Anna Kovach Reviews From Satisfied Clients
Here's what women like you shared about my guidance and insights.
Chrys Barton
Unbelievably accurate and so helpful. Things are definitely going in the right direction and I strongly believe its from the advise that Anna has given. Spot on. Thank you sooooo much.

I'm very impressed with how accurate your information is when it comes to my man's sign. It's helped me navigate the relationship in a totally different way than I ever would have prior. It's made our communication better because I understand where his actions are coming from so I respond rather than react! I'm no longer feeling triggered or overly sensitive when he seems to appear more distant...I now understand his needs more deeply. Those are the times that I let him be and concentrate more on myself and my own needs. As a Life Coach it's helped me see how powerful this "inside track" can be in relationships. THANK YOU Anna!
Deborah Paiva
Praise and Testimonials
I never believed in astrology but after joining this page I can say that this is mind blowing. I am really impressed by the results and the accuracy is insane! Keep up the good work Anna!
Arshi Saggu
Uncannily accurate - without generalisations. Worth the money.
Dilys Wilson-layton
I've always believed in Astrology but this far I didn't find anybody like Anna who is really precise and accurate in her forecast and focused on partnership forecasts. I'm really grateful that I found you!
Donkó Anita
My Libra man and I have found that we have so much in common it boggles my mind. I’ve learned how to keep him interested not only in body but my mind also. Thank you Anna for giving me such insightful information it has helped immensely.
Elizabeth Inman
What can I say but Wow! So insightful. Anna, because of your Taurus guides and other useful tips and guides that you send or that I have purchased I am forming a beautiful bond with a really great guy! Being an Aries I am certain I would have chased him away or impatiently run away myself. The information is so golden to understand his temperament and the whys as well as putting me at ease by the knowing. I have also grown personally from the valuable information! Thank you!
Jennifer Baker
Libra Man Secrets - by Anna Kovach you are a wealth of information when it comes to Libra men purchased several of your literatures and was so intrigued I couldn’t stop reading them. I would like to read more on the early stages of dating a Libra man when distance occurs what to do. Blissful month then the distance. I’m a Leo woman and I won’t text first.
Dawn Shollito Garofalo
I did the compatibility quiz and it was like she met my boyfriend before. Everything was him to the T.
Kemoy Davis
The information in Anna's books has saved my relationship! I'm a Gemini woman he is a libra man so communication has been a big issue resolving fundamental differences I couldn't have done it with her guidance. Thank you Anna!
Kim Laccoarce
Relationships are hard at times. Anna offers another way of learning to connect with and understand how to better relate.
Margaret Cagle Joines
Listen carefully to Anna. She knows what she is talking about. Extremely helpful in understanding my partner's love language
Michelle Morar
Of all the online astrology sites I have subscribed to I find your information and insights the best on offer!! There is always something that resonates and gives great insights on 'what next'. Thanks for all you do. x
Nikki Belford
This learning experience turned my cold home into a marriage from heaven . You are so on point and the emails come exactly when I need an answer from the universe I love them
Portia Maluleke
To be honest I've been dealing with my boyfriend who is a Sagittarius alone for years and I hit a road block and I got completely lost. I didn't know what to do until I stumbled apon Anna Kovach's website. I just want to say wow! She has taught me SO MUCH about why my boyfriend does the shit he does! And she is so right on about what she talks about in her books! It's definitely worth it to buy her collection believe me your money will NOT be wasted. So if you are with a Sagittarius man and you're at you wits end about to give up don't! Get Anna's books and start reading them right away you will not be sorry.
Kristen Burlenski
I was married to an Aquarius for 21 years and it was a hollow shell of a relationship because I am a Pisces with Cancer moon and Capricorn ascendant. Now I am with a Scorpio who makes my 21 years of sadness seem like a prelude to my happiness. Anna’s perception is on target when it comes to men and what they want from the women in their love life. Of course we are individuals with circumstances that will vary wildly but I believe my man found me at just the right moment. Oh and he’s 18 years younger so don’t let anyone tell you mature women can’t find love and romance!
Sheila Ryan
Omg Anna, my fiance and I could not believe how accurate it was. It freaked us out but not in a bad way. We absolutely loved it. We enjoyed reading it together and it made us understand each other more. We absolutely loved it!
Marina Delvillar
We always had a fight with my cancer man and broke up with him a few times but Anna is excellent in describing the true nature of a Cancer man. Thus I learned how to deal with it and now our relationship is getting better. Thank you so much Anna
Marlyn Rojo Padigos
While accurate is perfectly descriptive of and exactly what I received in the guidance you provided Anna... I must also say that I'm more than pleased with the results I achieved from the simple suggestions and confidence boosting encouragement to act upon those suggestions! This morning...the "language" got a lil hot and heavy and the DEAL- so to speak- was sealed!! I got my man right where he should be...with me!! Thank You for your unique yet tried and true wisdom!!
Stefanie Smith
Just for starters I never write reviews. I’ve been studying astrology most of my adult life but have also put it down for periods of time. Since I picked it back up I swear most everyone out there is just seems so broad like they are talking about ANYONE! NOT ANNA!!!! She’s the first Astrologist to actually answer my email on her own time and be ON IT!!! The things she says to help guide me are so fantastic and really hit the nail on the head! Not only that but I on a wimb sent her an email not thinking i'd ever get a response but she sent me helpful information and then added a kind gift out pure generosity! Not only do i KNOW she’s the best but she's more concerned about me having the knowledge she has to offer me over anything else. Which speaks to her raised character as well! Thank you so much Anna!
Tei Jai Johns
I wish I'd had this info a year ago. So accurate.
Wendy Case
I was surprised to get a complete and thorough guide about my lover's sign. I got to know him better and learned how to maintain a relationship full of love and understanding. Thank you Anna!
Елена Терзиева
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OMG! Anna is a great astrologer. She knows the signs. She gives outstanding advice and is always on the mark. I am amazed at how accurate her readings are.
Rachelle Youngblood
You definitely need Anna on your life. I have learned more about my man & our relationship. I even told my man what I have learned & he is impressed at the effort I put in to make this work. I am so glad that I took the 2 minute test. It has changed the way I view my man and our relationship. Take the test. You won't be sorry.
Ronda Barnes
I believe in Astrology but there is a difference between one astrologer and other. Anna Kovach is one of those who made me feel impressed with her knowledge and the accuracy of her readings! Keep up the good work Anna!
Sevy Seitoglu
I couldn't believe how spot on she was in describing my new love interest. She put into words what I tried to but couldn't! Total relief to know what I was experiencing was validated!
Lisa Wade Elledge
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Anna Kovach
Anna Kovach is known as the most sought after dating & relationships Astrologer and advisor to commitment-seeking women across the globe. Anna's guidance and astrological insights have helped tens of thousands of women get the relationship they want.
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