Weekly Love Horoscope for August 12th – 18th

Hi sweethearts, and welcome to the weekly love horoscope for August 12th – 18th. This is a month to be the director of your life movie, so no more following the lead of others. Step into the limelight and make sure you seize the initiative.

It is much easier now to make progress and start new projects and while you may not get support, you will also not face much opposition. You are hard to ignore, others respond to the force of your personality, and yet you are not bossy, just really certain of what you want, which impresses others.

The Mars-Jupiter conjunction gives an abundance of energy, enthusiasm, and positivity.  You tend to be zealous in the pursuit of whatever you deem worthwhile, be it knowledge, religion, social upliftment, or some ‘good Samaritan’ cause.

This is the aspect of the good Samaritan as it gives the desire and energy to help others or occasionally to become involved in a ‘crusade’ to make needed changes.  There is a large amount of self-belief with this aspect and you never say die, always believing that while there is another day, there must be another way.  You always feel you are capable of accomplishing what you set out to do and that is half the battle won.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for August 12th – 18th:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: Restless minds, buckling up for success 

With Jupiter conjunct your planetary ruler, it’s time in marriage to support each other by supporting yourself and being responsible for your own emotions rather than expecting your partner to mother you or console you.

Relationships where you both stand on your own two feet emotionally fare well, as this is a time of restraint and buckling down, rather than indulging.  The motto in love is don’t complain just crack on with it.

Mercury retrograde is now in Leo can throw your plans into disarray and you often become confused about what exactly it is you want.  It’s a time when the things that normally excite or inspire you lack traction and you may be a little lost, especially on the weekend, wondering what to get up to to bring the sparkle back.

Not everyone and everything is worth your time, you have a great deal of mental energy and you will respond to requests from others quite spontaneously but what are you getting yourself into?

With the conjunction in Gemini, your mind is working very fast, and you can have many flashes of insight. However, not everything will be practically applicable right away. Your mission is to use these insights as guides for further research or investigation to uncover gems that can be fitted into the crown at some point.

Taurus: Be brave, manage power

Mercury retrograde entering Leo means that there are many misunderstandings in love.  These are often to do with decisions that affect the whole family.  You may clash about family responsibilities and decisions to do with the home.

It’s very hard to have productive conversations and you and a partner have to be illogical and too subjective.  You may not have fierce arguments, it’s more about bickering, silent treatment, and sarcasm.  Try not to be so critical of each other, it’s damaging. 

Your partner may disagree with your personal and career decisions and that really annoys you as it seems so presumptuous.  However, it could be your fault for not explaining yourself properly. So be clear in your communications, don’t assume they know or understand the details or your motivations, spell it out.

With Mars conjunct Jupiter you feel as if things are going to start moving again and they are. However, they will move quite slowly and you will have to temper your energy and enthusiasm as circumstances may require a rather coy or even a secretive approach.

While events start to move, there is still some confusion which leads to indecision, but you should not beat yourself up about this, just take things at a steady pace.  The worst thing you can do this month is try to force the pace, learn to judge the natural flow, and work with that rather than against it.

Gemini: Mirror and motivation 

Mercury retrograde enters Leo, meaning some frustration and delays as well as misconceptions in love. Avoid making promises as you are not actually that sure about what you feel about emotional matters right now.  Your needs are changing, and you don’t want to be backed into a corner.

So this week do not be afraid to say, “I don’t know” or “I’ll get back to you’,” stop feeling the compulsion to be decisive and precise, let others wait and be patient for a change, and reserve the right to change your mind.

 If you are starting anything new make sure you make use of all your contacts as you can be more successful if you look for allies and get them on your side. So, while the last few months were not good for group efforts, now the time is ripe to milk the support of others and call in favors.

If you can ensure that your interests partly align with those of the group, you can use the energy of the group to fuel your ambition.  So while you work with others effectively, you will not forego selfish aims. 

Mars conjunction Jupiter in Gemini is a high energy, proactive pioneering placement but it also indicates people you encounter this week serve as mirrors that reflect some of the inner psychological inconsistencies of which you may not be consciously aware.

Do not attribute everything that happens now to fate or happenstance or even other people; events are triggered by you, even if subconsciously. Learn from others and accept the lesson with open arms.

Cancer: Believing in you

Mercury retrograde enters Leo and that is why you need to be prepared for your ideas to be tested.  Often this is a time of shattered illusions and cold hard truth, but embrace it and adapt quickly.

Seek to understand and adjust rather than make excuses, as Mercury in Leo can encourage retreat or obfuscation rather than facing mental challenges head-on.  Your ideas have merit, but they may need a lot more refining and Mercury retrograde offers that opportunity.

You are very motivated and yet sometimes energy is lost as you lack clarity in your thinking.  Goals and objectives need to be narrowed down.  You seek to lead and yet, you are stronger when you look to cooperate and build alliances rather than going alone. Look for allies and stay alert as many of the most important things which happen this month are subtle and require discretion and a delicate touch. Don’t race in where angels fear to tread.

With Mars Jupiter, you are ready for leadership, and you are also well placed for taking initiatives and going it alone, so whether you work for yourself or are employed, you will be making many decisions, starting new projects, and forging ahead.

You are very much in control of your life and its direction, and even if you are not yet fully in control, you are ready to make very tough decisions and sacrifices to get where you want to be. This is a very determined time where you can move mountains and build towards a very promising new avenue in life.

Other people will come to your aid just when you need it, and you will have ample moral and emotional support. You will feel able to accomplish so much more as you will feel that you have people behind you who believe in you, and yet at the same time, you may feel extra pressure as you will not want to let the same people down.

Leo: Opinions, debate, and objectivity 

Marriage relations improve as you are open to listening and are more understanding of your partner’s points of view, you are ready to take new information on board and can do so objectively. You are less inclined to get emotional or become defensive, as you can see the logic of what your partner is conveying.

However, you will not hold back on your own opinions either, and you can be tempted to take the moral high ground and assume a righteous approach, try not to do that. Be positive and think of solutions, try not to get sidetracked by the rights and wrongs, not everything has a moral angle to it. 

Mercury retrograde in Leo is a very good time to plan with your partner and set goals for your future. You have a greater need to know where the relationship is going, and so you won’t sit back and let it drift along.

Fate plays a large part in love this month and so events can happen without you having much input as the nature of the month is that you adapt rather than initiate. With Mars Jupiter, a new partner can have a significant impact on you which affects your life as a whole, not just your romantic life. It is possible to begin a love affair right now that either lasts a lifetime or will change your life for some time to come.

In new love, you display a lot of curiosity and yet you can also be very fidgety and nervous so a new partner may not be able to show you affection as your very manner seems to repel contact, not in a standoffish way, but via a great restless energy.

Virgo: Expanding perspectives

Other people can drain you or support you and you need to take a look at who is doing what. The biggest factor in health this week is the effect others have on your motivation and inspiration.

You need to be surrounded by people who have both energy and also commitment, the last thing you need right now are people who come on strong and then leave you in the lurch. Make sure they can put their money where their mouths are, as friends, family or colleagues are not always as behind you as they first appear.

As Mars is conjunct Jupiter, this is a week of optimism and positive social experiences. You may socialize more because of a new partner, as they may introduce you to many new friends, widening your social circles.  

This is also an important week for family and developments now are seminal. You and your partner may begin to talk about the future in terms of moving home or undertaking major work to improve your home.

It’s not only about where you live in terms of bricks and mortar, a home move may be part of an overall reassessment of values and priorities.  Often an event with your parents had a time to play in these decisions.

Libra: The answer my friend is blowing in the wind

With Mercury retrograde in Leo, this is not a good time to pool funds or try and crowd fund.  If you attempt to use the more trendy or social media-driven ways to raise money, you can be caught short as you may not be aware of the pitfalls.  This is also not a good time to lend or borrow from friends.

In fact, friends can cost you money or cause you to make bad decisions and so do not get money advice from friends either. Avoid any money-making schemes and do not respond to alluring adverts on YouTube encouraging you to believe that some Tom, Dick, or Harry who was flat broke last week is now a millionaire.

Long-distance relationships can be something which develops right now – partly because in long-distance relationships, the communication side is very intense, and this side develops very quickly often with your guard down and with more revealed than you would face to face – this gets the ‘getting to know you’ part of the relationship off to a great and fast start. 

Patience and tolerance are key in love.  Sometimes you just have to take your foot off the gas and relieve the pressure.  There is no point trying to force issues or demand clarification, often there are no good answers and the only solution is found in the passing of time.  Impatience can only make issues worse.

Forgiveness and generosity are your key weapons in love, and I say weapons as they are like your missile defense system, your way of diffusing anger, hostility, and the problems that stem from that.

Scorpio: Love Refresher

With Mercury going retrograde into Leo, Scorpio must manage public relations carefully. Be cautious about what you put in the public domain via Twitter or Facebook, try not to be controversial or say anything that could be misconstrued or taken out of context. You must have a cohesive social media game plan where you don’t mix business with pleasure or confuse close friends with colleagues, success right now is knowing your audience and what to say to who. 

This week, any initiative involving the promotion of yourself, your company, your products, or situations where you represent a company, tend to be more complicated. Be fully prepped, and don’t assume you are in for an easy ride.

An excellent week for love and romance to develop. New relationships that start now are often based on shared values and similar ideas. Communication, but also goals, and a sense of adventure are key to new love.

Holiday romance is certainly possible, but it’s deeper than a fling, it’s a brand new start and a new relationship now can be refreshing and different from what had gone before having a healing influence. 

An excellent week to start dating again after a painful breakup or a tough period in your life, a new love relationship is a tonic and a perfect step towards a new life.

Marriage is a rollercoaster this week, there are mixed emotions and yet there is great potential to get stuff out of the way before the holidays. Be positive about any problems and issues, tackle them head-on with honesty and you will get results as long as you are patient, as your partner may not be receptive right away to your ideas or need for discussion.

Sagittarius: Backchat Backtrack 

As Mercury is retrograde into Leo, in business, you have the outline, now it’s time to color it all in and create the full picture. However, you tend to be impatient right now and more interested in jumping in the car without mulling over the map.

The universe will throw a few roadblocks, in the form of some sharp criticism from others in your way. However, until you put the brakes on your plans and do the detailed work.

If you are planning to study this year and are applying for courses, you may need a rethink. Will these expensive courses get you where you want to go? Why are you studying, is it for a specific career purpose, for self-fulfillment, or because you are passionate about the subject?

You need to know what is most important to you, or you may end up wasting time and money on degrees or diplomas that either don’t advance your career or don’t get you excited.  

Mars conjunction Jupiter is a very good time to make amends so if you need to eat humble pie and apologize or repair a bridge, go for it and put your pride on the shelf, it will not be as awful as you think. In fact, you and your partner will feel a lot better after.

Your chart suggests some confusion in terms of what you desire in terms of your longer range love goals and what will actually get you there, in some cases your exact vision for the relationship future is too vague and that makes planning hit and miss. In other cases, the vision is there, but the plans in place currently don’t guarantee results and are wishful thinking.

Capricorn: Keep Going 

Mercury retrograde affects decisions about money in relationships and there are more likely to be arguments over the household budget and respective priorities, stick to your guns however as you can probably ride out the storm and win.

Love relationships need a philosophical approach as well as a long-term one, and so like Churchill said, “If you are going through hell keep going.” You may not be going through hell as such, but whatever you are processing in terms of your love relationship, see it out, keep up the progress, and don’t forget to focus on the positive outcome.

It’s important to have goals as a couple, a focus beyond the 9-5 and paying bills or changing nappies, so create aspirational landmarks that inspire and motivate you both and are something uniting, during a time when differences seem stark.

Mars-Jupiter conjunction marks the start of a proactive and potentially exciting time for romance. New relationships start quickly and often the attraction is intuitive and instinctive. You fall in love fast and it’s not necessarily about mental compatibility or suitability, it’s about the vibe you get.

New love is quite idealistic and it breaks down barriers, it’s not about rules or convention and it has added excitement if there is some risk. Romance is about doing things, not talking or staring into each others’ eyes, and dates are action-packed.

This is a very good time to meet new potential partners and have fun doing so, but while the excitement level is high, you may not know until next year how true this love is or whether it was a phase.

Aquarius: Play Poker

Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini means you are very compassionate and generous when your romantic feelings are aroused. However you have to be careful that you do not give too much away too quickly.

With Mercury retrograde into Leo, Aquarius are quick to open up in new love relationships, and you may reveal your hand too soon or even come over as needy or oversharing. In fact, you are not needy at all, you are just excited about sharing deep feelings, such as talking to someone special and opening up about your deeper emotions.

Now, you need to be certain you are doing it with a person you can really trust, as some things are not really fit for the ears of strangers. Also, be careful that you do not attract someone who has more problems than you are really able to deal with.

You have a great deal of focus and you are most happy when working on details and understanding how things work together. You are great at seeing linkages and knowing how you can change the whole dynamic by adjusting those linkages.

Your key advantage is in your attention to detail and your ability to see what others miss. Be flexible as within the confusion of this month are important clues, which if observed and accounted for can lead to success.

Pisces: Enough is enough 

Mercury retrograde is now in Leo, meaning that your daily work, commitments and routines are about to face some turbulence. However, it’s not all bad as instead of seeing what transpires now as an annoyance, try and see it as an opportunity to do things differently, maybe your work life balance is anything but balanced and this is the time to get to the end of your tether and shout, “Enough is enough.”  

Mercury retrograde is encouraging you to see what is banal, pointless, or a waste of energy in terms of the way you tackle work and juggle your household chores, it’s a time to become more streamlined, and ergonomic and to make use of more labor saving devices. Delegate and stop picking up other people’s slack. Cut out needless rituals, and use this period to do those things you have promised yourself you would do, but never get around to.

In love, try not to jump to conclusions; it’s easy to react to gut feelings which often stem from protective or jealous instincts and may not be appropriate. However, do not discount everything you feel as often, if you get a sneaky suspicion about someone or something, you may not be wrong, but you should wait for facts to emerge until you act. So take note of any hairs on the back of your neck that come up, but don’t be knee-jerk.

You are more sensually aware and you may improve your knowledge of massage or perhaps become more aware of erogenous zones. You are more tuned into your partner and sensitive to his needs.

Also, you are generous sexually and will devote time to finding those secret spots that set him alight sexually. Pisces should improve your sexual repertoire and be more creative with both touch and the use of aroma and textures in lovemaking.

My Final Words For The Week Of August 12th

You enjoy spending time with your partner doing things which are relaxing, you may even seek to have a spa break or short getaway to the country or lakeside.

This week can be quite powerful in that you can make important decisions in life, career and love, but you need a high level of self-awareness: you need to fully understand where you fail to use your power and where you overuse it.

The danger is overcompensation, where you add more power to situations where you already have power while accepting less power where you already have too little.  Know how to manage power and be brave in taking back lost power and regaining balance.

The themes for this week are:

Ideas, Motivation, Enthusiasm, Travel, Outdoors, Belief, Subtle understanding in love

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Wishing you all the luck in the universe,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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