5 Things Your Moon Sign Will Teach You About Your Emotional Personality

The Moon is one of the two luminaries in Astrology, the other being the Sun, of course. These two celestial bodies are the only ones who do not have retrograde periods and they are the most focal points in your natal chart besides your Ascendant (rising sign).

The Moon is even more important than the Sun in Natal Astrology as it represents our soul, our inner world, how we feel, our instincts, our primal nature, our mother, and how we act when we are emotional.

When the Moon finds itself in “strong” signs, it can even outshine the Sun. I have found it in my experience that despite the sign in which the Moon finds itself, people have more properties of their Moon than their Sun sign.

If the Sun represents our surface, our vital force and Ego – the tip of the iceberg, then the Moon represents the rest of our being – everything that is beneath the surface of the water. By examining our Moon, its sign, house, possible fixed star conjunctions and aspects it receives from other planets, we can discover more about ourselves, our needs, our emotional expression, and our love language.

Delve deeper into your own soul with me, and if you feel like you want to get even more in-depth and personal, then visit me here and discover more about your Moon sign and your inner workings.

5 Things Your Moon Sign Will Teach You About Your Emotional Personality

1. Emotional Expression

The first and foremost thing that our Moon signs teaches us about ourselves is how we tend to express our emotions. Aries Moon natives will express their emotional states and needs very differently from Virgo Moon natives. It’s quite important to observe what does the Moon’s dispositor do in our chart.

Dispositor will add an additional layer of emotional expression and a better understanding of how we actually feel when our mind is clouded with powerful emotions and we’re unable to think objectively.

If your Moon is in Aries, your Moon’s dispositor is Mars, so check where Mars is and what is he doing in your chart in order to understand the “color” of your emotional states, and how to calm yourself when you go into an emotional rage.

By examining our Moon closer, we can get a better understanding of why we act the way we act under emotional distress and why we’re perhaps unable to act the way we know that is okay and right for us to act when we feel hurt. Delving into our Moon placement can even lead us to some healthy patterns and set us on a long-term betterment; like therapy, meditation, or yoga.

2. Love Language 

Moon placement helps us understand our own and our partner’s love language better. All of us have different emotional needs, thus different acts that relay affection, love, and devotion. But, by examining our Moon sign better, we can get a hang of what we need compared to what our partner needs.

This closer look at our Moon can help us communicate better how we want to be loved and how we want to give love. It can deepen the love language of any relationship, and it can reduce bickering and disagreements that are prone to happen in every relationship.

By paying extra attention to the Moon aspects and correlations in a synastry, we can get insight about who we are as loving beings, and what are we doing or not doing that we feel we need on an emotional level.

By understanding our Moon sign better, we can learn how to communicate clearly and responsibly about topics that are often neglected in “regular” communication between people. And we can even get insight on how to work on fixing and bettering the relationship with our mothers.

3. Emotional Needs 

It’s a given that we all have different emotional needs on different levels. Most often we are unaware of our own emotional needs, and we tend to communicate through jealousy, anger, dissatisfaction, resentment, and detachment (most often).

By taking a closer look at our Moon, we can work out what we actually need versus what we think we need. We can also learn why we act the way we do when we feel off, and when we’re deeply unsatisfied with certain things that are bound to arise in any relationship.

The Moon teaches us how to be better humans towards ourselves, and he teaches us how to love ourselves with all the quirks and weaknesses. By learning to accept ourselves and who we are on an emotional level, we are able to show the same kindness and empathy towards other, especially the ones we love.

This is why it’s so very important to learn about our Moon placement and what lies ‘beneath’ it. Someone with Moon in Capricorn has emotional needs that are focused on stability, safety, and bonds that last through time, whereas someone with Moon in Sagittarius has evolving, expanding, and learning emotional needs.

4. The Archetype Of The Mother 

Our mother is represented by the Moon in the natal chart. By examining our Moon placement, we can discern the underlying nature of our mother, the kind of love she gave us, what did we lack in a relationship with her and what did we get.

We can also see “in the future,” we can see what kind of a wife we will become, or what kind of a wife we will look for. Once we get married, we stop exhibiting our Venus personality as women, and we take on the role of our Moon, aka, the role of our mother.

This is, of course, not the same for male horoscopes, as they do not overtake the role of the mother nor the role of the wife, but they do express their nurturing and deeply emotional nature through their Moon sign, and they will marry a woman represented by their Moon sign which also represents their mother.

This is why the Moon is so crucial in a natal chart – it carries the entire love phenomena contained in every native on its shoulders. Through it we can see our past – the relationship with our matriarch, our present – how we are in a close relationship, and the future – the woman, wife, and mother we will become.

5. Nurturing Nature 

The focus on premarital relationships rests on Venus and Mars placements, but the marital focus shifts to the Sun and Moon placements. Sun represents the husband in women’s natal charts, and Moon represents the wife in male’s natal charts. But the Moon represents natives’ nurturing nature in every chart.

By examining our Moon in a natal chart we can discover how we nurture and how we take care of others. A father who has a Scorpio Moon can be harsh at direct at times, but he will always be able to feel what his loved ones are feeling and to give them the support they didn’t even know they needed.

A mother who has Leo Moon will always be able to put a smile on her children’s faces and to turn even the harshest situations into something that can be just some challenge children ought to overcome. Each Moon sign has its weaknesses and strengths but it always shows our way of caring and nurturing.

This is yet another reason why researching your own Moon placement can be very important. Getting to know how your loved ones’ nurture and express care can bring you closer and help you fight less and appreciate each other more.

Read next: How To Communicate Better With Your Partner, Based On Your Mercury Sign

Final Word 

Many Astrologers first look at Ascendant and Moon signs before checking anything else because just these two points can paint a pretty colorful picture about a native.

So do yourself a favor and be thorough with your Moon placement, get to know your soul and heart better! This will help you express your love in the best possible way, and it will also open your to receiving love in the best possible way for you.

And if you are still searching for answers and guidance in love and life, then why not try something different?

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Wishing you love and light on your journey.

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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