Weekly Love Horoscope for June 10th – 16th

Hello Sweethearts, it’s week 2 of June and the energies are distinctly different from the first week.

There’s a much more subdued feeling, so you need to exercise patience. It’s a time to be calm and fairly reserved. With the Sun and Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces, it’s important to be practically aware. This is a time to gather information, be sensible, and make sure you understand the facts. In fact, the details are absolutely important, so don’t gloss over them. 

This is certainly a week where events slow down, but in a way that’s very beneficial because you have time to think, tailor your reactions, and develop a more sensible approach. It’s all about strategy right now; it’s all about understanding exactly what needs to be done and then focusing. The Sun in Gemini is all about understanding and communication, but Saturn in Pisces calls for sensitivity and getting to grips with the nuances because not all is what it seems and there could be some surprises down the line, so no leaping to conclusions.

In love it’s important to be realistic but ambitious about the relationship potential.

Check your Sun, Rising, and Moon signs for more accuracy.

Aries – All to play for

The Sun will be square Saturn, Mercury is in its home sign of Gemini, also squaring Saturn, and Mars is entering Taurus. This is a time when you need certainty, so what’s important for you in relationships is asking the right questions and working hard at communication. It is so important right now not to take anything for granted. Try to understand the situation in a holistic way, yes, but this is also a time to be fairly patient. 

There’s something about the placements in Gemini that cause a lot of nervous tension and anxiety, and this can be exacerbated by the square to Saturn, but it’s vital not to leap to any conclusions. It’s all still to play for and what’s important now in your relationship is to stay in the game and wait to see how things will unfold. Don’t preempt. It’s highly likely right now that there are a few misunderstandings and problems to be ironed out both in new and existing relationships, but you shouldn’t expect an overnight result. 

Make sure that you are pursuing a steady course of action by being consistent, patient, and reassuring to your partner, and the answers will emerge.

Mars entering Taurus ignites an excellent phase for making money, so it’s time to get motivated about your targets and work hard to improve your finances.

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Taurus – Ambitious in life, patient in love 

Mars in Taurus this week is exciting for Taureans because it helps you combat any passivity. This is a motivating and energizing time, which is ideal for your sporting and competitive goals, but on the whole, it helps improve your motivation to take leadership in your life.

So what you don’t want to be doing right now is letting opportunities pass you by or being passive when it comes to your career or indeed your relationship. Set out your stall and start as you mean to finish the rest of the year by setting an intention, understanding what you really want, and then going about making it happen.

With the Sun and Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces, this is not necessarily the best time for any friends-with-benefits relationships or starting romances with colleagues or people in your wider network.

You need to be fairly cautious about new relationships. In existing relationships, certainly work on friendship, support, and camaraderie, but in new relationships, take it really slow and make sure you know what you’re getting into.

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Gemini – Within your grasp 

The Sun and Mercury are in your sign of Gemini, and this is key for progress, self-awareness, understanding, and personal growth, but because they are square Saturn in Pisces, you may find it hard to get the encouragement you need from the important people in your life. In fact, in many ways, your progress may feel blocked.

Sometimes your relationship is actually dragging you down, or you may feel that commitments that you and your partner have limit your scope. However, it’s so key right now to work with what you have. You should focus on clearing the deck in terms of getting important things done and out of the way this week. If there’s something daunting, tackle it now and it’ll free you up for the rest of the month.

With Mars entering Taurus, this is a great time for you and your partner to explore your fantasy life and talk about the types of sexual and emotional excitement that you crave. Don’t just put up and shut up; a better sex life is within your grasp, but you have to be imaginative and quite creative about the way you engineer it.

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Cancer – Love Aspirations 

Now Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces, as well as the Sun square Saturn, represents a highly idealistic yet somewhat unrealistic time for Cancer. This is an awesome time for brainstorming, working on plans, and thinking exactly about what you want your future to look like and developing some coherent ideas about what you and your partner should be doing to keep the relationship on the right track. 

There are two aspects to this week. It can be excellent for just chilling, relaxing with your partner, and re-establishing that very subtle psychic connection simply by enjoying activities together without necessarily much talking, but it’s also a time when you shouldn’t lose sight of the overall purpose of your relationship. It’s time for you and your partner to think again about what inspired you when you first got together. What were you guys looking forward to doing?

Are you doing it, or is life just passing you by? And if it is, you need to do something about it. Likewise, new relationships should include a strong sense of aspiration and desire to achieve similar quests and missions in life. Cancer is an adventurous sign, and your relationships should allow that adventurous streak to come forward, not suppress it.

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Leo – Kaleidescope of influence 

For Leo, the square between the Gemini planets of Mercury and the Sun and Saturn in Pisces represents a conflicted and complicated time. Your emotions right now are more febrile; feelings run closer to the surface and it can be hard to contain frustration. You are more likely to be triggered by any limitation, especially by being told what to do. If there are any control issues in a relationship, they will come to the surface, drive you mad, and you will be compelled to do something about it.

It’s very important right now to be independent, and whether you are dating or in a relationship, don’t forget your friends. You need a wide variety of people in your life to give you feedback and perspective, so you don’t want to only be focusing on your love relationship. Your life should be a kaleidoscope of different and positive influences. Sometimes relationships now can feel just a little bit more toxic, or maybe the toxic elements are more prevalent, so that’s why you need a break from love.

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Virgo – Expansion 

Now, love this month needs a little bit of patience. Sometimes you really have to explain yourself better to your partner. This is a time where the Gemini planets encourage you to be action-driven, to aspire to leadership, and to be very goal-oriented, but sometimes this can take your focus away from the relationship. In ways, you might be more aware of how the relationship is possibly holding you back. 

For single Virgos, sometimes this is a time when it’s best not to date or even look to relationships. Be selfish, think about things that make you excited and happy, and rush into them headlong because this should be a time when there’s a fair degree of expansion in your life.

However, if you are in a relationship and the relationship is important to you, it’s probably wise to have conversations, sit your partner down, and let them know why this is a time when you might need to try and do things in a bit of a different way. Some of these things might be disruptive to the relationship, but they’re also very important to you.

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Libra – Don’t burn out 

Saturn being triggered in Pisces represents a time when you need to take a holistic approach to your life. This is a time when it’s important to have a sensible work-life balance. While your work ethic and progress at work are very important to you, it’s also vital to pay attention to getting enough sleep and proper nutrition. Now the Gemini planets are encouraging you to think about wellness, your personal growth, and understanding better how the various facets of your life work together.

This is a time when any kind of jarring, crunching clashes between work, relationships, and your overall plan for your life come into focus. It may be important to take a brief relationship pause or stress break, particularly if you work with your partner and are perhaps seeing too much of them to the point that it’s becoming a little bit dull.

Even if your relationship is strong, it’s still important for you to be independent and to explore ways to fulfill yourself away from the relationship so you can bring back a positive energy towards the relationship. There’s a slight danger that if you don’t, you may burn out.

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Scorpio – Devils rush in

The flavors of the transits, particularly the two planets in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces, are particularly passionate, vibrant, and creative, but at the same time, they can also bubble over and become rather angry. This is a time when you feel things very keenly. In new relationships, you want to engage, attach, and you want to get a strong sense of where the relationship is headed, but that can make you a little bit over-eager or even slightly triggered by jealousy, so you have to know how to be a little bit patient and hold yourself in check. 

Now in existing relationships and marriage, this is a very important time to discuss finances reference children, and that may mean planning for a baby, your children’s education, or just understanding what your priorities are as parents and how you’re going to financially afford them. 

This could be an excellent time for romance, date nights, and your sex life, but do take a fairly cautious approach, you don’t want to just race in there. It’s good to plan things and be fairly sensible about your expectations because then you should be delighted with the outcome.

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Sagittarius – Home front 

The two planets in Gemini squaring Saturn in Pisces represent a time of hard work, effort, but also some pleasurable times with your colleagues. So the main focus for Capricorn right now is your work, getting organized, and making progress.

If you have a lot on your to-do list, you can be incredibly productive and focused right now. In fact, in relationships, it’s almost good to tackle the hard work now, get it out of the way, so you clear the slate for romance.

In terms of love, it’s definitely a week to stay away from the online apps and any long-distance relationships because getting understanding could be incredibly hard, it can be frustrating and you may end up feeling quite demoralized, so it really isn’t good for those sorts of relationships.

Even in face-to-face relationships, it’s easy to face criticism and to feel a little bit of coolness from your partner, but you shouldn’t overreact to that. It’s just a really hectic time and you do have to do a certain amount of self-care and be emotionally independent. Stay calm and wait for this week to blow over.

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Capricorn – Seeking calm in the chaos 

The two planets in Gemini squaring Saturn in Pisces represent a time of hard work, effort, but also some pleasurable times with your colleagues. So the main focus for Capricorn right now is your work, getting organized, and making progress.

If you have a lot on your to-do list, you can be incredibly productive and focused right now. In fact, in relationships, it’s almost good to tackle the hard work now, get it out of the way, so you clear the slate for romance.

In terms of love, it’s definitely a week to stay away from the online apps and any long-distance relationships because getting understanding could be incredibly hard, it can be frustrating and you may end up feeling quite demoralized, so it really isn’t good for those sorts of relationships.

Even in face-to-face relationships, it’s easy to face criticism and to feel a little bit of coolness from your partner, but you shouldn’t overreact to that. It’s just a really hectic time and you do have to do a certain amount of self-care and be emotionally independent. Stay calm and wait for this week to blow over.

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Aquarius – Stick to your guns 

Now for Aquarius, this is quite a single-minded, stubborn, yet also productive week. The key for you is to stick to your guns. If you believe in something, keep going, but if something no longer feels authentic or true to your needs, it’s time to quit. What’s so important right now in love is that you’re feeling it at a really instinctual, passionate level. If love feels like it is just superficial, flippant, or something to pass the time, then it’s better to walk away. 

Spend some time alone deciding what you really want from life. With Mars going into Taurus, it’s a great time to burn off energy by doing things in your home, like a bit of a clear-out, some DIY, or getting a room revamped.

Sometimes you’ve got a lot of energy and you need to burn that off, lest it turns into an outburst or a temper tantrum, because sometimes people can really get on your nerves right now. If romance is going well, it should feel fulfilling and exciting, but it’s so easy for the scales to tip in the opposite direction and for love to become contentious, that’s why you need to spend time alone burning off that energy.

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Pisces – Boundaries 

As Saturn in Pisces is triggered by Mercury and the Sun in Gemini, this is a time when you need to make your mark on the world. You really need to understand who you are and where you’re going. Many times you may get conflicting messages from people around you, and you may feel torn. It’s very important to stay true to yourself. Don’t play piggy in the middle. 

This definitely is a time, with Mars in Taurus, where it’s busy, but you may be bombarded by loads of different information or different opinions from other people. It’s very vital to step back and find your own truth. Don’t allow other people to browbeat you, and don’t be drawn into other people’s arguments. You don’t need it. You need a place of calm to understand exactly what you need to do next without the conflict of others.

Online romance may move quickly, but it’s really not what it seems and you need to wait for the truth of the matter to emerge in a few weeks’ time and so keep up boundaries.

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With Mars entering Taurus and Mercury and the Sun square Saturn, the energies are more dense, self-contained, and slightly heavier. That means it’s a good time for consistency, progress, and focus.

If you really want to create a foundation or get a fuller, deeper understanding, and build core communication, this week is excellent for that. What it’s not good for is anything kind of frivolous, flippant, for overspending, or for being reckless. You really want to take a cautious and sensible approach.

Whatever your star sign, remember that this week is powerful for:

  • Patience
  • Perseverance
  • Realism
  • Understanding
  • Money decisions
  • Seriousness
  • Self control

See you again next week.

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Don’t be blinded anymore. Find out all you can about what love has in store for you.

Figure out what you need to work on and what type of partner is best suited for you.

If you put it off or don’t ever ask for help, you’ll never know for sure if the person you’re with or want to be with is even good for you.

What if your partner is your lifetime soulmate connection and you accidentally call it off because of surface problems?

Please don’t take that gamble with your love life. I want you to be happy and have it all.

If you’d really like to have a consultation with me – act now!

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You won’t regret it. You’ll be happy to know that you can take control of your love life in a way you never knew you could.

As always, I wish you all the very best in love and in life because you definitely deserve it!

Sending you all the blessings of the Universe!

Your sister and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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