9 Things An Aries Woman Likes And Dislikes In A Man

My dear, Aries! You sure are a firecracker and one of the most feisty and sexy women in the Zodiac. There really is something so special about you and the way you show up for your life! It is quite inspiring.

You’re just you and you make no apologies for who you are and where you are headed. Your independent spirit makes you go out in life and get what you want. You definitely won’t take no for an answer.

But how does this translate in relationships? And what do you like when it comes to a man? All these things are super important to know so that you can make the right choice when it comes to partnering up and going into a relationship.

It is safe to say that you aren’t the type of woman who will ever settle. You don’t mind being single until the right man comes around, and when he does your relationship will be full of fire and passion!

So, if you’re interested in hearing more about an Aries woman likes and dislikes when it comes to a man, then make sure to keep on reading. Let me know if there are any pointers I may have missed out on!

What Does An Aries Woman Like In A Man?

An Aries Woman Loves An Independent, Strong Man

An Aries woman doesn’t let the grass grow under her feet; when she wants something, she goes for it, and this is why it is so important for her to be in a relationship with someone who can keep up with her pace.

This is the type of woman who needs a man who is strong enough in himself to let her live her life the way she wants, without much interference from her man. No one is going to tell her what to do, least of all, a man!

She needs someone who knows how to be independent and doesn’t want to smother her by always being around her. She absolutely adores a man who has his own ambitions and goals in life, and actually does something about it!

An Aries Woman Loves A Man Who Will Fight For Her

Aries Woman Likes And Dislikes

An Aries woman is a warrior, she wants to be the best and needs to come first. This is especially true in her relationships. She wants a man who admires her and thinks she is the best thing that has ever happened to him.

In his mind, no one should ever compare to her and what she has to offer. She does have a slightly immature side and might pick a fight with you to test your love for her. She wants to know that you will fight for her.

So, if you find yourself in an argument with an Aries woman, all you need to do is reassure her about your feelings for her and how much she means to you. This is honestly the best way to get her to calm down if she is all worked up.

An Aries Woman Loves It When A Man Takes An Interest In Her Life

This girl doesn’t need big romantic gestures – even though they are nice from time to time – what she needs is a man who genuinely takes an interest in what she is doing with her life. All she really wants is to be heard.

To crawl deep into her heart, you should ask her how her day is going, or what project she is currently working on. This makes her feel really special and like the person she is with really cares about her.

Related: How An Aries Woman Matches With Men Based on Their Zodiac Sign

An Aries Woman Loves A Man Who Feels Like A Challenge

The sign of Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action. An Aries woman acts a bit like a man when it comes to love and relationships. She wants to make the first move and pursue the person she is interested in.

If a man makes things too easy for her, she tends to lose her interest rather swiftly. She wants to feel like she has earned a spot in his life and not like it just fell into her lap. That would be way too boring for this dynamic girl.

‘Hard to get’ works quite well with an Aries woman. Nothing drives her crazier than something she cannot have. This woman is ready to test her limits and she isn’t afraid of taking what she wants in life. So, if you want to be with an Aries woman, make sure you put up a challenge.

An Aries Woman Loves A Man Who Is Open And Honest With His Feelings

An Aries woman has a lot of integrity. She firmly believes that honesty is always the best policy and doesn’t appreciate being lied to at all. One of her biggest turn-ons is when a man can be open and honest with her.

She adores feeling like she can trust him and that he trusts her. It is the highest form of compliment in her life. Vulnerability is something she appreciates because all she really wants in life is something that feels genuine and real. No nonsense.

She would rather know the truth and have it sting for a little than be deceived and feel betrayed because something happened behind her back. That hurts a lot more than honesty.

Aries Woman Dislikes — 4 Things An Aries Woman Can’t Stand

An Aries Woman Dislikes A Man Who Doesn’t Respect Her

Aries Woman Dislikes In A Relationship

An Aries woman’s motto is: “whatever a man can do, I can do better.” One of her biggest turn-offs in life is a man underestimating her just because she is a woman. This woman commands respect and any man who treats her as if she is inferior isn’t going fare well with this woman.

An Aries Woman Dislikes A Man Who Is Inauthentic

An Aries woman lives with so much authenticity and realness that she can quickly pick up when someone is fake or a phony. It drives her absolutely nuts when someone pretends to be someone who they are not around her.

She especially hates it when a guy tries to impress her with things like money or status. Nothing is a greater turn-off for her. This is the type of woman that really doesn’t feel impressed by material things, she would much rather form a true connection with someone.

An Aries woman will see right through this behavior and call a man out for it, but by this point, the chances with her are narrowly slim anyway. If you want to impress an Aries woman, just be yourself. It is worth so much more than any fakery.

An Aries Woman Dislikes A Man Who Has No Ambition Or Drive

What Aries Woman Likes And Dislikes In A Relationship

One of the biggest turn-ons for an Aries woman is passion. A man who has dreams and goals for himself is darn sexy for an Aries woman. She does not like it when she is with a man who has no plans for his future.

Nothing irks her more than people who just settle. This is something she could never understand, even if she tried to. All she wants to do in life is succeed and go places, and she expects this from a partner as well.

She loves competition, so a man who can keep up with her and motivate her to do better will always be a better much for an Aries girl. A guy who is simply satisfied with whatever he has and has no plan on making his life better will never work out well with an Aries woman.

An Aries Woman Dislikes A Man Who Tries To Control Her

An Aries woman loves her autonomy. This lady will do what she wants when she wants to and she will not stand for a man who goes out of his way to try and bend her to his will. This woman does not appreciate someone else trying to exercise their authority over her.

She needs her space to do as she pleases. If a man ever tries to control her movements, she will be out of the door faster than lightning. She is dependent on no one but herself. She isn’t interested in doing what a man tells her to, she needs to make her own decisions in her life.

Read next: The Most Powerful Crystals For An Aries Woman

My Final Thoughts

An Aries woman is a wild woman – in the best way possible. She is on earth to make an impact by embracing her pioneering spirit. There is much she wants to achieve in her life, and absolutely no one is going to hold her back from reaching her dreams, least of all a man.

If anyone wants to be with an Aries woman then they need to give her a lot of space to roam free. The most important thing in her life is her need for independence, without this, she might feel like she is caged.

This woman loves like no other. She has so much passion and love for the man she decides to commit to. Just because this woman is so independent doesn’t mean she is unfaithful, in fact, she is probably one of the most loyal signs in the Zodiac.

When she loves, she loves hard and with all her heart. Being loved by an Aries woman is probably one of the most life-changing experiences anyone will ever go through. She is warm, loving, passionate, and extremely affectionate.

Are you an Aries woman? How would you describe yourself when it comes to the way you show up in your relationships? What do you think makes you unique and special? Please let me know in the comment section below. It means so much to me to hear your thoughts, so don’t be shy!

Aries, are you wondering how you can have the love life you have always dreamed of? But totally clueless on where to start? Do you often feel like you don’t attract the type of men you know you deserve?

You might be making a bunch of little errors on your journey towards romantic love. Did you know, the only thing truly holding you back is yourself? There is so much you might be blocking unconsciously in your life.

Don’t fret, I am here to help. I have devised this guide to help you to get the love life you have always dreamt of.

>> This guide is full of tips and tricks to get you the love life you have always been yearning for.

It is my duty to help every single woman to get the love life of her dreams. This is something I am so deeply passionate about. Love is something each and every one of us deserves to feel. So please, let me help you on this journey!

>> Click here to learn about 3 most dangerous ways in which Aries women repel quality partners

Wishing you so much love and deep fulfilling happiness.

Your friend, sister, and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

12 thoughts on “9 Things An Aries Woman Likes And Dislikes In A Man

    1. Hi Phillippa!

      Wow I am happy to hear that I was on target. I love when clients write in to let me know that I’ve shared the right information. Blessings to you for confirming my article sweetheart. I wish you all the very best!

    1. Hi Eugenie!

      Thank you for the confirmation! Honestly I am so happy that you wrote in and shared with me how on target I am. This makes me keep writing and sharing. Again, you’re a blessing and I wish you all the happiness you deserve!

      1. Wowwwww! That was ALL ME ! Every last word was on point. I wish every man I date could read that first. Lol
        Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom, Anna

  1. Great article . I am an ARIES woman and I just loved it reading these 9 points / tips and always Love your articles/ emails.

    Thank you dear Anna 🙂

    God bless

    1. Hi Leena Lata!

      Thank you sweetheart. I’m glad you enjoyed reading it. You are such a blessing in my life. I really appreciate your feedback. Clients like you make my work worth it. I wish you all the luck of the stars!

    1. Hi Olubunmi!

      If I was that on target with what I wrote then I am humbled by your sweet words. I try my best through Astrology to help relationships in any way that I can. It gives me great fulfillment to share what I know and what I’ve learned. You’re a beautiful soul and I wish you all the best!

  2. Wowwwww! That was ALL ME ! Every last word was on point. I wish every man I date could read that first. Lol
    Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom, Anna

  3. Reading the Likes and Dislikes of an Aries Woman as myself was like reading a book of my life. Everything you stated was true facts and describe me from every angel and point of view of who I am. It give my mind so much to think about to dive into knowing my real self. I love reading your book called Aries Love Secrets.

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