Weekly Tarotscope for June 12th – 18th

Dear Sweethearts,

I wholeheartedly welcome you to another week of captivating tarot love readings! As we venture into the next week’s cosmic tapestry, a world of possibilities awaits in matters of the heart. Embrace the mystical energy that envelops us from June 12th to 18th (click here for my Weekly Love Horoscope for this week), for it holds the potential for profound transformations and exhilarating surprises on your romantic journey.

During this time, I urge you to continue exploring the infinite treasures that the tarot holds.

Aries – The Hermit

This card embodies the possibility for experiencing a profound and transformative romantic connection that transcends the ordinary realms of love. This card emphasizes an introspective, and spiritual aspect of love. Love this week is not about fireworks or traditional romance, but rather about the profound connection of two souls entwined in a sacred union.

This suggests that the time has come for you and your partner to seek solace within yourselves and explore the depths of the relationship rather than looking for external distractions, it is a call to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner reflection, where you guys get to grips with true desires, fears, and aspirations.

Relationships that begin now go beyond mere physical attraction or surface-level emotions. Relationships should foster growth in each other’s presence. True love can thrive in solitude and so you guys should cherish moments of quiet intimacy, where profound conversations are exchanged, and vulnerabilities are shared without judgment.

Taurus – The Moon

The Moon is a rather suitable card for Taurus because it taps into many of your innate characteristics. Taurus have good gut instinct, you like to read between the lines, use your ESP, and you are quite a skeptical and often suspicious character. It’s important right now not to be paranoid and not to be overly worried; however, it can be important for you to understand the true emotional machinations going on in any situation.

The Moon indicates that it’s time for you to step back, assess and understand, so be an observer, see how people are reacting to different situations and judge the different agendas at play. It can be important to analyze the themes in your dreams for clues about the mental blocks and anxiety that may be lurking below the subconscious and subtly undermining your more proactive and positive goals.

Move cautiously in new love because everything may not be as it appears, sometimes, there are illusions and delusions within the romantic sphere, and it’s important to be totally honest with yourself about your expectations for the relationship and your partner’s expectations.

In marriage, reserve judgement until next week because right now, you are a little bit more prone to seeing the glass as half empty.

Gemini – Death

Now while it sounds rather frightening to receive the Death Card, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about. What it actually means is that it’s a time for some purging, letting go and cutting something out of your life. So the death card is actually a very positive prompt to move into new territory and to get rid of anything that you feel is holding yourself back.

So this is an ideal time to cut ties with a previous partner who could be bothering you or for whom you still have some feelings that are unresolved. So this is an excellent time to achieve closure on a relationship, and to maybe do a little bit of a social media purge to make sure that certain people from your past or past relationships are no longer impacting your daily news feed and thus your mood.

The other major message of this card is to have no fear. Fear can be a huge stumbling block, sometimes it’s rational, but most of the time it’s either irrational or blown out of proportion. So improving your marriage, your relationship, or your dating prospects is all about embracing an extremely positive and hopeful frame of mind and letting go of the negative, draining energy of fear.

Most of what we fear never even happens, so don’t worry, and remember that worry solves not today’s, problems but it depletes tomorrow of its strength.

Cancer – Five of pentacles

This week financial matters are of importance, and it’s vital for you and your partner to have discussions about money. Sometimes events can become quite demanding and it’s easy to just put things on the credit card, but it’s important to be cognizant of what you are spending. It may even be a good week to tot up your receipts on a daily basis to avoid any arguments later on about money and spending.

This is a good time for you and your partner to enjoy outings, socializing with friends and letting your hair down. Obviously with the proviso that it doesn’t involve an awful lot of spending, because this can be a time where money goes out like water.

Sagittarians looking for love should be careful that you don’t attract someone who is excessively needy or who has a lot of emotional baggage. Right now you are in a very generous frame of mind, but that can mean that you are slightly too forgiving and not discerning enough with new relationships.

Leo – Page of Cups

The Page of Cups in Tarot is often associated with fun, playfulness and a youthful energy. There’s some emotional sensitivity, and the emergence of love is a little like the first buds of May.

New love is quite innocent and pure, and it’s ok to be a little naive in love. This card signifies the start of a new emotional connection, or the rekindling of childlike love within an existing relationship. It brings with it a sense of potential, curiosity, and the willingness to explore the depths of one’s emotions alongside a cherished partner. It’s an idealistic time in love when you want to believe the very best and put of any concerns for another time as you don’t want to burst the bubble.

Be open-hearted, compassionate, and express a genuine desire to understand your partner. This encourages you to be vulnerable, to wear your heart on your sleeve, and to approach love with a childlike enjoyment and purity of intention.

In marriage, it’s important to be nurturing, express yourself through small acts of kindness and heartfelt gestures. Cultivate the emotional connection and be gentle with your words

Improve intimacy through loving gazes, and understanding touches or consoling back rubs and massages.

Virgo – Knight of Pentacles

The key in love this week is patience, loyalty, and renewed commitment within relationships. Scorpio have the potential to ground yourself within the relationship and encourage your partner to dedicate himself to the long-term aspiration of building a solid and stable union.

It’s important to be active and nurturing in love, prioritize practicality and security, ensuring that your partner feels safe and supported within the partnership and that you project your own strength into the relationship, so that you can control things by controlling your own emotions.

Be patient because new love can take a while to settle down and establish a basis of trust and security, recognize that lasting love is built on trust, consistency, and mutual respect. If a new partner is willing to invest their time and energy into cultivating a relationship with you that is both enjoyable and supportive, that’s an excellent sign.

In any relationship, ask yourself if your partner comes to your assistance when needed and backs you up – if he does that’s a great sign, however, if not, you should review the emphasis you place on this relationship.

Be present in your relationship and pay attention to the details. Being a good listener is key.

Libra – King of Cups

The key theme in life and love this week is to be considerate and wise in your dealings with other people. It’s so important not to jump the gun, everything will be revealed in its time, and some situations cannot be rushed. So the best thing you can do when it comes to both your job and dealing with your partner is to encourage rationality and a cool head.

The key to succeeding in your love relationships right now is graciousness and retaining emotional maturity. I know that I’m preaching to the converted, as I recognize that my Libra sweethearts are naturally women who have a charming, reasonable approach, but certain circumstances right now may encourage you to become a little bit more emotional and overwrought, so remember to be your level headed self. Stay in control of your emotions and make smart decisions, don’t let any circumstances, or the whims of other people, disconcert you or make you doubt yourself.

As the famous Kipling poem goes, when all about you are doubting you, make allowance for their doubting but don’t let them make you doubt yourself.

If you are looking for love, this is an excellent time to keep your eyes open because someone may be coming your way, although they could be playing their cards quite close to their chest at the moment, so you may not yet know of their feelings.

Scorpio – Ten of Pentacles

The important message for Scorpio this month is “Succeeding is a habit,” so when you’re on a good run you’ve got to keep going. At the same time, you should always keep trying, whether it be in terms of improving your relationships or meeting someone new, because you never know when you’re going to get on a roll.

This is a week of positive news financially, and either yourself, or your partner may be able to get some overtime or a raise which will help ease any financial pressures.

It’s important to remember that in terms of the finances, it’s a team effort for the family, and so don’t forget to keep to your side of the bargain.

Relationships with family or even extended family is extremely important this month, so this week so it’s a good time to reach out to relatives you haven’t seen for a while or invite family to stay, because renewing the bonds you share with family can create a lot of pleasure and can also help stabilize you emotionally.

Sagittarius – High Priestess

Sagittarius don’t always listen to their intuition, but this week it’s more important than ever, especially in love. It’s refreshing to focus on the tender, touchy feely aspects of your relationship and place less emphasis on the cold, harsh realities. They say money can’t buy you love, and that’s appropriate for this week, depth of feeling is real gold.

Mindfulness and positive affirmations can help you to achieve the right mindset to improve a current relationship or attract a loving new romantic partner.

Night life is very enticing and it’s important romantically to have dates and outings planned in the evening, so you can tap into the music or comedy scene and have adult experiences, rather than being defined by the school run and patents evenings.

In terms of happiness, whether you are single or married, this week is all about delving within yourself for insight and reassurance, as the answers lie deep within and only you can access them.

Patience is vital in love, your calm exterior conceals an inner passion, but it’s important to bide your time in a new relationship because the very intimacy and openness that’s potentially there can’t be microwaved, it’s a slow cooker.

Capricorn – Six of Pentacles

The key to your success in love and life this week is showing generosity of spirit, being forgiving and being open to helping others. It’s also important to be open emotionally to receiving from others, and therefore it’s a time not to be cynical but to be slightly idealistic in terms of your dealings with other people.

This is a good week for money, it’s important to have appreciation for the money and the abundance you have as if you are, more resources will flow your way. If you have more than you need, then spread it around. This is a great time for you, or along with your partner, to invite guests into your home, spoil family members or even get the joy of helping out a family member with a little bit of your time or money.

In marriage, it’s important to take a long-term view, remember there’s no such thing as a quick fix, marriage is for the long haul, and through good times and bad you have to take a patient and methodical attitude, and keep your eye on the goal. So try not to be frustrated by anything that happens in the short term, because in the long term everything is possible.

If you’re looking for love right now, you may find love through a friend or family member, or it may be that someone sets you up on a blind date, so take up the opportunity. In certain cultures, arranged marriages can actually work out very favorably right now.

Aquarius – Strength

This card represents a powerful and transformative energy that emerges within a romantic relationship. You should show courage, inner strength, and show faith in your ability to overcome challenges and obstacles together as a couple. This card suggests that your relationship possesses the potential to endure and thrive through difficult times.

If you are currently married or in a long term relationship, the Strength card indicates that you and your partner can deepen your emotional connection. You both possess the strength and determination to weather any storms that come your way.

Approach your relationship with compassion, understanding, and patience. By doing so, you can foster a strong and stable bond with your partner.

If single, you should focus on building a solid foundation within yourself before seeking a romantic partnership. This is a time to explore your inner strength, overcome personal obstacles, and develop self-love and confidence. By doing so, you will attract a partner who appreciates your resilience and embraces your authentic self.

Pisces – Seven of Cups

This month Pisces are the kings of wishful thinking, but you have to be careful of not building castles in the air when it comes to love. There’s a need to ground yourself and focus on reality and facts, sometimes you are a little bit dreamy, and while a slight bit of imagination and fantasy certainly enhances romance, and can help you and a partner to rekindle something that was lost, it’s important not to devote all your time to getting lost in these rather sentimental attachments, as you have to deal with cold harsh realities as well.

So the key ingredients in both new and old relationships this month is having an understanding of the realities of the situation, but not getting bogged down by the realities, as you have to see the bigger picture. You need to be positive about the potential of the relationship, but it’s definitely a good idea to have downtime and inject a little bit of fantasy and romance into the sexual side of your relationship.

Read next : Weekly Love Horoscope for June 12th – 18th

Summing up

I wholeheartedly encourage you to embark on an ongoing exploration of the infinite treasures that the tarot holds. Dive into the mystical realm of your personal readings and allow the extraordinary offerings shared by Angel Adams to capture your attention. Embrace the profound wisdom that flows through these sacred cards and surrender to their guidance, leading you towards a path of abundant love and deep fulfillment.

As we step into the upcoming week, may the celestial energies align harmoniously in your favor, setting the stage for remarkable transformations and delightful surprises on your romantic journey. Keep your heart open to the enchanting magic that surrounds you, for the universe’s benevolent conspiracies are tirelessly at work, orchestrating beautiful moments and favorable encounters to manifest in your life.

Until we reunite for the next captivating week of tarot love readings, may love and blessings gracefully accompany every step you take. Embrace the exciting journey that lies ahead, cherishing the boundless love that surrounds and uplifts you. Trust in the divine forces that guide your path and embrace the wondrous destiny that awaits you.

Love and light,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,


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