Weekly Love Horoscope for March 17th – 23rd, 2025

Hello, sweethearts, and welcome to your weekly love horoscope for March 17th – 23rd. It’s week of the equinox, the Sun crosses the equator and the dye is cast for the rest of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere we head into summer and in the Southern, winter.

Mercury and Venus are now retrograde in Aries and the Sun is conjunct Neptune which makes for a confusing and murky mix that requires great powers of perfection and discernment to unpack, so don’t jump the gun or draw conclusions too quickly.

Now, while in March there’s a tendency to passively accept circumstances for how they are, if you are willing to adopt a strong position regarding your vision and ideals for your relationship, you can achieve a breakthrough.

If you are uncertain about what matters to you at a fundamental level, this is an appropriate time to find out via better communication and more intense discussions in love.

Being self-expressive and showing leadership and optimism in love is the key to love magic. Always shine the light ahead. You should avoid getting swept away in the moment or following the crowd, it’s important for you to keep your head, to maintain integrity and hold your head high.

It’s important for you to focus on good discipline, although creatively inspired, you cannot achieve anything in the artistic realm without routines and systematic planning. So we can all achieve perspective and a release by getting our heads into our creative work, but with scheduling and strategy.

Use your intuition and compassion to connect with new people, often total strangers become friends as you discovers a rapport with people who suddenly come into your life.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for March 17th – 23rd:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: What is the driving force?

Mercury is retrograde in your sign, meaning that personal communication is challenging. It’s harder to initiate productive conversations in love and new relationships and dating can stall and stutter along.

This may not be a good time for presentations or teaching. This is also a more tricky time for financial decisions. However, it’s a good time for research rather than drawing conclusions.

Driving factors that you guys have not been aware of, but which are dictating the course of the relationship can come to light now and be recognized and dealt with.

This week with Neptune Sun conjunct Node, means that your emotional sensitivity is enhanced and this can make your more compassionate and better at reading the signs and signals in relationships.

Aries are not necessarily always a good communicators, you communicate in bursts and you tend to be very honest, but you’re often less good in dealing with emotional issues, and you’re not always that high on emotional intelligence.

However, you’ve got strong gut feelings, which do actually help you navigate relationships and get a grip on what your partner is thinking without any verbal communication.

This is very much so this week, as you are more aware of the moods and feelings of others, you also have good instincts when you meet new people on what they’re all about, and if they have agendas, and this can be very helpful in business and your social life.

Taurus: Still waters, deep ground 

As an earth zodiac sign, Taurus are practical and analytical, but this week it is time to pay a little more attention to the voice within: your intuition. Usually you trust your ability to reason out things over your instinct.

However as I mentioned in the intro, with the retrogrades, things are not always as they seem this week and wit and diplomacy may not be enough – so be cynical and keep an eye out for the little signs that you may usually brush aside.

This week, what is not said is often more important than what is. However you should not fall into thinking that you suddenly have all the answers. Unexpected events will force you to reassess and you should take a step back and ask yourself what these events are trying to tell you.

In all walks of life do not take things at face value, look below the surface and be more cynical about the motivations of others – surprises can come from people who suddenly do an about turn and react unpredictably. Your opponents and enemies are not to be underestimated: keep your eye on their every move.

Gemini: Joint Venture 

One of the challenges right now, is that you may have to set aside some of your personal goals or put them on the back burner, so that you can take one for the team, or sacrifice more of your time for what is a joint effort rather than one that immediately advances your aims.

This can also be an important time of the year for a mini audit, just a time to assess where you are, what you have achieved and if you are working in the most effective way. Due to the Mercury retrograde in Aries there can be a few setbacks, but these are not as much obstacles as problems to be resolved, and you have to do a few work arounds to get away from the obstacles and stay on track. It takes finesse and a deft hand.

It’s very important for you to be conscious of your drives and energies. If you are very out of touch with what you need and want in love, and have fallen into a rut, then you may not be able to take full advantage of this period to charter an exciting new path.

Even if you know what you want, initially events can cause you a lot more frustration and anger, before you understand that what is happening is that the planets are providing energy for a great deal of renewal of purpose in terms of relationship visa vi personal evolution.

Cancer: Heart of glass

If you have been standing back from taking chances in new relationships, when you connect with someone this week it will seem natural to let go and let your heart off the leash.

A new relationship has the potential to be rather transformative for you; it may help boost you into a new phase in life or help you to take chances in other walks of life. Ideally it will nurture more security for you and this will be a springboard for other areas of your life.

This is also a time when your levels of optimism and positivity are high, you can employ affirmations, positive thinking and creative visualization very effectively to lay the groundwork and spiritual terms for new projects and relationship goals.

If you have a business idea this is also a highly opportune time to begin it as you will forge contacts and clients easily and have the mental ability to focus your activities and direct a strategic plan. Remember there is nothing as urgent as an “idea that has come.”

There are also many opportunities for teaching, counselling or lecturing – thus if you are a Cancerian with a skill, maybe it is time to find a college or university or course at some place of further learning where you can pass on your skills and expertise.

Leo: Understand the emotional tides

This week Mercury is retrograde in Aries and North Node, Neptune and Sun conjunct, thus getting your ideas accepted is tricky and it is more difficult to get your thoughts across, and therefore you have to be systematic, succinct and more patient.

The Aries retrogrades can affect you in terms of legal proceedings and it’s very important to tackle these carefully, and avoid them at all costs if possible. It can also affect you in a careers where you need to teach, lecture or publish information, therefore it’s really important to have your facts straight, get all the details correct and ensure efficiency in terms of publishing data.

The key this week in love is to be succinct and get the point across with minimal fuss, if you labor the point you are likely to be misunderstood, or your words could be twisted. If in doubt, stay silent and keep a poker face.

In ongoing relationships, there is a period of pause and reflection, it’s time to think about how the relationship is working out. Do you know where you’re going to, do you like all the things you are discovering in the relationship?

Is the relationship bringing out parts of your own personality that make you a little bit uncomfortable, because this is a certainly a time when you may begin to feel a little bit jealous and possessive.

It’s well worth you taking a pause in a relationship and discovering by yourself where these feelings are coming from, as relationships could falter now because there are still unresolved issues from past relationships that are triggering you, or causing you to behave in a way that quite destructive

Virgo: Reflect, review, reestablish 

Mercury retrograde in Aries means that if there are any important financial matters that you have to deal with involving tax, loans, financing, insurance etc. you should be extra diligent about details.

When it comes to money matters, it’s important for you to move with the times and keep an open mind. It’s highly likely that there will be events in the wider economy this month that can cause quite a few shocks and surprises, and so it’s important that this week you are aware of this and ready for changes beyond your control when it comes to finances.

Venus retrograde along with Sun, Neptune, Node in your 7th, is not bad for love or relationships, but it is a period that requires a deeper understanding of your own motivations and behavior in the relationship, before the relationship can successfully mature and go forward into a fulfilling and satisfying phase.

There’s nothing wrong with having a cooling off period, a little bit of separation or indeed taking time to meditate on your romance to understand truly all the dynamics at play, and whether you are comfortable with these or not. It may also be a time to reflect on why the relationship is not becoming deeper emotionally and how you both can get there.

Libra: Upside down, inside out

It’s certainly not a time when everything is straightforward, because Mercury retrograde means the actions of others are often confusing. You may find other people in your life erratic and unreliable, that’s why it’s important for you to deal with things as you find them.

It’s important not to be guided by past experiences of people and situations, because this month everything is changing, so even if you could predict certain outcomes based on the way they turned out previously, that may not be so this week especially.

So it’s very important for you to stay alert and observant, you should keep looking for new information, you should not make assumptions and you should always be ready to back track and review things before you make a decision.

This is a phase of smoke and mirrors as no situation or person is as they seem initially. This doesn’t mean that these people are being deceptive or dishonest, it simply means that the kind of situations and people you encounter are going to encompass many grey areas or they could be subject to changing their minds, and you need to be ready for it. So wake up smell the coffee understand the cues and be ready to jump left or right or sit on the fence.

Scorpio: Set for sparkle

This week Mercury is retrograde in Aries and will be to month end meaning, it’s important to avoid teamwork, travelling with colleagues, or attending any skills training, as these processes may be a little bit disappointing.

Doing due diligence and adhering to any compliance work is vital, it’s important to edit your work carefully and to be a perfectionist. Details count and it’s important to be diligent about the way you complete your work, your presentation of facts and figures in making proposals must be 100% accurate.

This is not a good time to outsource because you will be held directly accountable, so you need to have all hands on deck.

Your imagination is suddenly working in overdrive, which is helping your creative work immeasurably, and even if you’re not particularly artistic, you could express your creativity in arranging romantic dates, or possibly spending more time travelling with your partner and experiencing intriguing places or different cultures as a way of escaping and just broadening horizons.

Sagittarius: Retrace and recap

The week starts with you feeling a big impetus for achievement and you have great enthusiasm, however there are a few you flies in the ointment when it comes to relationships, especially concerning children issues, and these need your attention.

So it’s important not to lose focus on things that are hangovers from last month which need to be dealt with. The last weeks of the March are not ideal for job applications or job interviews, and PR activity also is not favored because of a retrograde mercury.

However, this it is a great time for getting your mind in gear, strategizing and doing your research. So while you want to be first off the starting blocks, you can actually gain an advantage if you are insightful, intrepid about searching out information making the right contacts, and ensuring that all your social media and public profiles are up to date and full of creativity.

This is also a confusing time for romantic affairs and dating. Organizing social and entertainment events, especially if it involves meeting potential partners, are not successful. This week is not really favorable for competitive sports and or coaching teams.

Capricorn: Stepping out 

Mercury retrograde in Aries can mean that the way to proceed in love is through fun, light-hearted and playful social activities. You love spontaneity and to be surprised, and you want everything in your love life to be thoroughly unplanned and uncontrolled. So the key this week to success in love is going with the moment and not making plans.

The thing about Capricorn week, is if you overthink anything you can begin to have a second thoughts or cold feet, whereas if you do something totally spontaneously you tend to feel more confident and to enjoy yourself more. Thus set dates and planning are out the window, you and your partner should take the week as it comes.

You and your partner need to be more willing to accept personal responsibility, so while you are interested in being a team player in relationships, the buck stops with both of you and it is vital for you to understand exactly the part you play in various relationship issues, and to self-correct or take a step back and analyze your own motivations in relationships more deeply.

Aquarius: Cast away from false perception 

The energies this week tend to pierce through that Aquarius veil of self-defense and you may have to come to terms with any self-doubts and perpetual suspicions about the opposite sex that serve to undermine true emotional rapport.

The more you carry around negative self-talk about relationships, trust and intimacy, the less you can benefit from a relationship this wee and the more you are prone to manipulation.

However, you also have a chance to realize whatever it is that’s always leading your relationships into trouble and the ways you often self-sabotages or shuts down emotionally making a partner feel neglected or distant.

This week can serve as a wake-up call to keep things in better perspective in love and prevent self-doubt leading to self-sabotage.

It’s very important to see events this week as part of your journey, so whatever you tackle – for business or pleasure purposes or in terms of promising new relationships – you should do it with a willingness to learn, to have your perspective expanded and to embrace new ways of thinking that are life enhancing, rather than just for material purposes or an immediate rush.

Pisces: Back up

This week Mercury is retrograde in Aries, so it’s a good idea for you to get your finances in order. So you should tie up any negotiations, finalize any budgets and get on top of compliance work.

Caveat emptor, as things are likely to go awry in terms of negotiation or people may get cold feet.

What’s essential this week is not underestimating challenges and not biting off more than you can chew, so it’s important for you to have a little bit of perspective – when you go into new things – of what it all entails, you don’t want to be going flat out and creating false expectations with others.

If you have the courage to deal with emotional issues and you thrash things out with your partner and have good conversations you can feel as if a weight is lifted, and that certain things that you were fearful and anxious about have been resolved.

It’s certainly a time to face your fears, do it now, don’t delay because once something is brought to the fore and dealt with your fears begin to diminish and your sense of your own power increases.

Backup all your data to hard drive and make sure you are able to walk offline should there be any interruptions to internet or power.


There’s nothing wrong with having a cooling off period, a little bit of separation or indeed taking time to meditate on your romance to understand truly all the dynamics at play, and whether you are comfortable with these or not.

It may also be a time to reflect on why the relationship is not becoming deeper emotionally and how you both can get there.

New relationships that start are likely to be much more about communication and fun, than anything deeper emotionally, but that will develop later in the year.

Key phrases for this week:

Caution, Discernment, Planning, Routines, Clarity, Understanding, Restlessness

See you again next week.

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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