Weekly Tarotscopes for September 16th – 22nd, 2024

Hi dear, and welcome to this special set of weekly tarotscopes for the week of September 16th. As the equinox arrives, we are reminded of the perfect balance between light and dark, day and night, and the importance of harmony in our lives.

This celestial moment signifies a turning point, inviting us to pause and reflect on where we are, both in our personal journeys and in our relationships. The equinox energy offers us a chance to recalibrate, find balance, and realign ourselves with our deepest desires and intentions.

In this special set of tarot readings, we will explore how the themes of equilibrium, transformation, and renewal play out in love and relationships. Whether you are seeking clarity in an existing partnership or reflecting on your own emotional growth, this time of equal light and dark provides powerful insights. 

As we journey through the cards, let the energies of the equinox guide us to embrace change with grace, recognize the areas where we can restore balance, and cultivate a deeper sense of harmony within our hearts.

Like the changing seasons, our relationships too are in constant flux, and now is the perfect time to sow seeds of understanding, patience, and love as we step into the next phase of our personal and shared growth.

Here’s Your Weekly Tarotscopes for September 16th – 22nd:

Aries: The Devil

The Devil card in a love reading signals a relationship bound by unhealthy patterns. You may feel trapped, either by intense attraction, manipulation, or dependency. It’s crucial to recognize if this bond is rooted in genuine love or merely lust, obsession, or control.

This card urges you to break free from any toxic cycles, whether they’re related to jealousy, possessiveness, or addiction. Awareness is the first step toward liberation. You have the power to release yourself from these shackles by confronting the truth and setting healthy boundaries.

This card also suggests that the relationship may be based on physicality rather than a deeper emotional connection, so consider if this is truly fulfilling your needs. 

The Devil is a reminder that you have the power to break free from materialism, ego, or fear-based thinking. This card invites you to confront your shadow self, bringing light to the darker aspects of your psyche.

By doing so, you can release attachments that no longer serve your higher purpose. Embrace spiritual practices that help you detach from the physical and material, and connect more deeply with your inner self.

Taurus: Three of Swords Reversed

When the Three of Swords appears reversed in a love reading, it’s a sign of healing and reconciliation. Past heartbreak or betrayal is beginning to fade, and you’re finding the strength to forgive and move on.

This may be a time when apologies are made, and wounds start to heal, either within your current relationship or with a past love. There’s a sense of letting go of the pain that has held you back, allowing your heart to open once more. This card encourages you to embrace emotional recovery, knowing that brighter days are ahead.

This card suggests that you’re entering a period of spiritual renewal, where you can find peace and acceptance. Engage in practices that promote healing, such as meditation, energy work, or journaling, to facilitate this inner recovery. Trust that your spirit is resilient and capable of overcoming any emotional pain. 

Gemini: Star Reversed

The Star reversed tarot card suggests a period of doubt and disappointment. You may feel disconnected from your partner or disillusioned by unmet expectations. This card asks you to reassess whether your hopes for the relationship are realistic. Are you idealizing your partner or the potential of the relationship?

It’s time to ground yourself in reality and take a practical approach. The Star reversed also indicates that you may need to focus on self-love and healing before fully committing to someone else. Don’t lose hope; remember that the light still shines, even if it’s currently obscured.

The Star reversed indicates a temporary loss of faith or spiritual direction. You may feel disconnected from your higher self or the divine. This card encourages you to reconnect with your spiritual practices and find a new source of inspiration. It’s a reminder that spiritual growth often comes through challenges.

Take this time to reflect on your spiritual beliefs and practices, and find ways to reignite your inner light. Trust that the universe is still guiding you, even if the path seems unclear.

Cancer: Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands embodies confidence, passion, and charisma. Whether it represents you or your partner, this card suggests a dynamic and vibrant relationship where both partners are attracted to each other’s fiery energy. There’s a magnetic connection filled with enthusiasm and creativity.

If you’re single, this card encourages you to embrace your confidence and step into the spotlight—your boldness will attract admirers. In an existing relationship, the Queen of Wands encourages you to be open about your desires and to lead with warmth and generosity. This card is a reminder that love thrives when both partners are true to themselves.

This card signifies a strong connection to your personal energy and a call to share your spiritual gifts with others. You’re being guided to lead with confidence and inspire those around you. Engage in practices that fuel your spirit, such as creative expression, meditation, or community service.

The Queen of Wands tarot card reminds you that your spiritual path is one of dynamic action and that you have the strength to overcome any obstacles.

Leo: Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles indicates a relationship built on mutual generosity and balance. There’s a strong sense of give and take, where you support and uplift each other. If you’ve been experiencing imbalance in your relationship, this card suggests that harmony is being restored.

One partner may have been giving more, but now the scales are evening out. If you’re single, this card encourages you to seek relationships where generosity is mutual, not one-sided. It’s a time to ask yourself if your needs are being met and if you’re also giving in return.

This harmonious card encourages you to practice generosity, not just materially but also spiritually. Share your wisdom, love, and energy with others, knowing that what you give will return to you in abundance. Engage in acts of kindness and charity, as they will enhance your spiritual growth.

This card also reminds you to be open to receiving from others and the universe, trusting that you are deserving of the blessings that come your way. 

Virgo: Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups in terms of love represents romantic gestures and the pursuit of love with an open heart. This card suggests that someone, perhaps a dreamy and idealistic partner, is coming toward you with an offer of love.

If you’re in a relationship, it’s a time of renewed romance and emotional expression. The Knight of Cups encourages you to embrace your feelings and communicate them freely.

However, be mindful of idealizing the relationship or person, as the Knight can sometimes be swept up in fantasy. This is a time for heartfelt connections and enjoying the beauty of love’s emotions.

This exciting card encourages you to explore your spiritual and emotional depths, seeking out experiences and practices that resonate with your soul. It may be a time to pursue creative or spiritual endeavors that bring you closer to your higher self.

The Knight of Cups also suggests that you are being guided by your intuition and emotions, so trust your inner voice as you navigate your spiritual journey. Be open to the beauty and inspiration that surrounds you.

Libra: Strength

The Strength card emphasizes the importance of patience, compassion, and inner strength in your relationship. Whether you’re navigating challenges or simply deepening your bond, this card encourages you to approach love with gentleness and courage.

It suggests that true strength comes from within and that loving someone means being kind, understanding, and resilient. If you’re single, Strength advises you to have patience and trust in your inner power to attract the right partner.

This card is a reminder that love is not about control, but about taming the inner beast with grace and empathy. This card is a reminder that true spiritual strength comes from embracing your vulnerabilities and fears with compassion.

The Strength tarot card encourages you to cultivate inner peace and balance through practices that strengthen your mind, body, and spirit, such as meditation, yoga, or mindful living.

Strength also signifies the importance of love and kindness in your spiritual journey—toward yourself and others. It’s a time to trust in your ability to overcome any challenges with grace and to know that your spirit is infinitely strong.

Scorpio: The Lovers

The Lovers card is a powerful symbol of union, partnership, and deep emotional connections. In a love reading, it often indicates a significant relationship or a choice between lovers.

If you’re in a relationship, this card suggests that your bond is based on mutual respect, love, and a strong connection, both emotionally and physically.

If single, the Lovers can indicate the arrival of a meaningful relationship or the need to make a crucial decision about your love life. This card also highlights the importance of aligning your values and desires with those of your partner, ensuring that the relationship is harmonious and balanced.

The Lovers tarot card is a reminder that true spiritual growth comes from aligning your actions with your core values. This card encourages you to seek balance in all areas of life, ensuring that your spiritual path is one of integrity and love.

The Lovers also signifies a union of opposites within you—the merging of the conscious and subconscious, the masculine and feminine energies. Embrace this inner harmony and let it guide your spiritual journey.

Sagittarius: Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups suggests a time of confusion and illusion. You or your partner may be overwhelmed by choices or caught up in fantasies about what could be rather than what is.

This card warns against being seduced by illusions or becoming lost in daydreams about love. It’s crucial to ground yourself in reality and make choices based on truth rather than wishful thinking.

If you’re single, this card encourages you to be discerning in your romantic pursuits. Look beyond appearances and consider what truly matters in a partner and relationship.

Seven of Cups also indicates a time of spiritual exploration and the potential for confusion. You may be drawn to multiple paths or ideas, making it difficult to choose one.

This card warns against being distracted by illusions or false promises. It’s important to stay grounded and to discern what truly resonates with your higher self.

Take time to meditate and reflect on your spiritual goals, ensuring that your choices align with your true purpose. Trust your intuition to guide you through this period of exploration and avoid being led astray by superficial allure.

Capricorn: Nine of Cups

The Nine of Cups is often seen as the “wish card,” indicating that emotional fulfillment and contentment are within reach…

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, this card suggests a period of happiness and satisfaction in your love life. Your wishes and desires regarding love are likely to come true, bringing a sense of joy and completion.

If you’re in a relationship, this card signifies that you’re entering a phase where both partners feel emotionally fulfilled and secure. It’s a time to enjoy the pleasures of love and to celebrate the deep connection you share.

Nine of Cups also represents a deep sense of contentment and spiritual fulfillment. This card suggests that you’re in alignment with your spiritual goals and that your practices are bringing you a sense of peace and joy. It’s a time to celebrate your spiritual achievements and to enjoy the abundance of blessings that surround you.

The Nine of Cups encourages you to express gratitude for the journey you’ve been on and to share your spiritual happiness with others. This is a time of emotional and spiritual well-being, where your spirit feels nourished and fulfilled.

Aquarius: Temperance

Temperance symbolizes balance, harmony, and the blending of energies. If you’re in a relationship, this card suggests that you and your partner are finding a rhythm that works well for both of you.

It’s a time of compromise, understanding, and creating a peaceful coexistence. Temperance encourages patience and moderation, indicating that love should not be rushed but allowed to develop naturally.

If you’re single, this card advises you to seek balance within yourself before pursuing a relationship. It’s a reminder that love thrives in an environment of mutual respect and emotional equilibrium.

Temperance also  represents the alchemy of the soul—the blending of different aspects of yourself to create spiritual harmony. This card encourages you to practice moderation and balance in all areas of your life, including your spiritual pursuits.

It’s a time to integrate your spiritual practices with your daily life, ensuring that your inner and outer worlds are in harmony. Temperance also suggests that you’re in a period of spiritual healing and growth, where patience and self-awareness are key. Embrace this time of balance and allow your spirit to find its natural rhythm. 

Pisces: Two of Swords

The Two of Swords in a love reading indicates a state of indecision or stalemate. You may be facing a difficult choice or struggling to see the truth in a situation. This card suggests that you or your partner might be avoiding a confrontation or refusing to acknowledge underlying issues.

It’s important to remove the blindfold and face the situation with honesty. Communication is key, as avoiding the problem will only prolong the tension. If you’re single, the Two of Swords advises you to clarify what you truly want in a relationship before moving forward. Balance your heart and mind to make the right decision.

Two of Swords also represents a crossroads in your spiritual journey. You may be struggling to make a decision or to see the truth of a situation.

This card encourages you to take time for introspection and to connect with your inner wisdom. It’s important to balance your emotions and logic, ensuring that your choices are in alignment with your spiritual values.

The Two of Swords also suggests that you may need to remove any mental or emotional blocks that are preventing you from seeing clearly. Trust in your intuition and allow it to guide you through this period of uncertainty.

Read alsoWeekly Love Horoscope for September 16th – 22nd

Wrapping Up…

Thank you, my dears; I wish you all a wonderful week ahead.

Remember to consult my friend, who is an excellent love and relationship tarot reader, to gain clarity and insights into your partner’s emotions.

Click here to claim your complimentary Tarot reading.

May the Tarot cards continue to spark your imagination, offering unwavering guidance and empowerment as you navigate your unique passage through the ever-shifting energies of life.

Until our paths intertwine once more, may your journey be illuminated by the radiance of wisdom and the warmth of love.

In the spirit of the season,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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