Venus in Taurus Transit & Natal (What You Need in Love)

Venus is the planet of beauty, pleasure, and love, in short. In terms of Astrology, planet Venus rules over the signs of Taurus in its earth element and Libra in its air element. Therefore, the qualities of this planet change according to her position. However, her basic traits will stay the same all over the Zodiac wheel.

When it comes to Venus in Taurus, everything will revolve around values, because this is the natural placement of this planet and its earthy quality.

This will be shown as the slow and steady traits, in opposition to fast and brisk Mars, for instance. And this Venus will radiate peaceful thoughts and a lovely approach to everything in life.

The person with this position in their natal chart will always know the true value of things, people, or ideas and whether they are worthy of their attention. This doesn’t show a materialistic state of mind, but something solid, lasting, and beautiful, which are all essential Venusian qualities.

Venus in Taurus 2024: The Significance of Venus Entering Taurus

From April 29 to May 23, 2024, Venus—the planet of beauty, love, and attraction—will be transiting the sign of Taurus. Not only is each Venus transit significant for love and relationships, but this particular transit is especially important, and it’s definitely going to have an impact on your love life!

That’s because Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus. In addition to the energy of love and romance shifting, the power of attraction, abundance, and sensuality are all heightened because Venus is proverbially coming “home” to transit through a sign in which this planet is quite comfortable.

This transit brings a more grounded and sensual approach to love and romance. You may be more attentive to domestic matters and may find that your romantic interests and desires are beginning to manifest in concrete ways rather than remaining abstract and imaginary.

Venus in Taurus is an important time for establishing trust and commitment with your partner or potential partner as well.

Here’s Your Venus Enters Taurus 2024 Horoscopes…

This transit is likely to bring rewarding and deeply satisfying energy to love and relationships for some signs and may challenge other signs to make a commitment that has been avoided up until now.

Here is a glimpse at the ways Venus entering Taurus will impact each of the signs of the Zodiac. Remember to read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign to get the most accurate reading.


Communication is huge for you during this transit, Aries. As Venus passes through your neighboring sign of Taurus, you may have to face the uncomfortable challenge of slowing down and making sure that you say exactly what you mean.

Sometimes it’s more comfortable for you to evade specific commitments just in case. This way, no one can try to hold you to a promise if your instincts or whims take you in a new direction.

But this is not the time to avoid serious conversations. It’s far better to establish clear boundaries and expectations. Your romantic life can get a boost now, but you’ll need to help the process by being more direct and expressive. Don’t leave it to others to anticipate what you want.

Speak your truth, express your needs, and watch as your relationship unfolds into something bigger and better! If you want daily guidance like this one everyday right in your inbox, then subscribe to my Aries Daily Secrets now.


Venus is your planetary ruler, and it is now transiting your sign. This brings many blessings your way for the next few weeks, dear Taurus.

You may find it easier to advance in your career now, and money may come your way with little effort. You can find it easier to create the security you crave when it comes to resources and finances as well.

But the most exciting shift that will take place relates not to your wallet but to your love life. A love interest who has been wavering is likely to commit now. You may also find enhanced romance in a partnership.

New energy brings excitement and pleasure to the forefront of love, and you may be able to enjoy sentimental and sensual evenings at home. A special gift from a lover also brings reassurance of a love interest’s intentions.

Want daily guidance like this one? Subscribe to my Taurus Daily Secrets now.


Your playful and flirty energy comes to bear in love and romance now. You can be drawn to pursue an affair with someone you’ve had your eyes on.

This is an important time for you to decide whether to pursue a love interest and explore a serious commitment or to keep things light and casual. Even a casual relationship can start to become more rooted.

Expectations may be set now for a long-term relationship that is more serious. You may feel as if you’re taking a gamble in love, but things will work out in your favor if you show confidence.

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Dear Cancer, Venus in Taurus will bring a spotlight to serious matters in love, attraction, and even finances. This is potentially a good time for working on manifestation in both love and money.

Pay attention to small details that appeal to your love interest. Courtship takes a practical turn now. You can show your nurturing energies by being attentive to your partner’s health or daily routines.

You may have opportunities to show you’re serious about a love interest through kind and thoughtful gestures throughout the day. Your anxieties and insecurities can be set aside now, enjoy the romantic energies surrounding you.

Want daily guidance like this one everyday right in your inbox? Subscribe to my Cancer Daily Secrets now.


Venus in Taurus is a great time for enhanced passion and devotion in your love life, Leo. A partnership or flirtationship is likely to become more serious now – this is a great time for commitment.

You may be able to bring exciting and dramatic new energy into an existing partnership or surprising twists and turns can lead a love interest to proclaim their devotion to you.

Your attraction energy is strengthened now as well. It’s easy for you to draw the attention of someone special during this time. This is a great opportunity for affection, romantic encounters, and making commitments to a loved one.

Want daily guidance like this one? Subscribe to my Leo Daily Secrets now.


Sweet Virgo, Venus in your fellow earth sign Taurus can anchor your romantic desires. This is a great time to crystallize your desires and work on their manifestation, both in finances and in romance.

Power struggles may emerge now between yourself and your partner, especially when it comes to how finances should be managed in the relationship. Try to remain open to empowering your partner rather than attempting to control how things emerge in the relationship.

You can also find profound transformation and healing in your relationship during this time. You can be more romantic, sensual, and attentive to your partner’s desires for pleasure now as well.

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Venus is also the planetary ruler for your sign, dear Libra, and so you are further empowered by this transit.

You can feel restless in love now because you’ll want to establish a commitment to your partner but may also feel concerned about being confined in love. You need to decide between your desire for freedom and your longing for companionship and love.

This can be a good time to relieve your restless energy by traveling with your love interest. A passionate and exciting romantic getaway can work wonders for your relationship now. Take a risk now and you may be pleasantly surprised by love and romance!

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Scorpio, you may find it easy to thrive in your career and finances during this time. Your reputation leads you to easily attract new opportunities. An attraction to a popular person or a partner whose reputation can influence your career is prominent now.

Through your romantic pursuits, you may also find opportunities to expand your network and influence others, especially in business or career.

This is a good time for you to put your best foot forward; a commitment you make in love can help you establish success both in romance and in your work.

If you want my daily guidance like this, everyday, subscribe to my Scorpio Daily Secrets now.


You may have many potential love interests to choose from, Sagittarius. Venus in Taurus can tempt your sensual and lusty nature.

You may be more popular than usual during this time, and while many people will emerge to share their attraction to you, you may feel compelled to make a decision to commit to someone special.

If you can overcome the fear of missing out on love, this can be an excellent time for you to settle down—something that is not easy for you to do.

Yet the roots you set in romance now can help strengthen your bond with someone special who naturally complements your personality and nature.

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The journey of Venus through a fellow earth sign can accentuate your sensual nature. You are typically hard-working and super responsible. During this transit, however, you are likely to find your rough edges softening.

You may become sentimental and crave an old-fashioned romance. This is a good time to update your wardrobe or treat yourself to a makeover. You may also find it easier to attract wealth and abundance during this phase.

When it comes to love and romance, though you are typically cautious, you may give your desires for pleasure a greater priority over your typical all work no play mentality.

A long-desired love interest may start to show their feelings now. This may be the time you’ve been waiting for, as you watch the hard work you put into setting the foundation for lasting love finally pay off.

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Venus transiting Taurus can help you clarify your desires, Aquarius, especially in romance and love. Your attraction power is heightened now!

You may find the confidence to come out of your shell and pursue a love interest you’ve admired from afar. This is an excellent time to pursue pleasures and sensual interests with someone you’ve been obsessed with.

You can be fascinated by a love interest who shares your ambitions and ideals. It’s not easy for you to settle down, but you may make important steps toward declaring your love for a partner.

Want daily guidance like this one? Subscribe to my Aquarius Daily Secrets now.


Venus transiting Taurus is favorable for your love life, Pisces. You may finally feel ready to settle down with a love interest that seems like your dream come true. This is a great time for manifestation in romance as well.

You may be able to focus on practical aspects of your romantic life. Affection, pleasure, and desire are all in the spotlight now. You can easily express your desires and may see your wishes now coming true in love.

Want daily guidance like this one everyday right in your inbox? Subscribe to my Pisces Daily Secrets now.

Venus in Taurus Natal: Why is Venus in Taurus Seen As Beautiful?

In Astrology, the sign of Aries represents the person’s head. But the sign of Taurus represents the face and the neck. And this is why having Venus in Taurus will always show someone’s beauty, even if this person genetically doesn’t have all the necessary predispositions to call themselves beautiful.

In this particular case, deep and tempting eyes will be prominent. And the lips, which are also one of the Venusian elements in Astrology, will be full and tempting. In addition to that, a person with natal Venus in Taurus will have a beautiful body, too.

But don’t fall into the trap of seeing all those natives as a line of fashion models. We all possess different shapes and sizes of our bodies, yet the person with Taurus Venus will somehow always look phenomenal, slim or chubby, tall or short; it will never matter.

Also, their moves will be slow and sensual, and it will seem that this person is always smooth like velvet and has a dark, warm feeling of love, which can easily awaken sexual desire in others, and with equal strength, put them to sleep.

Those traits of Venus in a Taurus person will create an aura of sensual and stylishly sexual appeal, and hardly one will find them hard to resist. By giving pleasure in all forms inside and around her, this Venus will emanate its true nature and produce wonderful results when it comes to gaining money, compliments, or love.

What is a Venus in Taurus Woman Like?

A Venus in Taurus woman will be the ideal image of women for all times. First of all, Taurus is the female sign. And secondly, Venus is about all the earthy pleasures, which include delicious food, tasteful settlement, lots of kissing, romantic words or singing, and also lots of sex. And who would ever refuse this style of life?

She might have female curves that are easily noticeable and a certain slowness in her moves, which will add to her charm. Her fashion style can differ, but she feels best in light, feminine materials like silk, soft cotton, or wool. Her colors are never bold, and she finds her inspiration in the colors of earth and nature.

A woman with her natal Venus in Taurus always looks fabulous, and the real secret is not in her outer appearance but in her inner softness and flawless manners, which are shaping the outer appearance so well.

She loves flowers, all sorts of delicate perfumes, chocolates, and desserts, besides delicious small dishes served as if she were a 5-star chef. It’s not a secret that she is an extraordinary cook, but she also loves fine dining and elegant gatherings.

The professions in which a woman with her Venus in Taurus thrives are related to beauty and value. So, she can be a beautician, a hairstylist, an architect, an interior decorator, a banker, a gardener, or anything else that focuses on those two core qualities in her life.

As a lover or a spouse, her love will be devoted, and she is the queen of her family, determined and strict, but through love and kindness. She is one of the best wives in the horoscope wheel because she is faithful, clever, and knows exactly how to make and stick to financial plans.

The positive traits of a Taurus Venus woman are her devotion, kindness, style, and diplomatic approach to everything. And the negative traits of a Taurus Venus woman are her laziness, slowness, and frequent stubbornness.

How to Attract a Venus in Taurus Woman?

To attract a Venus-Taurus woman, someone should act conservatively, showing her clearly that this person is capable of being her protector and provider. And after some time, when she sees that all these wonderful romantic gestures are not just to show off, she will open her heart slowly but fully and never really stop loving that person.

In sex, a woman with her natal Venus in Taurus is very passionate and open to all sorts of oriental or exotic techniques, so this will be a real and very positive surprise for her partner. However, she needs to feel safe, and she will avoid “common” or public places for love-making practices because she needs style above all.

What is a Venus in Taurus Man Like?

Keep in mind that in a man’s natal chart, the planet Venus won’t describe his personality, except in the case that this planet is placed on his Ascendant, in the first house of personality, or joined together with his natal Sun or Moon. And in those situations, this Venus will surely give him a deep, sexy glance in his eyes, ageless and masculine beauty, and a bigger but more muscular body.

In all other cases, Venus in Taurus in a male natal chart will show how he will give and receive pleasure, what his core values will be, especially those related to the material side of life, and what kind of ideal partner he will imagine all the time, no matter what his sexual orientation is.

With all that said, a Venus in Taurus man is one of a kind because he will show distinguished style in everything he does or desires in life…

A man with his natal Venus in Taurus loves to eat, and this will surely start to show on his body over the course of time. But besides that, he might be an extraordinary cook, someone who has amazing knowledge about food and nutrition in general, and someone who loves or dreams of having a big garden.

The ideal professions for the man with a Taurus Venus are banking, of course, as the first choice, then construction-building, any type of design, mining, and farming. And whatever he does, he can count on getting rich if he makes himself actually start working. But, once he does, nothing will stop him.

Related: Gain valuable insights into your man’s romantic expressions with my free Venus Sign calculator.

How Does Venus in Taurus Man Show Love?

In love, a Venus-Taurus man pursues conservatively, like a true gentleman who will never be insulting. And he openly offers the best he has. His love is deep, strong, and big as a mountain, and a person in his arms will always be protected and sexually satisfied.

When it comes to sex, a natal Venus in Taurus man adores long foreplay, romantic light, and scented candles or perfume all around him. He is strong and has long performances, which can drive his partner crazy with the desire to have it more and more.

The positive traits of a man with his Venus in Taurus are: a clear sense of value, determination, and an incredible instinct to be at the right place at the right time. And the negative qualities of a Venus in Taurus man are his extraordinary stubbornness, inability to be fast, the fact that he will never forget any sort of betrayal, and the fact that he will not hesitate to cheat if his partner is not showing gratitude enough for his taste.

In my Venus in Taurus man, you can read about the meaning of the placements of the Venus in man’s natal chart and what it means, and how it could manifest within your life. I highly encourage anyone with a curiosity about this subject to take a peek!

FAQs About Venus in Taurus: Getting To Know Venus In Taurus Better

What is Venus in Taurus attracted to?

Venus in Taurus loves stability above all. And in this sense, she will be attracted toward people, events, or things that can offer her any sort of “protection” being that of emotional or financial nature.

This is why she will naturally incline toward masculine types of people, those who look disciplined, but dangerous and passionate at the same time.

And when it comes to everything else, Venus in Taurus will be attracted toward valuable items, not just something flashy or in trend, but something which value will stay or even increase in time, like jewelry or properties, for instance.

However, if you think about the best gift for someone who has Venus in Taurus, flowers, chocolates, and of course, perfumes, are the proper choices which will never fail.

Is Venus in Taurus a good placement?

Venus in Taurus is an exceptionally good placement for any person. This shows that the ideas of the material world and emotions are in sync and that a person truly knows how to receive and give pleasure.

Also, this is the best position to have in an Astrology chart, not just regarding love and healthy relation with money, but this is something truly valuable to have for anyone in farming, doing earth or soil-related jobs, banking, fashion industry, creation of perfumes and many lucrative types of businesses.

The person with this placement will simply possess a gift to turn into gold everything they touch.

Is Venus in Taurus faithful in relationships?

Venus in Taurus is very faithful in most cases, and this placement is well-known for devotion and selfless support. This planet will need some time to estimate their partner and to fully open up, and this will take substantial time.

But once that happens, and this will mean that a person who has her heart will be worthy of her love, no cheating will take place whatsoever. The special cases will appear if the person with Venus in Taurus has natal or transiting negative aspects like squares or oppositions received from Uranus or Neptune toward this Venus.

In those particular situations, cheating can occur, but the person with Venus in Taurus will be under the beams of Uranus or Neptune, and once aspects are over, the same person will be shocked with their behavior.

Who does Venus in Taurus like?

The most compatible sign of Venus in Taurus is surely Scorpio. Anyone who has Sun, Moon, Rising sign, and especially Mars placed in Scorpio will be a powerful magnet for this Venus in Taurus.

Their passion will be sensed from day one, and they won’t be able to resist each other for a long time. With the other water Zodiac signs like Cancer and Pisces, great friendships turning into love will take place.

And with the earth signs like the other Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, stable and financially prosperous relationships are almost expected. They will support and direct each other for the benefit of both, for sure.

Is Venus in Taurus jealous?

Venus in Taurus is too self-centered, too beautiful, and admired so many times to be jealous. Also, she needs some time to evaluate things, and she won’t fall for rumors. She is simply the best, she knows it so well, and those innate thoughts leave a really small space for jealousy. And this goes for competition in any sense of that word.

When it comes to potential danger in a romantic or committed relationship, Venus in Taurus will always assume that she is the best, and that will be true.

However, if some obvious signs start dancing in front of her eyes, she will approach this matter rationally, and try to get an honest explanation. If things are going in a bad direction, Venus is Taurus will simply and elegantly leave, before being left.

How do you tell if a Taurus Venus likes you?

If Venus in Taurus likes you, you will know it by the way their voice becomes soft and smooth the moment they talk to you. If you are dealing with the masculine Venus in Taurus, that is to say – the masculine person with this position in their natal chart, will treat you to the best dining and wining places, try to flash you with quality and luxury, and be very courteous.

A feminine Venus in Taurus, will frequently prepare cookies as some sort of a small surprise, or even offer to make a whole meal. And this person will also sound genuinely caring.

Venus in Taurus Compatibility: Who Are Taurus Venus Compatible With?

Venus in Taurus has the best compatibility with planets placed in water signs, as feelings of passion, deep understanding, and excitement are always present.

Also, this same planet gets along very well with earth signs like Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, where Venus develops support and closeness quickly.

What is The Best Match For Venus in Taurus?

Venus in Taurus, when in a relationship with Venus in Taurus or Mars in Taurus will instantly create the feeling of mutual respect and support. They might appear slow, but their romance will advance steadily toward a real bond.

Venus in Taurus in combination with Venus in Cancer in or Mars in Cancer will show deep friendship and a gentle type of love both of them will feel for a long time.

When combined with Venus in Virgo or Mars in Virgo, Venus in Taurus can be filled with enthusiasm and lucrative business ideas which will go beautifully along with their love.

Venus in Taurus with Venus in Scorpio or Mars in Scorpio will be the explosion of passion and true love for both of them. This relationship will surely last if they are both in their mature age.

Venus in Taurus with Venus in Capricorn or Mars in Capricorn could easily turn into the best combination for wealth and marriage. They will sustain their feelings, but they will be devoted to each other truly.

When combined with Venus in Pisces or Mars in Pisces, Venus in Taurus can be very calm and yet, so passionately strong romance between two poetic souls.

What is The Worst Match For Venus in Taurus?

Venus in Taurus with Venus in Aries or Mars in Aries will hold some hostility between the two of them, and shortly after they will separate with harsh words and memories.

The relationship between Venus in Taurus and Venus or Mars in Gemini could be only financially profitable, but as far as their emotions go, they will be tired of each other soon.

Venus in Taurus, when combined with Venus or Mars in Leo, will be the battle of titans. Both of them will know that the other side is wrong, less fortunate, or less intelligent.

Venus in Taurus with Venus in Libra or Mars in Libra will simply look tiring and even boring for both of them. This romance will seem just like a big show-off for their social circles.

Venus in Taurus with Venus in Sagittarius or Mars in Sagittarius won’t develop at all as any sort of relationship. They won’t live in the same Universe, that’s all.

Venus in Taurus with Venus in Aquarius or Mars in Aquarius can create frequent competitive fights and due to their moral differences, they will split before anything truly begins.

Do You Need Help Finding Out Your Venus Sign?

If you still don’t know your Venus sign, I would never leave you hanging without giving you a helping hand in this process. I realize that not everyone knows Astrology.

You may not even what you’re seeing when you look at your birth chart!

Lucky for you, you have me… The things I’m sharing with you are vital to finding your forever love. It can also help you figure out why you keep picking the wrong person. There are habits to break.

Let me help you with what is going on and what you need to do to fix it, so you can open up the door to true love!

In fact, if you click here now, you’ll see what I mean.

If you really knew yourself, you might look at love and people very differently. And, if you’ve been dating losers, liars, or cheaters; it’s time to make a change.

Only you can do this but you’ve got to be fully informed. You have to take control and action. Don’t walk in the darkness anymore. Come into the light with me! I can help you and want to help you!

Click now to see how much I can do for you.

I promise you’ll get more insight than you ever could have dreamed. Do what is right for your heart and soul!

Wishing you so much love on your journey.

Your friend and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

11 thoughts on “Venus in Taurus Transit & Natal (What You Need in Love)

  1. Your daily readings remain precise, accurate and intensely relevant.They provide me with needed perspective, hope and courage. Thank you.

    1. Dear Elaine,

      Always a pleasure to receive such wonderful feedback!

      Sending Love to you!

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