Weekly Tarot Readings for August 5th – 11th, 2024

Welcome to the tarot readings for the week of August 5th, a week with a powerful opportunity to harness the fresh energies of new beginnings and transformative potential.

The New Moon, a celestial event symbolizing renewal and the birth of new cycles, invites us to set intentions, plant seeds of hope, and embrace the promise of what lies ahead.

In these readings, we delve into the mystical wisdom of the tarot to illuminate the path forward, offering guidance and clarity as you embark on new ventures or seek to manifest your deepest desires.

Each card drawn during this sacred phase is imbued with the potent energy of the New Moon in Leo, amplifying its messages and insights. Whether you are looking to start a new project, refresh your spirit, or simply align yourself with the natural rhythms of the universe, our tarot readings will provide you with the inspiration and direction you need.

As you open yourself to the magic of the New Moon, let the tarot be your guide. Trust in its ability to reveal hidden truths, unlock new perspectives, and support you in your journey toward growth and fulfillment.

Embrace this moment of potential and possibility, and allow the weekly tarot readings to guide your steps.

Here’s Your Weekly Tarot Readings for August 5th – 11th:

Aries: Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups urges you to trust your instincts and follow what feels right to uncover opportunities aligned with your highest good. Allow your intuition to guide you, doing more of what brings you joy and less of what doesn’t resonate with you.

Rather than conforming to societal expectations, seek out opportunities that resonate with your values and ideals. 
In matters of love, the presence of the Ten of Cups tarot card signifies tranquility and bliss. Spending quality time with family or deepening commitments within a relationship can bring profound satisfaction.

This card heralds long-term stability, harmony, and contentment in romantic partnerships. For those already married, it indicates a fulfilling and peaceful union, symbolizing a deep connection with a soulmate.

If you’re single, the appearance of the Ten of Cups suggests the potential for a new, enduring relationship or a desire for one. It’s a promising sign for those seeking a long-term commitment, indicating the possibility of finding lasting love.

Whether in a relationship or single, the Ten of Cups represents the pursuit of emotional fulfillment and the potential for enduring happiness.

Taurus: Knight of Swords

This is a powerful card and it signifies an important and substantial change that has been on the horizon for some time. Perhaps you were ignoring it or even looking forward to it, but it’s time to embrace it, act quickly, and grab hold of the opportunity.

This is a decisive card representing that you should embrace those Taurus traits of assertiveness, honesty, tenacity, and strength. It is certainly a time to tap into your courage. There’s every reason to be confident, so be fearless and don’t be cowed by any opposition. 

Now, this card is also about the power of communication. So in terms of your relationships and your work, be forward-thinking and single-minded. Understand the core purpose of your relationship, why it matters, why it’s important, and why it’s worth fighting for, and then make your case. 

In terms of dating, this is a very impulsive time for you when you’re impatient for things to move quickly in love, and you can be quite lucky, in terms of when you go for it, you get something pretty special.

However, the kind of person you’re looking for right now needs to exemplify the traits of being headstrong, daring, and pioneering because you are not in the mood for anyone who is standing still, they’ve got to want to seize those opportunities as much as you do.

Gemini: Six of Cups

For Gemini, recent decisions that you have made with your partner come into focus, and sometimes there is some regret, particularly financial regret. However, it’s important to keep moving forward, the key now is: “What’s done is done” and cannot be undone, and it’s wise to keep moving forward, have positive intentions, and think about solutions.

This may be a time when you are invited to a reunion, and single Gemini could well hook up with an old flame right now. The past is a good place to go hunting for a future partner, so it’s highly likely that if you visit an old haunt or go to a reunion (like I said), you might hook up with someone with whom you share a history and a happy past, and this can lead to a good relationship blooming.

Married Gemini may spend some time either collating an album, looking at photos, or discussing a recent trip you’ve had. It’s important to reflect on your relationship. While you shouldn’t dwell on the past, it’s important to reflect on recent positive events and how they’ve contributed to your journey as a couple.

Cancer: Seven of Swords

The theme of this particular card is secrets and lies, there are times in all relationships when we fall into the trap of deception or telling white lies, and these inevitably come out.

However, Cancerians need to remember that we are all sinners and no one is perfect, so it’s essential to keep things in context and instead take a broad view of someone’s character and not judge them on one lapse in their judgment, as long as it’s only one.

During this week, it’s important to give people second chances, but these shouldn’t be five or six chances; there is a lot of wisdom in saying ‘leopards don’t change their spots’, so if you are dating someone who’s a bit of a leopard, time to walk away.

In both new and existing relationships, you tend to be a little bit evasive this week. You don’t particularly want to be put on the spot; if you are dating, you may take a rain check on a date and prefer to spend time with some friends or even by yourself.

In marriage, you’ll definitely want to put important conversations on hold, don’t feel guilty; there are times when we want to hide from things rather than face them head-on, and so this is totally normal, and others should understand that.

Leo: Eight of Swords

This week it’s important to deal with feelings of entrapment, and limitation, and understand whether these are self-imposed through any mindsets that are persistent.

Expect a complex and challenging situation in your love life, but embrace the difficulties, as there are insights to be gained about the true nature of your relationship.

The eight of Swords signifies a possible new relationship that may be characterized by obstacles, misunderstandings, or emotional barriers. Progress in terms of communication in love is slow, there’s a feeling of being stuck or unable to progress, possibly due to fear, insecurity, or past experiences. However, the key to success in this situation is for you and your partner to understand how the feeling of being restricted or bound is down to your own perceptions rather than external circumstances.

Despite the apparent negativity associated with this card, there is a bright glimmer of hope and potential for deepening the relationship. This card serves as a reminder that the limitations and restrictions within a relationship are often self-imposed or based on limiting beliefs. It encourages you to analyze your fears, insecurities, and self-imposed barriers and work on these in order to revolutionize your relationship.

The key to love success is some introspection, self-reflection, and after that open communication and embracing vulnerability. By addressing these obstacles head-on, you can learn valuable lessons about trust, authenticity, and the power of inner liberation.

Virgo: King of Cups

The key theme in life and love this week is to be considerate and wise in your dealings with other people. It’s so important not to jump the gun, everything will be revealed in its time, and some situations cannot be rushed. So the best thing you can do when it comes to both your job and dealing with your partner is to encourage rationality and a cool head.

The key to succeeding in your love relationships right now is graciousness and retaining emotional maturity. I know that I’m preaching to the converted, as I recognize that my Virgo sweethearts are naturally women who have a grounded, common sense approach, but certain circumstances right now may encourage you to become a little bit more emotional and overwrought, so remember to be your level headed self.

Stay in control of your emotions and make smart decisions, don’t let any circumstances, or the whims of other people, disconcert you or make you doubt yourself.

As the famous Kipling poem goes, when all about you are doubting you, make allowance for their doubting but don’t let them make you doubt yourself.

If you are looking for love, this is an excellent time to keep your eyes open because someone may be coming your way, although they could be playing their cards quite close to their chest at the moment, so you may not yet know of their feelings.

Libra: Four of Swords

During this week, it’s a mixture of work and relaxation. It’s very important to give yourself a chance to recuperate so you don’t need to have your foot on the gas all the time. A little bit of passivity is rather important, so don’t be a workaholic or allow others to put pressure on you. It’s quite okay to have periods where you are inactive and quite receptive to information coming towards you without actively seeking it.

In your relationships, it’s important for you to be a tranquil oasis of calm, and sometimes calm means not giving an opinion, not engaging in debate, and not being forced to make a decision.

So the key in your love life is: take yourself out of the ring or out of the battle and be an observer. Put the ball in your partner or boyfriend’s court and relinquish responsibility for the situation.

Very often, there’s more power in what you don’t say, rather what you do say. Thus in all relationships, use this as a period to watch, observe, and get a deeper feel of what’s going on with your partner by observing their reactions, but not by egging any situation on.

Scorpio: King of Swords

The King of Swords is an excellent card for improving communication, understanding, and getting clarity in your relationship realm. This card indicates that you or your partner are putting ego and pride aside and are using logic, rationality, and your perceptive power to forge a route forward in your relationship.

If you’re single, the King of Swords indicates that air signs hold a great deal of fascination for you this week as you are more likely to be turned on by men who are intelligent, articulate, lively, and funny.

Look out for that special someone who stimulates your mind and sparks meaningful, yet witty conversations. You are lucky in love when you click with a partner who values mental compatibility and shares your interests.

For Scorpio already in a long-term relationship, this card indicates a period of productive communication and problem-solving. You and your partner have the ability to tackle conflicts or challenges with more objectivity.

Set the stage for open and honest dialogue, where you both can express your thoughts and feelings without judging each other. You may find that you are able to resolve issues swiftly and come to sensible solutions that benefit both of you.

Don’t forget to nurture the emotional connection with your partner, express your love and affection, create space in the day for intimacy, and also demonstrate a hint of vulnerability, you don’t have to be totally in the head all week long.

Sagittarius: Page of Pentacles

This is a really exciting card. The Page of Pentacles is associated with dreams and your power to manifest. So, this is an awesome time to be working on positive thinking, creative visualization, drawing up vision boards, and getting a powerful, emotive impression in your mind of what your dreams actually look like.

Whether you are in the midst of a project, romance, or business adventure, or are thinking of starting one, there is a great deal of enthusiasm and desire, when you are immersed in the pursuit of a goal. This does mean, however, that relationships that are stale or frustrating can be extremely unfulfilling. You may feel the need to stray.

So, if you want anything to work, you have to reconnect with the essence of that project or relationship and feel excited about it again. Because if you have the necessary passion for something, you can make it work.

If you are single work on doing new things which promote self-discovery and self-improvement before diving into a new romance. Love may be on the horizon, but it may come unexpectedly through an association with a practical and down-to-earth person who can show responsibility in terms of his own life and his approach to love.

Capricorn: Queen of Pentacles

This is a very earthy grounding card. The key to love right now is to use your practical and down-to-earth skills in order to bring security and balance to the family. You are the anchor right now, so it’s important for you to keep everyone on the straight and narrow. You should be a voice of wisdom and also a sensible influence that doesn’t get involved in drama and it’s not overly emotional.

Both your partner and other members of the family may need you to be a bit mothering, so this is quite a demanding time in your family and relationships because people need your guidance and your support, and they can sap your energy.

So while this can be a week which helps you to feel really needed and appreciated within the family sphere, it’s also important for you to have downtime and relaxation, because, as I say, it’s demanding and you can end up a little bit depleted and exhausted.

So make sure you get right away from family and your partner and have some fun with people with whom you can let your hair down and don’t have to be in the mother role all the time.

Aquarius: Ace of Swords

Embrace the anticipation of an exciting week, poised for breakthroughs and positive news that promises to elevate your spirits. Be prepared for a potential “a-ha” moment, where newfound clarity illuminates your understanding of relationships or career decisions. This surge in comprehension allows you to make choices that bring a profound sense of relief and liberation.

This week unfolds as a dynamic period of positive change, propelling you forward as the fog of uncertainty lifts. Picture yourself on a journey under the bright sunlight, experiencing inspiration and original thinking. It’s an ideal time for new ventures, with the winds of change propelling you towards success.

For those seeking love, the present moment offers an excellent opportunity to initiate a relationship with promising potential. Your liberated mindset creates the perfect environment for starting anew, unencumbered by past experiences.

Additionally, established relationships can benefit from turning a new page, fostering fresh understandings and uncovering compromises that once seemed elusive. This paves the way for honest and open dialogues about your shared future.

Pisces: Four of Cups

For Pisces, you may feel a little bit flat and uninspired, it could even feel that your love life and your relationship is in the doldrums and nothing is really making you happy or ringing your bells.

However, it’s also great to appreciate this as a time of calm, and often it’s good to have periods where life is a little bit tasteless because it usually means that you are about to experience something quite intense and this is just the calm before the storm.

This can be a good week to appraise exactly why you are feeling stuck or in a rut and to start brainstorming ideas about new paths forward. It may be important to review some of your preconceived attitudes and notions because often being stuck stems from an attitude that is holding you in a certain space, even though we often project a feeling of inertia onto circumstances.

It’s quite possible that you are feeling your relationship is now more of a friendship and it has entered a stable phase, but it’s good to appreciate the stability and the security of your relationship, as more exciting times will return soon.

This may not be the best week to initiate a sudden change to the relationship, but it certainly is a time to start reevaluating how to breathe life into it.

Wrapping Up…

Thank you, my dears; I wish you all a wonderful week ahead.

Remember to consult my friend, who is an excellent love and relationship tarot reader, to gain clarity and insights into your partner’s emotions.

Click here to claim your complimentary Tarot reading.

May the Tarot cards continue to spark your imagination, offering unwavering guidance and empowerment as you navigate your unique passage through the ever-shifting energies of life.

Until our paths intertwine once more, may your journey be illuminated by the radiance of wisdom and the warmth of love.

In the spirit of the season,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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