Weekly Love Horoscope for July 15th – 21st

Hello sweethearts, and welcome to your weekly love horoscope for July 15th – 21st, the week that we should all sit up and take notice of because we have something happening that won’t be happening again for another 80 years…

Mars will be conjunct Uranus in Taurus, and since Mars won’t be in Taurus again for another two years, by which time Uranus will have moved into Gemini, this aspect won’t be happening again.

Therefore, we should all stand up and take notice because it’s a high-energy, innovative transit. It’s all about being impulsive, and spontaneous, taking a few risks, and pushing those boundaries.

This is certainly not a week to be staying in those comfort zones. It’s important to take a chance to do something new: be pioneering, start a new business, start a new love affair, or introduce exciting new elements to your relationship. 

The Sun is also sextile to Mars, which again brings us this very assertive energy. What’s heightened this week is your executive power, so make sure you are in control of your life and do things that will make a meaningful difference.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for July 15th – 21st:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: Rebel with a Cause 

Now, obviously, I’ve chatted about the Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus. What does it mean for Aries? Well, it’s particularly exciting for Aries because, as your ruling planet is Mars, it’s energized by the rebellious, creative, and electric power of Uranus.

That Uranian Mars energy is also in Taurus, so that means whatever you do has to be pragmatic and a little artistic too rather than idealistic or vague. So realistic goals with a creative edge.

To harness this energy, you need to quickly address areas of your life that are frustrating and stale, and make changes in relationships that are restrictive or possessive. It’s now time to push back on those boundaries.

Sometimes this is a good time for a mini-relationship reset. It’s certainly a time to say enough is enough. It doesn’t have to be done in an aggressive way; it can be just a case of being brutally frank about what in your relationship needs freshening up or more freedom.

In general, this is a time when you need novelty and expansion in your life, so it’s great to choose a new relationship. However, you should go into that relationship believing it will bring your life into a more exciting phase and not tie you down. Any relationship that you feel is controlling is in trouble this week because you are rebellious.

Taurus: Echo of Excitement 

Now, this is an especially notable transit if you are a Taurus, particularly if you’re a third-decan Taurus—that is, Taureans born between the 12th and 21st of May. It certainly pumps you full of energy, and it’s another cue to jump out of your comfort zone.

Taurus happens to be the most stubborn and change-resistant of all signs, and yet because Uranus has been in Taurus, you have been recognizing these traits in yourself, adapting, and being a lot more innovative.

This week is another cue to jump into something that could make your life more vibrant and fulfilling. It’s important to identify where in relationships you’ve compromised too much and where there needs to be a fair balance of give and take. 

This is certainly a time to say, in your relationship or your job, “Where’s mine? Are my needs being met here? No, I’m only compromising this far and no further.” 

This is an excellent time to begin a new romance, but it’s probably going to be with an Aquarian type personality or one of the fire signs because they should echo the need you have right now for excitement and innovation.

Gemini: Fateful Miracle 

Now, for Gemini, the Mars-Uranus conjunction has a slightly different flavor because a lot of the energy is affecting you at a subconscious level. What’s going to happen? You may feel restless, you may not want to sleep, and you may be having a lot of extremely vibrant or possibly even violent dreams.

Your subconscious is very active now, and so are your spidey senses and your intuition. You need to be thinking about what the universe is telling you. This is also a time when you may have a sudden flash of insight.

Maybe you will meet someone you don’t even know that well, but all of a sudden you think, “I believe this is the one; I’ve met my soulmate.” This is also a time in your relationship when sudden little miracles and turnarounds can happen without you even doing anything. 

It’s possible that you can have a surprise bit of information that can change the trajectory of your relationship. It’s so important now to just be open to the universe. Have time to meditate and pontificate; don’t crowd yourself with too many activities because you need to allow your intuition space in your consciousness to come through.

Cancer: Show ’em what you got

For Cancer, this is an exciting week, particularly in terms of networking and career. I feel this is a time when you can really make a breakthrough. The key is to be ambitious but be innovative. Be the person who stands out from the crowd.

Even if you are looking for love right now, you attract men by daring to be the one with strong opinions, to be a disruptor, or to be a little bit challenging intellectually. Show everybody that you are a person with exciting thoughts and ideas. You will not only be respected by your friends, but you’ll also gain a lot of social credit and you could embark on a new relationship.

In terms of marriage, it’s very important right now that you and your partner support each other in your respective careers. Sometimes a sudden relationship with an authority figure or a boss is possible as well.

However, what’s important in terms of marriage is that you guys reach out and don’t become an island. It’s essential to surround yourself with the influences of friends and the community in general because this helps keep you grounded and attached to a good perspective.

Leo: Decent Proposal 

The Uranus-Mars conjunction is very enlivening for several aspects of your life: career, marriage, and also travel. It’s definitely a week where there may be an important ceremony to attend—it could be your marriage or graduation for yourself or your children, or maybe you are getting an award—but it’s definitely a time when you are much more visible and when people recognize you and appreciate you. 

What’s important in your marriage and love life now is making sure that your partner is a vibrant and positive influence in your life. If your partner is feeling a little bit blue or down, you need to have your boundaries and your bubble around you to protect yourself from that. If your partner is really buzzing and full of enthusiasm, that is awesome.

It can be a great time for traveling, and there may be romances that develop through work travel, so this is a great time for a brand-new career direction. You may get a certain job proposal or a new client who offers you something special and different.

Virgo: Follow your star

Now, this is a week where work travel can be particularly relevant and where there are opportunities for new sexual relationships. Sometimes a little bit of travel puts you in a slightly more adventurous frame of mind, and you may embark on a relationship that’s a little bit different.

That doesn’t tick your usual boxes, or is totally out of character, but that can be a good thing because right now everything in your life is about learning; it’s about reaching new levels of understanding at a philosophical and psychological level. 

What you don’t want to be doing right now is staying in a mental prison. The more you open your mind, the better. That is great for Virgo because you’re generally flexible mentally and love to learn new things. It’s a pretty good time for work relationships too.

In terms of marriages, you can easily become frustrated with a partner who is too conservative. What you need right now is to have your own experiences outside the partnership that could enhance your life even when your partner isn’t keen.

Don’t be afraid to follow your own star because sometimes your success away from the marriage makes the marriage more successful.

Libra: Hint of Mystery 

The Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus can be very interesting for Libra on a number of levels. There may be surprise news that affects your finances. Your partner may get a raise, or you may get a big new client, and that can represent a big boon for the joint finances, but there are also some more subtle aspects to this week that can cause shocks.

If you have been ignoring things in terms of your relationship, whether it’s dating or an established relationship, if there have been certain things that you’ve swept aside and turned a blind eye to, this is the time when those issues can suddenly erupt and come center stage.

To the degree that you live an authentic life with lots of honesty and a good balance of sharing, relationships should get more exciting, intimacy should improve, and sex life can be great.

However, if there’s a power imbalance in your relationship or there are too many toxic aspects that you haven’t been dealing with or pretending don’t exist, this week you’ve really got to come to terms with these and how to deal with them, or the relationship can be very difficult going forward.

Remember, right now what you see is not necessarily what you get and in new relationships, that can be exciting because of the hint of mystery, but it also means you need to keep your eyes open.

Scorpio: Get your dreams on the drawing board 

The Uranus-Mars conjunction has a special meaning for Scorpio because it’s particularly relevant in terms of long-term relationships and home life, and these two areas certainly need your attention.

If you have been neglecting to deal with issues, they can now become more pressing, but there are also so many opportunities to renew the relationship and to improve the level of emotional understanding. 

It’s so important now that there is a fair balance of give and take in love, and you have to be honest with what you gain from a relationship versus what you put in. Reset those boundaries now. 

In relationships, it’s very important for you and your partner not to be stale. This is a time when you need to think about why you or your partner are unhappy and ask, “Why are we unhappy, and have we forgotten to live our best life? What dreams did we abandon and why?” Then, get those dreams back onto the drawing board because that’s the key in love and relationships right now.

What’s also important to remember is an innovative approach to problems, be it childcare, work-life balance, or healthcare problems. Look outside the box as what’s conventional may not fix it, so be open-minded.

Sagittarius: Solutions and Innovation 

The Mars-Uranus conjunction has an impact on many different areas of your life, but it’s particularly influential for work. This is the time when you’re impatient for achievement and results and also very restless.

If you are bored in your daily life or at work, you can subconsciously attract a little bit of intrigue and trouble because you have this kind of disruptive element to your personality right now. Sagittarians enjoy expressing their views and can be somewhat outspoken.

This is the most fantastic week for you if you are in a career that requires a lot of debate, needs vibrant presentation skills, or needs innovative thinking for solutions because you can be incredibly effective.

This is an ideas-rich time where you can take your work to the next level or possibly impress someone and get a new client or a new boss. 

It’s excellent for romance and new relationships because you have a high amount of energy, but activities with your new partner have to be fun and adrenaline-generating. Going to sports events together, concerts, or activities that require a lot of physicality is absolutely essential. Boring, cliché dates or date nights just won’t cut it.

Capricorn: Anything Goes

This is a really exciting week for love and romance, and the key is that anything goes. Expect the unexpected and embrace spontaneity. For Capricorn, you can sometimes be a little bit conservative or reticent, but right now is the period where you should really sweep your partner or a potential new date off their feet by surprising them, treating them, and offering something a little bit spectacular. 

It’s important for you to be creative and flamboyant. I know Capricorns have a really creative side, so you want to express more confidence in that. Whether it’s in your career or romance, you really want to tap into that artistic, creative side of your personality to make a big splash.

This week should be all about you. If you have felt recently like you’ve been pleasing everyone else, right now you just want to grab the limelight, get attention on yourself, find things that you enjoy, and do things to make your relationship more rewarding and exciting. 

Never say never again. What you want to do right now is live in the moment, have a lot of fun, and at the same time inspire others.

Aquarius: Hosting Happy Events 

Aquarians should be enjoying this week. It’s a time for opening up your home, entertaining, and having lots of guests. It’s highly likely with Uranus conjunct Mars in Taurus that your home will be a hub of activity because right now you are very gung-ho about getting involved in the neighborhood or entertaining friends.

You get bored extremely quickly right now, and even if you are having busy days at work, you probably still will enjoy having a full house with lots going on in the evening or weekend.

It’s a great time for family events, whether they’ve been long-planned or spontaneous. However, this is a time when there can be friction, particularly in long-term relationships and with family, because you are very opinionated and can be quite argumentative.

Your rebellious side is certainly aroused, and yet it’s aroused in an emotional as well as an intellectual way, which makes you quite an explosive character to be around. New relationships are often a little bit tricky right now because a new partner could be rather overwhelmed by you, so be careful not to come on too strong.

Pisces: Flux and Flexibility 

Now, I hope a lot of you Pisces are traveling or at least have the opportunity to take a small ride or city break this week because you guys are very restless. The Mars-Uranus conjunction has certainly made you eager for change, particularly in your immediate environment.

This is a really good time for any of you guys who have recently moved and are trying to get to know people. It’s also great for job moves because you’re stimulated by brand new faces, and ideas, and interacting with a wide group of people.

If you’re single, I would definitely advise getting out of your normal routines, doing things that are slightly different that excite you, and making time in the evenings for hobbies, particularly those that involve large groups of people.

In terms of marriage, this is a very good time to talk about money and perhaps generate some new budgets that are more reflective of the changes in your circumstances. It’s very likely that right now things are in flux in your life, which is a good thing because when things are in flux, you thrive.

You like that stimulation of change, so definitely embrace your adventurous spirit. Don’t try to cling to what’s old; quickly embrace what’s coming down the line and enjoy the stimulation of change.

My Final Words for The Week Of July 15th

Don’t forget, this should be a time where you seize the day, and question all the limitations and restrictions or the negative voices of doubt that keep you where you are.

This is a time to throw off the shackles, create new ideas, brainstorm, and start trying things you haven’t tried before because innovation and new territory are the themes right now.

It’s also important to understand any areas of frustration and not put up with them. Find ways to use the pressure relief valve in your life.

Key themes to capitalize on this week:

Spontaneity; Excitement, New ideas, Innovation, Solutions, New Boundaries, Truth, Authenticity 

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Wishing you all the luck in the universe,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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