Weekly Tarot Reading for July 15th – 21st, 2024

Welcome to the Tarot reading for the week of July 15th – 21st, this week’s tour de force of insight and revelation, where the esoteric energies of the universe weave their creativity to illuminate the path before you.

As you ponder what’s revealed in the Tarot, prepare to contemplate the mysteries that lie hidden within your soul and the world around you…

The ancient wisdom of the Tarot cards can offer you a profound opportunity to gain clarity, guidance, and a deeper understanding of the intricate kaleidoscope of your life’s destiny.

Just as the stars above have helped navigate sailors through centuries, Tarot cards, each adorned with their unique symbols and archetypal stories, hold the power to charter the vast seas of your existence.

I use cards from the major and minor arcana to explore your relationship and love potential each week.

Receive clarity on your destiny, revealing insights, and possibilities, and get closer to the untapped potential that resides within you via my readings. The Tarot is a mirror reflecting not only your past and present but also the potential future opportunities that await.

As we embark on this week’s journey together, let your heart and intuition be your compass. Open your mind to the wisdom of the cards, for they are here to share their timeless insights, offer solace in times of doubt, and ignite the flames of hope in the darkest of moments.

So, as I begin to shuffle the deck, let’s herald the unveiling of the hidden layers of your existence and guide you through love and life’s mysteries, to unveil the profound beauty of your own story through the week of July 15th…

Here’s Your Weekly Tarot Reading for July 15th – 21st:

Aries: The Lovers

The Lovers tarot card signifies a rebirth of two-way communication and raw honesty.

The nakedness of the man and woman on the face of this card represents a willingness to be vulnerable, opening your hearts to one another and sharing your authentic feelings. This communication openness is part and parcel of the foundational trust and confidence, creating a powerful bond in your relationship.

Now seeing this card advises you that through communicating honestly with the man you care about, you will bring about a harmonious and fulfilling relationship based on trust and respect.

On a more personal level, The Lovers card signifies clarity about your values and beliefs, you should be defining your philosophy and figuring out what you stand for. In relationships, you are ready to establish your unique belief system, deciding what is essential to you.

It’s time to communicate your boundaries in your relationship, make your own choices, and stay true to who you are, being authentic and genuine in all your endeavors.

Taurus: Two of Cups

This is a positive card for those on the dating circuit or if you have just met someone. The Two of Cups depicts a blossoming romance based on mutual attraction and a romantic and soulful connection. There is a strong basis of emotional understanding, and both of you are willing to support each other wholeheartedly. 

Now great news if you are in an established relationship as this card often indicates a marriage, marriage proposal, or engagement. In your marriage or long-term relationship, the Two of Cups portends harmonious collaboration where both you and your partner share a similar vision, and despite having different strengths or ideas about the details come together as a team to achieve success. 

Now in all relationships, understanding details, cooperation or organizing is important as it builds trust, one may generate ideas and the other may be more combative or assertive creating a synergy that is likely to succeed with continued communication and mutual respect. It’s wise to discuss financial priorities in new relationships to prevent later problems around bill paying and any dating expenses.

Gemini: The Chariot

Now the Chariot tarot card is a suggestion that you stay focused on action and stay the course, regardless of the challenges that may arise. Now you might face opposition or criticism and it’s likely your strength and conviction are tested. Sometimes friends and parents are not onboard with your new romance.

In repairing relationships, others may try to block you, distract you, or impede your progress. However, The Chariot encourages you to draw on your willpower and focus on what is essential to your future relationship success.

The key in all relationships is understanding your needs and then asserting yourself authentically. Be courageous, and boldly express your desires and boundaries. Have faith in yourself and know who you are and what you stand for, building on the personal values that truly match your deepest needs.

Learn to identify good advice from distractions.

Cancer: Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles suggests a dedication to problem solving and oiling the cogs and wheels of your life. If you are unhappy with your current relationship situation, this card is a positive sign that you are committed to making necessary adjustments or even significant changes.

It embodies a hard-working and conscientious energy, along with clear and rational thinking. Continue your efforts keep faith in yourself, as this will lead to success. This card encourages you to keep working on your goals, even if progress isn’t immediately visible. 

If you are not really pushing for progress or have stopped believing your relationship can be better or more passionate, consider what you could learn or create to improve your relationship trajectory. If you are already engaged in self-improvement, this card reassures you that your efforts will be worthwhile.

Be proud of what you have accomplished as a couple, the difficulties you have overcome and the lessons that you have learned. If you’re in a relationship, you may revel in the fact that your lover is still able to surprise you, and you him, after all the time you have spent together.

It’s great to show your partner new facets of yourself that you may want to express. It’s also important to embrace new situations that give you both a chance to uncover new talents or passions. Self-discovery is about always looking for challenges and this helps relationships thrive.

Leo: The Hermit

The Hermit tarot card invites you to retreat into a private space for introspection, something that’s possibly not attractive but is occasionally necessary for Leo. Your journey this week is often solitary or only shared with a small group of like-minded individuals.

What this card reminds you to do is tune into your inner light and listen to the inner voice as you will find the answers you seek and gain profound wisdom. Now Hermit appears when you are at a pivotal point, contemplating a new direction in career or in terms of a promising new relationship or major relationship crossroads.

Through meditation, contemplation, and self-examination, you may re-evaluate your options and change your course or make an important decision. This card also represents a desire to turn away from materialism and focus on your inner world, your intuition, your innate wisdom.

If you have been wanting to have a relationship pause or pressure break just so you can gather your thoughts and inner strength, that’s a good thing.

Prioritize understanding yourself on a profound level, fostering a deeper connection with your soul. Taking time for introspection enhances the chances of finding love when the timing aligns. Alternatively, romantic pursuits may not be a current priority, and a period of self-focus is encouraged.

Virgo: Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords is a cue for you to seek truth and justice. You may feel inspired to champion a cause, stand up for your rights, or fight for an issue you are passionate about. It’s also important to set your stall out in relationships, know your boundaries and be bold about protecting your interests and maintaining your friendships.

Now this card signifies clarity of thought and the ability to argue your point of view with conviction, so it’s a good time to have relationship discussions and gets your cards on the table with the purpose of moving the dial.

When this card is drawn, it is an excellent time to set about a new project that requires intellect and communication skills. You might feel motivated to take a writing class, improve your public speaking, or engage in activities that challenge you socially. It’s also an awesome time to meet a new person who has similar interests and shares your ideas and passion for helping others.

Overall, the Ace of Swords tarot card represents a love that is intellectually invigorating, honest, and transformative. It encourages you to engage in open and truthful communication, cutting away the barriers that hinder connection.

This card serves as a reminder that love, when approached with mental clarity and authenticity, has the power to bring about profound and positive changes in the dynamics of relationships.

Libra: The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune serves to remind you of the cyclical nature of karma – what you put out into the universe will come back to you, like a boomerang. Be kind, compassionate and loving to your partner to receive the same in return.

This can be empowering as the cycle begins with you, it’s not about people pleasing but it’s about putting out a positive vibe through kind and sympathetic actions.

The great thing about luck is it’s always changing, and you never know when a bad situation could suddenly turn into a blessing in disguise, and that is the attitude with which you should approach love and life this week.

This card encourages optimism and faith that the universe will intervene in your situation for best outcome possible. 

Meditation and visualization are important in attracting love and can also help attract abundance, good fortune, and prosperity. Your life is about to take a positive turn if you remain open to growth, so pay attention to synchronicities and signs from the universe, and be open to guidance from both physical and spiritual realms. 

Seek support through prayer or from your angels and act with nobility in love to inspire the best outcome.

Scorpio: Four of Wands

This is an excellent card for a boost of energy, as Four of Wands signifies joyful celebration and appreciation for life’s blessings. This card suggests it is a perfect week to celebrate with loved ones, whether it’s a significant event or simply enjoying each other’s company. You may meet a new partner at a party or seasonal event, so stay alert to Cupid striking.

Key to romance is to relax and enjoy this special time together, make time to appreciate and celebrate your relationship. Remember that appreciation of each other and reflection on the positives of your relationship are intrinsic to relationship growth and success.

The Four of Wands also indicates returning to a familiar place or people who support and love you. After a period of self-questioning or challenge, it’s now time to pause and celebrate your achievements and strength in overcoming. Acknowledge your hard work and take a moment to appreciate your progress before moving on to the next phase.

Sagittarius: Temperance

The Temperance tarot card is a call for balance, patience, and moderation, not always easy for Sagittarius, I know. Stabilize your energy and let life flow naturally, it’s all about understanding the natural rhythm of love and trusting the process without rushing.

This card suggests that you remain calm and composed, even in stressful situations. Your ability to maintain an even temperament will lead to success in love and relationships. It’s very important to always pursue justice, there’s no need to always be right or have the last word, be humble in love and suddenly the pieces fall into place.

Take a balanced approach, avoid extremes, and work towards harmony and cooperation, always acknowledge your partner’s strengths and see your relationship as a divine mix of talents, only then can you achieve success as a team. Be the peacekeeper and create an environment of tranquility and balance in your social groups and you will stand out and draw romantic opportunities towards you.

Capricorn: Nine of Cups

This card encourages seeking pleasure, momentarily releasing pressure and forgetting your problems. It’s like creating calm within any storm. You should indulge in life’s pleasures without guilt. Enjoy good food, art, love, and luxury.

Live in the moment and appreciate what you have. It’s important in marriage not to be slaves to routine and if single, it’s vital to enjoy yourself as a way to invite love in. So think about what makes you happy and do a lot more of it this week, putting care aside.

This tarot card also reminds you to express gratitude for your blessings, enhancing your sense of contentment and ability to attract more positivity. Recognize that contentment is temporary, and everything is always changing. Appreciate what you have now and cherish it because it may change later.

So invite happiness into your life, don’t wait for luck or for your opportunity in the sun, go grab it. Always be grateful for the small but beautiful things in your life and your relationship that you enjoy or that enrich you every day.

Aquarius: Death

The Death tarot card does not mean disaster and unhappiness are on the cards, rather, it signifies transformation and new beginnings, not literal death. This change, however, may be difficult or unexpected, but it brings a fresh start.

The key is letting go of old attachments and welcoming a personal metamorphosis. Embrace the transformation rather than resisting it, as resistance will only make the process harder. 

Now this card suggests letting go of old issues or beliefs to move forward positively in your relationship. Now sometimes, you may be ready for more growth than your partner which can cause problems, but the key is not letting him hold you back, your change can still inspire him.

In seeking a relationship, the death card indicates that old patterns or issues need to be addressed for a new relationship to materialize, so perhaps the shadow your old relationship casts needs to be eradicated mentally. If any relationship is truly not working, it may be time to walk away. The outcome depends on both of your willingness to embrace change and work through deep-seated issues, potentially with the help of relationship counseling.

Pisces: Seven of Swords

Now the Seven of Swords highlights deception and dishonesty. Whether it’s self-deception or misleading others, this card urges you to recognize and correct a tendency to avoid, obfuscate, deceive, or deny the truth.

Remember, everything all comes out in the wash, as they say, so seek the truth now to avoid the pitfalls later. It’s important for you to understand the full facts of any situation and seek deeper understanding, even if it’s painful or sensitive.

Everyone can fall prey to poor judgment or temptation, but this card is a reminder to examine your actions and intentions and those of your partner or potential parents. If you have been allowing white lies to sabotage your relationship, reflect on your motivations. Are you allowing your insecurities to lead you to living an inauthentic life with your partner?

This card demands introspection and honesty about your actions and their impact on your relationship and on the future of your relationship.

In business, be very careful of signing contracts as you could be misled.

Wrapping Up…

Thank you, my dears; I wish you all a wonderful week ahead.

Remember to consult my friend, who is an excellent love and relationship tarot reader, to gain clarity and insights into your partner’s emotions.

Click here to claim your complimentary Tarot reading.

May the Tarot cards continue to spark your imagination, offering unwavering guidance and empowerment as you navigate your unique passage through the ever-shifting energies of life.

Until our paths intertwine once more, may your journey be illuminated by the radiance of wisdom and the warmth of love.

In the spirit of the season,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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