The Secret Connection Between Your Sun And Venus Sign

Astrology is full of wonderful little secrets and nuggets of information to help you in life, but especially when it comes to your relationships. Everyone knows what their Sun sign is, and if you don’t – it is the sign on which your birthday falls on. 

The Sun is very important in your chart, it shows you what your drives and motivations are in life, and who you are at your absolute core. It is your ego and the purpose given to you and at the end of the day it is the reason you are alive.

But do you know anything about Venus? Venus is the planet of romance, beauty, love, pleasure, and everything relationships. This planet will show you exactly how you love and how you want to be loved. It also has a really special relationship with the Sun. 

Venus has an orbit that is always close to the Sun. Venus is never more than two signs away from the Sun. The position in which the Sun and Venus are in can tell you a lot about how you act in your relationships. 

It is very possible that you’re a slow and steady Taurus Sun who loves commitment, stability, and security in life, but your Venus might be in Aries which will make you quite a bold, daring, and adventurous lover.

Knowing the relationship Venus has to your Sun sign is very powerful knowledge to have and can help you to know how to make the most out of your romances. 

There are many different combinations for the position of the Sun and Venus, and all these combinations can say a lot about the way you act in a partnership. So, let us explore that a little deeper and see what secrets we can discover to unlock your perfect relationship potential.

Sun and Venus In The Same Sign – What Does That Mean?

sun and venus in the sign of aquarius pointed on the zodiac wheel
Example: Sun and Venus are in the same sign – Aquarius 

Essentially your Sun sign is who you are at your core. It is the drives and motivations you have in your life and who you are when everything else is stripped away. So, when your Sun and Venus are in the same sign, who you are and how you love are basically the same. 

Expressing your love to someone comes naturally to you. You are an inherent charmer and care deeply about the way others see you. It is important for you to be liked and accepted by others. 

Your self-esteem is quite tightly connected to your lovability and you tend to put a great deal of emphasis on your love life throughout your life. You might think that your life is more successful when you’re involved in a relationship. 

Peace and harmony are extremely important in your life, thus there might be a bit of a tendency for you to want to people please and keep others happy just so that you don’t rock the boat. People will often be drawn in by your natural charm and charisma. 

This position is quite favorable when it comes to love, and ancient Astrologers believed that having Venus in the same sign as the Sun describes your husband as someone friendly, pleasant, and very good-looking.  

What Is The Connection If My Sun And Venus Are One Sign Apart From Each Other?

Venus in pisces and sun in aquarius pointed on the zodiac wheel
Example: Venus in Pisces is one sign apart from Sun in Aquarius

When the Sun and Venus are one sign apart, there is usually little to nothing they have in common. This is because signs right next to each other are always classified in different categories like the elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water or modality which is Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable, as well as the orientation of Masculine (extroverted) or Feminine (introverted).

For two signs to be compatible with each other, they have to have at least one of these aspects in common, and when they are right next to each other, none of these aspects are in common at all! 

So, there is bound to be some frustration and friction between the Sun and Venus when they are only one sign apart from each other, they are completely different from each other after all!

Your pursuit of love and affection may be completely different from your inner drives and personal developments with this position. You might want one thing from life but then go against it completely in your relationships.

This can often feel quite stressful and confusing, because when you give in to one of these aspects, it may feel like you’re going against yourself completely. An example of this might be is that you want to feel stable and secure in your life, but then often end up going for the bad boy who keeps causing chaos in your life.

It is your mission to become aware of these different parts of yourself and see how you can fulfill both these parts of your personality and it might be good for you to figure out which part is more important for you in your relationships and to focus on that when you are looking for a partner. 

This combo might sound tricky and confusing at times, and it can be, but it also allows you to adapt to many different personalities which just broadens the pool of men from which you get to choose.

You have greater acceptance of people and can find the positive in every person you date because there is part of them that will always appeal to either your Sun’s or Venus’ version of ideal love.

What Is The Connection If My Sun And Venus Are Two Signs Away From Each Other?

sun in aquarius venus in aries pointed on the zodiac wheel
Example: Venus in Aries is two signs apart from Sun in Aquarius

When two signs are away from each other they usually share the same kind of orientation, either Masculine or Feminine. Did you know that the Fire and Air signs fall under Masculine signs and that Earth and Water signs are Feminine? 

When two signs are the same orientation, they usually get along fantastically. This is because there are enough similarities between the signs to get along, but also enough differences to keep things interesting.

When your Sun and Venus are two signs away from each other you usually definitely have a “type.” You know exactly what you want and need from your relationships, thus romances should come pretty easily to you. 

There is no inner conflict you need to struggle with to get the love you are looking for. It is easy for you to distinguish what you want from a partner and how to ask for it. You’re not the type of gal to settle for anything less than what you deserve.

The energy between your Sun and Venus just flows really naturally between the two signs. People are drawn to you and find you highly likable because you’re such a charmer, full of confidence and self-esteem. You know who you are!

Your inner values and expression of love are in harmony with one another. You know just how to create the perfect environment for you to show your love to the world. You have the very strong potential to be able to sustain really deep and lasting relationships in your life. 

You can always listen to your inner voice to guide you when it comes to your relationships because more often than not, she is going to be right. 

Read next: The Reason Men Fall For You — Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Which Of These Sun And Venus Combos Do You Have?

By having this knowledge of your Sun and Venus combination, your pattern of relationships should slowly start to make sense. We all have the unique stamp we put on our romances, and the Sun and Venus is just one of them.

Having this information can give you a lot of insight into why you choose the partners you do, and empower you to make better decisions for yourself in your future romances. And especially when understanding how to use your unique style of love to get exactly what you want out of your relationships. 

Which of these is your combo and what is your Sun and Venus sign? What did you learn about yourself from this article?  Please send me a comment in the section below, I’m really curious to see if my findings run true for you! Is there something from this article you are going to take into your dating game? Please let me know! 

I am currently running this amazing opportunity to book a VIP consultation with me. Are there questions you have about your love life and want more information on how to empower yourself in your relationships using Astrology? Then look no further than the new VIP consultation I am offering. There is so much romantic potential I get to uncover by just looking at your chart, isn’t that just fascinating?

Wishing you all the love and romance you desire!

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach 

57 thoughts on “The Secret Connection Between Your Sun And Venus Sign

  1. I have a sun sign in Pisces, my Venus is at 29 degrees 59 Aries. I have been married 4 times the last one with a Scorpio for over 25 years. Now after being a widow for 3.5 years I have been dating an Aquarius man for 2 years off and on. My ascendant, moon and mars is aquarius. I have recently met a Capricorn who interests me and we’ve had 5 dates in one month. I really like and care about the Aquarius man however I don’t think he ever wants to make a commitment. I was curious about my Venus being a moment away from an earth sign and if that would fit with a Capricorn. Am I wasting my time?

  2. My boyfriend is a Leo, I’m also a Leo. He vanished without saying a word, gone without a warning. I’m kind of sad, bc I really loved him. Idk what I did wrong, now I’m curious about my Leo sign.

    1. Sharon (Aug 4), I am a Leo, my dad was a Leo and my first husband was a Leo. My dad was hurtful to the family and my husband took me for granted. I no longer have patience for Leo men in relationships as they have nothing to teach me. I suggest you move on to another sign that can appreciate you and treat you better. Leo men can be very arrogant.

    2. He sounds like a narcissist. Ghosting your girlfriend is, at least, cowardly, cruel, inexcusable. Unless he’s laying in a ditch somewhere, there is no excuse for disappearing without a word.

  3. I’m have an Aries sun and Taurus in Venus. Its a life struggle and my Scorpio moon does not help things

  4. I am Aries & my husband is Cancer. My long-lost-sweetheart is a Gemini. I don’t know what to do. My husband is 30 years younger than I. I do love him very much. My sweetheart, ever-since we were 13, wants me to divorce and marry him. IDK what to do, bc I don’t want to hurt either one. I love them both, but I can only have one. Which one is my life-long partner? Thanks.

  5. I have a Taurus sun sign, and Venus in Taurus. Most of this article is pretty accurate! I am who I am!

  6. My sun sign is Sagittarius..and I’m a venus in Scorpio… ITS A CURSE …A HORRIBLE PAINFUL CURSE…in my few love affairs guys bolted from me…because Im an passionate deep intense lover… And guys run from this type of feeling because its a feeling they never experienced before… So yea my love and sex is a dame CURSE… I never understood why such a great sexual feeling would make men run away…
    But now these days guys don’t want to be LOVED…??? that confuses the hell out of me??!! Also people who have venus in Scorpio are known in astrology that we are the best LOVERS…
    I enjoy giving my love to someone special…

    1. I´m on the same boat as Stefie. Sun in Sag and Venus in Scorpio. Moon in Aquarius, Mars in Sag. Too much of too much. I´m intense and yet struggle all the time with being nice and tender, as actually, I enjoy being tender…but there are times that I just want to walk away from it all. I too lost my partner to cancer after a 20-year relationship and it was a huge blow to my normalcy. It took a long time to make peace with it all as there was betrayal involved after the fact, and there was nothing I could do about it.

      Out of the blue, a much younger Gemini man showed up in my life 7 months ago, and we decided to keep it strictly sex, but that means, no tenderness, no caressing, and leaving emotions outside the bedroom door. I am enjoying the sex, but miss the rest that comes with it. Plus, he is not emotionally intelligent, so for him, this is perfect, also, I know this is not sustainable long term. It should come to an end pretty soon. Strange feeling, indeed.

      His Moon is in Taurus, so there´s that one degree of separation as is mine.

      1. Hi Ali!

        I’m so glad you commented with your situation. I can tell you more here because you mentioned your Mars. Mars helps determine the best type of guy for you which seems to be another Sagittarius or fire sign (Leo, Aries). It’s just something for you to keep in mind. Yes a Gemini man with Taurus moon can make him a bit more reserved than other Gemini men. Also, his Venus determines the type of woman best for him. Keep that in mind if you’re able to find out what his is. You should check out my weekly horoscopes as they may give you important insight. I wish you all the very best!

  7. Hi Anna,
    I live reading all your articles & keeping up to date. Astrology has always fascinated me since young.
    I am Aquarius sun sign & Venus is in Aquarius too as well as my moon & mercury (4 planets in total) your article does make sense. Most of what I have read in the past states me to be unemotional or detached which I find the opposite to be true.
    I have been dating an Aquarian man but not sure where his venus is placed. I just know his rising sign/ascendant is Capricorn & mine Aries.
    Any insight to my comment is greatly appreciated.

  8. Pisces sun with Venus in Aquarius. Relationships are hard for me. Can’t seem to find one who makes me feel secure, but excites me at the same time.

    1. Sun in Pisces, Venus in Aquarius, which means they are one sign apart. I have so much love to give, but am also ready to bolt at the first sign of incompatibility. Interested in a man who is Capricorn-Aquarius cusp sun, Venus in Aquarius, moon in Gemini. Am I wasting my time?

  9. I have Sun in Cancer and Venus in Gemini; also rising Gemini. I have more planets in air signs then in water signs, my emotions are very strong and I’m also very opinionated :)))
    I connect easily with people but I can’t have a relationship if the feelings or the dialogue is missing, I need both, communication and emotions to be expressed, to bond :))
    Is an interesting article 🙂

  10. Both mine are Aries, I been married twice all my relationships were to abusive men I dont think I will ever find true love

  11. I am a Gemini and my husband of 21 years is Aquarius. How do I find our compatibility, what is my sun and venus sign?

  12. This made total sense to me – thank you Anna! Yes my sun sign in Virgo and my Venus in Libra are at odds. It seem impossible for me to settle down after x amount of affairs and romances…I am starting to embrace what seems to be my destiny: short term romances and long time friendships that are loverships inbetween….My moon is also in Virgo, my ascendant is Scorpio and my Mars is in Taurus so i read somewhere that Taurus would be perfect for me. But I have never met a Taurus that I know of. Capricorns are a fatal attraction at times but I am tired of their willful, selfish and cold ways. I fall madly in love with one Aquarius after another but in the end it doesn’t work out. I want to learn more about my horoscope relating to relationships because I feel lost. But not desperate! 😉

    1. Hi Sara!

      I’m so happy you could identify with the article sweetheart. I will say this…. your Venus being Libra would mean that you are someone who is very picky and has difficulty committing. Venus is you as a lover. You’re careful and maybe guarded. Your Mars is who you would do best with of course. It appears you are best with Earth signs. You’ve already discovered that maybe a Cappy isn’t right BUT what if their chart configuration has aspects that make him more loving and understanding? There is always much more in play sweetheart. I do hope you stay tuned to my articles as you may find something that will give you a boost to your love life. I wish you all the best!

  13. Sun in Taurus and Venus in Aries.. I’m always confused so this definitely makes sense to me.. my partner is Scorpio sun and Scorpio Venus.. it’s a wild and intense relationship which appeals to my Aries Venus on all intensity levels… His Scorpio Sun is my Taurus Sun opposite and boy what they say about opposites attract- do they ever!! We are both loyal, stubborn, but committed to each other. I couldn’t ask to be any happier with my Scorpio Sun/Venus man!! He has enough passion and fire to keep my Aries Venus in check, but also has the loyalty and and devotion for my Taurus Sun!! I consider us soulmates for sure!!

    1. Hi Bella!

      I’m so glad that this blog was helpful and relatable for you. I’m also very happy to hear that you’re so well connected to your Scorpio/Venus man. How awesome is that?! Thank you for sharing sweetheart. I appreciate you!

  14. Yes. Venus was in the same sign as the Sun when I was born. Your reading about my sign is accurate. It was easy for me to express my feelings of love to my boyfriend. He was ecstatic because he prefers to hear it from me first. Indeed he is pleasant, friendly and well…good looking. He is not my husband yet. Not sure if he will be. Our relationship is not set in stone.

    1. Hi Leonida!

      I’m so happy that you felt as though my writing was a good connection for you. It’s wonderful that you’re able to express yourself the right way as well. Keep your relationship flowing and you could very well develop it into the long haul. Stay optimistic and you’ll see things go very well. I wish you all the very best!

  15. I surely have a difficult time with love with my Pisces Sun, Venus, and Mercury. Finding an attractive man with the attributes I desire at 49 is not easy. My last relationship with a Cancer Sun man was on and off for 5 years due to his alcoholism and I am done with that. This is accurate, I miss having someone to love and being loved.

    1. Hi Jeannie!

      Your Sun being Pisces is only a small piece to the ultimate puzzle that is you. Your Venus is who you are as a woman and as a lover. Your Mercury is how you think, plan, and organize. When you look to your Mars… that’s the sign that alerts you to the right kind of man for you. I’m not shocked that this Cancer man had alcoholism. Cancer is prone to addiction. Their 8th house would surely reveal more in their chart, however as far as health. Now, I think you need to put full focus on you and who you really are so you can start working to bring the right person into your life. I wish you all the luck of the universe!

  16. My sun sign is Scorpio my Venus is in Scorpio also. Your article is pretty accurate. I love life and people very deeply. When I love someone it’s also deeply and with my all. Sometimes that is hard -I find people have a hard time handling a Scorpio Womans love.

    1. Hi Kirsten!

      So basically to your partner or potential partner you’d be saying “what you see is what you get” in a lover. Venus is who you are as a lover. Mars is going to be who you are best suited for. You might want to check that out when you can. I wish you all the best at manifesting the perfect love for you!

      1. Anna- thanks for the reply. My mars is Libra which makes sense. I can not help but pick a Gemini man everytime.

  17. Wow, Venus in Taurus in 6th (Virgo) house with Sun and Mercury in 7th (Libra) house in Taurus, Mars in Pisces in 4th house…. yes I get on with Picese but not as a partner just friends. Virgo is also my north node.

  18. Thank you for this insight Anna. Yes, I have to say it resonated with me that I have “a type”. As my Sun and Venus are two signs apart from each other. Also, yes I feel like people are drawn to me. Pretty much spot on info for me. I’m curious what your Venus is. Thanks again.

  19. Mein Sonnen zeichen ist Krebs bei 29 Grad und mein Venuszeichen ist Löwe bei 9 Grad Beide im 11 Haus. Mondzeichen Stier bei12Grad und Marszeichen Skorpion bei 18Grad
    Dieser Artikel ist echt sehr spannend und aufschlußreich. mir Ist einiges Klar geworden.
    Ich bin ein sehr emotionalerMensch der tief fühlt. Nicht nur mich und meine Emotionen Sondern auch die meines Gegenübers. Es ist nicht leicht diese ganzen Emotionen zu bändigen und sie nicht Überfließen zu lassen.

  20. Libra Sun, Venus in Scorpio. Not sure,though I did have a relationship with a Scorpio. It was not an easy relationship by any means,

    1. Hi Deb,
      Let’s not forget about Mars sign! Scorpio Venus is not interested in superficial relationships but only for true emotions. You are looking for a soulmate, one-night stands are not in your radar. Libra Sun wants balance and harmony. According to your Sun sign and your Scorpio Venus, good match for you would be a Taurus, Leo or a Gemini man.

  21. Hi Anna
    My sun sign is Virgo with Scorpio rising I’m madly in love with a Pisces
    What does our future live look like?

    1. Hi Sharon,
      Pisces man with Virgo woman is actually quite attractive and could prove to be rather lucrative. You have the talent at helping to ground the dreamy Pisces man so he doesn’t get too carried away with his fantasies.
      He can help you dream a bit more than you normally would. You two may be opposing signs and you can help balance each other quite nicely.
      Good luck to you both!

    2. Hi Sharon,
      He can help you to learn how to dream a bit more than you normally would. Pisces and Virgo are opposing signs, you can both balance each other quite nicely. You might want to take it a little slow just to make sure and he will shower you with more affection than you’ll ever seen in your lifetime. He will romance you and you won’t be able to resist him.
      The Pisces man and Virgo woman soul mate relationship is definitely possible. You can complement each other in various ways that make for a lasting union.
      Good luck to you both!

  22. I am a Cancer female I have an interest in an Aries male and a Capricorn male. One is a introvert and the other extrovert respectfully and I am a extrovert,

    1. Hi Sandra,
      With Capricorn, you two are opposites but seem to really be drawn to each other.
      With Aries, this is not an obvious match, I’ll give you that. However, with enough understanding you both have the capacity to overcome differences to appreciate each other for what you have to offer to one another, and even for what you’re unable to offer. Sending Love to you and whoever you choose!

  23. I am a venus in virgo and my bf is a venus Pisces, are we compatible? If I’ve read correctly I believe we are but it’s the lesser likely of them all that can work in a relationship. I’ve been with my bf for 3 years already and we have our difficulties, after all he’s aquarius and myself virgo. But, we seem to be generally compatible in most areas. It’s weird, I love/hate his aquariusness… if that makes sense

    1. Dear Audrea,
      Venus is in Virgo makes you an amazing companion. Virgo is considered to be the most loyal sign of the zodiac. Venus in Pisces man wants a sensible and charming woman, but above of all enigmatic. He doesn’t want her to reveal all her secrets to him, she must remain mysterious to him. Sensibility matters here. She needs to be sensible and and to carry her sensuality in a very subtle way. There is tension produced by an opposition between Venus in Virgo and Pisces Venus is challenging, but proves that the physical attraction between you is undeniable!

  24. Hi Anna,
    My sun is in scorpio, venus in libra and im dating pisces sun, venus in aquarius. Are we going to last? Is he a good partner?

    1. Hi Hannah,
      The Pisces man and Scorpio woman soul mate relationship is not only likely but probable. You two really “get” each other and certainly have water in common as your element. You connect emotionally very well and have the capacity of becoming a great love. You likely have a lot of activities and life views in common so it makes it easy for you to connect and become something very special.

  25. I have found that my signs are just 1 space from each other… I am a Gemini Sun & a Cancer Venus sign… this does give me some insight as to how to proceed further. I will need to read up more on the Cancer Venus and see what it is I need to do to balance the 2.

    Thank you Anna !

  26. I‘m a scorpio with venus in capricorn, my lovely Taurus is a venus cancer, funny isn‘t it? I don‘t understand this… as taurus isn‘t good in handle their emotions ,scorpio not good in ratio it is different when it comes to love. So we two walking on eggs since 9 months now, can not commit but can‘t also let go. I‘m tired. Thought i have to look at the taurean sun side of his birth chart, but cancer does fit much better for him… one step forward , 3 steps back! Wonder what to do

    1. Hi Chris,

      You two are both fixed signs which means that neither is willing to bend; at least not easily. However, there is some magical allure between you that cause you to be attracted to one another.

      You are not that different from each other as you are both stubborn and both jealous as well as suspicious. This would normally make a formidable match. However; you’re drawn to each other like bee to honey.
      It you want him to commit, it is crucial not to apply any pressure because he will pull back. Patience is required.
      Sending Love!

  27. I’ve found my twin flame. I am a scorpio and he is a libra and there is such a strong connection between us but he is not ready to commit yet.

    1. Dear Beatrice,

      The Libra man and Scorpio woman match-up is one that isn’t very easy. Libra man is very level headed, not jealous, and seeks balance in his life. Scorpio woman is hot, passionate, jealous, and is striving for success.
      You have to learn to coordinate your will power and to learn how to compromise and listen to each other.  Only being honest with each other will make your relationship grow and last. You have a lot working against you but good communication can make all the difference.

      Love & Light to you both!

  28. I am aquarius and the love of my life is Gemini. There is fireworks and true love! I met him when i finally chose for myself and moved away to live on my own. I met him and my world turned upside down. Best moment ever to meet this man!
    He is sweet, caring, loving, fun, taking the lead if i let him. He is beyond my wildest dreams.

    1. Dear Mirjam,

      This is a great match because you both need a fair amount of freedom and space. Luckily you both agree on this and so as long as you spend lots of time apart doing your own thing, you could actually make this a relationship worth keeping for the long haul! Love & Light!

  29. Wow you read me so good so right when it’s come to relationship give more than they do when I stop giving they feel like I suppose to do what they when am in a relationship they need me put out more than them can’t keep on do that better for me to free then let anyone tell me have to do as they please don’t only one bring something to the table they can’t even answer or anything toy table step back all way from that

  30. I’m Sun and Venus in Aqua.

    I don’t have long relationships but most of them become lifelong friends!

    Friendship means so much to me. But sometimes…

  31. I am a Libra and my Husband is a Leo nothing but a hoe can’t leave his exs alone but he don’t have to worry about me when I take you out my heart that’s it I don’t go back and forth we haven’t even been Married for a whole year but I been with him for 6 years

    1. Dear Franshon,

      As a woman, you must decide if what he did was forgivable or not. Was he doing it just for sex because you weren’t giving him any? If so, then maybe you can work it out with him and see to it that he’s satisfied and won’t look again.
      This will require him to admit what he did and for you to forgive him. Communication is a huge make-or-break factor for the two of you. If you two can talk it out and perhaps even try counseling, then there is still a chance.
      You’ll have to keep him happy all the time, though, so that he doesn’t feel as though he needs to stray again. Is that something you can live with and work to aspire to? Is he really worth that effort?

  32. I am a Libra my Husband is a Leo nothing but a cheater a hoe keeps going back and forth with his ex and o ‘s lost 😡 everything he had Job place I let him come live with me got him another job when I got back on his feet stop 🛑 coming home and helping with the bills so now I see he’s with one of his x ‘s but it’s all good God don’t like ugly Karma is a bitch tho

    1. Dear Franshon,

      As a woman, you must decide if what he did was forgivable or not. Was he doing it just for sex because you weren’t giving him any? If so, then maybe you can work it out with him and see to it that he’s satisfied and won’t look again.
      This will require him to admit what he did and for you to forgive him. Communication is a huge make-or-break factor for the two of you. If you two can talk it out and perhaps even try counseling, then there is still a chance.
      You’ll have to keep him happy all the time, though, so that he doesn’t feel as though he needs to stray again. Is that something you can live with and work to aspire to? Is he really worth that effort?

  33. I don’t know. I’m scorp he’s Gemini! He beat me Sunday. I have concussion. I loved him! Narcissist I think!

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