Weekly Tarot Readings for October 21st – 27th

Hello sweethearts, and welcome to the weekly tarot readings for October 21st – 27th, inspired by the intense and transformative energy of Scorpio.

Scorpio, ruled by both Mars and Pluto, embodies depth, mystery, and regeneration. Its influence encourages us to dive into the hidden layers of our psyche, bringing awareness to the things we often keep buried. This is a time to confront our shadows, explore emotional depths, and embrace change as a powerful force for personal evolution.

In these readings, we’ll tap into Scorpio’s magnetic energy, exploring themes like transformation, passion, intuition, and the cycles of life, death, and rebirth.

Whether you’re seeking clarity in relationships, career, or your own spiritual path, this Scorpio-themed session invites you to trust your intuition, face the unknown, and step into your personal power. Expect the cards to illuminate hidden truths, unravel mysteries, and reveal the deeper emotional currents guiding your life.

As we journey through the tarot under Scorpio’s influence, prepare for deep revelations, emotional healing, and a renewed sense of empowerment. Let this transformative sign guide you to greater self-awareness and emotional breakthroughs as you uncover what truly lies beneath the surface.

Here’s Your Weekly Tarot Readings for October 21st – 27th:

Aries: 10 of Wands

The 10 of Wands in a relationship context highlights feelings of overwhelm, burden, or exhaustion. In terms dating, you or your partner may be taking on too much emotionally or even practically. There could be external pressures — work, family, or other responsibilities — that are negatively affecting the connection.

The initial excitement may have given way to feelings of obligation. It’s important to recognize that love should not feel like a burden, and if either of you feels weighed down by the relationship, it’s time for a reassessment. 

If you’re in a committed relationship, this card suggests that one or both of you may be shouldering an unfair portion of the responsibilities, leading to frustration or emotional fatigue. You may feel like you’re carrying the weight of the relationship without receiving equal support.

This could be a critical time to communicate openly about expectations and share the load more equally. The 10 of Wands calls for a release — whether it’s emotional baggage or practical burdens, the message is clear: the relationship can’t flourish under such strain. Reconnect with what initially brought you together by redistributing responsibilities and focusing on each other’s needs.

Taurus: The Moon

The Moon in relationships and romance signifies uncertainty, confusion, and the presence of hidden emotions. If you’re recently dating, you may feel like you’re walking through a fog, unsure of where you stand with your partner.

This card suggests that there could be illusions, misunderstandings, or unspoken concerns between you and your partner. Perhaps you or they are not being entirely honest, whether it’s about feelings, intentions, or fears. The Moon encourages you to listen to your intuition because all may not be as it seems. 

In long term relationships, the Moon tarot card can indicate that something is being hidden, whether intentionally or due to subconscious fears or insecurities. This could lead to trust issues, misunderstandings, or even jealousy. Emotional honesty is key during this period.

Be open about your vulnerabilities, and encourage your partner to do the same. Miscommunications could lead to significant misunderstandings if not addressed. This card invites you to explore the deeper, hidden aspects of your relationship, whether it’s unspoken fears, past emotional baggage, or unmet needs.

Seek clarity through communication, and don’t be afraid to confront the shadows in your relationship. The truth will guide you toward healing and understanding.

Gemini: 5 of Cups

The 5 of Cups often points to feelings of loss, regret, or disappointment in relationships. If you’re looking for love, you may be focusing too much on past relationships or on what hasn’t worked out, rather than embracing new possibilities.

This card warns against dwelling on what’s gone wrong, as it can prevent you from fully engaging in the present. If a recent romantic prospect hasn’t turned out as you hoped, it’s important to process the disappointment but also to recognize that there is still potential for happiness — there are two cups still standing. 

In long term love, the 5 of Cups suggests that one or both partners may be holding onto past hurts, resentments, or regrets. This could create emotional distance or prevent the relationship from moving forward.

There may have been a recent argument, misunderstanding, or disappointment that is causing grief. The key here is not to focus on what has been lost, but rather to acknowledge the pain and work together to heal and rebuild.

If both partners are willing to shift their perspective and focus on the strengths of the relationship, there is a chance for reconciliation and renewed emotional connection.

Cancer: Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles represents new beginnings, practicality, and a willingness to invest in the future. For those of you in the dating game, this card suggests that you or your partner are approaching the relationship with a practical mindset, looking for stability and growth.

The Page of Pentacles often signifies someone who is serious about building a lasting connection, and there may be discussions about long-term goals, commitment, or future plans. This is a good time for learning more about each other and investing in the relationship’s future potential. 

For those in committed relationships, the Page of Pentacles indicates a period of growth and planning. You and your partner may be focused on practical matters, such as finances, career goals, or building a home together.

There is a sense of groundedness and stability in this card, suggesting that the relationship is moving in a positive, secure direction. It also encourages patience and attention to detail — small, thoughtful gestures and consistent effort will go a long way in strengthening the relationship.

Whether you’re working on a shared project or simply building a life together, the Page of Pentacles promises that the seeds you plant now will lead to lasting success and fulfillment.

Leo: Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups is a beautiful card that symbolizes new beginnings in love, emotional fulfillment, and deepening connections.

In new relationships, the Ace of Cups suggests the potential for a new, emotionally fulfilling relationship or the deepening of an existing one. It represents the start of a romantic journey filled with genuine feelings, affection, and compassion.

If you’ve recently met someone, this card indicates that they could be a significant emotional connection. It’s a time to open your heart, embrace vulnerability, and allow love to flow freely. 

In marriage and stable relationships , the Ace of Cups tarot card signals a renewal of emotional intimacy and affection. This card suggests that you and your partner are entering a phase of emotional growth, where love is expressed openly, and the bond between you strengthens.

It’s a time for nurturing your connection, expressing your feelings, and fostering a deeper emotional understanding. Whether through kind gestures, loving words, or simply spending quality time together, the Ace of Cups encourages you to focus on emotional expression and creating a harmonious, loving environment. It’s a card of pure, unconditional love, and it invites you to embrace this energy fully.

Virgo: Hanged Man Reversed

When the Hanged Man appears reversed in a relationship reading, it indicates a feeling of stagnation or the unwillingness to make necessary sacrifices.

In romance and dating, you or your partner may be avoiding making a decision, leaving the relationship in limbo. This card suggests that one of you might be unwilling to see the relationship from a new perspective or make the changes needed to move forward. There may be a sense of frustration as things feel stuck or unresolved.

In a relationship, the Hanged Man reversed signals that one or both partners may be resistant to change or compromise. There could be a need to reevaluate your approach to the relationship, but there’s an unwillingness to do so. This could lead to feelings of frustration or stagnation.

The relationship may be at a crossroads, and it’s essential to break free from old patterns or expectations. This card encourages both partners to let go of control, open their minds, and allow the relationship to evolve naturally.

Without this release, the relationship may continue to feel stuck. Take a step back, reassess your priorities, and be willing to embrace change to move forward.

Libra: Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords represents clarity, intellect, and communication in relationships. If you’re dating, this card suggests that either you or your partner approaches love with a strong sense of logic and honesty.

The Queen of Swords values truth above all else, so there may be some tough conversations ahead. However, this is not a bad thing — she encourages direct communication, clear boundaries, and intellectual connection. 

For you guys in a long term relationship, the Queen of Swords indicates that clear, honest communication is crucial at this time. You may need to address unresolved issues or set firm boundaries. While this card can sometimes come across as emotionally distant, its purpose is to cut through confusion and get to the heart of the matter.

This is a time to focus on fairness, equality, and understanding each other’s perspectives. The Queen of Swords reminds you that love is not just about passion but also about mutual respect, honesty, and clear communication. By addressing issues head-on, you can strengthen the relationship and build a more solid foundation based on trust and transparency.

Scorpio: Judgment

Judgment in a relationship reading speaks to transformation, reflection, and important decisions. In romance and dating, this card suggests that you are at a turning point where you must decide whether to continue investing in the relationship or move on.

It may be a time of self-reflection, where you examine your own patterns and behaviors in relationships, as well as they potential of this current connection. If you’ve been holding onto past relationship baggage, Judgment encourages you to release it and move forward with a clear heart.

In terms of a committed relationship, Judgment indicates a period of renewal or a wake-up call. You and your partner may need to evaluate the relationship’s direction and make significant decisions about its future.

This card calls for honesty, self-awareness, and the ability to see things from a higher perspective. It’s a time to let go of old grievances, forgive past mistakes, and embrace a new chapter in your relationship.

Judgment also suggests that a relationship may go through a rebirth or transformation, where both partners emerge stronger and more connected after addressing underlying issues. This is a card of second chances and spiritual growth, urging you to rise above past challenges and embrace a higher purpose in your love life.

Sagittarius: The Magician

The Magician is a powerful card that represents manifestation, creativity, and control in relationships. If you’re in the dating game, this card suggests that you have all the tools you need to create the kind of relationship you desire. You may be in a position of power, able to attract the right partner or steer the relationship in the direction you want.

The Magician tarot card encourages you to take control of your love life, use your charm and skills, and actively pursue what you want. In a committed relationship, the Magician indicates that you and your partner have the potential to manifest your shared goals and dreams.

Communication is key, as the Magician reminds you of the power of words and intention. Be clear about your desires and work together to create the life you both envision. 

Capricorn: The Empress 

The Empress represents fertility, nurturing, and abundance in romance. In relationships, she symbolizes the deep love and care that creates a solid emotional foundation.

If you’re in a partnership, this card indicates a period of growth and connection, where mutual affection and understanding deepen. The Empress encourages you to embrace vulnerability, as it leads to a richer, more fulfilling bond. Now is a time to nurture your relationship, paying attention to each other’s emotional needs and desires. 

It’s also a card of creativity, suggesting that couples may experience renewed passion or find new ways to connect. For singles, the Empress suggests that you are in a place where you can attract love naturally by being your authentic, nurturing self. You may soon meet someone with whom you share a strong emotional bond.

Overall, this card encourages open-hearted communication, tenderness, and the creation of a nurturing romantic environment.

Aquarius: Seven of Wands 

The Seven of Wands in romance represents challenges, but it also highlights the determination to fight for what matters. In long term relationships, this card suggests you or your partner might feel the need to stand your ground or defend your relationship against external pressures.

There may be misunderstandings or conflicts with others, such as family or friends, who have differing opinions about your partnership. However, the Seven of Wands is a card of perseverance.

If both of you are committed to the relationship, you can overcome these obstacles. It’s important to remain confident and not let outside influences dictate the course of your love life.

For you guys looking for love, the Seven of Wands suggests that you may need to assert your boundaries in dating situations. While competition or conflicting interests may arise, maintaining a strong sense of self will lead you to a more fulfilling romantic connection. Ultimately, this card speaks of love’s ability to thrive in the face of adversity.

Pisces: Ten of Pentacles 

The Ten of Pentacles is a card of long-term commitment, stability, and legacy in relationships. In romance, it indicates that you and your partner are building something lasting and substantial, possibly a life together that encompasses shared goals, family, and security.

This card suggests harmony in your relationship, with a focus on future planning and establishing a strong foundation for the years ahead. If you’re in a committed relationship, the Ten of Pentacles points to a time when you may be discussing important topics like finances, marriage, or family. There’s a deep sense of comfort and trust between you, symbolizing a partnership that is not only emotionally rich but also materially stable. 

If you’re looking for love, this card encourages you to look for someone who shares your long-term values and aspirations. It’s a reminder that lasting love is about building a future together, creating a relationship that provides both emotional and material support. The Ten of Pentacles speaks to a love that grows over time, encompassing the joy of shared experiences and mutual prosperity.

Wrapping Up…

Thank you, my dears; I wish you all a wonderful week ahead.

Remember to consult my friend, who is an excellent love and relationship tarot reader, to gain clarity and insights into your partner’s emotions.

Click here to claim your complimentary Tarot reading.

May the Tarot cards continue to spark your imagination, offering unwavering guidance and empowerment as you navigate your unique passage through the ever-shifting energies of life.

Until our paths intertwine once more, may your journey be illuminated by the radiance of wisdom and the warmth of love.

In the spirit of the season,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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