, envy, and obsession can come up in this dynamic which can be extremely destructive if the couple isn’t careful. 

The problem with this dynamic is that it tends to be quite physical and can make the sex between this couple out of this world. This is why this couple will have a hard time letting go of this union, despite all the pain that comes with being together.

Venus Square Neptune

If there is one synastry aspect I would be quite cautious of it is Venus square Neptune. Although Venus and Neptune are relatively friendly planets, Neptune unfortunately often makes it quite difficult to see a situation clearly. 

Neptune is the planet of glamor, illusion, spirituality, and creativity, but this planet also tends to make matters quite hazy and difficult to see reality. In a Venus square Neptune connection, it is very easy to think that the relationship is perfect and that there aren’t any major issues in the union.

Because of this aspect, a couple might be in quite an abusive relationship but struggle to see the problems for what they truly are. This can lead to slow destruction over time in which both individuals completely lose who they are as they can no longer recognize themselves in the relationship.

What Does It Mean if You Have One of These Aspects in Your Relationship?

If you happen to have one of these aspects in your relationship, then you must know how difficult the relationship can be at times. There is constant conflict, especially if you don’t have other aspects to help balance out the bad with the good.

When you have one of these aspects you can safely assume that you are on borrowed time in this relationship, especially if there aren’t other aspects that make the relationship easier.

I think it is quite important to have a bit of conflict in your romance as it can make the relationship quite interesting. But if there are only negative aspects, then it can make the relationship extremely painful. You need some good to make the relationship work.

Read next: Essentials For Navigating Relationships, Based On Your Lunar Nodes

Understanding Your Relationship Chart Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult…

You must have realized how important it is to know the dynamics of the synastry you have with your partner.

This is why I always say it is so invaluable to know what is going on in your Astrology synastry.

It can unlock so many secrets and doors of opportunities for you because you get to know your relationship on such a deeper level.

This gives you power and authority over your life because you know exactly who you are and where you are going in this union. 

I cannot stress how much I recommend having your Synastry Chart read. It will change your life and equip you with so much knowledge about yourself…

But not only that, you will understand the people in your life on such a deeper and more intimate level to help you navigate your relationship better.

I hope this article was somehow meaningful to you, and that you are now better equipped to take on your life and the challenges that come your way in your relationship.

Remember to embrace your strengths and work on your weaknesses, and always be open to growth and expansion.

But if you still don’t know your synastry chart with your partner…

I would never leave you hanging without giving you a helping hand in this process.

I realize that not everyone knows Astrology.You may not even know what you’re seeing when you look at your relationship chart!

Lucky for you, you have me…

The things I’m sharing with you are vital to finding your forever love.

It can also help you figure out why you keep picking the wrong person. There are habits to break.

Let me help you with what is going on and what you need to do to fix it, so you can open up the door to true love!

In fact, if you click here now, you’ll see what I mean.

If you really knew yourself, you might look at love and people very differently. And, if you’ve been dating losers, liars, or cheaters; it’s time to make a change.

Only you can do this but you’ve got to be fully informed. You have to take control and action.

Don’t walk in the darkness anymore. Come into the light with me! I can help you and want to help you!

Click now to see how much I can do for you.

I promise you’ll get more insight than you ever could have dreamed.

Do what is right for your heart and soul!

Wishing you so much love on your journey.

Your friend and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

28 thoughts on “Top 7 Worst Synastry Aspects That Lead to Breakups

  1. I’m a female sagittarius and he’s a virgo. We have been in a relationship for 7 months. He is very much a virgo male. We hit it off the first day. I’m 16 years older then him, I’m 62 and he’s 46. I’ve read we’re not compatible because of our signs is this true?

    1. Dear Dawn,

      Your differences are as great as your similarities in approach, with Sagittarius favoring an impulsive and idealistic approach compared with Virgos relentless perfectionist search for rationalism.

      Thankfully, communication is important to both of you, so you should be able to iron out things to form a productive bond that is great for a long term partnership but not the best compatibility for a hot summer romance.

  2. I’m a Capricorn and he’s a Taurus. I’m Jan 11 and he’s may 19. He found me again after 8 years. He’s been married before for 11 years and then had a relationship for 4 years and then found me. He’s going through a child custody battle right now and won’t let me in his feelings until he takes care of this first. He’s done said to me that I’ll contact you when my life is straight again meaning the child custody battle. What should I do Anna? I love this man a lot.

    1. Dear J,
      The problems you can have may be from your lack of ability to be emotional in a way Taurus comprehends. You may not empathize with him very well or you may not be able to express yourself in a way he gets.

      This could be an obstacle for your relationship, so for now all you could do is show your support when needed. You will have to take a step back and let him deal with his own issues and to give him time to work on his insecurities and whatever holds him down emotionally.

    2. Dear J,
      Taurus man and Capricorn woman function together well because you both share an earthy appreciation of all that is valuable in an earthly sense. Taurus values the aesthetics more, so will be the one investing in art, while Capricorn is more about practicalities so she’ll be the one who gets it properly framed, displayed and insured. Give him enough time to process what’s going on in his life. This time for him will allow you to have your thoughts on the situation too and you can find out what the best plan of action is for this situation. I think you should be patient and let him deal with his issues.

  3. I’m a Gemini on the cusp of Taurus and he’s a Pisces. We hit it off right away with mutual attraction. Due to some issues we broke up. After 3 months we started talking to work things out. I have an impatient style and he takes things slowly. I find it hard to read his true feelings. What do the stars advise?
    Thank you.

    1. Hi M,
      This is a very challenging union. You have the capacity of creating some heavy storms for him and he may end up straying.
      Pisces man in gentle and kind, a dreamer. The next 2.5 years will be challenging for him because Saturn is now transiting through Pisces and will affect his Sun. He is very deep, emotional, and is looking for the woman he can settle down with and live for each other. He doesn’t mind a woman with a career but he wants to be a huge portion of her attention.
      I hope all goes well for you both.

  4. Hi. I really like a pieces man (21 Feb) and I’m a Taurus (8 May). He is 21 and I’m 23. We dated for 2 months and then did 3 months long distance but still saw each other here and there. We spoke about marriage and I have every possible sign this relationship was going to work and we would stay together for a very long time. Everything was going great and I was so excited for him to commit and make our relationship official once he got back but right before he was supposed to he sent a break up message saying his life is a mess and he cannot commit right now. It came completely out of the blue. We broke up 20 November 2022.He didn’t want to talk to me and ignored my messages and so I gave him 2 months of space. I didn’t know where he stays so I couldn’t visit. After 3 months one day he randomly sent me a message saying he wants to meet in person and that he still has a lot of feelings for me. I said yes and on the night he was supposed to come over he never did and then blocked me on every possible platform without any reason (even emails). I have been trying to get a hold of him and tried so many different things but I have no way to contact him. We had an amazing time together and I would like to reach out to him. How do I reach out to him and what do I say so that he erases any negative emotions from the break up and imagines a future with me?

    1. Dear Mish,
      First of all, he acted disrespectfully. Going silent for months and then reaching out to meet you only to change his mind again and block you. Don’t settle for that.
      He doesn’t deserve you. You deserve a man who thinks you are too important to lose. Please don’t reach out to him. Start healing.
      You better start a new journey thinking everything happens for a good reason, and soon enough, you will meet a man whose attention you will not chase.

  5. Hi Anna, I am a twin and he is an Aries. He is very fiery and fast. I love that! I am also fast, playful and cheerful. No man is so passionate. But I also learn a lot from this man. But he and I dare not make any progress. I got too excited and never heard from him again. Coincidentally on June 30. I think he’s ghosting me. I scared him. I leave him alone and get on with my fun life. I understand if he has to think. Too bad if he doesn’t let me know anymore because I had an enormous strong energy with him and wanted to say goodbye if he doesn’t want to go on anymore. What do the stars advise?

    1. Hi Astrid,

      The Aries man will often come across as passionate and intense. Many women take this as a sign that he is emotionally vulnerable and open, but unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. He is passionate, yes, but emotional? Hell, no!

      You might think he is more emotionally invested than he actually is because he is honest, possessive, and direct. So when a woman starts becoming very emotional with an Aries man, it tends to freak him out and makes him pull away.

      Sensitivity and attachment aren’t what he signed up for so soon and this is why he is pulling away. Give him time to reflect on his feelings.

  6. Hi Anna,

    I have sun square mars with my boyfriend. I’m mars in saggitarius and his sun in pisces. Is that a bad synastry? Are we gonna last?

    1. Dear Hannah,

      No, this only means that you both have masculine and passionate energy. You feel drawn to each other. This energy can be even aggressive and the relationship is filled with action and tension.
      The relationship might begin with a passion, but once passion is gone you will begin to notice his flaws (and vice versa). This aspect leads to conflicts, disagreements and arguments which can be progressive. Try not to compete with him. You both should be winners.
      Good luck!

  7. Hi Anna. I’m a Libra in love with a Virgo man. I’m also older than him. He’s very much the Virgo man, August 29, 1986. I’m a Libra with an Aries moon, Sept 25 69. We don’t fight, physically, we do have some mental battles though. Do you think we stand a chance? I don’t know much about synistry but am learning.

    1. Dear Theresa,

      I am not sure if his Moon is in Cancer or Gemini but it creates very challenging aspects with your personal planets. There is a difficulty in understanding each other’s emotional needs, but you certainly have aspects that keep you together.
      Age gap is not the problem. But once you get to the point where you’re from two different generations the obstacles to overcome become very significant.
      It is how he perceives things and especially if he has influential friends or family, this could be a problem for him to deal with. He is drawn to you but seems unsettled because your energy is electrifying.
      I hope all goes well for you both!

  8. Hi Anna!

    I and the gentleman I’m speaking to are both Taurus, he May 11 ’88, and myself April 29, ’74. When we met 5 years ago, it was an instant, earthmoving connection. He was extremely nervous and shy as was I. Neither of us ran into comparably intelligent individuals so it was a refreshing novelty! We spoke for a while, him inviting me over only to ignore me. Then he started pushing really hard for a sexual relationship. I soon stopped dealing with him as it was too much for me and he wasn’t used to a woman saying “No” since he had become a highly successful businessman by that time. I told him I don’t have sex outside the context of a relationship and he stated we’re adults and that’s how we should get to know each other. This became an issue so I left him alone. He reached out to me sporadically over the years but I kept it cordial not wanting to waste time.
    Four years later, he has moved to a bigger city to expand his business and contacted me to become a client. On a business strategy Zoom, I expressed that his brilliance was what I always liked about him. Ever since he has expressed much interest in pursuing *something* with me. I had been suffering with kidney failure and was on dialysis. When I had my transplant, he contacted me every other day to check in. We speak 1-2 times a week as he’s extremely busy building his firm and I don’t call him. He has said he loves talking to me more than women in general and is trying to convince me to move to his city. I was going to anyway but this makes it seem better.

    A month ago, he told me he recognized a very long time ago that I was beautiful inside and out, that he needed me in his life as we could be an unstoppable team, and that he likes me a lot and may even love me. That was a single conversation, otherwise, I get zero emotion from him, ever. He’s slowly telling me about his background but has yet to become truly vulnerable. He wants me to go see him toward the end of this month as “we have a whole lot to discuss” and has expressed a desire to come see me in November.
    I’m very confused as to his calculating and cold nature which I possess as well, however I’m equally head and heart. Why would he deal with such an older, sick woman? 😫 My looks, weight, self-confidence, and self-esteem have taken serious hits, so I’m not sure if this is my forever person, or if I’m deluding myself. I’ve purchased your basic and advanced Taurus Man series but I am seeing both the positive and negative signs equally!

    Do you think there’s hope for us to go the distance? Btw, I love your daily emails, they are so insightful!

    Thanks for all you do!


    1. Dear Mimi,

      His Moon is very close to your Venus, this aspect generates sexual attraction and shows that the couple is really in love. Of course this alone cannot make or break the relationship.
      Furthermore, your Sun conjuncts his Jupiter. This indicates you have faith in one another. You are amazed by his energy and passion. You bring out the best in him. You support each other and you deeply understand each other. Your relationship is based on true friendship which is a solid ground for a stable love relationship.
      However, he may have his own interests involved. He was rejected by you before, so his Saturn opposite your Mars could give him an urge to call the shots the relationship. Self-control is required on both sides. You both have the will to dominate the other and it’s hard to gain control. This relationship required adaptation and compromise, in other words, a great deal of effort is required from both sides.
      You two admire each other but would never admit it. There is a strong desire to prove that he is better than you because he wants to satisfy his ego.
      Best of luck to you!

  9. Hi Anna, Can you help me please. I have been with my partner for 25 yrs.
    I love him so much it’s breaking me,
    He’s adamant doesn’t want a relationship or commitment any more.
    He is a Gemini June 02 , I’m a Capricorn January 18
    He tells me he loves me but in a different way. We had two yrs Apart due to COVID, plus our young daughter went thru a tragic accident, so I stayed up north with her thru her battle of two an half yrs .
    While my partner was south..
    He got a few girls over the time, and when my daughter & I moved down to be with him, things were ok at the start .
    Then I found he was on all these dating sites always on his phone, which he hated phones.
    When I asked him about it was in total denial.
    He goes out all the time , doesn’t invite, or involve me in anything anymore.
    Told me he’s been honest doesn’t want relationship anymore. But then books hotel rooms for us when home on break. Gets his way then turns very nasty towards me .
    He Knows how much I love him & want to be with him, give him all my love & what he wants n want to grow old with him
    Told me we are sole mates & he will always love n support me..
    We were ment to marry yrs ago.. He proposed to me back in 2004.
    We didn’t marry as our young girl was going thru cancer treatment, so all our focus was on our little girl. Sadly we lost her over a few yrs battle.
    I really love my man , do you see any future of us growing old together as planned.

    1. Dear Allison,

      The first thing to keep in mind is that Gemini man isn’t good at dealing with emotions. If you try to talk to him while you’re emotional; he won’t respond kindly.
      To really discuss things with him; you’re going to have to somewhat detach your emotions from the situation at hand. Talk to him with logic and reason. That’s the language he gets.
      You have been through a lot together, facing hardest life’s challenges.
      Being very patient is how to get a Gemini man attention back. You cannot rush the process. Take your time and let him come back when he feels comfortable enough to. After all, you have history with him and those connections run deep.

      Best of luck to you both!

  10. Hi Anna. I am capricorn woman 01-01-1983 and he is Scorpio 02-11-1982. We are going through some bad time in our telation now…we sre 13 years togehter ow. Can you tell me if we can get thought this hard time

  11. Anna,
    I have a history of 20 yrs with an Aries 3/30/61. I am a Scorpio 11/21/1965. When we first met, he chased me really hard almost to the point of me running away. He explained that he was operating from a place of fear, the fear of not being able to catch me let alone keep me. After he finally realized that I was not into the casual fling, or out for what I could get, he finally relaxed and we soared together. We didn’t have a typical honeymoon period of months, ours were years. After almost 4 yrs, he proposed and I said yes. During our 20 years together we have both put our relationship and our lives second to helping our parents. I had already lost my dad years before I met him, but I wanted to be there for my mom. Both of his parents were still living when we met. He lost his dad 10 yrs ago and his mom 4 yrs ago. We have had 1 trial after another since we have been together. Numerous health related problems with both of us as well as our parents. We weathered them all, but they took their toll on us. Now that all of his obstacles to us being together are removed. I still have my mom who has dementia.I helped take care of his parents. And I thought that afforded the same from him with mine, becausr he promised myself and his mom it would. But that hasn’t been the case. b
    Back in September of 2023 after 20 years he just totally cut it off. We never did get married, it was something to do with the ring. He would never talk about the subject of marriage or wedding he would shut down. Now, he has moved a new woman in with him extremely fast. And from what I hear they are ca

    planning to spend their futures together. I feel like I was good enough to be there for all the hard times and all the difficult things that needed to be done and as soon as I’ve fulfilled those needs then he got rid of me. Someone else was whisk in there to enjoy all the good times of the hard work I did. I don’t really know what happened. I’m 58 and I’ve had 4 relationships. I don’t move from 1 person to another easily. It takes me a long time to get over something and move on. We always said we would always be together.
    And now I’m just devastated and I don’t know what to do. Any insights you could relate to me would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Dear D,
      I am sorry to hear that.
      If he can leave so easily, he was never really meant for you. Surely you needed to go through certain life lessons together.
      Don’t try to get him back. Start healing.
      Better start a new journey thinking that everything happens for a good reason.
      You need to appreciate and love yourself so much to the point that your energy rejects anyone who doesn’t know your worth.
      Always remember, you deserve to be loved and respected.
      Never chase love, attention or affection. If it isn’t given to you freely, it is not worht it!
      I hope that soon you will meet a man who will be everything you ever hoped for.
      Stay strong!

  12. We are both Cancers born the same year, same city… he’s June 24th and I’m the 26th. We both experienced trauma early on and had been married prior. We seem to understand one another really well and the physical chemistry is intense. It’s been almost 9 months and our relationship is progressing, but emotionally slow. I’ve heard him say over the phone several times “I live you”, but I haven’t said it back… until we are face-to-face. I’m just wondering if this relationship has long term potential.

    1. Dear Melissa,
      Although the two of you certainly share many of the same attributes and get along fantastically, you also have your ups and your downs like many relationships do.
      But because you and your Cancer man understand each other on a much deeper level, it makes things a lot easier to figure out.
      You can get moody sometimes, and this is why it is so important for you to take time for yourself and to remember to make self-care a priority in your life. You can only give to others when you give to yourself.
      You just understand each other on such a deep level which makes it hard to describe to anyone else. Together, the two of you are quite adorable in the sensitive and empathetic way you treat one another.
      I hope all goes well for you both.

  13. I’m a Gemini who has been dating a Virgo man for 7 months.. until recently. He has ghosted with no response/explanation for 2 weeks now. I over-texted at first hoping to receive some sort of answer as to why.. but have since deleted his number and socials to keep no contact.. not sure if he will find his way back or what might have happened but I decided not to reach out further and push him farther away. Perhaps we’re just not compatible or the timing is wrong.

    1. Dear Kristen,
      I am sorry this happened. You are both ruled by Mercury but earth sign Virgo and air sign Gemini show very different sides of the planet of communication and ideas. You may scrap and squabble like siblings instead of developing the mutual respect that this combination needs. There is a lot you can learn from one another, but you will have to work at maintaining boundaries and giving each other space.
      If he can easily shut your down, he is not meant for you. Someone can be attracted to another person, enjoy spending time with them, and even feel love for them. However, they still need to feel ready for all that comes with a relationship—commitment, exclusivity, and responsibility. Even putting energy and focus into being there for someone is overwhelming for some people. This is hard to understand if you naturally want to be with someone because you care about them. Yet sometimes, it can be a matter of maturity or timing.
      I hope that soon you will meet a man who will be everything you ever hoped for.
      Sending Love!

  14. Hi Anna
    I’m a Scorpio born 15-11-1990 and he is a Taurus born 06-05-1992. We had this insane chemistry which has started to fizzle. He is being very cold suddenly. What should I do?

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