Hello sweetheart, and welcome to the weekly tarot readings for March 17th – 23rd. The equinox, occurring twice a year, marks a moment when day and night are of equal length, symbolizing balance and harmony in the natural world.
This celestial event serves as a powerful metaphor for our own lives, inviting us to reflect on equilibrium, renewal, and transformation. In tarot, the equinox embodies themes of balance, transition, and new beginnings.
Engaging in an equinox-themed tarot reading provides an opportunity to align with these energies, offering insights into areas where balance may be needed and highlighting paths for personal growth. Whether focusing on the renewal of spring or the introspection of autumn, these readings can illuminate the cycles of our own journeys, mirroring the rhythms of nature.
As we stand at this point of equal light and darkness, let us embrace the equinox as a time to seek harmony within ourselves, set intentions for the seasons ahead, and honor the continuous dance of balance that life presents.
Here’s Your Weekly Tarot Readings for March 17th – 23rd, 2025
Aries: Six of Swords
The Six of Swords represents transition, healing, and moving forward after hardship. In relationships, this card often signifies a period of recovery after conflict. If you’ve been struggling with miscommunication, emotional wounds, or uncertainty, this card suggests that you and your partner are entering a more peaceful phase.
It doesn’t necessarily mean the relationship is perfect, but it indicates a mutual effort to leave past difficulties behind. Honest, open conversations will be key, as this card implies emotional baggage still lingers, requiring patience and understanding.
The Six of Swords encourages discussions that focus on progress rather than blame. Instead of rehashing old arguments, work on constructive dialogue. Active listening, compromise, and emotional intelligence will help both partners find clarity.
On a personal growth level, this card signifies an inner journey toward emotional resilience. You might be leaving behind toxic dynamics, outdated beliefs, or self-sabotaging behaviors. If you’ve been stuck in a negative mindset, now is the time to embrace healing. This could involve therapy, mindfulness, or simply adopting a more positive outlook.
Overall, the Six of Swords is a card of quiet strength, urging you to trust the journey ahead. Whether in love or personal development, it highlights that the worst is behind you—what matters now is how you move forward.
Taurus: Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands represents speed, momentum, and clear communication. In relationships, this card often signifies fast-moving energy, meaning things could escalate quickly—whether positively or negatively.
If you’ve been waiting for clarity in your love life, expect rapid developments. New relationships may progress at an exhilarating pace, while existing relationships could experience a surge of passion and excitement. However, this speed also means that misunderstandings could spiral out of control just as fast. The key is to stay present and communicate clearly.
In terms of communications, the Eight of Wands tarot card urges directness. If you need to express something to your partner, now is the time. There’s no room for passive-aggression or delays—things need to be said openly and honestly. This card also favors digital communication, so expect important messages, calls, or even social media interactions that shift dynamics quickly.
This card signals a time to seize opportunities. If you’ve been procrastinating, the Eight of Wands encourages decisive action. Whether it’s committing to a personal goal, making a big life change, or taking a leap of faith, now is the moment to trust your instincts. However, it also warns against impulsivity—just because things are moving fast doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think critically before acting.
The Eight of Wands brings excitement and acceleration. Whether in love or personal development, embrace the flow, communicate with clarity, and be ready to move forward with confidence.
Gemini: The Lovers
The Lovers tarot card is deeply connected to relationships, choices, and alignment between heart and mind. In love, this card often signifies deep connection and soul-level bonds. If you’re in a relationship, it suggests harmony and a need for honest communication to maintain balance. It can also represent a significant choice—perhaps between two partners, between love and personal freedom, or between commitment and temptation.
For Gemini, this card emphasizes vulnerability and trust. This is a time to open up about your true feelings, express your desires, and align your relationship with your core values. If there has been avoidance or dishonesty, this card urges you to address it head-on. Love flourishes when built on authenticity, and this card pushes you to embrace that truth.
In terms of personal development, this represents self-acceptance and the integration of different aspects of yourself. It challenges you to understand what you truly want, not just in romance but in life. Are your actions aligned with your values? Are you making choices based on love or fear? This card encourages self-reflection and deep inner work to find clarity.
The Lovers card represents love, connection, and decisions. Whether in relationships or personal growth, it calls for authenticity, vulnerability, and the courage to follow your heart.
Cancer: Eight of Pentacles
The Eight of Pentacles is about dedication, skill-building, and effort. In relationships, it suggests that love requires work. If things have felt stagnant or distant, this card encourages putting in the time to nurture your connection. Whether it’s planning more meaningful conversations, addressing unresolved conflicts, or simply being more present, commitment and effort will be key.
The Eight of Pentacles urges patience and a willingness to learn. Sometimes, miscommunication happens not because of malice but due to a lack of understanding. This card suggests developing better listening skills, studying your partner’s love language, and consistently working on emotional intelligence. Relationships thrive when both partners commit to growing together.
This card highlights self-improvement and persistence. It suggests honing your skills, whether emotional, intellectual, or creative. It encourages discipline, self-mastery, and the understanding that true growth takes time. If you’ve been working towards a personal goal, the Eight of Pentacles reassures you that your efforts will pay off—just keep going.
Overall, this motivational card emphasizes the importance of dedication. Whether in love or personal growth, consistent effort, learning, and patience will lead to success.
Leo: Six of Pentacles
This is a card of balance, generosity, and fairness. In relationships, it highlights the importance of equal give-and-take. If one person is giving more than they receive—whether emotionally, financially, or in effort—this card suggests reassessing the dynamic. True love is about mutual support, not one-sided sacrifice.
For communication in relationships, this card encourages kindness and active listening. Are you truly hearing your partner’s needs? Are you expressing gratitude for what they do? The Six of Pentacles suggests that even small gestures of appreciation and emotional generosity can strengthen your bond.
In your personal life, this card speaks to the importance of generosity—not just towards others but towards yourself. Are you giving yourself the same care and patience you offer others? It also highlights the need for boundaries. Being kind is beautiful, but overgiving at the expense of your well-being isn’t sustainable.
The gentile and humble Six of Pentacles reminds us that balance is key in love, communication, and personal growth. Giving and receiving should flow naturally, fostering a healthy and supportive dynamic.
Virgo: Seven of Cups
The Seven of Cups represents choices, illusions, and dreams. In relationships, this card can indicate confusion, unrealistic expectations, or difficulty in making a decision. If you’re dating, you or your partner may be uncertain about the future or caught up in fantasies rather than reality. Communication may be clouded by misunderstandings, mixed signals, or an overabundance of emotional distractions. It’s essential to ground yourself in what is real and tangible, rather than getting lost in wishful thinking.
On a personal growth level, the Seven of Cups asks you to refine your vision and align with what truly matters. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with possibilities, take a step back and evaluate your priorities.
Are you chasing illusions or setting yourself up for success? This card challenges you to separate realistic goals from fleeting desires. Meditation or journaling can be helpful tools to clarify your thoughts.
In long-term relationships, the intriguing Seven of Cups can indicate a need for open discussion about the future. Perhaps one partner is unclear about commitment, or there are too many external distractions affecting intimacy.
The key lesson is discernment—choose wisely and ensure decisions are based on clarity, not momentary fantasies. If conflict arises, honest communication and defining mutual goals can help bring stability.
Libra: Knight of Cups
The Knight of Cups symbolizes romance, charm, and emotional expression. In relationships, this card represents deep emotional connections and heartfelt conversations. If you’re dating, the Knight of Cups suggests a partner who is affectionate, poetic, and deeply in touch with their emotions. However, this knight is sometimes idealistic and can indicate someone who gets swept away by emotions but struggles with consistency.
In long-term relationships, the Knight of Cups encourages romantic gestures and open-hearted communication. If things have become routine, this card reminds you to bring back the excitement and courtship. It’s a great time for love letters, date nights, and expressing your feelings in creative ways. However, beware of emotional overindulgence—sometimes, this card can signify unrealistic expectations in love.
On a personal growth level, this charming card encourages you to follow your heart while staying mindful of reality. This is a time for self-expression, creativity, and exploring your emotional depth. You may feel more intuitive or drawn to artistic outlets. However, balance is necessary—don’t get so lost in emotions that you lose sight of practical responsibilities.
If communication issues arise in a relationship, the Knight of Cups advises emotional honesty. Speak from the heart but also listen with an open mind. Ensure that both partners are equally invested in emotional intimacy, not just the thrill of romance.
Scorpio: The Hermit
The Hermit tarot card represents introspection, solitude, and inner wisdom. In relationships, this card can indicate a period of emotional withdrawal, where one or both partners need time alone for reflection.
This doesn’t necessarily mean a breakup, but rather a need to understand one’s emotions before engaging in deep conversations. If you’re single, this card suggests a time of self-discovery before jumping into a new romance.
If you are dating, the Hermit warns against rushing into connections without truly knowing yourself or the other person. You may attract people who help you grow spiritually, or you may need to step back and evaluate what you truly want in a partner.
For married Scorpio or you guys in long-term relationships, the Hermit suggests that personal growth must be prioritized for the partnership to thrive. One partner may feel emotionally distant, but this doesn’t mean the relationship is doomed. Instead, it’s a call to give each other space while maintaining open communication.
On a personal level, this inscrutable card is about deep self-exploration. You may feel the urge to spend time alone, question your beliefs, or seek guidance from a mentor. This is a time of personal enlightenment, where you can develop a stronger sense of self.
If communication is strained in a relationship, the Hermit advises patience. Instead of pushing for immediate answers, allow space for reflection. Sometimes, the best way to communicate is through silence, allowing each person to process their thoughts before coming together with renewed understanding.
Sagittarius: Ten of Swords
The Ten of Swords symbolizes endings, betrayal, and painful realizations. In relationships, this card often appears when a difficult truth comes to light—perhaps a painful breakup, a betrayal, or an overwhelming sense of emotional exhaustion. If you’re dating, this card may indicate a relationship that is not built on trust, or one that is coming to an inevitable end.
For long-term relationships, the Ten of Swords suggests a moment of reckoning. Communication may feel strained, and one or both partners may feel emotionally drained. However, this card also carries a message of transformation—while painful, endings make room for new beginnings. If your relationship is struggling, this is a time for raw honesty. A serious conversation is needed to either heal past wounds or acknowledge that the relationship has reached its limit.
When it comes to personal growth level, the Ten of Swords represents the breaking point before renewal. You may be processing emotional pain, disappointment, or the loss of something important. While this is a challenging period, it’s also an opportunity for rebirth. By facing the truth, you can rebuild yourself with greater strength.
In terms of communication, this card warns against self-sacrificing tendencies. If you’ve been holding back your true feelings, now is the time to speak up. Letting go of what no longer serves you is painful but necessary for growth.
Capricorn: The Star
The Star is really positive, it represents hope, healing, and inspiration. In relationships, this card signifies renewal after hardship. If you’ve been struggling in love, the Star reassures you that brighter days are ahead. It encourages open, honest communication and reminds you to express your true self in relationships.
For Capricorn looking for love, the Star suggests a connection that feels destined or spiritually fulfilling. This is a card of authenticity—allow your true personality to shine, and you will attract the right people. If you’ve been feeling insecure, this card reminds you to embrace self-love.
In stable relationships, the Star fosters emotional healing. If there has been tension or miscommunication, now is the time to reconnect and rebuild trust. This card asks both partners to be vulnerable, sharing hopes and dreams openly. A relationship under the influence of the Star thrives on mutual support and deep emotional understanding.
The Star is about self-acceptance. You are stepping into a phase of clarity and inspiration, where past wounds no longer define you. Creative energy flows freely, and spiritual growth is heightened.
This card encourages openness. Speak your truth with kindness and optimism. If conflict arises, focus on resolution rather than blame. This is a time for rebuilding, where words should heal rather than wound.
Aquarius: The Devil
The Devil represents temptation, obsession, and unhealthy attachments. In relationships, this card can indicate toxic dynamics, co-dependency, or power struggles. If you’re dating, be cautious of manipulative partners or patterns of attraction that don’t serve your highest good.
In ongoing relationships, the Devil warns of possessiveness, emotional manipulation, or addictions that affect communication. It urges both partners to break free from destructive cycles.
This card asks you to confront your inner shadows. Are you trapped in limiting beliefs? Do you seek validation in unhealthy ways? By acknowledging these patterns, you can begin the process of liberation.
The Devil warns of secrecy and control. Speak honestly and establish healthy boundaries. Awareness is key—when you recognize toxic patterns, you can work toward breaking free and creating healthier dynamics.
Pisces: Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords represents intelligence, independence, and direct communication. In relationships, this card depicts honesty and clear boundaries. If you are dating, this card suggests that you or your partner prefer meaningful, straightforward conversations rather than excessive emotional displays. The Queen of Swords can indicate a person who has been hurt in the past and is now cautious about love.
The Queen of Swords demands open and rational communication in your relationships. If there are conflicts, she encourages discussing issues logically rather than letting emotions cloud judgment. While this card can signal emotional detachment, it also represents wisdom—sometimes, taking a step back to analyze a situation leads to better understanding.
The judicious Queen of Swords urges self-awareness and mental clarity. She challenges you to separate truth from illusion, encouraging you to trust your intellect and intuition. This is a period for setting boundaries and ensuring that your voice is heard.
In communication matters, the Queen of Swords advises speaking honestly but tactfully. Avoid unnecessary harshness, but also don’t sugarcoat your words to please others. The key lesson here is that honesty fosters trust and respect.
Wrapping Up…
Thank you, my dear…
I wish you all a wonderful week ahead.
Remember to consult my friend, who is an excellent love and relationship tarot reader, to gain clarity and insights into your partner’s emotions.
Go here to claim your complimentary Tarot reading.
May the Tarot cards continue to spark your imagination, offering unwavering guidance and empowerment as you navigate your unique passage through the ever-shifting energies of life.
Until our paths intertwine once more, may your journey be illuminated by the radiance of wisdom and the warmth of love.
In the spirit of the season,
Your sister and relationship astrologer,
Anna Kovach