Hello sweethearts, and welcome to the weekly love horoscope reading for February 3rd – 9th! I am very excited to bring you the first full week of February’s reading…
Now, what’s really exciting right now is that we have some clear signs this month that things are getting better, and the first positive is that this week Jupiter is going direct in Gemini and just to mention, at the end of the month, we’ll have Mars going direct in Cancer.
Once more, we have a hopeful trine from Mars to Saturn, and Venus is heading into Aries. Venus begins its way through the zodiac once more and particularly as it crosses the Aries point, there’s a burst of loving, affectionate, amorous energy that enhances not only relationships but also prosperity.
The other planet which helps supercharge prosperity is, of course, Jupiter. Now, with Jupiter going direct in Gemini, what a wonderful time to think positively, supercharge your imagination, get business ideas off the ground, and start joining dating apps or getting out there with a view to changing your love life for the better.
Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for February 3rd – 9th:
Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…
Aries: Love is in the Air
Venus entering Aries is a sign that things in terms of love and relationships are about to become more harmonious, which means that in long-term relationships, there’s a greater chance to reach agreements and make progress in improving the way you cooperate with a partner.
However, Venus is also the planet of love, so as we start looking forward to Valentine’s Day, this is a great time to start showing more appreciation for your partner, plan some romantic activities, and perhaps even plan your wardrobe with something special that will make you feel really good.
Because this isn’t just about better relationships, it’s about feeling better about yourself and that’s why it’s important to spoil yourself – treat yourself to a new hairstyle, a new haircut, or perhaps arrange some activities that help you feel particularly buoyant and excited.
Jupiter in Gemini is a time where you deserve to feel excited. If you feel stale and repressed, take steps to remedy it right now. Think outside the box and make sure that your agenda is full of activities that reinforce everything positive about your life and your potential.
Taurus: Kerchingggg!
Jupiter going direct in Gemini is particularly good for financial matters for Taurus. If you’ve been concerned about incomings, outgoings, or inflation, this is a time when there are encouraging opportunities.
You may be able to earn some extra money, find a side hustle, or draw in more lucrative clients. But this is a time when you have to capitalize on your talents, so know yourself, your abilities, sell yourself, and go out there with a really attacking mindset and you can improve money matters.
This is also a great time for deep, meaningful exchanges on a romantic basis. If you’re looking for love, it’s likely that the person you connect with right now could have a special spiritual significance in your life. You may even feel an immediate cosmic connection, which is quite inspiring.
In terms of ongoing relationships, this is a wonderful time for forgiveness and healing in love. It’s also a time when you need to focus on the physical elements of love, understanding each other’s sexual needs, and being affectionate as a way to show you care. Warmth is important – there needs to be a strong exchange of genuine and passionate feelings, which is possibly more important than actual communication right now.
Gemini: Cosmic Luck
Jupiter going direct in Gemini is a fabulous occurrence; it only happens once every 12 years, and it’s a time for a refresh and a reboot. So, what you need to be doing is supercharging your positive thinking. They always say, “If you can dream it, you can do it,” but sometimes there are practical and also cosmic reasons why that’s not so easy.
Right now, however, is a wonderful time to seize the moment. It all starts with your mindset, so be sure that you are projecting in a way that shows you’re happy-go-lucky and confident about life. This will ensure you attract great new relationships.
In terms of marriage, you need to set the agenda right now. Project a proactive, positive vibe into the relationship. Don’t take no for an answer, but don’t be needy – be independent. Show an assertive and can-do attitude, and your partner will respond. However, always remember to be on top of things and act like you’ve got it all under control, because that is very, very sexy.
Cancer: First Impression
Mercury square Jupiter and Venus going into Aries represents a wonderful time to make a first impression. You know the saying, “There’s only one opportunity to make a first impression,” and that is absolutely true right now. So, whether you are dating or on the apps, make sure you go in all guns blazing and show the best of yourself.
This is also a time when you will experience a turnaround in terms of your luck. If you had been feeling a little bit downcast or if things weren’t going your way, this is the time to dump that attitude and develop a positive spirit.
This is not necessarily a time when the earth moves, but it is certainly a time when things are beginning to develop a more favorable flavor. You can tell that things in your relationships and your dating life are no longer stagnant, and that should fill you with a lot of hopefulness.
This is also a good time, with Mars trining Saturn, to improve your long term relationship. If you want happiness or a better sex life, acknowledge it and choose one thing to work on at a time.
Leo: Ever expanding circles
Jupiter direct in Gemini is fantastic for your social life. For those of you looking for love, this is a fabulous time to join new groups, clubs, and organizations. Seek out people who have interests that align with yours, and put yourself in places where you will meet those people as you are more than likely to make a load of friends, and these will lead to romantic opportunities.
So, the key if you’re looking for love is to expand your social circles. Think beyond the normal cliques and networks, and look for opportunities to spread yourself into a number of new arenas.
Now, with Venus going into Aries, this represents a great new opportunity in relationships for forgiveness and brainstorming. It’s a solutions-rich time. If you and your partner have felt that maybe things recently hadn’t been going to plan or if you both feel a little bit exhausted, this is a time for a small getaway – something that will refresh the grey matter.
One of the best things to do is get more sunlight, get the adrenaline flowing, and be outdoors. This can help bring new perspectives into your mind. Suddenly, the problems seem smaller, and you’re able to tackle them and get on with the fun of your relationship.
Virgo: Shape Up
Jupiter direct and your ruler Mercury square Jupiter are both signs of confidence and the need for expansion in your life. Now, it’s likely that relationships will not necessarily be the focus of this week. You might be wondering where you’re going, where you’re headed, and if life isn’t shaping up, now is the time for you to assess ways to inject a little bit of revolution into your life.
It’s a time to review your destiny, understand your purpose, and work more strongly towards getting what you deserve in life. Right now, your attitude will be reflected in your success, so it’s very important that you understand your value and worth and continue to aim high, not accepting less than the best.
The same goes for relationships. With Venus going into Aries, don’t be too accommodating. Your partner needs to pull his weight and work harder on the affectionate side of the relationship. Don’t be afraid to demand more. If your relationship is unsatisfying, it’s time for both of you to put more effort into the affectionate, intimate part and to ensure that each other’s needs are addressed.
Libra: Driving seat in love
Now, this is a particularly vibrant time. We have Jupiter going direct in Gemini, and Venus entering Aries, both of which mean you are more likely to get positive responses from others. So, this is a good time for you to make the first move in love, to be the aggressor in love, and if you’re already in a relationship, to steer the relationship in the direction that you desire.
One key thing you can capitalize on right now is your ability to be persuasive. You’re fantastic at communicating, so in new relationships, it’s a time when you are more open and receptive, and therefore more likely to judge the mood, pick the right conversation points, and use humor to make sure you make an awesome impression.
If you’re already married, you are excellent at convincing your partner of your point of view, which means you’ll be more likely to get what you need in the relationship. Restoring balance and addressing any people-pleasing that has backed you into a corner is key. Now, it’s time for you to get out of any ruts in your relationship and assert your will.
Scorpio: Pulse of life
Jupiter direct in Gemini is exciting, intense, and arouses the passionate energy within you, so get ready to strive ahead because whatever you want, you can get it, as long as you know what it is.
This can be a time when you crave things deeply, and of course, it could lead to craving sweet things or impulsive purchases and the satisfying of instant desires. However, if you’re more aware of what can bring lasting satisfaction, you can put the right pieces in place to achieve that.
This can be a very effective time for you at work and business because your perceptive and psychic ability is enhanced, enabling you to be extremely diplomatic, persuasive, and effective at maneuvering within the workplace.
In terms of ongoing relationships, what’s vital right now is the depth of relationships. In all relationships, you can easily feel dissatisfied if your partner is vague or fickle. You need powerful and positive responses, both in terms of communication and affection in love.
If you don’t get this, you’re not afraid to put your foot down and let your partner know they need to pull socks up. This is definitely a time when you have the finger on the pulse of life, and you’re more likely to understand what’s wrong and how to put it right.
Sagittarius: Brakes are off
This is an awesome week for long-term relationships, as Jupiter goes direct in Gemini it means that you can certainly get things back on track. So, if your relationship plans have stalled, if you’d been thinking of getting married, engaged, or moving in together but things weren’t seeming to work out, now is the time to push forward.
For couples, this is an important time for forgiveness and future planning. It’s time to put the mistakes and problems in the past and move forward with a positive new direction.
This is also an ideal time for supercharged communication. Pay attention to encouraging each other to share, exchanging anecdotes, and being interested in each other’s lives.
Relationships can tend to drift apart simply because couples forget to share and keep each other on the same page. Sometimes it’s easy to take each other for granted if you begin to lose interest in each other’s lives or no longer share important things.
So, let each other know what’s important to you both, your plans, and your visions for the next few weeks. Get excited about your life and share it with your partner. This is also an awesome time for recovering from a relationship breakup and finally being able to put an old relationship behind you and move ahead.
Capricorn: Smell the Coffee
Venus heading into Aries and Jupiter in Gemini direct are a great time to smell the coffee. It’s important now to be realistic and pragmatic. Often, there’s a need for some emotional honesty and reflection, so what’s ideal right now is spending a little bit of time meditating, having a deep think, or even journaling to truly understand and express your feelings.
The last thing you want to do right now is bottle up your emotions. It’s so important to be able to express your fears, anxieties, needs, hopes, and dreams, and to get it all documented so that it makes sense. So, this is a vital time for self-care and reflection.
In relationships, this is also a good time to do proactive things with a partner. Dating is supercharged if you’re dating a work colleague, because you already have something in common that you can discuss.
Another great place to meet people is at the gym or through a fitness pursuit. If you’re married, work on both of your self-improvement goals, encourage each other to lose weight, and renew your impetus towards career goals. This is all great for love and relationships.
Aquarius: Epic Valentine’s Day
This is a fantastic week for dating! If you’ve been out of the dating game, it’s an awesome week to join a dating app or an old-fashioned dating service, attend speed dating events, or get more active socially so that you can meet a like-minded person.
Other fantastic places to meet a partner right now include signing up for an evening class, particularly something to do with religion, spirituality, or philosophy. Alternatively, you could go to a talk at a museum. This is an ideal week to be active socially.
Venus in Aries also represents a fantastic time for communication-based relationships. Meeting someone who lives a bit further away, with whom you engage a lot on text, is strongly favored.
In terms of your existing relationships, this is definitely a time for date nights. It’s time to start thinking ahead to Valentine’s Day and make it a Valentine’s fortnight. Create some space in your calendar for fun, make sure the children have plenty of activities to enjoy, and make sure that you and your partner are doing your utmost to have fun together. Get the adrenaline going and explore a youthful spirit.
Remember, there are so many things in life to make us feel serious, but fun doesn’t happen by accident. One has to make it happen. Put yourself into situations with friends or events you enjoy, and let the magic begin.
Pisces: Candles and Chandeliers
This can be quite a lucky time when it comes to saving and investment. So, it’s a good time to ponder your financial situation, make some adjustments, or seek advice on ways to better prepare for your future and invest.
This is also a great time to go shopping for things around the home. A wonderful way to spark romance is for you and your partner to go out shopping and perhaps redecorate the bedroom ahead of Valentine’s Day, or buy some pieces of art or furniture that you feel will create a better ambience and flavor in your home.
Pisces definitely has an eye for beauty right now, and you feel rewarded when you express your artistic side and a wonderful way to do that is through decorating the home.
This is also a fantastic time for you and your partner to celebrate with friends, be generous to others and perhaps host a wine-tasting evening or a fondue night at home. This is a very social time, and spending time with you and your partner’s good friends is a great way to gear up for Valentine’s Day.
For those of you who are single, this is a great time to invest in yourself – get your nails done, get a makeover, or buy some interesting new clothes to make you feel sexy, so when Valentine’s Day comes, you’ll be all ready to get out on the town because it’s very likely that you’ll meet someone. Don’t pass up any social opportunities, particularly if they involve family, friends, or reunions.
This is certainly a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed time. You’re able to see things with new eyes. It’s a solutions- and information-rich time. Whatever you’re going through in life, remember to get advice, gather as much information as possible, and don’t isolate yourself.
The stars are right now, encouraging you to be proactive, but also to reach out to other people and be sociable. Understand that everything in life happens for a reason and has a specific context, and it’s vital to understand the context in order to see the bigger picture. Opportunities are arising in every situation.
Key phrases for this week:
Momentum, Affection, Positivity, Fun, Mind power, Affirmative thinking, Initiate romance
See you again next week.
Your sister and relationship astrologer,
Anna Kovach
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Only you can do this but you’ve got to be fully informed.
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