There is a Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21st, 2024. As you all know, Full Moons are all about releasing energy and letting it all go. This is a moment for change, saying goodbye to allow fresh energy in.
Each Full Moon carries its own unique essence. It has a particular theme that can help you process and figure out where you are in your life and what you need to move forward.
Full Moons are magical, but they can also be stressful, as emotions run high and everyone seems to struggle to think clearly. The heightened emotions are an invitation from the Universe for you to release these wounds that are causing you pain.
Are you ready to find out what is in store for you on this Full Moon? Then keep on reading to find out the magical qualities of the Full Moon in Capricorn. Remember to read your Rising sign first for the most accurate horoscope.
What Is The Significance Of The FULL Moon In Capricorn?
Capricorn is the Zodiac sign of ambition and authority. This is the perfect time to take inventory and to see how far you’ve come with the resolutions you have made for yourself in the New Year.
How far are you from achieving your long-term goals? Are you happy with the progress you have made? This is the time for course correction and to tweak the areas in which you think you need to put in more work.
Just remember that we have just entered Cancer season and it is important to give yourself the rest you need to be able to follow your dreams. Try to find the balance between giving to the world of your gifts and talents and also giving to yourself through rest and recuperation.
Here’s Your Horoscope for the Full Moon in Capricorn…
It is your turn to be a boss, Aries. This Capricorn Full Moon will be landing directly in your tenth house of career, ambition, reputation, and legacy. Your energy is going to be very directed to your career at this time and how you can get closer to your goals.
You are in a prime position to make some moves that will establish your presence in the world and get you noticed for all of your hard work, determination, and skills! You are meant to be solidifying your way forward while also reflecting and appreciating all of the hard work that has gotten you to where you are.
A lot of hard work has gone into getting you to this position, so don’t doubt your abilities for one second.
What you have achieved already is amazing, but of course, more is always more with you and it isn’t easy to satisfy your cravings for success and recognition.
This is an excellent time to call up important figures who have taught and guided you on the way to this point as well. There has been a lot of help along the way. You can be proud of yourself, but also thankful for all the people who helped you get here. Gratitude is a beautiful thing and will help you to achieve more success.
Kudos to you for being the biggest boss in the Zodiac right now (was there ever any doubt though?). Just ensure that you respect your roots while you’re standing at the top of the heap! It is always important to remember where you came from on your journey toward the top.
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Sometimes you can get stuck on the little details and lose sight of what is really in front of you, Taurus. This Full Moon in Capricorn is asking for you to think about the bigger picture and you can allow greater expansion in your life.
This is your time to establish yourself as an authority on all things spiritual, religious, and mind-bending. You are a lot wiser and more philosophical than you might get credit for, so it is time for you to spread your wisdom with the world.
What an excellent time to dive into studying something that you’ve been itching to know more about so you can share this knowledge with others!
Direct this Capricorn Full Moon energy to philosophical pursuits that make you feel closer to the true meaning of life. You have serious questions you need the answer to and this Full Moon may open a portal to get you closer to what you want to know.
You may feel at one with the Universe at this time since Capricorn is a sign that Taurus typically vibes well with. Everything is working in your favor.
There can be a sense of restlessness as if there is more that you’re capable of doing. Go with this feeling and let it motivate you to do more! The sky is your only limit now. You can take this Full Moon energy and declare that this is your time to live largely and be the master of your destiny. Get out of your comfort zone and explore!
Make sure that you’re honoring any past educators or spiritual leaders at this time. Gurus who have helped you on the journey of who you have become today.
There is a lot you need to be grateful for and saying thank you will allow more blessings to come your way. Whether it is simply sitting back and contemplating their impact or reaching out to thank them personally. This practice will change your life.
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This Full Moon in Capricorn is about to get very intense for you, Gemini. The feeling can be pretty unsettling, so be prepared. This is a period where you may be feeling like there is something inside of you that needs to be unleashed… but you aren’t sure if other people will be okay with it.
You’re being driven to live your life authentically, but it isn’t always easy for others to accept. This is the time when you want to take authority over your primal side, other people’s opinions be damned! You’re living for you, and only you.
Go ahead and follow this inner urge to unleash your ferocity. You have been giving away too much of your power for far too long. It is time to reign it back in and to focus that energy solely on yourself.
This can also mean that you’re realizing that you’ve given an awful lot away to the people around you and maybe that isn’t sitting right by you. You need better boundaries so that people will stop walking over you and just taking away from you every chance you let them.
However, another manifestation of this energy is that you could also be receiving a lot of material blessings from someone else over this period! You may be going through a bit of a windfall or getting help from others when you need it most.
This culmination of energy in Capricorn can mean that you are finding it hard to sleep lately. Make sure to take time to unwind and get calm before lying down to rest! It is important that you process and release whatever it is you are going through.
It is no good that stress is keeping you up at night. Release and let go should be your motto over the next few days. On top of all of this, you can expect some absolute fire sex right now if you choose to go that route.
This is a great time for intimacy for your sign. A deep connection is possible for you now –just ensure that it’s with someone who respects this burgeoning dark goddess energy erupting from within you and honors your needs during this transformative and sacred time.
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This Full Moon is going to be quite a wild ride for you, Cancer, especially if you have a significant other disrupting your happiness or if there are a couple of kinds in your relationship. You could have been feeling very stuck in relationships in recent times, and you’re getting pretty fed up with it!
Relationships are never easy and the Full Moon is just going to illuminate what isn’t working in your life any longer. During this Full Moon, you can expect to feel a shift within you when it comes to how you view your one-on-one relationships and evaluate your role in them.
Are your needs being met? Are you happy and content? Or could your relationship do with some improvement? This includes your romantic partnerships as well as close, in-depth relationships like with a best friend or business partner. Relationships are complicated no matter the dynamic.
You may find yourself desiring someone who is an authority figure to you or perhaps you are the authority. There is a power play going on between you and your potential lover.
Perhaps you want your partner to take greater control in the relationship because it feels like you are always making the decisions. You want to be with a leader; someone who inspires and motivates you to be a better person.
If you’re already in a relationship then this is an amazing time to direct further energy to your partner and let him know that you want to take his lead. Put him in charge of something and help him realize his own potential.
This is so sexy! If your partner is a masculine person then this is going to work to your advantage! This can truly fire up and rekindle a romantic passion between the two of you.
I advise you to also be mindful of the contracts you sign at this time. If you enter an agreement with another party, make sure that party has your best interest at heart. Don’t take this step hastily, read things through carefully and make sure that you are happy with the agreement you share!
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Your everyday work life and routines may be in for a shakeup at this time, Leo! The Capricorn Full Moon is forcing you to put your head down and the hours to make your deadlines at work.
You like spontaneity and good times, but this may be a time when you find that more energy should be paid to the mundane and sort of boring parts of life! There is nothing wrong with this, though.
This should help to ground you and give you a greater appreciation for when you experience pleasure and joy. It is good to have this contrast to make you aware of how good you actually have it in your life.
You may be feeling antsy at work, tossing around the idea of changing your day job up. This is just the restless energy that is quite common over the Full Moon, so don’t make any hasty decisions you might regret in a few days.
I suggest waiting it out until you are thinking about things clearly. Just be mindful that your energy is being directed wisely. Don’t just leave because you feel restless or have a moment of boredom!
This is going to happen in your life, as everything is a wave and things often go up and down. Capricorn energy rewards someone who is steadfast, true, and calculating. So, it isn’t advised to be reckless right now. Think things through very carefully. You won’t regret it.
You might also want to spend this energy on cleaning up your act and going on a bit of detox over the next few days. Perhaps you have been indulging a bit too much recently and it is time to give your body a break.
Do your best at eating cleanly and moving your body. I know that this isn’t half as fun as having a good time, but anything that benefits your health is going to have a major impact on your general happiness.
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It’s your nature to work, work, work, but I have some exciting news for you, Virgo! You get to let your hair down during this Full Moon. This is a time for you to relax a little and have some fun! Turn your laptop off and start enjoying life in the present moment. You need to remind yourself to let go and relax.
You deserve to enjoy your life just as much as everyone else. Or maybe you want to have fun but the looming thought of responsibility is hanging like a cloud over your head. Just let that guilt go because it really isn’t supporting you in any way. It’s time to release your chokehold on productivity and be in the moment. Allow yourself a moment to breathe and enjoy.
If it’s safe for you, then you should try to meet up with old, established friends and go out for some drinks and perhaps a dance in a club. It is important for you to remind yourself how young you are and that you too deserve to have fun.
Think about hanging out with your own kids, nieces, or nephews. Inviting the energy of the youth into your life will make you feel young and full of joy. This is going to be a rewarding time to focus on the next generation and embody a childlike spirit of fun!
You might be an authority figure to kids or quickly become one. You should ensure that you are acting responsibly around anyone younger than you because your influence is great and makes a much bigger impact than you might think! Kids are always watching and noticing everything.
Let their energy remind you of embracing your own inner child and making her feel comfortable. Life isn’t so serious and you need to have fun if you want to stay young forever. Do some healing on yourself and the needs you had as a child that were never fulfilled.
Take responsibility for your own healing and recognize that you have the power to make the greatest change in your life. No one else is going to do this for you. If you felt neglected as a child, then realize that you can heal yourself now as an adult.
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With this Full Moon in Capricorn, you may be experiencing some changes at home. The energy might be up and down at this moment with the restlessness of the Full Moon, which is to be expected. You may be experiencing volatility in the home, though that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
This is an opportunity for everyone to figure out where their pain is and how to move through it with grace and harmony. You could get the urge to physically move locations and make a huge change in your living situation.
Maybe you accept an older roommate, or maybe you become the older roommate! Issues with your parents might come up, or painful memories from your past might come to the surface. It is a shakeup, that much is for sure.
This energy is screaming for you to get in contact with your parents. Perhaps you pay them a visit or finally give them a call if you’re estranged. It is time to make peace and to recognize that they too have their own pains they are carrying.
No one is perfect and life is better when there is forgiveness in the picture. Of course, all things are within reason. If they have always been nasty to you, then consider paying gratitude to anyone who has been a stand-in parental figure for you. Sometimes blood isn’t always thicker than water.
Libra, you should consider your home environment and also opt to stay home in general at this time. It would be good for you to be a little reclusive and to spend some one-on-one time with yourself. Do some reflection and see what it is you need from yourself at this moment.
You might find some insights about your home or your sense of family that have never occurred to you before. It’s a wonderful time to draw inward and be grateful for what you have!
Your mind may be drawn back to your roots as well. It’s the perfect time to be that loving, nurturing figure to your own inner child and to look back fondly on all of the beautiful memories from your past.
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There is a lot on your mind during this Full Moon. It is driving your head wild with ideas and things you need to share with the world. You’ve got something to say, Scorpio, and this may be leaving you feeling odd!
You are normally private and like to keep your most controversial thoughts to yourself. So, this is strange energy indeed and might make you feel a little uncomfortable. But you need to speak your mind and let the world in on your innermost thoughts.
Consider breaking through your shell somewhat and connecting with others through conversation. You might learn a lot about yourself through this process. Talk about your inner fears, dreams, and desires out loud.
This should help manifest your dreams into reality. This is a beneficial time to network for your career as well and to see what opportunities are out there! You’ll see why it is so important to step outside of your comfort zone.
Paying your neighbors a visit at this time would be fruitful for you; you might learn something new. Sometimes they hold information that is surprisingly useful, a phenomenon that I know a Scorpio can appreciate!
You love learning new things or uncovering secrets that have been hiding. You might just find a hidden nugget or piece of gossip that transforms you, or at the very least is entertaining!
Consider giving your hand at writing. If you have a blog, pour your soul out there. It is good to get your feelings out there and writing can be very therapeutic. It can help you sort through whatever it is you are feeling about something.
Be mindful of oversharing though, since Capricorn energy is actually more reserved. So be respectful of this energy. Though you should talk about taboo subjects, be mindful of whose ears your words fall upon!
You definitely don’t want the wrong person to know your secrets and use them to their advantage. So just be mindful and don’t let the energy of the Full Moon make you act recklessly.
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Lucky Sagittarius, this Full Moon is here to bless you with the gifts of the Earth. Your material wealth is about to get a boost from the Universe. You could find yourself feeling quite attached to material items or perhaps (more likely) reevaluating your philosophy on material goods.
What do you really value? Do you feel valued by the institutions you find yourself in? Do you feel like you are being paid your worth? Or is there room for improvement? Are you comfortable with asking more?
You should watch yourself on the roads at this time since this energy makes people restless and careless. Car accidents are common over the Full Moon and being a Sagittarius, you do have the propensity for living life a little dangerously.
So be careful! Consider checking your oil and getting a tune-up if it’s needed! You might also feel like buying a new car if you’re in a position to do so, and such a car would like to be reliable.
This is a great time to redo your budget or at least look over where your resources are going. Sagittarians rarely want for anything, but it’s still a good idea to know where and to whom your money is flowing out because there are times when you can be a little too indulgent and not very careful with your finances.
Make sure your spending aligns with your heart’s desires and that you are saving for the things you want in the future. This is a great time to share the wealth you have and donate to charity as well. Live abundantly and help those who need your help the most.
Think of a cause that endears itself to you and go wild (within reason)! You’ll be feeling on top of the world after you lend a helping hand to those who need it and may want to make this a habit in your life.
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This energy of the Full Moon in your sign of Capricorn is all about you! The spotlight is shining on your life and no one is more blessed than you are at this moment.
This energy is all about making your wishes come true and believing in your worth. You have the power right now, and you can mold and direct its uses inward if you choose to. It’s a time to embody and truly be the authority you were born to be. This is your destiny as well as your responsibility.
You may feel awkward making it all about you and your own inner work since much of the time you focus energy on your status within the world. But sometimes it is good to reflect inwards.
Despite this, you are going to need to fill your own cup before you can pour it back out into the world. Figure out what you need to feel joyful, fulfilled, and like you have meaning. You have so much potential to make your dreams come true.
If you have an online persona or image you’ve been thinking of shifting to a more professional look, now is the time to do so! You can shapeshift into whoever you hope to be in your life.
The world is your oyster and every possibility is yours. You can come off as highly authoritative at this time and others will take you seriously if you choose to take advantage of the energy right now. Big moves are possible if you just trust in yourself and your authority.
Consider giving yourself some time alone to focus solely on how you operate. Don’t let the actions of others determine the way you show up in the world. Be your own master and know what is right for you in the path you are paving for yourself.
You have the potential to be literally whoever you desire to be so don’t let anything hold you back. Let this Full Moon guide you to be the most amazing and authentic version of yourself. Your future is looking extremely bright, all you need to do is chase your dreams and become who you are meant to be.
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Foot on the breaks – this Full Moon is a time for rest and reflection for you. This is a time of intense introspection, Aquarius. You need to allow yourself a moment of silence to really piece the parts of the puzzle together. And unfortunately, you need to go at this alone.
You might be having the loneliest time in the Zodiac at this point because even though you have many friends, they feel far away somehow. You are a lot more introverted than usual and understand that this time is meant for figuring out how to heal from all the pains of the world as well as your past.
Luckily, as well as being social, you are a loner at the same time, so this period will be one you can handle. You need this time of reflection. I know it isn’t comfortable, but it is necessary.
You could feel the need, more than other signs, right now to release what it is that is not serving you. To really let go of all the baggage that has been holding you back from reaching your full potential. It could be gritty and difficult but, in your heart, you know that making space for new things to come is essential. I encourage you to let go of what is hard to leave right now. It will mean that there is space for something great to enter your life to help you thrive and achieve whatever it is you desire.
Aquarius, you could find yourself feeling trapped or like you can’t move from one spot right now as well. Instead of resisting this feeling, go with it and let it guide you to the crevices of your unconscious that may feel uncomfortable and messy.
You are, however, feeling freely imaginative and you can use the power of your mind to make plans for when you’re in a better position to make a move. Dream about how you would like your future to look. There is no better time to do this.
This is a dispersal of energy from the Moon, so you may be feeling sluggish and drained. That’s okay though because you’re far more likely to have more meaningful dreams while you sleep right now! These dreams can give you just the right amount of insight into whatever it is you might need to move ahead.
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Your good nature and kind heart are finally being recognized at this time, dearest Pisces. This Full Moon is about sharing and receiving all the goodness in life. You are one sign who deserves all the blessings that could be coming to you around this time!
You’re feeling like the world is finally seeing the gifts you have to offer and you are immensely grateful for everything you have. Life is truly wonderful right now. You are blessed beyond words.
This is a time when you could be connecting with others and finding meaning in your friendships and community. Often a loner type, this is a different feeling for you. However, whatever community you’re a part of is going to be accepting you with open arms and listening to the unique flavor you have to share. You’re an amazing person, don’t forget this.
This is a wonderful time to join clubs as well since the people you meet could change your life. Every new meeting is an opportunity to attract something greater into your life. People are truly wonderful and you are grateful for all your connections.
You may think about volunteering somewhere having to do with older people and supporting your elders. This would fuel your soul as well as improve the space you live in. Plus, you naturally get along with older people anyway! Soak up all the wisdom they have to offer and see what you can learn from being in their presence.
Pisces, you should consider what they can give back to the world at this time and be willing to accept how others can give back to you! Life should be all about finding the balance between giving and receiving. Mutual giving and receiving will pave the way to mutual rejoicing, Pisces. Let the Universe shine its blessings upon you now.
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My Final Thoughts About FULL Moon In Capricorn…
This is such a special time for all of the signs in very different ways. No matter what your sign is, there is a lot of energy that is steeped in tradition, authority, responsibility, and respect.
What do these words mean to you in your life? What do you understand and what do you still need to learn? You can use this energy in beneficial ways if you understand the area of life this Full Moon in Capricorn is affecting you.
Capricorn is asking us all to take a step back and appreciate the ways that we have come to grow. It’s a time to harvest the fruits of our labor and to reflect upon the mark we have left upon this world and what we can do to ensure our legacy on earth.
It’s never a bad idea to pay some respect to traditional values at this time. Be a kind person, be neighborly, help one another out, and come together in the name of tradition. These are all excellent ways to honor the Full Moon energy that is present now.
Read next: 4 Birth Chart Signs to Find Your Soulmate, According to Astrology
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Wishing you the very best.
Your friend and relationship astrologer,
Anna Kovach
11 thoughts on “What 2024 FULL Moon in Capricorn Means for You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign”
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Hi Anna. How are you I am OK. Very interesting reading im waiting your tomorrow reading. Thank you your friend Assunta.
Hi Assunta!
Thank you for writing in with your feedback. I truly appreciate it. I’m glad that my writing is helping you and the information is interesting for you. I wish you all the very best sweetheart!
Wow this gave me so much motivation and insight to how I’m feeling.
Hi JuAnna!
How wonderful! I’m so glad that the article helped give you motivation. The moon cycles are important to pay attention to. There are great benefits from Full and New Moons. You can manifest and you can let go of what no longer works in your life. I hope now you’ll use the tips to help you get the best in your life. Blessings to you!
Dear Anna: This is a monumental time for sure. I’m very very close to meeting Mr Gemini soon. Plans are tightening up to cross the two thousand mile distance. Thank you, Mariwood (Capricorn)
I’ve been reading your readings for months now. If I had the money I would have bought some of your products even joined your VIP list. Some of us just don’t have the money available like others do. Like myself due to being on SSD.
Guess I just don’t have any luck with men like the one that totally shattered my heart. Being a Virgo I come to find out we just don’t let our friends(boyfriends) go so easily we’re there thru thick and thin with them to the end.
I’m sorry if this sounds really rude but there’s been some items I really would of liked to buy but just couldn’t afford and it gets really frustrating after awhile when you can’t get something. It just sucks sometimes if you know what I mean. Yes I read your page to join your VIP list and about taking the people who pay the money and who doesn’t. Everybody’s not the same please remember that.
Have a nice day 🙂
Hi Patricia!
I’m glad that you are at least able to access and learn from my blog articles. There is no such thing as luck honey. What there is, is manifesting your desired outcome. YOU have to do that. Instead of being frustrated and down on yourself for your sign and how things have gone for you so far, you need to work at releasing what doesn’t work for you so that you can manifest what WILL. Honey I am only one person and I get a lot more clients in than you can imagine so there is no way I can give out free advice outside of what I already do which is answer comments and write articles. Now if you’d like to work at manifesting, you should check out my article on that particular topic. Perhaps it will help you get what you actually want in love. I wish you all the best!
Blessing Ann,
Well I must say u are on point . I woke feeling just that and I did just pulled back Evaluate at my work. I felt a little strange doing it because I felt I was being selfish. I started back talking to a gentleman and I was interested in but I had this strange feeling that I should pull back and do me for a minute . not knowing that the full moon was causing a lot of my actions and emotions to feel this way I just went with the flow so ,I will take some time out get it to myself and just hope and pray that I can push forward in a positive changes into my life for the rest of this year.
Thank you so much
Hi Soraya!
It sounds like your intuition really kicked in for you and I’m so proud to hear that you actually listened. Yes, take time for yourself. You’ll know when it’s time to get back out there but for now focus on your strengths, work on your weaknesses, leave baggage behind, and do what is right for you overall. That will definitely help you manifest the right love in your life in divine timing. I wish you all the very best sweetheart.
First pf all I’m NOT a Capricorn! I’m a Cancer ! If you got that wrong I feel that’s not perfessional . So why would I give you money ? Please explain ..
Dear Corine,
The blog was about the full Moon in Capricorn, because the time that article was published, it was a full Moon in Capricorn and astrology predictions based for that day alone. You should have checked under your zodiac sign of Cancer.
Sending Love!