Weekly Love Horoscope for May 6th – 12th

Hello Sweethearts, and welcome to another reading.

This is the first reading for a full week of May, and it’s a really constructive, grounding, productive week that is ripe for affection, action, and success. Now, because we have the Sun in Taurus Sextile Saturn in Pisces, the energies are extremely consistent, and there is a really earthy feel to the week, which can help to reassure and relax. 

What’s also important right now is Venus is in its home sign of Taurus, and Mars is, of course, in its home sign of Aries, which means that Mars is acting powerfully to help bring imagination, inspiration, and energy to all our projects and a high dose of authenticity to love.

Venus in Taurus is so conducive for harmony and affection, and it can help smooth over difficulties in even rocky relationships. So there’s a lot to feel pleased about, and the planets are pretty much in their element.

We also have a new moon in Taurus, which represents an excellent time for money decisions, for making commitments to our loved ones, for doing practical and creative things to improve intimacy, and it’s also a good time for treating ourselves, indulging, and purchasing luxury foods.

Check your Sun, Rising, and Moon signs for more accuracy.

Aries – Make Waves

Now, with the New Moon in Taurus and with the Sun sextile Saturn in Pisces, this is certainly a time to trust your instincts and intuition. Now, Aries tend to have a good gut feel, and this week it won’t let you down. Your gut feel is particularly useful in matters to do with money, and this is a good time to make a major purchase or investment. 

This is also an opportune week to discuss boundaries with your partner. With Mars in Aries, you feel rather assertive and driven. It’s a time of the year when you want to crack on with things, make a difference in your life, and make things happen.

Therefore, it’s very important for your partner to understand the restless and assertive side of your Aries personality, so you don’t want to be over-compromising.

Your partner should be independent, and you should encourage their independence, but you should not allow too much negotiation or debating to hold you back because right now, you need to do something and make a difference in your own right.

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Taurus – Grand Designs 

The New Moon in Taurus is a wonderful time for rejuvenation and a mini-reboot to your life. This is an awesome period for making changes, but you should remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. So even if you envisage a grand new project or adventure, remember it’s not essential to make a giant step because that might create a little bit of anxiety, but a small step and a consistent approach should mean that any new projects you embark on now have a lasting effect at improving your life. 

This is a good time for emotional matters in relationships, so you shouldn’t be afraid to get things off your chest and have a good heart-to-heart with your partner. With Mars in Aries, it is sometimes a phase where you are more troubled by dreams, and you may even have precognitive dreams. So it’s very important to keep a dream journal and not dismiss any time when the hairs on the back of your neck are standing up.

In love, it’s important to express how you really feel, and if you can’t you should analyze why the relationship is causing you to self-censor.

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Gemini – Affirm love Success 

The Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces is a really fortunate time for those of you who work in large organizations in terms of being recognized, noticed, and climbing up the ladder, so every reason to be confident of your career progression. 

This is a wonderful time for Gemini to use meditation and mindfulness. It’s important to be aware of the power of your thoughts, so address any negative self-talk or pessimism that you have allowed to keep you tied into a stale and unproductive routine and make sure that you program your mind for better.

You want to be having the most positive outlook in terms of love, relationships, and career right now, and if you do, it’s amazing the subliminal effect you can have on your life. So whether you are married or looking for love, affirmations and envisaging the most positive outcome that you desire in your love life is a powerful way to manifest.

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Cancer – Leading light in love 

With the New Moon in Taurus and the Sun sextile Saturn in Pisces, this particular week is also about social goals and meeting new people. So what’s on the cards? It’s a great time to expand your friendship circles, go to festivals, concerts, or even travel in a group, particularly as a way of meeting a new partner or even getting involved in a totally new clique that can help expand your romantic life. 

With Mars in Aries, it’s also a very important time to take control, be assertive, and open up the opportunities in your career. This is an excellent time for job interviews and particularly leadership roles. In terms of married life, it’s you who are making the decisions and determining the directions.

Don’t be afraid to be decisive. Your partner is probably eager for you to make the move. So whether you’re in a dating situation or married, don’t be afraid to set the tone and create the impetus for change in a relationship.

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Leo – Trigger Point 

Mars in Aries continues to represent a time where you are excitable and enthusiastic, and so any relationship should accommodate your need to be competitive, to shine, and to have a little bit of adventure in your life. The New Moon in Taurus also makes you very ambitious, so if you are in a relationship which holds you back, there could be some ground to be made up. 

You are also persuasive right now, so it’s important for you to sell yourself. Don’t only sell yourself in your career, which is obviously important, but sell your dreams and plans to your partner. If you can get them inspired and motivated, it’s more likely they’ll support you or come along with you. So key to all relationships right now is using your powers of persuasion. 

With Saturn activated in your eighth house of Pisces, this is a good time to work harder at the intimacy and understanding in your relationship. So in long-term relationships, it’s all about being deeper, being wiser, and understanding the psychological triggers that drive you and your partner together or apart and pressing the right buttons.

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Virgo – Keeping it Real

The New Moon in Taurus and Sun Sextile Saturn in Pisces represents a great time for commitment and ceremonies, particularly wedding ceremonies. So congratulations to all of you who are either getting married, renewing your vows, or possibly organizing an event like a Christening. 

This is a great time for new ideas to permeate your relationship. So wherever you have felt misunderstood or that the relationship perhaps wasn’t flowing as well as it could, this is a time for constructive debate and honest communication. Calm heads, however, should prevail. The key right now in relationships is aiming for what is most realistic and pragmatic but in maintaining a really positive and uplifting attitude. A big mistake you can make right now is unrealistic expectations.

In new relationships, the only danger is going too fast too soon. So now, learn how to pace yourself and be understanding in love of where you are both at and make allowances for each other’s developing emotions.

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Libra – True and Deep 

With Sun sextile Saturn you link up well with others where interesting and helpful activities are the focus and these activities can lead to a successful new sexual relationship. While you are more likely to be on the move, going places is often enlightening and educational. You can quickly solve problems in love but you have to retain perspective and not lose sight of the facts that are probable and obvious.

The New Moon in Taurus can be cathartic as any actions that you take now to ensure your relationship well-being can have long-term and positive benefits. It’s important to eliminate toxic behaviors during this week, new habits that begin now, can take hold easily and may prove transforming.

Control issues can emerge when unresolved issues regarding trust flare up and demand your consideration. If your relationships are solid, this passion can strengthen the bonds, but if not, you may have to face needs you have neglected over the years. This can serve to bring you closer together with a better understanding of the hidden forces that drive you and those closest to you.

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Scorpio – Solid, that’s what your love is

Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces means experiencing real pleasure in love and romance is possible now, but the source will unlikely be anything superficial or clichéd or from a chance encounter. You tend to thrive on meaningful connections that have substance and are emotionally sustainable.

With Venus in Taurus and Mars in Aries it’s a great time for teamwork and resolving any relationship issues and making strides in terms of your joint goals as a way to reinforce trust.

This is an excellent week to be realistic about any unhappiness or challenges in particular areas of your love life since you have a greater willingness to accept deficiencies, but the same time you have the potential to seed lasting happiness not only through tolerance but also through recognition of what really matters.

You will tend to be cooperative, however don’t be so intent on being fair that you neglect fulfilling your own needs.

Get good advice, it’s gold.

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Sagittarius – Rooted but Feisty 

Mars is making you more assertive and uncompromising than usual, you are not afraid to put yourself on the line and you are taking a few risks especially when dating and so great for adventure dates or spontaneous meetups. While you sometimes come on too strong, this is a time to show potential partners who you are.

You have increased energy, you can get things done, although in typical Sagittarius style you are better at starting than finishing, but you rise to the occasion if pushed. Your strength of character shines through helping you make a great impression and succeed.

With Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn this an excellent time to secure your life, not only in making your home or living situation more stable but also to make you personally feel more rooted.

You tend to see your long term relationship more realistically, and you are thus more willing to accept responsibility for any challenges that exist within your personal life and with yourself and take action to remedy.

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Capricorn – Love me tender 

New Moon in Taurus is excellent for dating and new relationships. This is a week for a rethink about how you date, what you are looking for and why you are looking where you are looking? An ideal time for a whole new way of meeting potential partners.

With Sun in your solar 5th sextile Saturn your personal interactions will give you a lot of satisfaction, as other people are more sensitive to your abilities and can give you positive reinforcement, it’s a good time for getting feedback and entering arenas where you can prove yourself.

There’s more stability in existing relationships and you can use this time to relax, have date nights and quality time together.

While it’s a great time for romance and tenderness in love, you tend to have strong likes and dislikes, which can help you sort the wheat from the chaff in terms of dating, but it can also limit your possibilities. Existing partnerships can strengthen if you work on the weak points in a very constructive and systematic way.

You will benefit from seeking greater security via addressing repressed anger, which means it is advisable to resolve certain fears that interfere with harmony involving others in your family. 

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Aquarius – Emotional Priorities 

Now with the New Moon in Taurus and Sun sextile Saturn in Pisces, this is an excellent time for making long term investments and thinking about your long-term family future.

So a good week for discussions around the table, thinking about everyone’s needs and priorities and what are the most important challenges, but also aspirations you have as a family unit. It’s also a good time for events around the home celebrating family birthdays and perhaps even making purchases for your home that are life enhancing.

This is a good time of year to take stock, in fact for Aquarius it’s great to sit back, relax and understand what is most important in your life. In order for relationships to become more secure and rewarding you really have to know what you’re looking for, because otherwise we’re all just stumbling around in the dark.

So a great time to clarify your emotions, have important discussions on emotional matters and deal with the most sensitive areas of your life and your partner’s. It’s not necessarily the best time for brand new relationships simply because you thrive in a secure environment and don’t feel particularly outgoing in new love.

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Pisces – Chemistry and Affection 

New Moon in Taurus represents an excellent time for socializing, making new friends and perhaps even traveling with colleagues to work events. This is an exciting time, there’s lots of new information and an opportunity to really take your life forward in ways that could make a real difference for your future, so there’s every reason to be confident. A good time for any tests, exams or job interviews.

In terms of your love life, it’s all about passion and chemistry, new relationships need to have that special je ne sais quoi otherwise if you aren’t feeling it, don’t proceed, you might be wasting your time. In existing relationships it’s all about massages, getting close on a physical level and rebooting intimacy. Understand what your partner really needs and make sure that you give it to him.

This is also a time of renewed trust, and it’s very important for you and your partner to show each other respect, to give each other compliments and to be good listeners. Right now, it’s the little things that count, and no matter how much money you have, or don’t have, remember that the greatest pleasures are things money can’t buy, and that is something to meditate on this week.

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All in all a good week for passion, strength of feeling and commitment to goals in love. It’s important to show your partner love in meaningful ways, so this is all about actions not words or clichés, but it’s also about creating an environment of understanding and harmony.

This is a very productive time but remember that aims should be realistic and you should employ a practical mode of thinking.

The themes for this week are:

  • Pragmatism
  • Affection
  • Consistency
  • Physical intimacy
  • Purchasing
  • Realism
  • Body Language

See you again next week.

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I know exactly what to look for and what to advise you. I know where to go to find out if there is hope with the relationship you want guidance about.

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Don’t be blinded anymore. Find out all you can about what love has in store for you.

Figure out what you need to work on and what type of partner is best suited for you.

If you put it off or don’t ever ask for help, you’ll never know for sure if the person you’re with or want to be with is even good for you.

What if your partner is your lifetime soulmate connection and you accidentally call it off because of surface problems?

Please don’t take that gamble with your love life. I want you to be happy and have it all.

If you’d really like to have a consultation with me – act now!

>> Click here to find out how to order a consultation right this very moment!

You won’t regret it. You’ll be happy to know that you can take control of your love life in a way you never knew you could.

As always, I wish you all the very best in love and in life because you definitely deserve it!

Sending you all the blessings of the Universe!

Your sister and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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