Weekly Love Horoscope for August 5th – 11th

Well hello again my sweethearts, and welcome to the weekly love horoscope for August 5th – 11th, which is a lazy, hazy one of enjoying life or an opportunity for growth and understanding.

Sun sextile Jupiter brings a lot of positive energy and good luck, so it’s very important for all of us right now to live our best lives, to have a good combination of fun and novelty in our life but at the same time to be ambitious about our personal growth and holistic goals.

Venus is conjunct Mercury retrograde generating a great interest in all things beautiful and pleasurable today and the increased likelihood of enjoyable conversations that are light but productive. It’s a highly social time to appreciate the company of other people.

Communication tends to be more harmonious and travel to see people you care about or visit a place of beauty, such as a museum or park is definitely a good idea. This is also a suitable week to think or talk about money, and you may initiate a financial arrangement or plan an investment.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for August 5th – 11th:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: Heart and fundamental understanding

With Venus conjunction Mercury retrograde, this transit affects your feelings, as you react more directly, especially if you have previously avoided expressing your emotions. Your relationships are less predictable, which can cause problems for understanding and you should awaken to dormant or unknown feelings that can have a significant impact on you and your relationship’s future.

This is a great time to travel or sightseeing, as you’re curious about the world around you and getting to know new people.

Now with Sun sextile Jupiter, this week’s energies bring a positive attitude and vibrant perspective to all your relationship communications. You’re likely to tap into that enthusiastic and optimistic Aries nature, often inspired with a renewed sense of faith in what’s possible, and you may attract important contacts that will elevate you in business too.

You’re a great inspiration to others and a receptive communicator, with a genuine appreciation for the importance of knowledge and the value of sharing views. Your physical energy level is robust but you may need to be more conscious of replenishing your body with food and rest when necessary. 

Taurus: Electric Avenue

This week, with Venus conjunction Mercury retrograde, you will be highly energetic and stimulated, as well as quite spontaneous. You’re ready to break free from restrictions that have prevented you from expressing yourself in life and relationships.

These restrictions may have been self-imposed, as you took on more responsibilities in the recent weeks as needs required, but now you have to push back and regain your freedom.

During this time, you actually improve both current relationships and the potential for love by reclaiming your individuality and it will be important not to conform to the expectations of other people, be your authentic self. 

This week will open up wonderful opportunities to relate to your partner in a new and different way. This may be due to your own actions as you actively seek new challenges out of your comfort zones.

You’ll tend to be more outgoing and friendly and may develop important friendships that bring romantic opportunities.

Gemini: Funny People

Although your sensitivity and sensuality are unusually strong right now what impresses or turns you on is likely to change and you could be drawn to bizarre dating experiences. You may have strange mood swings that can lead you down some peculiar relationship path as during this period you tend to attract situations that are different from the norm, but these experiences could be richly rewarding. 

With Venus conjunction Mercury retrograde, while this week can prove unsettling because you keep veering into the unknown, circumstances may allow you to make shape a whole new relationship paradigm through which you could find the perfect person.

An excellent week for problem solving in relationships as matters considered really complex may now come into focus, bringing breakthroughs to convoluted issues that seem to have no beginning or end.

This week opens doors for experiences that assist you in the realization of what is the highest good for you. The sun sextile Jupiter can also offer a deeper appreciation of what it means to give of yourself in love and also within society.

Being generous not only financially but also with all your goodwill and talents can make such a difference not only in the lives of significant others but especially your own. Good karma and lucky breaks during this time period likely will reward you beyond your immediate understanding. 

Cancer: Shining Star

With Venus conjunction Mercury retrograde in Virgo, this is a very exciting and fortunate week for you, when you have the opportunity to interact with different people and achieve new goals, more in line with your true purpose.

Your faith and optimism are enhanced and nothing seems impossible which will inspire yourself and also be a boost to your partner who can take inspiration from your energy and are likely to follow your lead and support your efforts.

Dating is supercharged as you can easily attract the eye of an awesome new partner who will not only love you but join you in your path for personal growth and contentment, making the relationship bigger than just companionship.

You may find a mentor who can help you achieve an important life goal. Expansion is also vital to your development and arranging travel or attending courses and education is also totally apt.

You may have a lack of self-discipline and are sometimes erratic, and it is possible that you will encounter situations that are different, even somewhat bizarre, which can throw you off centre but that’s a great thing as this is when you learn the most about what you really want.

Leo: Road to Damascus

With Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter, this will be a very exciting week, especially in your career, but it has its share of the unpredictable. Be bold as you have a great need to express your true identity through your career or through planning for your future, but this will be a problem if you’ve been denying this need for a long time or have caved to the demands of partner, it’s now time to regain your power and take your future into your own hands. 

If you have been ignoring the need for more self-expression or independence, and you feel stuck, things can suddenly change, so be open.

With Venus conjunction Mercury retrograde, your restlessness is now surfacing, and your needs are so immediate and urgent that you’re likely to jump into new relationships, so Cupid strikes quickly.

Broadening horizons is an essential feature of this week’s energy. While activity often hots up now now, this is not only a time for action but for higher levels of understanding, so that you can make better decisions in the future.

If you have a wealth of experience, then you likely have a clear grasp of the strengths and weaknesses in your relationship, permitting you to move forward with confidence. However, this week can have the effect of increasing your knowledge by exploring your relationship through more challenging, deeper conversations.

Travel, study, or widening contacts generally, enrich your life in ways that can give you a more philosophical view of how things fit together. 

Virgo: Lucky Stars

Venus conjunction Mercury retrograde indicates that this is a time where you get a strong yet almost surprising feel about things and any new romance where you feel there’s a lot of chemistry, is bound to be off to a good start. This is also a time when you feel like spoiling yourself and do all doing all those things that make life worthwhile.

As the Jupiter in your solar 10th house is sextile sun, this is a particularly auspicious time for money making and business opportunities, so it’s important to be looking and keep your eye out for brand new ways to use your talents and abilities to explode your potential.

In relationships, it’s vital to share genuine warm affection and generosity. In order to enhance your relationships, be loving and show your partner through your actions how much they mean to you.

Sometimes Venus brings out a little bit of a jealous streak, so be careful of any attempts to try and control your partner, support them and show them the you understand their needs and this will secure you happiness.

This is a very fortunate week for Libra, and with Jupiter sextile Sun you have the opportunity to promote yourself and advance your own goals or dreams.

Faith and optimism are abundant and nothing seems out of your reach, which will inspire your partner to follow your lead and support your efforts or get on board with the change you envision. 

You want to share your wisdom and may teach during this time, or gain some insight into your career direction from a mentor. This is a good time to plan for expansion in business, and your positive attitude will help you succeed in your efforts. For

Libra: Higher Good

Now Libra is known as being a somewhat people pleasing and conciliatory sign, you like to live with a certain amount of harmony and you can be quite compromising, but what I want to encourage you to do right now to do is to go after exactly what you want, don’t let anything hold you back. It’s important to explore your independence and to live life with a sense of adventure.

With Venus conjunction Mercury retrograde, it’s highly likely you will encounter a variety of experiences during this week 

that will keep you alert and open to possibilities. Boredom is no problem, as you encounter sudden new experiences and opportunities in love and career. This is a period that can bring about positive and serendipitous forces even if they produce effects that you didn’t expect or even purse.

In fact, the lesson this week is to make be aware of how little control you should try to have on any process and that no matter how much you may want a specific result, you often end up surprised with the final product because something higher is working for your best good.

This is a very fortunate week for Libra, and with Jupiter sextile Sun you have the opportunity to promote yourself and advance your own goals or dreams.

Faith and optimism are abundant and nothing seems out of your reach, which will inspire your partner to follow your lead and support your efforts or get on board with the change you envision. 

You want to share your wisdom and may teach during this time, or gain some insight into your career direction from a mentor. This is a good time to plan for expansion in business, and your positive attitude will help you succeed in your efforts.

Scorpio: Escape into your truth

With Jupiter in Gemini sextile Sun, the events of this week will test the way you manage partnerships and love relationships, as commitments that seemed fine in the past may suddenly feel quite stale and restrictive, and you’ll suddenly feel the new to rebel against the expectations that others have imposed on you or that you previously accepted.

With Venus conjunction Mercury retrograde, if things have become stagnant in your love life, then changes will be necessary to allow you to keep growing and while there is a danger of causing a little rumpus, luck generally is on your side so that things typically work out in your favor.

This is an awesome week to promote your ideas and reach out to people in positions of influence or power. You relate well to authority figures and you will respect them and in turn, you are likely to get the respect you deserve, making them more inclined to support your efforts or further your advancement. 

Be generous in your communication and listen to others’ opinions, and be alert to opportunities to teach or enlighten, or promote education. 

You’re also more concerned with justice and fairness in your relationship, and whether you want the relationship to gel better from a practical or philosophical way, it can be achieved through debate. You may expand your business or take on more responsibilities with a high level of confidence and faith in your abilities. If you’re involved in any legal matters during this time, they’ll likely resolve amicably.

Sagittarius: Planting Acorns

Now this is a week where you are able initiate changes that can have a satisfying result in terms of greater psychological awareness and healing.

Jupiter sextile Sun means you may encounter experiences that leave an indelible impression upon you and serve as a catalyst for taking steps, even unorthodox measures to transform attitudes about love and passion that make relationships more meaningful.

You can grow exceptionally stronger by planting the right seeds now, but the key is being totally honest about what you want and need. This is a time when your circumstances are highly conducive for increasing the power of your character.

With Venus conjunction Mercury retrograde, you may well come into contact with someone who has a commanding presence or indeed be put in a demanding yet exciting situation that will assist you in manifesting your personality and expanding your influence or finding the truth. Whatever drives you and arouses your passion will increase right now allowing you to fulfill some of your deepest desires.

Capricorn: Cupid is a maverick

 Venus conjunction Mercury retrograde in Virgo is extremely impactful for your relationships and dating as it will have a positive and dynamic effect on your romantic interactions with other people. An excellent time to entertain, throw parties, or attend events with friends.

The key is to be generous and show your fair fearlessly, which will encourage men to reciprocate with passion and spontaneity. 

A great time for dating and you may initiate a very important relationship, which will be marked by a spirit of mutual respect and personal freedom.

As you are not inclined to be possessive or jealous, you shouldn’t tolerate this behavior from others, and you may choose to leave a relationships that hasn’t allowed you to grow as a person. This is a good time to initiate or settle contracts, and legal problems will likely resolve in your favor.

Sun in your 8th house stimulated by the sun means what’s awesome is that you will tend to attract exciting people into your life, which can mean the beginning of a novel and bohemian relationship. If you are single you may find someone who is a total change from those you connected with in the past.

Aquarius: Poles apart

If you need to make a change but have been repressing your feelings, external events may compel or nudge you to relocate or change your living situation, quite suddenly.

Whatever happens within your employment, with colleagues or on trips, it’s likely to happen quickly and without much warning and you need to embrace these opportunities as quickly as they come up.

Your relationship communications tend to be more open and philosophical and while you’re open to listening to another point of view, your opinions are firm and just. 

Although physical health is an important and achievable outcome of this week, you can achieve a broader holistic if you so choose, which is ultimately more valuable. You have a propensity to use your mind power and with success more available to you, this is an excellent time to benefit from knowledge seeking of any kind but particularly for seeking to understand yourself better.

Self-improvement is an important goal, as you make rapid strides in your development or in the development of an undertaking that is an expression of who you are. 

Pisces: Truly, madly, deeply

This week with Sun sextile Jupiter, existing relationships really improve, and new ones may develop that have fun and happiness as a basis. You tend to give increased consideration to what is spiritually essential in your interactions instead of rushing headlong into whatever or whoever appeals to you on a superficial level.

With Venus conjunction Mercury retrograde, you can display better judgment in your relationship choices, you will attract what you truly need rather than what you want. This is a very socially active week with the opportunity to meet a wide range of people, some of whom may have a strong and sudden impact.

New friendships begun now probably will flow easily into the love channel. Existing partnerships benefit from increased openness and greater thoughtfulness towards each other.

Interactions with others can provide refreshing experiences because you tend to attract people who have a novel perspective which likely appeals to your curiosity and need for deeper awareness.


The astrological environment that surrounds us now definitely encompasses elements that are unfamiliar, perhaps nudging us to reassess what we thought we knew. 

Flashes of insight can occur, we may feel rebellious and impulsive, many of us will reboot our spirit through travel and this will regenerate relationships.

Sudden events help to put everything into perspective and allow you to let go of your past in order to thrive in the present.

The themes for this week are:

Spontaneity, Truth, Relaxation, Travel, Outdoors, Mindfulness, Diplomacy

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Wishing you all the luck in the universe,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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