Venus in Cancer Transit & Natal (how long does your love fire burn?)

Venus, our favorite planet for love and romance, is about to enter sweet and sensitive Cancer.  The sign that loves to connect and build strong emotional bonds with people. You can safely open up your heart and experience what the true meaning of love is over this lovely transit.

Venus in Cancer is an especially good time for you to get closer to your man and express the love you feel for him. Commitments are made much easier over this transit because Venus in Cancer has us yearning for a deeper and more meaningful kind of love, a love that feels more authentic.

Venus in Cancer 2024: How Venus in Cancer Will Affect You…

Emotions feel heightened, and we wear our hearts on our sleeves. This is the month for laying it all on the table and letting the people closest to you know how much they mean to you.

Your intuitive understanding of other people’s needs will grow over this period, giving your love life an extra boost. Your desire for intimacy will go through the roof as you seek to lay down your emotional roots.

Venus in Cancer may have you questioning what home and family mean to you. You’ll want to take a deeper look at the people who you depend on for emotional nourishment and if you’re truly getting your needs met in your relationships.

The role of emotions also seems to take precedence over the course of this month. It is simply impossible to hide how you are feeling, and you’ll want to express your deepest emotions to those around you.

This month can feel particularly vulnerable, especially if you’re not used to being so emotional, but this is also an opportunity for you to learn to live more openly and see that there is strength in vulnerability.

You want to nurture and take care of the people you love during this time, so don’t be too surprised when you get extra sentimental and search for comfort from those closest to you. After all the flirting this past month when Venus was in Gemini, it’s now time to go deeper and build a strong connection with one particular person.

Here’s Your Venus Enters Cancer Horoscopes…

If you’re curious to find out what this means for your Zodiac sign, then continue reading to find out what this month has in store for you and your relationships.

Please remember to read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign to get the most accurate reading.


Domestic bliss is where you want to be this month, Aries. All you want to do is spend some quality one-on-one time with your lover and build a deeper connection. You’re feeling a little more sentimental and emotional than usual.

You’re used to being full-on and always on the go, but this energy has you wanting to sit back and relax a little. You love to be out and about experiencing new things, but this month you just want to stay home and indulge in a bit of familiar comfort.

You may experience a strong desire to feel rooted and safe, especially so in your primary relationship. You’re no longer looking for a fling, you want something more serious and someone who you can depend on. Commitment is where your heart is at.

You want to be with someone who makes you feel safe and protected. So, it is a great time for you to evaluate how the man in your life makes you feel and whether he makes you feel secure or is contributing to any of your anxiety.

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You seem to have a way with words this month, Taurus. You’re in a very charming mood and know exactly how to woo your way into a man’s heart. It might feel like you have swallowed a romantic poetry book with all the sweet nothings escaping your lips. Venus in Cancer is making you one hell of a charmer this month, that is for sure!

This is a great time for you to benefit from the ease with which you’re able to express yourself this month. It’s easy for you to put what you are feeling into words and it’s likely that this may elicit just the response you are looking for. 

Be as open as you desire to be. It might feel a little scary at first because vulnerability isn’t easy for anyone, but you’ll feel much better letting the object of your affection know how you truly feel about him. 

This might be exactly what your relationship needs right now. Open and honest communication is a sure way to make you and your partner feel a lot closer to one another. So, get talking and see what you can uncover about each other.

Want daily guidance like this one? Subscribe to my Taurus Daily Secrets now.


You have just been through a pretty full month, Gemini. With so many hot dates and fun events, you must feel exhausted and need a lot of rest and reflection to figure out where to go next. Your self-esteem is feeling at an all-time high, so you’re only interested in having people in your life that make you feel even more secure and confident with your life!

Stability is a big focus for you over the course of this month, therefore it might be a good idea to take the next step with the guy who caught your eye recently. Nothing says stability more than making things official with your man. 

This is a big deal for you because usually, you like to be super flirtatious and play the field, but you suddenly feel ready for a greater commitment and closeness with one partner. You’re craving the comfort only a serious relationship can bring. 

Celebrate this big milestone by splurging on a nice dinner with your man. I’m sure you’ll come to love the peace and quiet that a more stable relationship can bring.

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This is a big month for your relationships, Cancer. You’re just exuding sweet and loving energy at the moment, and I bet you have no idea how attractive this makes you! Every guy you meet is about to be blown away by your soft and nurturing energy.

The ball is pretty much in your court this month when it comes to relationships. Venus is giving you an extra boost to help you attract any man you desire, so make sure to revel in the extra attention, because it is your time to shine.

Make sure to put some time into your appearance this month. Extra self-care is going to give you the confidence to go after the man you want. So, book that hair appointment and put on that sexy dress, you’ll have him eating out of the palm of your hands in no time!

This is a great time to become really clear about what you desire in a relationship, and make sure to not settle for anything less. This month is all about getting what you truly deserve, so make the most of it!

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Leo, you’re so used to being center stage and drawing all the attention to you, but you just don’t feel up for that when Venus is in Cancer. You feel a great need for rest and recuperation after a long while of being social and on the go. No wonder your social batteries are feeling a little low.

You’re feeling really private and secretive about your love life. Perhaps you have met someone you have powerful feelings for, but it just feels a little more exciting keeping him a secret, especially as you figure out where things are going in the relationship.

It could very well be that you like him so much that you feel you want to protect the relationship a bit from the outside world. Whatever the reason is, it is right for you! But knowing what you’re really like, Leo, he’ll be appearing on your social media in no time.

Sometimes it’s good to keep the people you care most about a little protected because relationships change once other people and their opinions get involved. So, enjoy these quiet moments together, because I suspect when Venus enters your sign, things are going to be pretty full on.

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Virgo, the right man for you might have been under your nose all this time and right in the middle of your friendship circle! Venus in Cancer might have you seeing someone you’ve known for ages in a new, more romantic light. 

And why not? The best relationships are usually built out of a strong friendship and foundation. The trust and understanding are there already. It can feel a little scary at first because maybe you’re afraid of losing a meaningful friendship. But sometimes in love, you need to take risks.

Even if you don’t start dating a friend, you’ll see that friendships play a vital role in your love life this month. You could very well be set up on a date by your best friend, or meet someone at a social event someone close to you is hosting. So, keep your eyes open for these opportunities.

This month you’ll likely realize that the feeling of friendship is important for you in your romantic life. You want the trust, fun, and companionship you experience with a friend with the man you are romantically involved with.

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Libra, you love status and hardworking men who you know can spoil you with luxury. This is no secret, but for some reason, your boss seems to be getting hotter and hotter by the day. It’s safe to say you have a crush.

And if it isn’t your boss, then it’s someone older and wiser. You feel done with young men; you want someone mature and who has some life experience. You’re feeling ready to make some serious commitments because you’re seeking some stability in your life.

So, it makes sense that you’re feeling more attracted to men who have their life together. This might not be your usual type, but who knows, you might be pleasantly surprised when you go on a date with an older gentleman.

It’s good to explore your tastes and evolve your opinions of what you think you find attractive. But let’s be honest, what isn’t to like about a man who is ambitious, hardworking, and successful? You might just meet your match over this transit, Libra.

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Scorpio, your desire for love is at an all-time high over the course of this month. You’re looking for something deep that’s going to blow your mind. A love that is all-consuming and life-changing.

It isn’t always easy to find a man who is interested in experiencing such a deep and intense kind of love, but when Venus in Cancer comes around, you’re attracting all the right types of guys. There are depths to you that need exploring, and there is no better way to do this than when in love.

There seems to be a really interesting man knocking on your door, and you especially like that you could really learn something from him. He wants to expand your mind and have you view life from a new perspective. He’s just what the doctor ordered!

Great pleasure comes from having someone like this in your life, someone who challenges you and keeps things exciting. So, get ready for some jaw-dropping adventures that make your soul sing, because you’re really discovering what love means to you!

If you want my daily guidance like this, everyday, subscribe to my Scorpio Daily Secrets now.


Sagittarius, you’re unusually somber and intense this month. On a normal day, you have more energy and excitement than everyone else, but this month has you feeling all the deep emotions and intensity.

You’re going through a process of transformation when it comes to your love life. Instead of feeling impulsive and going on a date every night of the week, you might suddenly feel the urge to connect deeply with one particular man.

Instead of partying your feelings away, you’re interested in exploring your emotions and sharing your vulnerability with your lover. This might feel like uncharted territory for you because you rarely show your soft side to anyone. 

But, if there is one person who does well with challenges and discovering new parts of themselves, then it is you, Sagittarius. So, take this month to meet a new version of yourself and see how it influences the intimacy you allow into your life.

If you want my daily guidance like this, everyday, subscribe to my Sagittarius Daily Secrets now.


Love is definitely in the air for you this month, Capricorn. You’re feeling incredibly open and ready to allow a deeper kind of love into your life when Venus is in Cancer. If you’ve been feeling on the fence about the man you are dating, you might come to realize he’s just the man you have been waiting for.

You’re ready to take the next step and commit to the relationship in ways you weren’t sure about before. This month is all about making decisions regarding your commitments, so it’s really time to make things official.

You’re yearning to develop a deeper and more emotional bond with your lover, and a good way of getting there is by being extremely vulnerable and open about the way you are feeling. This can be daunting, especially for someone like you, who isn’t too keen on being overly emotional.

But you will recognize that your relationship will be so much stronger for it. For the next month, it’s totally fine and acceptable to be completely cheesy and sweet with your lover. Sometimes even the more serious gals need a cutesy moment, and this happens to be yours!

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Aquarius, you’re not the most practical when it comes to love, instead, you appreciate your relationships for the mental stimulation they bring you. But this month has you expressing your love completely differently, instead of talking about love, you’re more likely to show it.

You might feel overwhelmed by feeling a need to show how much your lover means to you by taking on the role of caretaker. This feels completely foreign to you, but suddenly you’re all about showing your love through cooking meals or helping out around the home. 

You desperately want to feel needed or that you can be of service to your partner. A more nurturing side to your personality wants to come out and play, and somehow you seem to really enjoy doing little things for your partner. 

This is a fantastic way for you to get closer to your partner and show them how much they mean to you. This kind of mood doesn’t come by often, so make sure you squeeze in every minute of appreciating your partner on this level!

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Pisces, you’re feeling lucky in love and full of romance. This is your month to shine in the romance department. You can’t help but attract all kinds of suitors this month. It must be that flirty attitude that keeps all these dates rolling in.

There is no better feeling than being in love and sharing your life with another. This month has you feeling all kinds of beautiful, which gives you just the right boost of confidence to go after the man you desire. 

Embrace this creative and joyful energy you have at your disposal. You want to have fun, and this feeling is infectious. Whoever is lucky enough to be in your presence just loves the light and fresh way in which you do things. 

Attracting new love is effortless and easy over this transit, so make sure you make the most of it because Cupid is on your side and ready to make all your romantic dreams come true. Who knows, you might meet the one before the month is over!

Want daily guidance like this one everyday right in your inbox? Subscribe to my Pisces Daily Secrets now.

What to Expect if You Have Your Natal Venus in Cancer?

If your natal Venus is in Cancer, this transit will bring additional emphasis to love and romance. You may have a chance to enjoy a family reunion or celebration during this time. Taking on the role of caretaker may come naturally to you.

As you are nurturing and comforting everyone else, make sure you fill your cup as well. This is a good time to show your vulnerability. Transparency and empathy will get you far in love now.

You may feel as if a relationship is ready to go to the next level. This can be an exciting time to join households or work on starting a family. Your home life becomes part of your romantic life. If you are already living with a partner, this is an ideal time to make your home more comfortable and conducive to romance.

Why is Venus in Cancer So Sensitive, Sentimental, and Overwhelming?

Keep in mind that the planet Venus rules over our values and relationships. The sign of Cancer is related to those ideas through the signs of Taurus and Libra as the main Venus areas.

In the case of Taurus, values are seen, from the perspective of Venus in Cancer, as something supportive that should come from the social circles. Therefore, social justice, help, and understanding are truly important for Venus in Cancer.

On the other hand, the sign of Libra, from where the ideas of relationships come for Cancerian Venus will be placed in the field of home, motherly figure, and properties.

This means that Venus in Cancer will grow up surrounded and with a powerful idea that partnerships are everything and that a person can’t achieve happiness and even existence without the help of their closest ones, meaning parents, at an early age, and a marital partner later on in life.

When it comes to enjoyment or pleasure, this Venus in Cancer will always feel uplifted by the emotional or patriotic music, they will love to paint, and romantic atmosphere and sensual touch will have a way greater importance than the actual sexual act.

What is a Venus in Cancer Woman Like? What Does She Need to Work on?

Venus in Cancer influences women to express themselves in a romantic or edgy style. They may have lighter hair, eyes, or complexion compared to other women of the same race.

These women often seek calm, strong, and successful men, desiring protection and stability for their future family. In relationships, they are faithful and attached, but may struggle to heal from emotional pain. They are open to new experiences in marriage but may have fears about extramarital affairs.

Their strengths lie in their kindness and nurturing nature, while their weaknesses include being overly emotional and insecure, often living through emotional drama.

What is a Venus in Cancer Man Like?

The Venus in Cancer man is attracted to gentle, feminine women and prefers a homely atmosphere. He may struggle with commitment and past relationships. He seeks a strong partner who can provide leadership and handle external challenges.

In terms of sexuality, a Venus in Cancer man may exhibit a powerful and explorative side. Despite his devotion, he may struggle with emotional dependence, moodiness, and addictions.

FAQs About Venus in Cancer: Getting to Know Venus in Cancer Better

Is Venus in Cancer emotional?

In Astrology, Venus in Cancer is ruled by the Moon which can be anywhere in the horoscope chart. Therefore, the position of the Moon will determine the attitude and behavior of this planet, although, in the majority of cases, Venus will tend to be overly emotional, and in many cases, to resolve all her emotional issues through overindulging in foods, and some rarer cases, in alcohol.

The fluctuation of emotions and thoughts is ever-present even if nothing stressful is going on, but this Cancerian Venus will have the inner need to create little dramas to be able to feel alive.

Is Venus in Cancer bad?

Venus in Cancer is not bad by any means, they simply express the symbolism of their ruler Moon. The individual will deeply love or hate anything, or radically change feelings all of a sudden.

And in this sense, they could easily become destructive or self-destructive when things are not going according to, not to their plans, but their feelings. They are not as vengeful as Venus in Scorpio, but nevertheless, they have the ability to create a true mess, or in some cases, a true hell out of anyone’s life.

The destructive style of Venus in Cancer is to exhaust the “enemy” through passive-aggressive expressions or prolonged periods of silence. They won’t yell, but their calm voice or not communicating at all will be equally threatening.

Is Venus in Cancer jealous?

Venus in Cancer is territorial, and in this sense, yes, they can be very jealous if something is endangering their “possessions.”. Venus in Cancer will rely heavily on their intuition, and through the “certain feeling” they will know that things are wrong, or just starting to develop in the wrong direction.

From that point on, the Venus in Cancer will use their emotional turmoil to show their partner that they are dissatisfied and demand some serious answers. And this will consequently produce more drama, more misunderstandings, or deepen the crack between the two of them.

So, yes, this Venus in Cancer is jealous, but not able to clearly communicate their concerns.

How does Venus in Cancer flirt?

Venus in Cancer flirts by showing its affective side. And in their case, this is always related to comfort and nutrition. They will care deeply if the person they are interested in is warm enough, cold enough, healthy enough, rested enough, and especially, this person mustn’t be hungry or thirsty at any moment of their existence.

This will make some odd situations where they will make cookies, or even complete dinner for someone that they don’t know so well, and many men will use this emotional weakness. They will eat for free or sleepover, and then leave because they were the first ones to show strong affection through their “services” and without making that particular man work hard to pursue them.

Is Venus in Cancer good?

Venus in Cancer surely possesses a positive attitude and a caring nature. Above all other Zodiac signs, this placement will truly care for other people, in general, and especially for the elderly, children, and all those in need. This Venus will never let a hungry person just pass by without offering any food they have handy at that moment.

Venus in Cancer also values kindness and a simple approach to life, and except something or someone is openly attacking them, their family and loved ones, or their nation. They will be open and polite, and always ready to give a helping hand.

Does Venus in Cancer cheat?

Generally speaking, Venus in Cancer is not the cheating type. Their lover, family, or anything else that can be seen as their emotional or psychological territory will be highly valued and respected in their eyes and hearts. And they will do anything to keep the purity of those feelings, for sure.

On the other hand, if this Venus in Cancer is negatively affected by the positions of Uranus or Neptune, then they could easily slip and make a mistake, thinking that someone new is their true soul mate, that this is now or never situation, and that their angel or knight in shining armor finally appeared. And usually, those illusions will backfire, leaving them broken and hard to pull from emotional trauma for a long time.

Venus in Cancer Compatibility: How Venus in Cancer Matches With Other Signs?

Venus in Cancer is compatible with the earth and water elements in Astrology, which means that she will complement, feel safe, and understood by those people who have prominent planets in Taurus, Virgo, or especially, Capricorn.

On the negative side, this Venus will be annoyed or burdened by the air and fire element. And those will be the signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. And as the representative of fire, there will be Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.

What is the Best Match for Venus in Cancer?

Venus in Cancer with Venus in Taurus or Mars in Taurus will cause the feeling of enormous support in both of them. This will be a devoted friendship turning into a love commitment.

Venus in Cancer with Venus in Cancer or Mars in Cancer might be good or less than good depending on other aspects. But in general, they will resonate at the same level.

Venus in Cancer with Venus in Virgo or Mars in Virgo will start as the friendship, and after a while, surrender its whole will and leadership position to a Virgo person.

Venus in Cancer with Venus in Scorpio or Mars in Scorpio is the material from which the melodramatic art is being made. After many obstacles and tears, they will finally meet and never separate again.

Venus in Cancer with Venus in Capricorn or Mars in Capricorn is the ideal situation because Capricorn planets will protect and provide without asking questions and giving complete compassion and passion.

Venus in Cancer with Venus in Pisces or Mars Pisces is a romantic, moody type of love that oscillates and flows, and therefore always remains fresh and uplifting for both of them.

What is the Worst Match for Venus in Cancer?

Venus in Cancer with Venus in Aries or Mars in Aries can become truly catastrophic due to their opposite natures. The passion will be high in the beginning, and annoyance and frustration will soon follow.

Venus in Cancer with Venus in Gemini or Mars in Gemini will be filled with all sorts of hidden hostility expressions created through the real lack of compassion and frequent misunderstandings.

When combined with Venus or Mars in Leo, Venus in Cancer will be two different worlds really, and they will consciously avoid but secretly admire each other.

Venus in Cancer with Venus in Libra or Mars in Libra will show deep differences and hidden envy in both of them. They will do their best to keep away from each other, and that is what they will do.

Venus in Cancer with Venus in Sagittarius or Mars in Sagittarius will simply express as two different worlds encountering for a short time and separating for good due to lack of basic understanding.

Venus in Cancer with Venus in Aquarius or Mars in Aquarius can have a sexual attraction in the beginning, but after a while, boredom and betrayal will sneak in, and consequently ruin everything.

Do You Need Help Finding Out Your Venus Sign?

I hope this article was somehow meaningful to you, and that you are now better equipped to take on the dating game and find the relationship of your dreams. Remember to embrace your strengths and work on your weaknesses, and always be open to growth and expansion.

If you still don’t know your Venus sign, I would never leave you hanging without giving you a helping hand in this process. I realize that not everyone knows Astrology.

You may not even what you’re seeing when you look at your birth chart!

Lucky for you, you have me… The things I’m sharing with you are vital to finding your forever love. It can also help you figure out why you keep picking the wrong person. There are habits to break.

Let me help you with what is going on and what you need to do to fix it, so you can open up the door to true love!

In fact, if you click here now, you’ll see what I mean.

If you really knew yourself, you might look at love and people very differently. And, if you’ve been dating losers, liars, or cheaters; it’s time to make a change.

Only you can do this but you’ve got to be fully informed. You have to take control and action. Don’t walk in the darkness anymore. Come into the light with me! I can help you and want to help you!

Click now to see how much I can do for you.

I promise you’ll get more insight than you ever could have dreamed. Do what is right for your heart and soul!

Wishing you so much love on your journey.

Your friend and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

9 thoughts on “Venus in Cancer Transit & Natal (how long does your love fire burn?)

  1. Hello Anna,
    Thank you for your help to look on my self by someone then me . I’m 68 years old ,divorced and retired from school district. Now is my time and in this moment I meet someone who is Virgo .

  2. Hi I’m confused with my friendship/ relationship I have with this guy I see. He’s put me in the friend zone and I don’t know why but wants to continue seeing me. It’s frustrating because when I do ask about our relationship he’s doesn’t want to talk about it .. should I just let go or continue just being a friend?? Help!

  3. We met last Sept my Pisces man. He wanted me to move in, I said show. I need a little reasueance he gave me a diamond Halloween. We get along pretty good, but Sat eve into this rainy w/E ..things fell sideways. Everyone has their spats.Sat we took my car..he has a diesel truck gas more money. He was grumpy Sun he wanted to take my car Again, I said geese I gotta put gas in it money’s tight. Im retired hes not. Plus he never asked nicley. Its how he handledit grumpy. I’m sensative. We went to breakfast, he didn’t even wait and walk with me. Tuesday came home started again about car, I did yell to him when we were entering store. That day.What’s that matter you cant be a gentlemen. We were planning a trip hes purchasing a house down SC. He said im going alone driving my stuff and flying back. Which I said is pay my own airfair..i don’t understand what’s happen3d to.him. he’s got Alimoney to pay. I understand, but we were supposed to work together. What’s his OCD problem. He pays me something toward rent, particular on fooda. He buys, lives with me til his new adventure. We shared his new home photos, he always claimed my room down their. I’m confused and hut he liked kicked me to curb. He organized my apt. To his liking im.easy going what can I do? He tells me he loves me, but that’s just words til he finds himself i feel..Help???

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I have been using your method and my Sagitarius guy is so turned around and so turned on!!

  5. Thank you, I am a Scorpio who has been struggling in relationships. Men I meet are just childish and talk about sex every second they open their damn mouths. That just awaken my fierce scorpio sting as love is more than letting my panties down. Believe me am talking about 50+ age group.

    Yesterday I hooked with some 45yrs old guy and I am 52 in October who just immediately gave me butterflies in my tummy. His maturity level and conversation simply turned the fire in me. Ironically he is a Pisces born 12 April and me 26 October.

    I am so excited and we both can’t wait for our second date which he proposes a weekend away for us.

    Am I drawn to this younger version of men as my 2 previous relationship were with a 44 and 46 year old. They were the best by far since my divorce, now am hitting a 45 yrs which sounds exciting and he wants a long term relationship and to settle down.

  6. I am a 65 year Sag woman in a situation ship with a 65 year Cancer man. Neither of us ever intend to remarry and it can be a lot of fun. But he is most cautious when it comes to public displays of affection, which is hard only ego. Can this work much longer?

  7. Last month was a disaster before I got your predictions and your guidance. I had already messed up my relationship with my boyfriend and we are no longer together, however I wished we were. I love him but I don’t know what to do. Do you have any advice for me because there is other female involved I do believe at this time. I feel emotionally Torn to Pieces. His sign is “cancer”! And there might be another female “Taurus” involved, but not sure!

    1. Dear Margaret,

      That is a good Venus placement! Security matters here as well as care and understanding.
      You are tender and kind and need to be treated that way and you will return with understanding and protection. 

      Sending Love to you!

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