Weekly Love Horoscope for July 29th – August 4th

Hello sweethearts, and welcome to your weekly love horoscope for July 29th – August 4th. This is a rather important week astrologically because we have Mercury retrograde…

Mercury retrograde is so well-known that you will even read about it in the press and the newspapers, but we need to unpack it and explore it in a little bit more detail. So what do you need to understand?

Well, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo, which is, of course, an earth sign and also a sign ruled by Mercury. Virgo is a sign about details, organization, and also work, so these are three key areas where things can go awry. It’s so important to pay attention to details, to have a plan B and C, and always to double-check your facts. 

Virgo is also about self-honesty, so with Venus square Uranus in Taurus, relationships can contain a degree of unpredictability and upheaval. Being honest with yourself is very, very important.

It’s so vital now not to have delusions or fall prey to self-deception or projection. Have an honest conversation with yourself, and this will also help you navigate relationships.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for July 29th – August 4th:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: Tender is the night 

Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus is a fantastic aspect for relationships. This is an aspect that gets the butterflies going, so for those of you looking for love, this is a fantastic week to be socializing and just to be on your alert because Cupid could strike at any time. Romance often begins in unusual ways and then unfolds really quickly, with things becoming passionate and very exciting. 

For you guys who are married or in a stable relationship, it’s important this week to have date nights, but sometimes it’s better that you go out alone with each other and go to a different town or a different place where you’re not around your usual friends and colleagues.

This can be a time when a partner is suddenly a little bit tense, jealous, or behaving out of character, and maybe it’s just that they need a little bit of reassurance.

The Mercury retrograde in Virgo is making everyone just a little bit edgy and nervous. It’s definitely a time when people can feel a bit tender and more sensitive, so in general, be careful with your words and think before you speak, which is always good advice for Aries.

In terms of your work, be careful in communication with colleagues and do be slightly reticent about brand new relationships with a colleague. Diligence and perfectionism are key in your work.

Taurus: Gone to lunch 

Now, your ruler Venus in Leo is square Uranus in Taurus. This is a time when you can feel quite irritable and restless. You are very alert to ways in which your relationship restricts you or limits your growth, so it’s important right now to understand what you really want from both new and existing relationships and where you have perhaps compromised too much for the sake of people-pleasing or creating harmony. 

Sometimes, this week it’s absolutely vital that you go and explore by yourself. Do something brand new, go to a different place, read a new book, or do something that is personal to you that gives you a sense of discovery and personal freedom.

This is definitely a time when you want to stay flexible. Even when it comes to date nights or romance, try to plan it last minute and be spontaneous. Sometimes you tend not to look forward to things that are over-planned or prepared.

In relationships now, it’s important not to over-communicate, so not too much on the texts. Be a little bit less available to your partner when they call, text, or phone. Don’t ghost, block, or ignore, but simply be more discerning about when you communicate.

Gemini: In is NOT the new out

Mercury retrograde in Virgo can mean that this is a tricky time for planning big family events and get-togethers in your home, so it’s probably a week where going out is better than entertaining in your home. In is not the new out.

Sometimes you just need to get away from home and family for a bit of peace of mind. Maybe it’s the case that your kids, your parents, or even your partner are driving you mad, and your safe space is actually at the office or in the car where you feel that you can have a little bit of serenity.

It’s easy to feel very confused at an emotional level right now, and it’s a time when you have to have a bubble of protection around yourself. You can’t be all things to all people. You have to know when to say enough is enough and look after yourself. 

Venus in Leo square Uranus means it’s a pretty good time for meeting someone for the very first time online, so whether it’s through a mutual interest group or a dating app, it’s an excellent time for striking up a relationship online.

Cancer: Silk and satin, leather and lace

Now for Cancer, the Mercury retrograde is definitely something that complicates travel, so if you have any plans for holidays or for work travel, it’s very important to be meticulous in your planning and have contingency plans because all may not go to schedule.

This is also a tricky time for online romance or for relationships where you communicate an awful lot by WhatsApp or text. I would advise face-to-face communication, particularly if you have anything important to say in a relationship. 

It’s always better to be straightforward. If you find yourself arguing a lot, some breathing space is definitely needed in a relationship to let the dust settle. With Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, this is a good time for purchasing something to make yourself feel sexy and appealing.

The intimate side of your life is definitely an escape and could be quite exhilarating, so buying things like perfumes, new lingerie, and spoiling yourself perhaps with a bit of a spray tan so that you feel good physically is really awesome for the sexual side of your relationship.

Leo: Chalk and cheese 

Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus indicates that while this can be an exciting time in your love life, it’s also a time of disruption. If things recently in your love life have felt dull, stale, and uninspiring, either you or your partner may inadvertently do something to stir things up, or an event in the outside world may happen that could help spark interest in the relationship again. 

Now it’s very important for you to recognize areas where the relationship is unfulfilling and to be willing to try new things to just get the spark going again. This can be a great time for Leos to meet new people.

However, in a new relationship, there can be big differences in terms of values and priorities, and that’s something to recognize from the outset. So a new relationship you enter into now can be one of these chalk-and-cheese relationships. While there is a lot of sexual excitement, intellectually it could be quite hard work in the beginning to understand each other.

Virgo: The Right Track

Now, Mercury is retrograde in your sign, so it’s very important for you to make sure you’re on the right track. Review any recent decisions and be honest with yourself. Are things working? Do you need to tweak things or do you need to get back to the drawing board?

Right now, changing your mind is your prerogative. You should never feel obliged to follow through with anything if it’s inauthentic or if information has changed. It’s also important for you to understand your partner on a variety of levels.

You should be having constructive discussions, but in both new and existing relationships, you should also be observant: watch for the subtext; be alert to the things your partner doesn’t say but through his actions demonstrates. So be alert to all forms of communication, both verbal, non-verbal, physical, and subtle.

With Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, this can be a good time to spark romance by listening to music and reading romantic novels rather than actually pursuing it with your partner. Sometimes the best romance is what you vicariously discover through film or books.

Libra: Playing Solitaire 

With your ruler, Venus, square Uranus and Mercury retrograde in Virgo, this is a time of great indecision. Even if you try to be decisive and come up with a plan, it can be tricky right now because something in your subconscious is saying, this is not right and we need to wait.

So if you are ambivalent towards something, it probably means that you don’t yet have enough information or there are things you’ve yet to fully reconcile yourself with.

For Libra, the theme of self-honesty is absolutely vital right now. It’s so important in relationships that you are authentic and true to yourself. People-pleasing right now is not an option, and it’s also not a good idea to be incredibly conciliatory and always meet your partner halfway. This is a time in relationships when you actually need to be a little bit more selfish in order to regain the power balance. 

In relationships for some of you, this can be an ideal time to withdraw from relationships and have a few days break where you do your own thing and have time to think. Very often, Libra needs solitude to properly process information, and a little bit of solitude right now can do your relationship the world of good.

Scorpio: Insulation 

Now this week with Mercury retrograde in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus triggered by Venus, you can’t always rely on people in your life, whether it’s your friends or your partner, very often they give you mixed signals, their behavior is confusing, and you may feel that you want to just kind of withdraw.

Try not to be too sensitive or reactive as there’s most likely nothing behind it, but people in your life just tend to be more confused and ambivalent, and therefore they don’t always follow through, and they can sometimes make promises that they are not going to keep. 

Now, while this is a very interesting time socially when you can meet new people, it’s not a good time for those friends-with-benefits relationships simply because wires can get crossed. 

What you really need to do in terms of your long-term relationships is stay open-minded and a bit aloof. This is a time to just have a little bit of space, do your own self-care, and make sure you are strong in your own mind and that you are a little bit insulated from any emotional angst or confusion that a partner may be going through.

Sagittarius: Waiting for the shoe to drop 

Now Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, as well as Mercury retrograde in Virgo, arouses your ambition. You are more likely to feel dissatisfied with some parts of your life, and if you’ve recently felt like you were just going through the motions and ticking boxes, now is the time to uncover what you could do to make the next big step to make a relationship or your life more fulfilling.

There can also be questions about your next career move. It’s not necessarily a great time to start a new business or jump into a new job, but it is a good time for some more flexible thinking about the options out there because there may be more than you think.

It’s so important in relationships now not to leap to conclusions. So whether you are married or dating, always understand there is more to learn, and there are more facts to uncover. This is a time when you feel a bit restless, but there’s also a sense that you’re waiting for the next shoe to drop to decide what you really want to do. So acknowledge where you’re dissatisfied but don’t be too quick to make a change yet. Keep an open mind about your options.

Capricorn: Missing puzzle pieces 

Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus means it’s an excellent time for those of you who are dating. You should be embracing new activities, meeting new people, and attending any events where you get to mingle. Mingling is the key.

This is a time when you don’t necessarily want to meet someone online and then focus on them. You want to meet a variety of people in many different sorts of situations so that you are able to compare and contrast.

It’s so important in dating not to reach any conclusions yet. Try to understand what these people are about and what they offer and then take a step back while your intuition kicks in and guides you towards the right one. 

With Mercury retrograde in Virgo, it’s very important right now to understand that sometimes we don’t have all the answers. There are many times in life when, although we understand the details and we see the bigger picture, we can’t put everything together.

So what’s so important right now is don’t be arrogant. Always know that it’s good to be humble and to listen to what other people have to say and to keep taking on board new information even when we think that you know it all. 

So, in ongoing relationships right now, understand that everyone is at a different part of their journey, and sometimes people just aren’t ready for certain things at certain times. Be aware of where your partner is at, either emotionally or philosophically, and cater to that in terms of cutting them a bit of slack.

Aquarius: Too good to be true 

Now with the Mercury retrograde and Venus in your solar seventh house square Uranus, there’s a lot of unpredictability in relationships right now. So what do you need to do?

Take a step back, focus on spontaneity and fun, and take each day as it comes. This is not a great time for in-depth planning and trying to necessarily predict everything about your relationship.

People can be quite surprising right now. This is a week where people tend to act out of character, and very often things happen at the very last minute that can throw you into a quandary. That’s why it’s important not to be set on definite outcomes. 

Whether you’re newly dating or in a long-term relationship, the sexual arena is one where there can be a little bit of friction. So take the pressure off your sex life and make sure you are just really comfortable and relaxed with each other before you necessarily have sex. In brand-new relationships, it’s probably a bit too early to be rushing to the bedroom. You just don’t totally get what the other person wants, and you want to avoid disappointment. 

Do be careful of any financial arrangements. It’s a vital time to understand the fine print and be a little bit skeptical of anything that’s too good to be true.

Pisces: Second time around 

Now Mercury retrograde in Virgo is particularly significant for Pisces because Virgo rules your solar seventh house of long-term relationships. So what do you need to do in terms of ongoing stable relationships?

Make sure that you really are getting each other. This is a time when you can’t make assumptions. Often there needs to be some focus and concentration on what you really want, and in many cases, recent decisions may have to be reviewed.

So even if you guys reach a bit of a crossroads or perhaps there’s a bit of friction, this could be highlighting something you’ve missed, something you haven’t taken into account, and it’s so important not to be stubborn because this is very restrictive.

What is key in relationships now is flexibility. You should both be able to change your mind, look for new information, and come up with better decisions. 

So this is not about challenges, failure, or mistakes. It’s about a little bit of backtracking and then getting things even better the second time around. For couples who generally communicate well, you can overcome this. If communications are a problem, this is also an amazing opportunity right now to reboot the communication side of relationships. 

With Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, it’s quite an exciting time for relationships with colleagues, but at the same time, do be fairly cautious and understand that there are still a few pitfalls down the line and you shouldn’t be complacent.

My Final Words for The Week Of July 29th…

With Mercury retrograde interactions with other people may have very surprising results, and circumstances tend to involve a degree of eccentricity. 

This may be a frustrating week because you’re restless for new experiences and will find it more difficult to focus for long periods of time or handle mundane and boring duties. 

Discussions with your partner will involve more disagreement or contrast than usual, but their feedback will provide you with valuable objectivity and a different perspective. You need to watch the tendency to defend your opinions too vehemently, as you may be missing out on constructive communication. 

Analyze contracts and agreements carefully, and be careful you have all relevant information.

Key themes to capitalize on this week:

Self Honesty, Self-Awareness, Versatility, Truth, Compromise, Harmony, Deeper communication

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Wishing you all the luck in the universe,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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