Weekly Tarot Readings for August 19th – 25th, 2024

Hello sweethearts, and welcome to the tarot readings for the week of August 19th. This week under the enigmatic influence of the Aquarius Full Moon, the cosmos invites us to embrace change, innovation, and deeper self-awareness.

Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, is the sign of the visionary and the rebel, urging us to break free from old patterns and think outside the box. This Full Moon illuminates the path to personal and collective growth, highlighting the areas of our lives where we need to detach from outdated beliefs and embrace the future with open hearts and minds.

As the Full Moon shines its light on our innermost thoughts and feelings, it brings clarity to situations that may have felt clouded or uncertain. It’s a time to reflect on our relationships, goals, and values, and to consider how we can align them more closely with our true selves. The Aquarius energy encourages us to prioritize individuality and authenticity, while also reminding us of the power of community and collective action.

In this set of tarot readings, we will explore the unique energies and opportunities that the Aquarius Full Moon brings to each zodiac sign. Whether you seek guidance in love, career, or personal growth, these readings are designed to help you navigate this transformative lunar phase with insight and confidence.

Here’s Your Weekly Tarot Readings for August 19th – 25th:

Aries: Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords typically symbolizes deceit, dishonesty, treachery, and moral ambiguity. It suggests situations involving deception, manipulation, and strategic maneuvering to gain an advantage or avoid detection.

This card also embodies themes of risk-taking, cunning, and staying ahead of potential threats or challenges. It may reflect the need for adaptability, cleverness, and rational thinking in navigating complex circumstances.

Now the Seven of Swords often indicates scenarios involving theft, fraud, or unethical behavior where individuals attempt to evade responsibility or consequences. It warns against the dangers of betrayal and deception, whether perpetrated by oneself or others. Drawing this card may suggest that one’s actions have been exposed, leading to potential embarrassment or repercussions.

In ongoing love and relationships, the Seven of Swords carries negative connotations, suggesting possible dishonesty, infidelity, or hidden agendas. It may indicate situations where one partner is not being truthful or transparent, leading to feelings of mistrust or betrayal. This card warns against manipulative behavior and encourages honesty and authenticity in relationships.

If you are single, encountering the Seven of Swords advises caution in new romantic connections, as there may be people who are not genuine or trustworthy. It urges against playing games or engaging in manipulative tactics to attract or retain partners. Instead, it advocates for sincerity and integrity in seeking meaningful and genuine connections based on mutual respect and honesty.

Taurus: Queen of Cups

The good news, the Queen of Wands is such an exciting card as it embodies passion, confidence, and magnetic energy within a romantic relationship. It shows that you can WOW your partner via your charisma, enthusiasm, and vibrant approach to love and sensuality. This card suits Taurus as it helps enhance you to be more adventurous in love.

In terms of marriage and long-term relationships, the Queen of Wands suggests that you be a confident and passionate partner. Let your radiant energy shine through to captivate your partner once more, drawing him towards you with your charm and enthusiasm.

It’s time to revive your sexual connection and display your desire for your partner physically. If you are not afraid to express your needs and desires, you can inspire your partner to reciprocate. Embrace your sensual energy and continue to nurture the flame of passion in your relationship.

If you are single, this card suggests that you have added magnetic allure and a captivating presence. You exude confidence, independence, and charisma, making you highly attractive to potential partners.

Embrace the power of positive thought and the law of attraction and express yourself authentically – this brings luck in love. Be open to exploring new and intense connections and display the extrovert that’s dying to get out of you.

Gemini: Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles is a great card as it’s positive and promising, especially for love. It represents new destinations, fresh starts, and the potential for long-term stability and prosperity to develop between you and your partner. 

If you are single or recently dating, a significant and meaningful connection is emerging, bringing with it an abundance of positive emotions and greater satisfaction. 

This card is really promising for a single Gemini as it implies the start of a new romantic relationship or the renewal of an existing one. Be alert as you may encounter someone special with whom you feel an immediate and strong connection.

This card not only represents abundance in a material sense but also enhances emotional richness in your relationship. In terms of marriage, there is now an opportunity to build upon a strong foundation and improve the long-term potential of your relationship. 

The key to the success of a new relationship is aligned values, interests, and life goals which help promote harmony and camaraderie. In all relationships, express your care through practical actions and gestures. Your partner or potential partner may also be more inclined to demonstrate their affection through acts of kindness, support, and gifting.

Cancer: Knight of Wands

For Cancer, the upcoming week unfolds as a dynamic and romantically charged period, with the currents of love flowing freely. Your passion is ignited, leading to heightened physical arousal and a desire for intimacy. Consider indulging in the allure of new lingerie, and captivating fragrances, or perhaps refreshing the bedroom ambiance with special linens to infuse a sense of novelty.

This marks an ideal moment to plan a romantic dinner date or rediscover shared activities with your partner, injecting a revitalizing energy into your connection. Cancer women, in particular, radiate confidence, making it an excellent time to actively engage in the dating scene. Your charm and charisma become potent tools, and you approach romantic challenges with determination, embracing the spirit of adventure in love that promises to stir positive waters.

While the Knight of Wands suggests a tendency to rush into things without thorough consideration, for Cancer, this impulsive energy can be advantageous. Overcoming the tendency to overthink, this week encourages a bold and spirited approach, promising exciting romantic encounters that unfold in a delightful and fulfilling manner.

Leo: Five of Cups Reversed

This represents an excellent card for closure and also for cleansing. It’s vital right now for you to be able to analyze, and gain some understanding of either past relationship issues, or past relationships themselves so that you can move on.

This is a time when you understand the full implications of your past and you can appreciate the lessons learned. This is not a time of regret, moroseness or wallowing in your past mistakes and it should definitely not be a time of self-castigation or self-doubt, it’s a time to acknowledge that failures are an essential part of life and that the only true failure is not learning from your mistakes!

So the motto right now in love is: fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. So it’s vital right now to understand events in their true contexts and to use them to improve your emotional intelligence and the way you handle relationships. This card suits the innate reflective and analytical qualities of Leo woman.

Virgo: The Chariot

The Chariot embodies strength, willpower, and determination. Having aligned your choices with your values, as guided by the Lovers card, you are now taking decisive action. In a Tarot reading, the appearance of the Chariot signifies encouragement and progress.

With clear goals in mind, you are harnessing your inner strength to pursue them with discipline and commitment. By seizing control of your romantic aspirations, you increase your chances of success. Achieving your desires in love requires courage, determination, and unwavering faith. 

The Chariot also speaks to the need for balance, as represented by the two horses pulling in different directions. Managing these opposing forces ensures you stay on course and maintain clarity of purpose. Reflect on whether previous decisions have been balanced and if your relationship has suffered from neglect due to other commitments. Have you sacrificed too much of yourself for the sake of your relationship? 

The Chariot urges you to reclaim control and drive forward with renewed determination. It may also prompt you to address any lingering financial concerns. Through inspiration, focus, and self-discipline, you can overcome obstacles and achieve financial stability.

Now is the time to confront any money-related issues head-on, rather than avoiding them. The Chariot signifies a favorable period for making significant investments or purchases, suggesting that strategic financial decisions will lead to long-term prosperity.

Libra: The Fool

The Fool is an exciting card. Despite what it sounds like, The Fool indicates undertaking a new journey, and in all new journeys, we are somewhat foolish because we don’t have experience. However, the important thing is trying new things and not being scared to make a mistake.

This is about understanding the limitless potential of life and facing new journeys with a certain innocence and expectation. It’s very important not to be cynical or jaded right now. The extent to which you can open your eyes to new possibilities is so important in life and love. 

This indicates exciting times ahead, but you must use your brain and head in the right direction without taking unnecessary risks.

In love, this represents that your relationship should contain a certain degree of spontaneous energy. So you and your partner should be trying new things and new ventures, invigorating your relationship with new ideas. Even if you are committed and loyal to each other, that doesn’t mean the relationship shouldn’t be flexible; it mustn’t become brittle. 

This is an awesome time for new love. The Fool indicates that someone rather dynamic and dashing is about to come into your life and shake things up, so don’t be rigid.

Scorpio: Eight of Pentacles

If you’re in a relationship, the upright Eight of Pentacles in a love tarot reading suggests that you’ve invested significant effort, dedication, and attention into your partnership. Your hard work should be yielding positive results, and your relationship should be thriving.

This card indicates that both you and your partner are well on your way to achieving your shared goals. However, it’s important to maintain a balance between your work commitments, family responsibilities, and nurturing your relationship. 

For singles, the presence of the upright Eight of Pentacles suggests a period of self-improvement and learning from past experiences before moving forward in finding a partner. While it’s commendable to have ambitions and focus on career success, remember that meaningful connections with loved ones enrich life’s experiences. Make it a priority to spend quality time with your loved one, even amidst busy schedules.

If you’re single and seeking a partner, reflect on whether your dedication to work or other obligations is hindering your search. Overall, the upright Eight of Pentacles signifies your diligent and meticulous approach to improving various aspects of your life, indicating a commitment to positive change and personal growth.

Sagittarius: Ten of Cups 

This is a very buoyant and optimistic card, suggesting that happiness, joy, and emotional fulfillment, particularly in the relationship and family arena, are achievable and possible, and that there’s every reason to believe that things are about to get better.

However, what’s key now is creating an atmosphere of harmony and cooperation in your relationships. So, it’s quite okay right now to be conflict-avoidant, a little bit people-pleasing, and look for ways to bring pleasure and fun into your relationships.

This is certainly a time of good fortune, where the hard work that you and your partner have done pays off in terms of you feeling more prosperous or just having a sense that you are now plain sailing. This is also a card that indicates the timing is perfect for happy family events, traveling to see family, or hosting a family occasion that is memorable.

Capricorn: Three of Wands

Now this card represents a time of getting ready on the starting blocks, you need to develop a mindset of flexibility. Understand that right now there are numerous options that lay before you and you should grab an opportunity and then move forward with the aim of making it work.

If you are dating, you may have been toying with various possibilities, but now it’s time to decide on someone and give them your full attention. If you are married, you may be quite happy with the way things are progressing, but it’s so important not to take anything for granted, you need to keep your eye on the lay of the land and keep mindful and emotionally alert and attentive.

This is a time when it’s easy to get agreement in relationships because your values and ideas tend to align, so it’s a great time for making plans, not just plans to do with work but also travel plans or working on arrangements for any parties or upcoming events in the family.

Aquarius: Queen of Swords

This card suggests a period of complexity, so what’s important right now is not to gloss over details or assume that anything is simple, because this card reveals hidden motivations and vested interests, and people within your friendship groups can be playing games that could undermine your relationship.

This is a time to steer clear of those friends with benefits relationships or even dating someone in your existing dating circle. However, it is a great time to step away from your comfort zone socially and meet totally different types of people who can re-inspire, invigorate you, and imbue you with a sense of the possibilities for your future.

Whether you are dating or married, this is a time to tell people how it is, to get your point across, and to make sure you clear up any confusion. Try to get to the truth of the matter, and do it in a way that is direct but still a little bit diplomatic, because people are quite sensitive right now.

Remember to set a tone of frankness in relationships, because when you are frank that encourages other people to be frank and forthright, which is what you need in relationships right now.

Pisces: Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles card is a positive indicator of a more steadfast and reliable period dawning in your relationship. This tarot card signifies a meeting with a partner who is keen to become deeply committed, who’s dependable, and who takes their responsibilities in the relationship seriously. This Knight represents the brand of love that’s built on a solid foundation of trust, loyalty, and practicality.

If you’re in a committed relationship, drawing this card suggests that your partner can be counted on. Even if he’s not the most demonstrative or flashy, he will express his love through his actions.

You can depend on your partner as he’ll show up when you need him, listen to your concerns, and be willing to put in the effort to make the relationship work. Love this week is steady and enduring, like a strong oak tree that provides shelter through all seasons.

If you’re looking for love, the Knight of Pentacles appearing indicates that a solid, reliable, and dependable partner is on the horizon. This person can bring stability and security to your love life, even if he doesn’t exactly sweep you off your feet with grand romantic gestures.

Look out for a new partner who is happy to offer you the kind of love that you can build a life on. The Knight of Pentacles reminds us that in love, as in life, it’s often the small, consistent, and reliable actions that matter most.

Wrapping Up…

Thank you, my dears; I wish you all a wonderful week ahead.

Remember to consult my friend, who is an excellent love and relationship tarot reader, to gain clarity and insights into your partner’s emotions.

Click here to claim your complimentary Tarot reading.

May the Tarot cards continue to spark your imagination, offering unwavering guidance and empowerment as you navigate your unique passage through the ever-shifting energies of life.

Until our paths intertwine once more, may your journey be illuminated by the radiance of wisdom and the warmth of love.

In the spirit of the season,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

One thought on “Weekly Tarot Readings for August 19th – 25th, 2024

  1. Thank you so much for doing this. It really helps me to look at what’s going on,or could possibly be a problem in my space. Hope all is well with you. Sincerely,Tara

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