What Kind Of Man You Need According To Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever noticed that you keep attracting the same guys over and over again? Men that you’re just magnetically drawn to! Yes, we all have a type, but that doesn’t mean the guy you’re drawn to would be your perfect romantic match.

According to Astrology, we all have signs that are compatible with ours. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to date according to your perfect Astrological match? Maybe this would improve your chances tenfold.

Continue reading to find out who you should date according to your Zodiac sign. 


Aries, you’re one of the most vibrant and independent women out there. You’re bold, courageous, and quite the firecracker! You know what you want and you go after it with passion.

You enjoy a challenge, especially with love. You’re a lot like a man when it comes to romance, you need to hunt your prey. You really don’t appreciate it when things come too easily. 

The perfect man for you would be someone who can keep up with your speed, someone who will put up a fight with you. You need more passion and action to keep you interested.

The worst thing possible for you in a relationship is feeling any type of boredom. You need constant stimulation to remain interested. A man who can take you on adventures and who is extremely independent himself is going to keep your fancy!

You can look towards Gemini, Sagittarius, and Libra to keep you endlessly satisfied and full of adventure.


Taurus, if there is one thing you love then it is commitment. You crave a solid life full of stability and security. You’re not too fond of change and do everything in your power to prevent it.

You’re the marrying kind, and you need a man who values commitment as much as you do. Your best type of partner is someone who is dependable and reliable, someone whose word you can always count on. 

Security is the most important thing for you in a relationship. You need to know that your man can provide you with a comfortable life. He needs to not only be financially stable, but emotionally as well. 

You want to live a life of peace and harmony, and you’re not looking for any unnecessary drama! You really hate change, but being with someone who can subtly push you to get out of your comfort zone will really help you grow on a personal level.

You’ll find the best balance with either a Cancer, Capricorn, or a Scorpio.


Gemini, you’re fun, witty, and full of curiosity. You love having variety in your love life and feel really excited when you can learn from your lover.

Feeling mentally stimulated by a man really turns you on, so it’s really important for you to have someone who can keep up with your smarts, and at the very least have you in stitches laughing.

Romance isn’t something you take too seriously; you just want to enjoy yourself and grow through every experience and see relationships as an opportunity to see life from a different angle.

You love to communicate and chat up a storm, so having a partner that doesn’t mind a lot of texting is perfect for you. Even though you’re highly independent, you still like to keep in touch and hear from your guy at frequent intervals.

Having a super straight forward man who really knows how to calm your anxieties is perfect for you. Look no further than a Sagittarius, Aquarius, or Leo. These men can keep up with your versatility.


Cancer, you’re one of the sweetest and most caring women around. You just naturally know how to nurture and make anyone feel at home. 

Your greatest goal in life is to create a loving family. You need to connect and have strong bonds with the people closest to you. 

Your perfect man is kind, generous, and sensitive to your needs. You want someone who can be a source of strength for you to lean on. 

Sometimes you can get a little moody, so a compassionate guy would be perfect for you. You want to talk about your feelings freely with your man. Emotional security in a relationship is at the top of your priorities.

You’re most attracted to hard-working men who are reliable and practical. Someone who you know can provide a stable home for you; you’re into traditional relationship roles and like a man who knows how to bring out your femininity.

Your best matches would be a Capricorn, Virgo, or Pisces.


Leo, you’re one of the bravest and boldest women around. Your creativity is truly astounding, and your ambition will get you very far, but most importantly you just want to have fun!

You’re deeply romantic and loyal in your relationships. You expect your partner to be just as devoted to you; reliability and dependability are big in your book!

You enjoy being the center of attention and don’t mind a bit of drama from time to time. You need a man who can give you the space to be yourself unapologetically, someone who isn’t intimidated by your confidence and knows how to shower you with compliments.

Feeling proud of your partner is very important to you. You need a man who makes his own waves and stands out from the crowd; he has to have unique qualities. Relationships are most fun with men who you can expect the unexpected from. You need a man who knows how to switch on the heat.

Leo, you’re likely to find the one in either an Aquarius, Aries, or Libra.


Virgo, you are thoughtful and modest, and your personality leans towards being shy and reserved. 

Romance is something you’re careful about, you need to feel 100% certain about the partner you are with. You dislike nothing more than being wrong about people, so you really take your time getting to know someone. 

A mental connection is vital for you in a romance. You need someone who can turn on your mind with their sharp wit and intellectual ideas; a man who you can learn from.

You work extremely hard towards your quest for perfection. You like a man who is hardworking, responsible, and presentable. A guy who knows how to be on his best behavior. 

You really despise messy situations, which means you really appreciate a man who can follow a routine and knows how to schedule a date. You’re definitely not one for surprises and like your life to follow order. 

Perfection isn’t always possible, but Capricorn, Scorpio, and Taurus come pretty close.


Libra, relationships make your world go round. You just love being in love and experiencing life with a partner. 

You’re sweet, charming, and creative, plus you’re extremely beautiful! You know how to catch any man’s attention. Getting a date isn’t too hard for you, because you know how to flirt your way into a man’s heart.

The perfect guy for you is someone who is social and thoughtful. One of your greatest attributes is your ability to be just and fair, so it is important for you to be with someone who has an open mind and doesn’t cower away when you challenge his perceptions. You need a man who can keep up with you intellectually.

Even though you’re quite open-minded, you’re actually rather old-fashioned in romance. You need a man who will put in a lot of effort to pursue you. Feeling desired and chased by a man leaves you breathless and excited. 

You will find your fairytale romance in the arms of either an Aries, Leo, or Capricorn.


Scorpio, you are known for your intensity and determination. Relationships give you the depth you crave in your life. You love nothing more than getting really intimate with a partner. 

Your personality is pretty full on, and weaker men seem to get really intimidated by your presence. The perfect man for you is a man with grit and strength, it’s important that you man can keep up with you and isn’t afraid of your power.

You can be quite suspicious of people, so you need to know that your guy is trustworthy. You need someone you can rely on at all times. Commitment and loyalty are values you stand by in your relationships. 

The reason you have such a hard exterior is that you actually feel rather vulnerable at times. A man who is emotionally mature and knows how to stay strong is your ideal match. 

You want to be with someone who can support you on your journey; someone who will hold your hand through all the emotional transformations your spirit calls for.

Look no further than a fellow Scorpio, Pisces, or a Capricorn. 


Sagittarius, you’re a free spirit! You value your independence and you’re always up for an adventure. Your mind is full of questions and wonderment about the universe. A life full of spontaneity is the only way to live.

One of the best parts of your personality is that you’re always optimistic and full of positivity. You want to be with a man that is just as excited about life as you are, a man who is ready to go on an adventure at a moment’s notice.

You don’t mind being in a relationship, as long as you can follow your own rules. You need a guy who is happy to be with a free spirit. The last thing you want is to feel you’re being tied down to someone.

Your ideal partner is a man with a healthy sense of adventure, an open mind, and above all else, integrity. Honesty is so important to you; you need someone who can appreciate how blunt you are!  

You can find the right guy for you in either a Gemini, Aquarius, or an Aries.


Capricorn, you’re ambitious and determined to succeed in your life. Your career will always come first in your life.

But that doesn’t mean there isn’t space for a relationship – on the contrary, you’re quite old-fashioned and like the idea of a traditional courtship.

Security and stability are extremely important to you; therefore, you work so hard! You need a man who you can depend on and who wants to build a life with you, someone who is just as serious about commitment as you. No need for time wasters, you want the real deal.

You can be quite serious and stern, so it’s good for you to have a partner who can encourage you to let go and relax a little. Someone who can help you embrace your softer side.

You’re always looking to take care and provide for others, but it is important for you to allow your man to nurture and love you as well.

Your best match is likely to be a Taurus, Cancer, or a Virgo.


Aquarius, you’re a true original. One can expect the unexpected from you. You’re full of surprises and know how to stand out from a crowd with your unique energy.

Romantic relationships aren’t the most obvious choice for you because you love your independence too much, but when you meet the right guy, you can be a really thoughtful and reliable partner. 

Your greatest fear in life is feeling like you’re trapped in a relationship, so it’s really vital that your man gives you a lot of space to do your own thing. This requires a lot of trust and honesty between you and your guy.

You need to feel you can be best friends with your partner, all the romantic stuff comes second. A man who accepts you for who you are and doesn’t change you is your best match.

Having a strong intellectual connection with a guy is at the top of your priorities. He needs to stimulate you and keep you interested to keep coming back for more.

You’re likely to find a guy equally weird as you in either a Leo, Gemini, or a Libra.

Read next: How to Effectively Seduce Him According to His Astrological Sign


Pisces, you’re a soft, sensitive, and creative soul. You live in a bit of a fantasy world, especially with your romances.

Your dream guy is compassionate and caring. Someone who encourages your creativity and doesn’t cringe at your emotions. 

You feel deeply, so it is important that you find love with someone who isn’t scared of your vulnerability and intense emotions. You’re looking for someone who can understand you and is willing to grow with you.

Your imagination plays a big part in your love life, so finding a man who can sweep you off your feet and can give you the fairytale you have always dreamed of is perfect for you.

Your life can be a little tumultuous at times, but if you find the right partner who can support you and offer a sense of stability, then life should become a little calmer.

You need someone who can bring you back to reality when you’ve indulged in too much escaping. It’s important that your man holds the fort while you’re off on a creative adventure.

Your Prince Charming is likely a Taurus, Capricorn, or a Scorpio.

What is your sign, and have you ever dated one of the men I just suggested? What was your experience like and what did you learn from the relationship? Please leave me a comment in the section below.  I would love to hear your stories!

And if you feel like you need personal guidance on your relationship or a potential one, I will encourage you to listen to your feelings and respond to them in a constructive matter! Book a private consultation and get instant clarity and guidance.

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

127 thoughts on “What Kind Of Man You Need According To Your Zodiac Sign

  1. Liebe Anna… danke sehr…bin mit einem Stier zusammen…lange Zeit.. leider ist das erotische Gefühl fort…mein Herz ❤️ haben 2 Männer wirklich gebrochen..1 Wassermann und ein Fisch vor 2,5 Jahren.. grosser Herzschmerz… liebe Dich auch Anna.. alles Glück dieser Welt für Dich …Martina ????

  2. I have never dated any of these signs but, I have been in the talking stage with all and I didn’t feel a connection or the need to date them. I dated signs such as an aries, leo, and an aquarius bad idea btw. I am cruently dating a cusp such as leo/virgo and I feel a mature and deep connection in my partner so capicorn, scorpio and tarus isnt a really good match for me.

  3. Hi Anna

    You are hundred percent spot on, I’m a Libran woman and so far been with an Aries and a Leo, they did leave me breathless with their aggressive chases, their intellectual side was something I thoroughly enjoyed because I live for the challenge. I love alpha male type of men because they can handle the challenge I bring on without feeling undermined and insecure.

  4. Hi Anna, my name is Carolina and I’m dating a Libra man, he is the sweetest man i’ve ever met in my entire life, he is the man of my dreams and i can finally say to myself, i found my soulmate.

  5. Hi

    As an 24 march aries I do not want to hunt my pray, a man should approach me.. and it’s OK if my partner isn’t the same as I..
    I don’t need to party every week, a man must be able to communicate and prioritise family like I do, travelling likewise, and want to be my companion, not too clingy, but loving, but more grounded then me wouldn’t be bad..

  6. Im a Capricorn the man im seeing is a Taurus we get on great but im 19 years older than him we are not in a relashionship i carnt work him out usualy by now i no about who im dateing but im baffled this time treats me well loveing but no commitment

  7. Am Pisces but the guy am dating is a Sagittarius he always yearns how he loves me and how important I am to him but I feel he’s just lying cuz since we started dating I haven’t seen any proof of his words.

  8. Aries here, Yes, I hate boredom, love adventure, moving, doing something different everyday. Perhaps at my age, I am searching for more security., but still did not change much.
    Thank you.

  9. Hi Anna, thank you so much for helping others. Youre amazing and God give u the talent to make other people have their succesful relationship. Anyway, im a virgo but unfortunately i dont have any luck in relationship. As u said, looks like ive dated almost the same person. 🙁 its sad…

  10. There is a Scorpio man in my life who I feel strongly about ( I am a pieces) and have a close friendship with. He is 1 person I can totally trust and confide in and just” gets it ” but always seems to choose the other girls 1st. You know, the pretty ones with big boobs. He has had some terrible relationships and is currently in an on again, off again one but keeps comming back to me when things go bad for someone to confide in

  11. Hi anna:. I am seeing a Taurus man for the first time this Wednesday. since we connected on line in Feb. 4hrs. Away. He has all the qualities of a Taurus. He not like texting, but writes often. He sends me virtual breakfasts often. I appreciate him greatly. I ask him a lot of questions, to get to know him, and is straightforward. He knows ithat I am the same straightand honest.
    We have great communication via email. He made plans to meet to take me to lunch, but due to Covid but juat get to it this week. He seems just wants to be friends and says ‘probably stay stngle til the Almighty calls him”. I did mot question that but He is confusing as I wonder why he even wants to meet me. I have been reading a lot of your info on a Taurus. I am a cancer.

  12. Sagattarius. Married a Gemini. Best love of my life but he was not honest and that ruined it. You were spot on.

  13. hey i’m a virgo and i am dating a libra after 3 months of talking stage ( starting from when he confessed) and a total of 3 years of knowing each other. i am very happy but feel insecure he might like someone else, can you help?

    1. Hi Anna, I’m a leo woman and dating a leo man.
      We met online in June and promising to come to meet in November.
      We usually hold good conversations but sometimes he becomes too cold.
      I feel insecure, advise accordingly

  14. Hello Ann!
    I am a Pisces and I totally agree with you on the Zodiac sign for me!
    I am deeply in love with a Taurus Man who is a true Taurine Man! I wish I could I could talk to you every second of the day about being in love with a Taurus! Thanks

  15. Hello Anna, I am a Libra. I’ve never dated any of these Signs, Talked to a couple but that’s as far as it’s gone, at this moment I have actually fallen back in love with my ex-husband who had actually showed intrest first, was doing the most to get me back after 8 years of divorce, now wont even talk to me anymore. Oh he is a Virgo Man, I just want him back.

  16. Hello Anna, As a 76 year old Pisces widow my experiences with love have been with Aries (not great). Libra (ugh). Sagittarius ( pure hell). Leo (long term good but no commitment).
    Scorpio (married 25+ years true love with some ups and downs). Now widowed for 3 years I am dating an Aquarius (wonderful, exciting, but no commitment after 2 years) a Cancer who I think loves me but is long distance, and a new dating experience with a Capricorn who interests me a lot but after 2 weeks I’m not sure because he seems interested but slow and cautious. I love romance but am fond of the quirky Aquarius who keeps coming back although I feel the Capricorn might be “the one”. The Cancer I feel might be too controlling for my Aquarius Rising, Moon and Mars. My Sun Pisces is in first house. I feel and look much younger than my years. I want to live life to the fullest.

  17. Hello,
    I´m a Pisces woman. I´ve been married to a Pisces man for 26 years. Sadly, I´m not happy with the choice I made! What you say in the description is very true.

  18. Hello Anna, I’m a 57 year old Scorpio that has been involved off and on for almost 40 years with a Capricorn. We first got together in our late teens while in college. After giving him two years of undivided attention and love, and then multiple chances for another two years while dating around I walked away from him for his failure to make a lifelong commitment. I knew he loved me, but I wasn’t willing to wait for him. The biggest mistake of both of our lives. I ended up marrying Taurus and five years after that he married a Pisces. Neither one have been all that happy with our marriages, just going thru the motions. For the past 20 years, we’ve tried to keep our relationship platonic, and it has been a struggle for both of us. The temptation for multiple affairs with each other over the years has been hovering over our heads. And eventually, it happened, setting both of our stable worlds on end. It’s still obvious as we approach our 60’s we still have deep feelings for each other and fantasic chemistry, but neither one of us is willing to risk our “safe lives” for each other. Had I truly understood him when we were young, I would have waited it out. Now, I’m afraid its too late as time is running out.

  19. Hi Anna, I am a Leo and I’ve had relationships with a Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio and Pisces.
    I have to admit that each of those relationships held their special moments and learning experiences for me. I never dated or married an Aquarius, Aries or Libra. However my closest non romantic relationships are all with those zodiac signs. My dad was a Libra, my mom is an Aries and my best friend is an Aquarius. Right now I starting a new relationship with another Gemini. And I must say he’s stolen my heart. I believe he’s the one I’ve been waiting for all my life. My soulmate. He’s funny, unexpected and seriously stern when he needs to be. He’s an accomplished person in his field and I love how he motivates me. Thank you for sharing your insights on these matches.

  20. Hi Anna I have something to ask you but I would like to know why does a man not follow through with their promises but mine has broken his promises with me three times but do not know why he does not unless he’s busy but he is a public figure but now he says that he wants to meet me privately but I do not trust in what he has said to me that he definitely wants to meet me but how can I trust in what he says but I am not going to get my hopes up. But what do you think. Thank you for sharing your insight. My man is a Capricorn. He usually gets what he wants and he does not take no for an answer.

  21. I am a pisces sun, gemini moon & leo ascendant. In a great relationship with virgo sun, cancer moon, leo asc. No complaints or questions. Very happy & very sexually compatable!

  22. I am a pisces dating a pisces for over 3 years (and I am ok with that). When you date someone and you just know what they are thinking and they know what your thinking 99% of the time when that 1% happens and everyone is standing there going what the heck! It is always interesting….But when you find a man who is honest, trustworthy, doesn’t drink,, smoke or do drugs, who works hard every day and loves his family and shares your passion for helping others you don’t let them make excuses to run and you don’t let yourself make excuses to run. He makes me happy in all aspects of our life. And he’s funny and I am funny.
    I love this man more than anything and that says al lot!!!!!!

  23. Dear Anna, I am Pisces and I was married to a Capricorn for 30 years, (having two kids)…but it was a constant fight. Now I know I was not in real love, I was not attracted physically.. it just happened somehow… I divorced because of an Aquarius… now I am very much in love and very attracted physically, but I can not believe that I am good enough for such a man…I think if someone is an injured personality she should be cured first and astrological help can only come after that.. Am I right?

  24. I’m a Pisces and first marriage with a Taurus for 23 years was good until his drinking got the best of him. Then I found a Scorpio who I believe was my soulmate. Our marriage and relationship was the best until he passed away. He just had a way with me, could calm me, understood me and protected me. Im just now Venturing out since his death. Have had a few dates with a Gemini, great attraction but feel it should be only a friendship. Have met a Pisces and just being friends for now, no real attraction but we have fun together. Some days I feel I’ll never have the love/relationship I had with my Scorpio!

  25. I’m Aquarius. I’m supposed to be compatible with a Leo. After 32 years of marriage to a Leo he left me for another woman after cheating with her for several years. So now after a couple of years of being single I found me a Capricorn man who treats me like a queen. Would like to know if I should keep him around or what. Is Capricorn a good match for me?

  26. I’m a Sagittarius and have dated every sign seriously or somewhat seriously EXCEPT for the ones you say I’d be most compatible with!! I don’t even KNOW an Aquarius man! Crazy. I truly do enjoy being with Geminis but they’re either taken or relatives!. They’re the only ones who can outtalk me! I seem to be drawn to the Earth signs though. They apparently keep me grounded. But my Capricorn ex husband of 20+ years was way too rules oriented for me. I wasn’t attracted to him physically from the start so…I’ve dated Pisces but they’re too sensitive for me. Any advice??

  27. I was married to a Gemini and a Aries, I was catfished by a Scorpio out of $50,000 he still says he loves me but keeps asking for money!!! I am now engaged to a Sagittarius man and he is my world, my soul mate!! Have never met a man like him.he never gets mad and has a bad word for anyone. He call me his Queen!!! The Gemini and Aries were not romantic and the Scorpio Would have been a good lover had he not been scamming me!!!

    1. Hi Sharon!

      Oh my goodness! I cannot believe that Scorpio did that to you. I do hope you cut him off. He doesn’t deserve someone like you. Sagittarius is a pretty amazing sign to connect with. He’s adventurous and ready to do anything anytime. He’s lots of fun and sincere. I tell you what, you should really check out my guides on Sagittarius Man Secrets. It may help give you information you can use. I wish you all the very best!

  28. I was very shortly married to a Gemini that ended badly. I remarried 17 years later to a Leo that lasted 20 years till he passed. I have been renewed to 3 relationships 2 Caps and 1 Aries that I am greatly interested in. The Caps are slow moving after first initial reunion but are friends. I’d like to say I’m in love and very interested in all three but I flip back and forth between the Caps the most. By our age everyone is careful about relationships although we’ve all known each other for many years its hard for anyone to step forward beyond our friendships. I love one Cap the most; he’s been hurt the most but keeps in touch with me the most than the other two. It seems that all are involved or ending relationships and are cautious of another. I will stay a friend but know I am compatible . most compatibility charts say Libra woman and Cap men aren’t a good match and Gemini is the best. Gemini hurt me terribly. I hope I have this one Cap man in my life forever but I take day by day.

    1. Hi Mary!

      Thank you for sharing your story with me and with all the other ladies who love Capricorn men. I would venture to guess that you both have aspects in your charts that line you up better than the typical sun sign match. This is why it’s very important to know things like one’s Moon, Rising Sign, Venus, Mars, Neptune, and Jupiter. It helps knowing all you can then you truly know if you are good for each other. I wish you all the very best sweetheart!

  29. Hi Anna
    I am a Leo and I have never dated any of the signs you said. I am in a relationship with a Taurus and all I have to say it is an emotional rollercoaster.

    1. Hi Anna
      I am a Virgo. To be honest I can only recall the sign of one of my short ter or dates. He was al a Virgo. It was fun in the short time we dated.
      My first love was a Pisces and wr were very connected. We dated for 7 years. I saw him in January of 2020. My sister said both of our etes lit up the room. But he married for m any years already. I always knew he would be a good husband and father. I was married at the time and for 20 years. He’s also a Pisces
      I did not plan this or let it sway me in anyway but he and my first love have the same birthday, but different years. I loved him at first sight, the moment our eyes met 29 years ago. He filed for divorce in June 2021….moved in with his Mistress. October would have been our 20th Anniversary.

      1. Hi Colleen!

        I am so sorry to hear that things didn’t work out with the latest Pisces man. They really can become wishy washy sometimes and when they are not as excited as they were in the beginning, they fall hook line and sinker with another woman who offers them that thrill of new love again. This is a fault they have. I hope you don’t shut down your heart because of him. Take care of yourself please. Self care is VERY important. I wish you all the love you could ever want!

    2. Hi Sandra!

      Yes, I can imagine that a Taurus would be that way for you. If you really care for each other though, you can work through anything. The other thing I want to point out is that it may be a good idea to get a consultation to find out if you two can make it or not. I leave it up to you and wish you nothing but the very best!

  30. Hi, I’m pisces, currently in a 4 yr relationship with Scorpio. Have to say.hes amazing . Been there through thick and thin, supports me in our own way He’s a keeper

    1. Hi Mitchell!

      Wonderful! I’m so glad to hear you’re in a wonderful relationship. I love hearing stories that work out! Thank you for writing in and sharing with me and the other clients that read the articles too. You’re a blessing. I wish you and your partner the very best, always!

    1. Hi kyleah!

      I’m assuming you read the article? It says under Cancer that your best signs would be a Capricorn, Virgo, or Pisces. If you need to know more, I can always do a consultation for you. That’s entirely up to you otherwise those three signs are best fitting for a Cancer sun. I wish you all the best sweetheart!

  31. As a Pisces who has married TWO Taurus men, that really doesn’t work for me. My fiancé is a Virgo and we are very compatible and happy.

    1. Hi Deborah!

      Wow a fiancé too? That is amazing! This goes to show that it’s more than just your sun sign that has to be considered when partnership is concerned. Virgo men are fantastic and loyal. I’m very glad to hear that you two are so happy. I wish you both all the very best!

  32. Anna-
    I have been married to 2 Taurus and 1 Scorpio. Surprisingly we are each friends but the marriages never worked out. While I am presently living with my ex-husband in a platonic relationship, I have met the man I truly believe is the love of my life. He feel the same way towards me. I am now trying to figure out how to walk away from my ex because we share ownership of our home (it was left to us by my late uncle who never knew we were divorced). My new love is a Virgo, but he is absolutely amazing! I know he loves me as much as I love him.
    I’m seriously thinking of giving my ex the entire house as my future will not be in California. I am hoping it will help him get past me leaving. I never want to hurt anyone, but I need to think about my own needs for once. My children are both grown so I have no worries about them.
    Do you (or anyone) think giving up my half of the house would be a good move?

    1. Hi Deborag!

      It seems you need to talk to your ex about how you two can split the house. Maybe you two can sell is and split the profit or he can buy it from you. There are solutions but you need to talk to him about it so that you can find an answer that suits you both. Now…a Virgo huh? Awesome! Follow your intuition sweetheart. It’s the best tool you’ve got! Oh and hey, if you’d like for me to do a VIP consultation with you, I’d be more than happy to. Wishing you all the best!

  33. Dear Anna: Hi. Thanks for the article. I am a Leo sun with a Scorpio rising and my mars in Scorpio, my Venus in Cancer, and my moon in Virgo, just to give you a little information. I was married to an Aries when I was younger and it was like oil and water. Not a good match in almost all ways. I have wonderful Leo friends but tend not to gravitate to other fire signs for love relationships. My first finance was a Taurus and it was an amazing match. I have learned from you that one needs to have specific information to determine the best match which includes the location of Mars, Venus, Moon, Rising, etc. As you know, I was in a relationship with a Cancer and he broke it off. It has been very confusing. The articles on Cancer Man secrets has been so helpful in understanding him. Unfortunately, we are not together, so not able to put them into practice.
    Thanks so much,

    1. Hi Lin Welch!

      You are so very welcome. You mentioned your Mars being Scorpio. That means you’re best with a Scorpio OR one of the other water signs (Pisces, Cancer). Your Venus is Cancer which makes you a tender lover who gives their all for family and those they love. Moon in Virgo makes you very cautious. Now, I know you tried Cancer but… there is still Pisces and Scorpio. Cancer shouldn’t be written off yet though as his chart configuration will determine if he’d be better than the previous one or not. I just know you’ll find the right guy soon! I wish you nothing but the best!

    1. Hi Cissy!

      Ouch sorry it didn’t work out for you sweetheart. Though I must tell you that it’s more than just someone’s sun sign that makes them compatible. There is also moon sign and rising sign that makes a difference. You should check out my Tarotscopes for the week as they will help you personally navigate your own life. Blessings to you!

  34. Anna,
    I am middle aged woman ( Pisces)who went through a horrendous divorce with a Capricorn. 3 Amazing Children came from this union. Now their grown I’m alone and drawn to a Cancer( TF?) and a Scorpio.
    What do you see?? I am very lonely with a lot to give. Neither is talking to me. Will I be alone the rest of my life???? Please Help

    1. Hi Lisa!

      Ah yes, the empty nest can be pretty tough. I totally understand what you’re going through. Now it’s time for you to live it up and have fun with your life. You aren’t tied down so you can do what you want. Start taking up hobbies that you can do with other people. Take some workshops, classes, or lessons. Heck try dance lessons or yoga classes. Focus on YOU and what YOU want. Let the universe guide you to the beauty in your life sweetheart. You’ve got this!

  35. You are right 100%. Taurus Virgo and Cancer. I’m very much attractive too these three signs . But my question I feel a emotional connection to Pisces? What’s that about. His DOB IS 03/09/66

    1. Hi Soraya!

      Without looking at your birth chart and his, I am unable to tell you why you would be drawn to a Pisces. Perhaps you have a strong Pisces 4th house or a strong Pisces influence in your 7th house. Again, it’s impossible for me to tell you what is the reason without looking His date of birth doesn’t give me enough information. You should look into having a VIP consultation. I think that would be of great use to you. I hope to hear from you again!

  36. I’m head over heels in love with a Virgo (Aug23) and I’m a Sag. He goes from a great mood to angry quickly. Hard to deal with sometimes.

    1. Hi Karen!

      I can see why darling. Yes, this can be a difficult union BUT in my experience, they can actually be very successful together as well. The trick is unconditional love. When you both don’t nitpick each other and are able to accept each other for who you really are, real true love can happen in the most profound way. A friend of mine is Sagittarius with Scorpio Moon and her now husband is Virgo with Virgo Moon. They REALLY love each other and seem to get through everything that comes up. Hang in there! I wish you all the best!

  37. Hi Anna
    I am a Cancer born July 3 disagree as I am not overly family nurturing etc. I had two Pisces disaster relationships and Capricorn and Virgo me. No way! Was married to a Virgo for awhile!
    Nope not a typical Cancer with a Leo right now and it’s perfection also like Aries and Scorpio!

    1. Hi Patricia!

      What I advice you is to also look at your Moon sign and even Rising sign. These can absolutely make your personality different which will mean a different type of partner. Now what will really blow your mind is finding out what your Mars is as that will tell you exactly what type of partner is best for you. There is actually a lot more to the story. You might want to get your chart looked at for more information. I wish you all the best!

  38. My man is a Pieces and I am a Sagitarius. He is water and I am fire. I always speak my mind and could be blunt at times. My man is emotional and sensitive. We are at the opposite end of the Zodiac spectrum. I try to curve my impatience and my bluntness to not start a long endless moment of stillness until he would say – “Why are you hurting me” . Other than this, we enjoy each others love for adventure, our love to explore exotic places. He likes my being independent , leaving him to do his work – not bothering him while he is working on his “art”. and me being busy with my own work. I am not sure how long will this last or how our relationship will thrive or end.

    1. Hi Leonida!

      I am so glad to hear that you two are doing well and are complimenting each other in this way. This is a lovely combination provided both of you keep doing things the way you are. I think it’s wonderful. Don’t try to focus on how long it will last as that can ruin things with pessimistic or worrisome thoughts. Just stick with the flow and enjoy each day as a Sagittarius should. I wish you the luck of the universe!

  39. Hi Anna,

    Wrong on all counts. I’m a sag. My soul mate is a Taurus. He always has been. Hands down the best of the best. Gemini was horrible and abusive.

    1. Hi Tracy McBurney!

      Let me let you in on a bit of a secret… This article is only based on sun signs. There is so much more to a person via their birth charts. That also means that combability is more descriptive via your chart rather than sun sign alone. If you really want to know all there is for compatibility, you should get your chart looked at.

  40. Sagittarius moon here. Gemini is the most fun, but unreliable. Also, I think he just doesn’t love me.
    Taurus is boring; Aries drive me insane and all we do is fight.

  41. Hello Anna, I have been following your posts. I am a Gemini and I find myself as being undecisive. I have been texting to a Leo for about 2 years. Yes, I said texting. I have been very attracted to him though I have never seen him or heard him. I have been backing away from him lately because of his requests for finances. Long story. I’m not sure about his identity and he takes it very personally when I question him. Although I have been backing away, I miss him terribly. Trust is my issue and he claims he can’t send me video. I don’t know what to do anymore and I’m miserable. I have $8 in my checking account and no means of funds until the end of the month when I receive my SSDI. He’s a Leo, maybe I should look for another

    1. Hi Joy,

      Many woman believe that they found a connection or a match online,but the person on the other side is, in fact a scammer who wants to take advantage (mostly financial) for his personal goals.
      Do not fall for that. What you have described looks exactly like a fraudulent activity. Never meeting you in person and asking for money is an obvious sign.
      You deserve love and respect. Don’t settle for less.

  42. I am a Sagittarius, in the past I have dated a couple Aries (very childish with bad tempers), Aquarian (huge cheater), and Gemini (mean and crazy). . .when I returned to the dating world, I was asked out by someone I had known for 4 years, we have a lot in common, communication is great, and we have a great connection. . .he is a Libra.
    There is so much more then just the “sun sign”, although it does bring some of our characteristics.

    1. Hi Katie,

      Yes, you are right! Not all depends just on Sun sign. Rising sing, Moon sign, planetary positions and aspects play important role as well, but in terms of Sun signs, please note that Sagittarius woman and Libra man match-up is quite lovely. They seem to get each other on a high vibration, connecting on most levels. No couple is totally perfect, right? This couple have great potential to make this a long lasting bond.

      I hope all goes well for you both!

  43. I have been happily married to a Scorpio for many years. Scorpio and Taurus men were always my favorites. I am not a typical Pisces, I have Venus, Moon, and Jupiter in Taurus and Leo rising. No dreamy, impractical, overly emotional, pie in the sky girl am I!

    1. Hi Charlotte,

      It is such a great match! You are both water signs and so you get the value of your great emotional depth. This makes it easy for your to understand each other and connect on a much deeper level than other couples typically can. Your Taurus placements keep you committed and preserving, strongly rooted in your own ways.
      I hope all goes well for you both!

  44. My twin flame and love of my life was my late husband (he died 17 years ago) He was a Leo. I am presently seeing a Scorpio and my adopted son is also a Scorpio. Both are the absolutely wrong men to have in my life. I have dated a lot and have a lot of admirers, but nothing ever seems to really click. Perhaps I had my one chance having the love that I had with my husband.

  45. So Anna, Men I’ve been attracted too…
    My ex husband was a Capricorn. He cheated after 18 years,married her and died alone
    I’ve never been involved with a Taurus.
    Scorpio, I dated one. After a few dates, he ghosted me. We were definitely attracted to each other but never got the chance to really know each other. I’ll always wonder.
    Now I have feelings for a Cancer, though just like the Scorpio, he’s ghosted me too.
    Starting to wonder if I’ll have a real love again? Dating wasn’t easy in my 20’s not any easier now in my 50’s. I have family & friends but it’s still lonely?

    1. Hi Lisa,

      I understand how you feel, but remember, don’t settle for less than love and respect.
      If they are ghosting you think of them as just temporary persons who were not meant for you. Start healing. Start the new day with good vibes. I truly hope that soon you will meet a man who will be everything you ever hoped for.

      Best of luck to you sweetheart.

  46. I’m a Gemini. I am exactly like you said. I am dating a pisces man. He is so back and forth and I’m not sure what to do. I know in my heart and soul that I love him deeply. I can not see any other man in my life except him. When we kiss it’s like the first time kissing him. I just need to know how to make him open up about his feelings and how I can get him to come back to loving me like he was in the beginning. He’s being distant and it frienghtens me.

    1. Hi Carla,

      Yes, I feel you. Pisces man can seem emotionally detached. He can be intuitive and dreamy. You are curious woman with an active mind.However, once you start trying to get to know him, you’ll find that you may not be a match made in heaven. You aren’t likely to have a whole lot in common which is something necessary to making a relationship last.

      You won’t see eye to eye on most things and therefore just loses its fire fairly quickly. You won’t like that he is very emotional as you will have a hard time dealing with you own emotions let alone his. The key is in understanding your differences without trying to change one another.

      Good luck to you both!

  47. I’m currently dating a taurus and we have been for 2yrs now and we hav a bby boy together. And yes a ” BULL” is a hard one to Crack but things have been going alright but there’s still room for improvement. And thanks for all your tip on how to handle thee bull by its horns ! Much appreciated ?

  48. I am a Scorpio, completely fallen for a Pisces! Had no idea how explosive we are, the attraction and chemistry is crazy high! Hope to keep him!

    1. Hi J,

      Yes, this is amazing! You connect emotionally very well and have the capacity of becoming a great love. Since you both are emotionally driven people, you can get each other in a way no one else can. You think and make decisions the way you feel, and are also both quite intuitive.

      I hope all goes well for you both!

  49. Hi my name is Thembisile I am a pisces, who is very unlucky if I May say ? I have never dated a Taraus or capricorn before I have always dated a cancer or scorpio. In fact a couple of scorpio men lol, since I broke things with an Aries guy a month ago my new love interest is with scorpio man ?.unfortunately my experience with scorpio men hasn’t been as pleasant as I would have hoped. We do have chemistry however I find them a manipulative, mean and rude at times

    1. Hi Thembisile,

      Scorpio men are all or nothing creatures living in extremes. In relationships, once a Scorpio man has decided to make you his object of affection, you can expect to be the reason why he sends text messages, why his weekends are consumed and why he has dropped everything else he was working on prior to connecting with you.
      If this relationship grows into something he wants for the long term, he will eventually balance everything else out, adding you to his busy world.
      Best of luck to you!

  50. I am a Pisces and was married to a Capricorn for 31 years , his need for attention from many finally ended our marriage when I said enough is enough.
    He was very self centered, had to jump into everything with 4 feet and always thought he was the best at everything.
    I was miserable for 25 of those years , tired of his cheating and I still have a hard time getting him out of my mind, it’s pretty awful

    1. Hi Peggy,

      I fully support your decision to move forward with your life!
      Better start a new journey thinking that everything happens for a good reason.
      Always remember, you deserve to be loved and respected. Don’t settle for less.
      Never chase love, attention or affection. If it isn’t given to you freely then it isn’t worth having.
      I truly believe that there is someone else out there who will be everything you ever hoped for!

  51. I was married to a Taurus for 14 years… we had a family together. I left him when my youngest was 9 years old. It was a solid relationship that if I was dead inside I could’ve continued but we were not connected as a couple and he didn’t have my back over and over. He kind of checked out and let me take over the family stuff. I didn’t have a partner I could rely on and when I sought personal growth he wouldn’t let me discover myself and got controlling in his words to me.
    I felt trapped and alone so I left in search of someone who would allow me to fly like the free bird I’m meant to be… still looking

    1. Hi Laura,
      Men are “territorial” in general, but this is hugely emphasized in the mind of any Taurus man. His career, incomes, network, but most of all, his family and especially his wife, are all essential parts of his territory. If he was not taking care of his empire, if he didn’t nurture his relationship with you, then you leaving him justifies your action. I hope you will find the man who will be everything you ever asked for.
      Best of luck to you!

  52. Hi I’m a libra and you were right for me @least
    I do have a tendency to get what i want out of a man. Hehe
    I am a hopeless romantic & no one understands. It’s frustrating in the best days. I am tooo much for this world, I hear that continously,
    No dumbass you’re not enuff, get away from me.
    Then the toxic ones… 🚩🚩🚩🚩
    I love a train wreck! Circus are my FAVORITE!!!! Yeah, ….. NO!! I’m abusing myself, it’s so extraordinarily ……. toxic to myself
    So dumb. But when you don’t know ANY other way
    Normal feels WRONG!!!
    It’s sad that I don’t know better but that’s what happens when u have narcissistic parents, 2 against 1, just my beraided ass trying to make sense of adult problems forced on me upon me from about 4 to today
    44 yrs, damn. No wonder I ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALLLWAYS!!!! Pick the wrong guy
    Probably should be single for the rest of my life & just be the crazy cat witch lady but I do love , love and damn it I’ll keep trying.
    Have a good day. ✌️✌️

    1. I’m a libra, and haven’t dated any men. I’ve been into a Taurus male who’s like 4 years elder to me. This is my first time actually talking to aman romantically. It’s been 2 months since we matched on a dating app. He’s inconsistent, won’t text first, mostly very busy, never compliment me but would say damnnn to every artwork of mine. I’m an artist btw. If he’s h*r*y and we’re talking then he’s so invested in the conversation. That’s the only time i actually think he’s even talking to me. Sometimes we have random midnight convos upto 1 or 2 am. He once mentioned buying me food since we live at an 8 to 9 hour distance. Sends me cute snaps and sings and plays guitar to me but idk if it’s just me who gets it since it’s snap. Never calls me pet name he used to call me in the beginning. Like I’m so confused if he even likes me a bit the way I do or just being nice and trying not to be rude or something. I texted him morning and he replied with a dead *morning* after 4 hour’s. Help please🙏

      1. Dear Jignasha,

        Once the Taurus man and Libra woman truly start seeing each other for who they are; they will see differences that they will need to work on if they want it to last for the long term.
        While they are both indecisive; Taurus will go brood or want quiet time to reflect on what he wants, what he should do, and what action he will take. The Libra woman on the other hand; will be almost opposite.
        The only challenge I see here is the distance. Taurus mans is not designed for a long-distance relationship. He is very physical and this relationship concept is possible for a short period of time. I would advise making plans to see each other soon and then contemplate your next move. Good luck!

  53. “Aries: You can look towards Gemini, Sagittarius, and Libra to keep you endlessly satisfied and full of adventure.” Absolutely NOPE! Had 2 Libras as boyfriends and they bored me to tears. One treated me like I wasn’t a person, and the other lounged on the couch all the time. The one Sagittarius boyfriend I had, only wanted sex and when I wasn’t wanting things, he would walk out and spend days not talking to me. 4 Gemini boyfriends; each only lasting less than a year, except one that I married that lasted 3 years total before I walked out on him for numerous cheatings, and all sorts of abuse. The one relationship in my life that has been worth any challenges is my soulmate/husband who is an Aquarius. We were friends for 6 years before he asked me out, dated for 4 years (long distance) before getting engaged for a year and then got married this past May. He has been my best friend, my everything. We are perfect compliments of each other.

    1. Hi Ahsoka.

      Naturally, I was talking about Sun sign combinations. Not all depends just on a Sun sign. Rising sign, Moon sign, placements of the planets and how is all connected have great influence for each of us individually. I am glad you found happiness next to your Aquarius man. This is truly a dynamic relationship and if maintained carefully, has a lot of ground-breaking potentials. Good luck to you both!

  54. I’m a Pisces and was married to a Scorpio (supposedly a good choice for Pisces) for almost 40 years, who passed away 2 years ago. Our marriage was not the greatest but we did love each other very, very much. There wasn’t much spark/passion between us and I would probably never date a Scorpio again if I had the chance. I am currently dating a Sagittarius (supposedly NOT a good choice for Pisces). When we met, we BOTH felt an instant connection and we are very much in love, like no other love I’ve ever felt! We are going on 6 months and it feels like we’ve known each other our entire lives.

    I feel it’s very important to go with what’s in your HEART and not so much your Astrological Signs when it comes to love. I do believe that our meeting was orchestrated on some higher plane unknown to us and that “chance” had nothing to do with it. I truly feel he is my soulmate and he is the man I will grow old with!

    1. Hi Karen,
      The Sagittarius man with Pisces woman soul mate possibility does exist but they will have to put in the effort to make it happen. It won’t likely happen naturally.
      While you’re VERY attracted to each other physically, you may not relate on important fundamental levels. It would seem that with you two, timing is definitely everything.
      I hope all goes well for you both!

  55. I am only drawn to scorpio men. Dating, married 2 and getting ready to marry another. Any other sign bores me except as friends. Last marriage we were together over 32 years. I am an Aries sun, cancer moon and a scorpio rising. I love your insights. They are pretty spot on.

    1. Dear Darlene,

      Before Pluto was discovered and assigned as Scorpio’s ruling planet, both of these signs were governed by Mars – the planet of physical passion, war, and action. This means you can expect a grand and destructive battle of wills between water sign Scorpio and fire sign Aries with no clear winner or loser in sight. Despite the difficulties you face in making a long term relationship out of the sense of challenge you inspire in each other, this match promises to have all the qualities of a memorable, life-changing and momentous affair that will shake up your ideas about love, life and yourself.
      Best of luck to you both!

  56. The love of my life is a Capricorn. Im a Pisces. He was my first love and got back in touch with me 35 years later. Told me he’d been tracking me on social media for the past 10 years. Unfortunately he suffers severe anxiety contributed to by his marriage breakup so goes dark when things get intense. He found out he was losing his job 6 months ago. The company was closing down. Rang me on the day and has been silent ever since.

    1. Hi Nicky,
      You are very intuitive and emphatic, you sense people and can easily put yourself in anybody’s shoes. He is more grounded and may seem cold and emotionally detached. You need to find the common ground. He can teach you to be more organized and you may teach him to be more tender. Balance and harmony, compromise in relationships are areas you should work on.

  57. For some reason the current guy I’m dating, and the last 2 men I was married to, were are all Sagittarius. As a Scorpio woman I don’t know why I keep attracting the same Zodiac sign?

    1. Hi Krista,

      Well, you have to learn how to compromise in many areas of their life and relationship or this may not work very well. The Sagittarius man and Scorpio woman soul mate relationship possibility is rather low but not impossible.
      You can CAN do it if they really love each other but it will be a lot of work and finding middle ground.
      You may struggle in expressing their emotions, you may not agree on important live values, and really the only area you really do well with is intellectual conversations that have nothing to do with their actual lives together. Again, if you really fall in love with each other, you can actually learn more about one another and try to compromise in areas you know that you don’t see eye to eye on in order to make it last.

  58. So everything I’ve ever read on aquarius women and cancer men have us backwards. I’m the sensitive clingy emotional one while he’s the aloof independent distant one.
    Does this mean he isn’t in it as much as I am, maybe?

  59. My sign is Picease and am married to a Germni man, all you said are true about Picease sometimes I fee like fleeing or being in my own world

    1. Hi Joy,
      I feel you! This combination can be a bit tricky. Both Gemini and Pisces share a love for intellectual conversation for sure. However, you are far more emotional than him. This could cause conflict as he may not be able to give you the emotional closeness you seek.
      I hope all goes well for you both.

  60. I am a Capricorn woman, 38, madly in love with a Scorpio man. I don’t think I ever loved anyone before him at all, I’m twice divorced. But he is so difficult and bad at communication and hesitant to put his guards down:/ I don’t doubt his attraction to me but how do I gain his trust?

    1. Dear Kat,
      Both of you will need to learn the gentle art of compromise and gracious apology if this relationship is to last beyond an all-consuming passionate affair.
      When you do argue, you may be surprised by the powerful emotions and dramatic claims made by your man, whose words always carry a bit of the sting in the Scorpion’s tail. The emotional landscape you travel together will be full of challenges but you can both grow and thrive in the naturally caring and loving relationship if you learn how to compromise and be gentle with the other.
      Good luck to you both!

  61. Spot on for Capricorn. My high school boyfriend (first love) was a Cancer. My ex husband was a Taurus and my boyfriend who passed away in 2021 was a Virgo.

  62. am a Pisces going out with a Scorpion we have been together for 4months know Iam head over heels in love with him he is my sole mate he seems to be in love with me als he is very sweet and caring but very hard headed I find he always seem to want to be right which I find a little difficult but we seem to be compatible I have been married before with a libra this seems to be a very different man and I hope we will be together for a long time he is my sweet man

    1. Dear Marion,

      The Scorpio man and Pisces woman match is wonderful. They have so much in common you’d almost think they share the same sign. They do have some differences though but nothing that should be too detrimental to their love.
      Their love will most likely be so strong that they can get through just about anything that comes their way. These two really enjoy spending time together doing things they mutually love.
      Their values are very close and so there is very little that they won’t see eye to eye on and if there is something that comes up, they’ll probably easily find a solution that works for them both.

      I hope all goes well for you both!

  63. Hi Anna, I’m a Gemini Sun, Cancer Moon and Pisces Rising, My husband (married for 47 years before he passed away last January) was a Sagittarius. I think we were a perfect match. Now I’m seeing an Aquarius Sun, Scorpio Moon and Taurus Rising, and everything’s going okay. Love his humor and great sex drive, also his punctuality, he seems to appreciate a lot how I dress and groom., loves my home and cooking. We are planning to do some adventures together in near future. I think you are quite right what kind of man I need and is best for me.

    1. Dear Tuija,

      Both of you are are outgoing and social, which works well for this relationship. Neither Gemini or Aquarius signs are overly possessive or jealous. They will feel comfortable being a society together, or even allow for space for the other to be social on their own.
      You two both have unconventional spirits and between the two of you, you could start a revolution when forming a partnership.
      I hope all goes well for you both!

  64. Hi Anna
    I’m sagittarius aries rising moon in leo.Finally got out of 46 years relationship with a cancer scorpio rising and moon in sagttarius. Recently reconnected with my first and greatest love aquarius sagittarius rising and moon in taurus . Really want this to be the right time this time around

    1. Dear Astrid,

      This can be a near-perfect pairing for both signs. In particular, this is one of Sagittarius’ best signs for finding a soul mate. There is a lot of common characteristics in both signs, and what isn’t similar about them is complimentary. The cornerstone of this relationship will be an adventure. Sagittarius is the Adventurer, and Aquarius, the Visionary, is known to be quite adventurous as well. So, if you reconnected with your first and greatest love, that means it is meant to be.

      Good luck to you both!

  65. The last guy I was interested in was a Scorpio. We had so much in common and it helped that we’ve known each other for many yrs. But I wanted more he only wanted FWB. I fell in love he didn’t. We parted on good terms and are still friends but it was extremely hard for me to get over him.
    The guy I’m seeing now is a Capricorn and things are going ok. Not as fast as I’d like but we’re good together so I’m taking it at his pace and I’m hoping I can handle it. We’re good together also and we’ve also known each other since childhood. Slow and steady one day at a time.

    1. Hi Geri,
      Your Capricorn man may not move slowly, but he may not want to move fast either.
      It depends on his level of comfort, his maturity, and whatever baggage he may have from the past to determine how ready he is to commit. He’ll let you know if he isn’t ready.
      So if he lets you know and you keep trying to push him, he’ll start pulling back or acting out toward you. So even though you may think you need to have him commit quickly, you may want to hold off a bit.
      I hope all goes well for you both.
      Sending Love.

  66. Hi Anna, You always know what’s best for me. I am a libra. I was married to a virgo for 40 yers now in o line relationship with a virgo that is up and down all the time! I think I will look for a Leo or capricorn!. thanks for the advice.

  67. Hi Anna, this is really spot on!

    I have now been dating a cancer for 4 months and I have to say your emails, all the advice… i am so thankful!! He pulled away a bit after about 6 weeks in. I got a bad feeling he didn’t want me anymore. But after reading everything from you I changed how I was texting him… my god I can see now I was sooo needy.
    I shared way too much of my life too soon..but he was so kind and understanding that I just went in with all of me. Then..he took a few steps back. I was sad, crying, didn’t know what to do. I’m 46, divorced, lived with a man with no feelings, ignored, etc. and here I meet the kindest man, never felt so deep connection so fast. I felt like he was my soulmate.

    Anyway, I did everything exactly as you wrote. And you know what!? 😅
    He’s now fully come back!! I am so happy right now!
    Yesterday he wrote “you are the nicest, kindest and most beautiful person I have met. You make me happy! I care so much about you! Miss you.”

    Thank you Anna! All the best!
    Btw, I’m a Taurus 🥰

    1. Dear Linda,

      Always a pleasure to receive such a wonderful feedback!
      I am so glad that things are moving in the right direction.
      There is truly a beautiful connection between the Cancer man and Taurus woman. You both think quite similarly and are on the same page with most things.
      There is a simple understanding you share which makes it incredibly easy to get along in the relationship. And of course, it helps that both of you have very similar interests.
      I hope all goes well for you both!

  68. Capricorn man was a liar and a cheat so was the Taurus. Taurus is charming but the Lies after lies and a womanizer. Definitely a masagonist. He believes all women cheat so that’s why he sleeps around. His thoughts of me were so negative. Literally broke my heart.

  69. Hi Anna! Really spot on for what I look for in a man (I’m a Leo). That said, I’ve been with an Aquarius man and he does not shower me with as much compliments and attention as much as I like. He’s not really a reliable partner either. We do get along really well and the sexual chemistry was sizzling. That said, we’re now friends and will likely stay that way.

    On the contrary, I’m now with a Gemini man and he is the most reliable, caring, funny and loving man I know. I literally feel like a queen when I’m with him. And the conversations and intimacy is like nothing I’ve experienced.

    1. Hello DK,

      The sign of Gemini is all about marketing and communication, and the men from this part of the Zodiac just love that kind of approach. You should be talkative and funny, just like the voice coming from the infomercials. Nothing should ever be hard, too dramatic or unsolvable.
      Gemini man needs to “flow” in life, so if you show him that you are easy to be with, then he will love you more. This doesn’t mean that you should be easy to get, of course, but once he expressed his interests about you, then it’s your time to shine, showing your witty mind and curious childlike spirit, letting him know that you are like no other woman!
      I hope all goes well for you both!

  70. You know me well. I met a Taurus in October and we are becoming great friends and slowly moving towards a meaningful relationship! I am a Pisces and my Taurus keeps me grounded. Thank you for confirming my match for a prince charming.

    1. Dear Ina,

      Taurus man will tune into you and listen very carefully what you say. He is trying to piece together who you are and if you’d be someone he could see himself with in the future.
      This guy takes what you say seriously and cares what your opinions are. He’s looking for a life mate, not just some silly girl with nothing important to say. He’s into what you’re interested in, what you want, and what you need.
      He needs to know if he is someone who can fulfill what your deepest desires or wishes are. To do this though, he will spend hours talking to you whether in one night or spread out through many talks.
      Again, he’s a slow mover so he may do this over a period of time.

      I hope all goes well for you both.

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