Weekly Love Horoscope for June 24th – 30th

Hello, sweethearts, are you ready to discover your last weekly love horoscope for June 24th – 30th? This week Mercury is in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces, Venus is also in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus, and Mars is sextile Saturn…

Mars in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces is conducive to self-development goals, business planning, understanding trends, and long-term goals that bring you closer to your truth. This brings balance and perspective to our mentality and encourages moral courage and brave stoicism.

Mercury trine Saturn is great for developing wisdom and calm, responsibilities may lighten for the moment as it’s to establish routines and to maintain momentum on relationship goals.

The key right now is memory because you should retain what learned this week, and analyze what has real importance. Concentrate on the essential matters and keep promises.

Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus favors some nostalgia to enhance relationships. It’s important to use your nurturing skills and understand the subtle needs and sensitivities of your partner.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for June 24th – 30th:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon and Rising sign for better accuracy.

Aries: Getting Back on the Freeway of Love

Marriage and long-term relationships can be problematic, especially when you are feeling as if you are at a dead end, so the key to improving your marriage is enlivening both your lives with inspiring goals and new projects that add variety to your life. Often joining new groups or causes is the key to a more fulfilling existence which feeds into a better relationship.

This is such an emotional week with Venus in Cancer sextile Mars indicating a high level of desire and a need for affection and an engaging relationship with a lot of emotional interaction.

You enjoy relationships that are loving and where you share a fundamental premise in life. Love life and romance will not stand still, if you have recently got involved in a relationship.

This could be a very fast-paced period where you do a lot of things together and learn a great deal about each other. You want to get closer, but this aim may be hard to achieve as your partner and you are very busy, and there are multiple distractions.

With Mercury trine Saturn, this can be a rather confusing time in relationships and it’s more about understanding things that are very subtle at an intuitive level in order to grasp the full potential.

For those of you who are married or in a committed relationship, definitely work on your sex life as it’s all about affection and physical understanding right now, so body language is an important way of bonding rather than just words.

Taurus: Living Your Life in Your Way

It’s important this week not to underestimate yourself, at an individual and personal level. You must feel entitled to be fulfilled or have your needs met in your marriage, don’t accept a status quo that’s not satisfactory just because you are reluctant to start pushing against the flow.

The problem now is that you need harmony and support, you are emotionally in need of a good relationship, but that can make you too compromising, and you can accept getting less in exchange for stability.

Don’t put your partner on a pedestal, and don’t allow your relationship to become unequal, this is time to rebalance and understand properly the value you bring to the relationship and your vital contribution, don’t take nonsense because you are underselling yourself.

With Mars in Taurus sextile Venus, Taurus women are attracted to outgoing, original, and exciting people who are rather dynamic or effusive. The warning is that ‘all which glitters is not gold’ in love, and you have to be careful not to get carried away with the superficial, make sure you understand the substance.

It’s easy to fall for a narcissistic personality type right now as these men have big personalities, are very impressive, and often will sweep you off your feet, but they always set the agenda. Be careful when you enter a new relationship that you know a little about your partner’s past, and try and see beyond the facade.

With your ruler in Cancer, you need comfort and some consistency in love, and so if a partner is becoming more unreliable and erratic, you may need to pause the relationship for a break in order to reset the balance.

This is certainly a time when good relationships cement, and feel stronger and there should be a good level of support, so remember to be encouraging and appreciative to your partner and he should return the favor. Don’t take anything for granted right now, relationships still need work but you should see dividends.

New relationships right now are off to a slow but steady start and that is very good as there should be a greater level of physical understanding and some tender moments that leave you believing things are hitting the right notes


Do you know where you’re going, do you like the things that life is showing you?

With your ruler Mercury trine Saturn in Pisces, you should retain some detachment in love, it’s easy to get sucked into the intensity of the moment, and it can be hard to see anything but the immediate circumstance, but this gives the particular problem too much significance and thus power, and you need to pull back, see a bigger picture and suddenly the problem shrinks.

Mercury trine Saturn means there’s always a bigger picture, so make sure you are seeing it. Don’t let friction ruin your confidence in a fundamentally good and strong relationship as it can weather this storm, and the current crisis may just be a measure of changes and adjustments that must be made to strengthen the relationship and ensure its success going forward.

Self-honesty is very important and the question you should ask is, “What is this relationship making me become? Do I like where I am going in the relationship?” If the answer is NO, you know what you have to do.

You should reach out to people who are close to you and express your desire to support and comfort them. You may have more contact with women this week, or you may seek advice from your mother or a mother figure.

In terms of emerging relationships, it’s about slowly building trust and establishing respect, so in new relationships, it’s very important to have boundaries, not to be people pleasing and to have your limits. Make sure your partner understands your needs.

In marriage or steady relationships, boundaries and learning to say NO can actually bring strength into the relationship. This is not necessarily a romantic time, but it’s certainly a time when a reasonable and compassionate approach will put the relationship in good standing.

Cancer: Center Stage and a Leading Role

With Sun, Venus, and Mercury in your first house, you have to be careful not to be too optimistic in love, this can be an excellent time for a budding romance, especially if it’s your first romance after a breakup or long break from the dating game, however, your initial feelings can be somewhat inflated.

New relationships tend to get deep very quickly this week, but you can lose control, and you may find yourself revealing more than you are very comfortable with. You can become compulsive, and a little obsessed with a new person, and this may lead to some controlling and jealous behavior on your part.

You will take the lead in many relationship decisions and often you do not welcome input from your partner; you may listen with half an ear, and then you will go and do it your way anyway. Cancer will often test the norms and boundaries in terms of your relationship this week.

This is a great time for those relationships that begin at work as new relationships often have a solid level of shared interest and understanding and they should begin with a sense of humor that you both share, so you know that you’re onto a winner when you feel really relaxed with a new partner and he makes you laugh.

It’s a wonderful time for new romance because you feel quite confident and adventurous and therefore you are putting out the right vibes to attract someone who is going to take your life forward and bring healing and closure to your life, as well as a lot of excitement and new avenues.

Leo: Viva Las Vegas

With Mars in Taurus and Jupiter in Gemini, there is a rebellious and impetuous side to Leo this week, and you do not take well to being controlled or told what to do. This is an awesome time to be fearless when it comes to making your love and romantic life sizzling.

You are more likely to take risks this week, but be careful of trying to win at all costs, as this could damage goodwill in your professional and relationship life. Be careful of situations involving speed and large crowds.

Even if you are pretty conservative this week, it is possible that a certain edginess will come to you when you have to deal with unexpected situations that require an immediate response. While unpredictable events can frustrate you, they can serve to alter your direction for the better.

You can be less present regarding your love relationship – your mind is elsewhere, and you may talk nonstop about work or issues around your home, and you may just ignore your partner’s attempts to get lovey-dovey or to change the mood from serious to playful.

As a Leo woman, you want to talk to your partner about major decisions, but you sense he is just not as anxious or as concerned as you are and his level of response does not do much to console or put your mind at rest, so be patient.

Single Leo are more willing to make the first move in love – usually, Leo lady thinks it is beneath her to initiate, you often like to ooze your magnetic appeal and let others do the running, but right now, you are experiencing the joy of being the chaser and calling the shots.

Virgo: The Future is Now

With the Cancer planets active this week, long-term relationships will be an aspect of life that needs to be addressed with respect to how you and your partner feel about changes afoot.

Is your partner on board? Does he feel a similar impetus or indeed urgency to do something? Does your vision of the future match his? Does he feel anxious about the same things as you? Are your priorities similar?

This is a week where you have to ask all these questions because the answers will tell you whether you and your partner have diverged, in terms of life path, and you need to decide if that divergence is temporary or permanent.

This is a great time for those relationships that begin at work as new relationships often have a solid level of shared interest and understanding and they should begin with a sense of humor that you both share, so you know that you’re onto a winner when you feel really relaxed with a new partner and he makes you laugh.

It’s a wonderful time for new romance because you feel quite confident and adventurous and therefore you are putting out the right vibes to attract someone who is going to take your life forward and bring healing and closure to your life, as well as a lot of excitement and new avenues.

This is definitely a time when, if you recently embarked on a relationship, it can suddenly become a lot more serious and you can begin to learn more about each other – the good points and the bad points.

Although a little challenging, it’s all very intriguing and relationships should have a greater degree of emotional satisfaction, Virgoans don’t really want frivolous relationships, you want something substantial and this week new relationships can begin to take form and become a lot more complicated, but in a good way!

Libra: Rule Breaker

This week requires an open-minded approach, you must be willing to allow for a variety of modes of expression in each other. So, your partner must accommodate any new whims or requests you have and you must do the same. Don’t be wedded to old ways of doing things, throw away the rule book.

In your sex life, tackle the taboos. The reason many people have affairs is because sex with a partner becomes predictable, all these tacit rules develop and basically you stop talking about sex.

So, this week is an ideal time to rejuvenate your sex life by throwing away the rituals you have developed and looking at sex with a fresh pair of eyes. Read erotica together to stimulate the imagination, have sex in new places, at different times, be spontaneous and introduce props or even costumes. Often better sex is just about two things: putting in a touch more effort and the element of surprise.

You have a tendency to take on too much, leading to scattered thinking and difficulty in focusing on specific tasks, so it’s vital to stick to the agenda or establish clear goals.

It’s important to inject optimism and enthusiasm into your relationship, encouraging your partner to pursue new ideas and ventures. Guard against overconfidence and impulsivity in love, especially when it comes to office romance.

Stay open to new possibilities and learning experiences in love, the more you learn about your partner and yourself, the better.

Scorpio: Fire, Fire Burning Bright

With Mercury, Venus, and Sun in Cancer, this is an excellent time for a new romance that’s spur of the moment is not a double date or anything contrived. A romantic encounter this week can be intellectually exciting, stimulating and enlightening.

However, it may not become emotionally close, in fact, it may be non-committal and you may question whether you are in a relationship or a friendship, as new romance is stronger on the mental plane, rather than on the intimate level.

However, this relationship could blossom into something that can become strong, stable, and based heavily on mutual respect in the future.

With Jupiter in Gemini, your interactions with your partner are more intense and passionate. On a sexual level, he may be more lustful and keen for physical satisfaction, on an intellectual level he may be more obtuse or argumentative.

You must stand up for yourself in relationships, stand your ground, don’t be easygoing, know your own mind, and don’t be harangued. This month you are challenged to solidify your thoughts and ideas as you face opposition from your partner, but not only from him.

Your need for romantic love is powerful this month, Scorpio are drawn to love affairs that offer a great deal of escapism and affection. These relationships are not necessarily easy or rational, they may not even be sustainable, but they offer a lot of comfort and they fill a gap.

Whether it’s a new relationship or you’re in a relationship, the key now is, don’t be passive, it’s all about improving communication and being attentive to your partner’s needs.

The other key to improving relationships right now is introducing variety, not being inflexible and not tying yourself to any stale old routines that don’t work for you or your partner, anymore. So the more you are open to new ideas and you can introduce spontaneity, the better relationships will be.

Sagittarius: Charting a New Course

Mercury trine Saturn this week brings better communication and a positive approach to problems in love. There is an opportunity to relax and unwind together and a rapport can be re-established. The pressure seems to be off temporarily and you have more quality time together, to talk about the future and discuss where you both see the relationship going.

With Sun and Mercury in Cancer, you can learn a lot about yourself through your interactions with your partner and you are able to give each other good advice. It’s an opportune time to discuss money and do some budgeting together, however, you may both decide on very different investment decisions than you have considered in the past.

Things around you are changing and that brings you together like never before as you face external challenges as a couple, and are required to re-evaluate where you are, and what you want given the new circumstances.

If you have had a tough patch in your life, this is an excellent week to turn things around, forgive, and move past the problems focusing on the future and what can be done to get your relationship on track.

It’s definitely a time to see the bigger picture and not to waste time on old bones of contention. Sagittarius must realize that everything is changing, so forget the past it’s really not relevant, move on and keep moving.

This is also a good time to think long-term and to maybe consider issues around investment or even pensions and property with your partner. So this is a great time for you and a partner to plan and show commitment to the relationship by keeping promises and being consistent.

Even in new relationships, being a person who is honest and straightforward helps get things off to a wonderful start. In fledgling relationships, chemistry, and physical attraction are key, and if they’re not there, probably not worth bothering.

Capricorn: Holistic Love

In ongoing love relationships, you can be quite needy and you may become people-pleasing just to ensure you get the continuity or closeness you desire. Too much compromise can lead to intimate problems and irrational worries. You must work hard on self-love and self-acceptance, do not look to relationships to fill every gap or solve every problem.

Recently formed relationships can become deeper and more committed this week, the communication and understanding deepen and yet you aren’t necessarily spending every second together, as you retain independence.

You may be drawn to guys who are unattainable, but who you have a lot of respect for. Make sure a new partner actually earns your respect, as you may be veering into hero worship territory, where you are inclined to think your new guy is the bee’s knees when in truth, he is just full of bluster. Manage your expectations, you can get carried away in new relationships, overestimating their potential.

With Mars in Taurus for those of you who are sporting, this is awesome for improving your fitness and stamina and engaging in some brand new sporting activities, particularly if you want to meet someone new.

You want to be expansive when it comes to your relationship, take the lead, and encourage more romance, and be proactive about solving any problems you have as a couple. Be a leader in your relationship because right now a positive attitude makes the world of difference.

Aquarius: Pandora’s Box of Magic

With Mars in Taurus, It’s hard for you to remain neutral this week as feelings run high. Aquarius are experiencing greater emotional depth and that can help grant you the impetus to tackle difficult relationship issues.

You have the potential to reach significant realizations in relationships, either alone or with your partner, and from there, you cross the Rubicon, and there is only one way ahead and that’s forward.

You are able to face fears, especially those that have been undermining you as they lurk under the surface. The most significant hurdle is dealing with insecurity and overcoming the way this insecurity causes you to cling to what is outdated in terms of your life and relationship.

This week can be a cathartic one in relationships, as long as you take brave steps to address the fundamental flaws and fissures that are preventing better cooperation. Steps you take now to renew your relationship can have a long term effect.

For those of you who are creative, the juices are really flowing right now, and that stimulates your fantastic Aquarius imagination, giving you a lot of skill in writing fiction or even reports. You are far better at connecting with an audience right now because your choice of words is poignant and expressive.

Pisces: It’s No Sacrifice at All

With Sun and Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn, you are looking to take relationships forward right now, you are future-orientated, and if you do not see a future or if your partner does not see the same future as you, you may actually want to walk away from the relationship – but you will regret it.

This is not a good time to make hasty decisions in any relationship as it will not get you what you want, and it may cost you. You are playful and fun-loving this month, and so the best way to make the most of your relationships is to do fun new activities together – these can be sports, adventure weekends, short breaks, or anything that gets you both outdoors.

Important shifts of consciousness can occur which can improve the bond between you and your partner, however, sacrifices must be made, and the extent of the sacrifice is a measure of true trust and commitment. You may have to make choices in love that are not straightforward and you may end up doing things that you later find hard to defend.

Your psychic sensitivity is high in relationships and this can cause you to pick up on subtle signals your partner or new date is giving off, however, this can serve to complicate rather than deepen the relationship as you are inclined to be probing and you can easily trigger a highly dramatic response from this person.

This is a really powerful time for networking and leveraging the contacts you have with other people to explore career options. It’s not so much about an immediate result, it’s about building momentum so you begin to feel positive about what might await you in the future of this year.

My Final Thoughts For The Week Of June 24th – 30th

All relationships now are about opening you up and allowing you to experience emotional growth and a better understanding of the underlying emotions and dynamics at play in the relationship.

Psychological games can only limit understanding, and so for any relationship to grow and prosper further, these need to be eradicated and that requires maturity and self-honesty from you both.

These are the keywords for all star signs are:

Constrictive communication, Nurturing, Family, Truth, Independence, Patience, Self-determination

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Wishing you all the luck in the universe,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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