To All of my Virgo Sisters In Search of True Fulfillment in Love

 The Little Known Reasons Why Virgo Women Rarely Get The Relationship They Long For

(And Insider Secrets On How To Flip The Script)

In this letter you’ll read about:

  • The 3 most dangerous ways in which Virgo women repel their (potential) partners
  • The 2 invaluable relationship-clarity questions for female Virgos
  • #1 golden rule to adopt and completely bewilder your love interest

If you truly want to become your most radiant self and attract true love into your life… dive in.

I know all too well that you, as a Virgo woman, are classy, stylish, chill and as attractive as they come, but…

Despite being a terrific friend and a lovable partner with many desirable qualities, you still feel something’s off in your love life.

It seems as though you just don’t align with him (whether he’s just a love interest, your ex, or your lover).

Many women blame men for always wanting more, but… that’s just how men are, and blaming them for being what they are won’t get us anywhere.

That’s why if you want to be in perfect harmony with him…

You have to be perfectly aligned with yourself first.

You have to be in perfect balance with who you are…

Even the most grounded Virgos often make fatal mistakes that drive men away from them.

That’s because Virgo women have some peculiar blind spots when it comes to understanding themselves.

That misunderstanding, if we may call it that, causes a Virgo woman to misperceive her love interest.

It may come to you as a shock to find out that you actually make these errors of judgment… but don’t worry.

By the end of this letter, you’ll open your eyes and see the new you.

The result of that will be the opening of your love chakras and emanating a raw romantic appeal that will surely bewilder anyone who meets you.

Let me ask you this — would you say that the status of your relationship is complicated?

Is it pending? Or even worse, would you say that it’s not existing?

Hi, I'm Anna Kovach, and I am a professional relationship Astrologer.

For the past few decades, I’ve dedicated myself to helping women align with their lucky stars and find true love and commitment.

I’ve counseled thousands of women and I have in-depth experience with hundreds of love stories where Virgo women got their happily-ever-afters.

My guidance helps those stories play out the way they have.

The counsel I give to my sisters is not only based on experience with thousands of relationships…

It’s also based on a thorough knowledge of the 4000-year-old science of astrology.

What makes my insights unique is access to arcane knowledge about certain signs and Virgo is definitely one of them.

Most of what other astrologers know about this mysterious sign fits on 5 or 6 pages of a blog, but my knowledge is more in-depth.

That’s why and how I’m certain that you’ve yet to grow into your best version that will attract everyone, especially your love interest.

The first thing on your checklist should be not to make the dreadful mistakes that destroy your chances for a gentle, loving relationship.

Dear sister, you should never ignore all the things you could do to improve your and your love interest’s compatibility.

The trouble is that most women don’t ever fully become aware of how much the outcome of their relationships depends on them.

Too many of my sisters are too inert and passive, and Virgo girls are among the most lenient ones.

I’ve seen too many Virgo ladies that just let things slide. If it doesn’t work, they blame it on the guy or bad luck.

Many of my Virgo fans reach out to me with the problem of feeling like they are not quite where they need to be in the relationship…

It’s like they’re not completely in tune with who they are supposed to be (with)…

If you have wandered from one dead-end relationship to the next…

If you ever let a true soulmate slip through your fingers and ended up with someone who’s not 100% right for you…

If you repel the right guys and keep attracting those who don’t deserve you…

You are meant to read this letter. 

Unfortunately, many women live their whole lives like this – never experiencing the true gifts of love and happiness.

What they experience is only a shadow of a love life… and they come to believe that the shadow is the real thing.

They suffocate that little voice in their heads that propels them to truly connect with their lover.

They convince themselves that what they’re already feeling is normal and that there’s nothing more to it. They settle.

Unfortunately, settling for less and being stuck in an emotionally stagnant relationship really is normal – it’s what most women do.

I know that you are here because you’re not one of those women that settle for less.

The very fact that you’re reading this means that you want to get to the heart of what only true love can offer.  

If that is so, I have a question for you:

How well do you know yourself?

How connected do you feel with your true potential and your true values?

The first delusion that keeps lovely Virgo girls from a perfect relationship and a perfect marriage is this:

They think they know themselves...

You might read all about your love interest’s Sun Sign…

You might thoroughly inform yourself about all the ways to seduce your partner (and I suggest that you do this), BUT…

You’ll still miss one key piece you need to complete the Love puzzle.

If you keep yourself in the dark about who you really are, you’re actually just shooting in the dark.

Even if you manage to snag him, you’ll feel that something’s missing in your relationship. You won’t be completely fulfilled.

The simple truth is this:

You can’t connect with a man if you’re not connected to your true self!

As I’ve said, it’s simple, but you’d be surprised by how many women actually fail to realize it.

It’s not your fault if this happened to you.

I know that you’re very devoted to the idea of True Love and a deep bond with your soulmate.

I know that you’ve been searching for a way that leads to his heart…

But in that process, you may have missed an essential part of the journey. You forgot yourself.

You might have researched everything about his Sun sign, but you’re still in the dark about who you really are deep inside.

So let me ask you…

How well do you know your Sun sign?   

Luckily, now you’ll get a map that will lead you back to your true self… and straight into the arms of a loving Mr. Right.

The little-known truth is that there are three reasons why true love eludes lovely Virgo women like yourself:

I want you to get the most out of your relationship and enjoy the blissful feeling of fulfillment that only true love can give.

That’s why I'll specifically address each of these problems that prevent your relationship from achieving its full potential.

3 Main Things Virgo Women Unconsciously Do That Makes
Them End Up In Unfulfilling Relationships

REASON #1 - Overthinking

This may not seem immediately obvious, but that's why they are called 'unconscious behaviors'. As a Virgo, you are naturally intelligent, and you see your intellect as your greatest asset. While at one level this is true, your powerful mind can also be a double-edged sword.

Virgos often struggle with anxiety, and this is a direct product of their tendency to overthink. The value you place on your thinking-mind causes you to believe that having an empty head is a bad thing. This means that you have no escape from your anxiety and restlessness until you learn to stop thinking so much.

Until you realize the dangers of an over-active mind, the underlying anxiety will drive you to seek relief through romantic relationships. Since the relief you are seeking can only come from within, this sets you on an endless cycle of bad relationships that are unconsciously based on escapism... let that one marinate for a while.

REASON #2 - Super High Standards

As a Virgo, you are naturally wired to be an effective problem-solver. You can see all the little details and flaws of any situation and come up with ways to fix them. This makes you an incredibly valuable asset to any organization, but when that critical eye is applied to your relationships, it can cause problems.

Human beings are full of flaws and areas where they can improve. Due to your natural talent for spotting problems, this can cause you to unconsciously expect perfection from yourself as well as others. You set your standards incredibly high.

There is only one type of person who can consistently project the level of perfection you might be seeking... they are called narcissists. These types of people are the Kung-fu Grandmasters of toxic relationships. They will project the perfect image while they slowly destroy your self-esteem.

Try to remember that perfection is the enemy of good.

REASON #3 - The Fixer-Upper

This tendency is exactly the opposite of the dangerously high standards we discussed above. Since your mind is hardwired to solve problems, a certain discomfort may wash over you when there are no problems to be solved.

The never-ending need to solve problems and apply your intellect can cause you to unconsciously seek partners who will provide you with a never-ending supply of problems to solve. It can cause you to be attracted to emotionally damaged people, especially if you had a parent who made you feel responsible for their emotions.

The only solution is to tame your super-computer of a brain and learn to be content in the present moment. This can take years to master, but until you learn how to shut off the chatterbox in your head, it will push you into all kinds of sticky situations. The mind makes a great servant but a terrible master.

Now this here is just the beginning of your journey to self-discovery and eternal love.

At the end of the road, your soulmate awaits you as a prize for your endeavors, BUT…

It all starts with you!

In order to enable help you approach your relationship with yourself AND your relationship with your Soul Mate in the best way possible, I will reveal to you:

Two most important questions that a Virgo woman should ask herself and get relationship clarity 

Question n.1 - What Is Going Right For You?

A Virgo is a discerning individual who has a unique ability to focus their attention on the potential of a situation. They know how to take anything up a notch when it comes to quality.

However, this is a heavy burden, since living in the realm of potentials rarely makes one satisfied. Rather, it seems to put into contrast how less-than-perfect things are right now, at the moment.

The question Virgos should be asking themselves often is, what is actually okay as it is right now? Answering this question is going to stabilize a Virgo into the present moment, where they will be able to get a fresh perspective on the beauty surrounding them.

Virgos, you’ll find that appreciating where you’re currently at and who you’re currently partnered with is going to assist in your relationships. If your partner feels appreciated for who they are right now, then they are going to feel more open to freely giving their love.

Question n.2 - What do I offer beside my job performance?

Virgos are service-oriented souls. They always keep an eye on how they can be of assistance to others. They are a blessing to everyone around them in this way.

However, Virgos tend to be so preoccupied with how they can be of service that some may get to the point where that is their only measure of worth for themselves.

As a result, if they are in a position where they can’t be helpful, then they can feel extremely down on themselves.

Virgos should find things that don’t relate to their job, daily duties, and obligations which make them proud of themselves. Their partners should be supportive of them taking time off to get into hobbies or self-care.

Virgos should remember that they are more than cogs in the machine, and that they deserve the support of others sometimes too! Realizing this will activate their dynamic and high-achieving potential even more than before.

There are zodiac signs that never fall out of tune with who they are… For example, Aries. Aries doesn’t need to do much self-discovery and that’s why these women have a certain advantage, BUT…

Other, more perplexing signs like Virgo, have to do a little soul-search of their own.

Once they do that, they are able to fully align themselves with their celestial potentials and connect to their unique self.

Only then they can attract the best kind of love and the exact kind of love they really need in life.

Through my career as a relationship astrologer, I must have guided thousands of women into perfect relationships and marriages.

Some of them were looking for their true love.

Others already were in relationships and they sought to increase intimacy with their counterparts, reignite their interest, and keep them in love for good… and I’ve helped them.

My unique knowledge of Virgos comes not only from the 4000-year-old science of astrology, but also from on-the-field situations with myriads of women that I’ve consulted.

I can tell you with certainty that the depth of your emotional life, as a Virgo, presents you with some very unique challenges BUT…

I’ve already helped many Virgo ladies re-discover themselves and achieve their full potential.

Be sure of this – when a Virgo unlocks her true potential, it’s a glorious sight to see.

You can radiate energy so mysterious and serene that the puzzle of your love life completes itself without you having to do anything. It’s enthralling!

What happens when a Virgo awakens to her true potential

It looks like the chain of events works in your favor all the time.

It’s like “random” occurrences connect in your life as though they were guided by a higher power,

If you ever felt like you’ve outperformed yourself, like your intuition and gut feelings work impeccably and just can’t go wrong…

If you ever felt like your heart orients you like a perfect compass as if you’re guided and protected by a mysterious, never before seen wisdom…

If you attained that graceful flow in movement, thought, speech and appearance so that you’ve become more appealing to everyone in your surroundings (especially men)…

You have surely experienced this mysterious phenomenon.

If you think back, you will surely be able to remember a time in your life when everything would work out perfectly… seemingly on its own.

Well, it wasn’t on its own. It was because of what you radiated.

Your energy was at its peak and you achieved a state of optimum performance in everything, especially romance…

Some people call it synchronicity, some call it being
in the zone, others call it the Flow

This is what it looks like:

  • Everything falls in place of its own,
  • Everything you do seems flawless and with ease…
  • Chains of events work in your favor
  • You’re constantly reminded how valuable you are by your loved ones (including your soulmate)
  • You can just feel the power of attraction and you can almost touch the never-before-seen bond with your love interest
  • Men keep their eyes glued to you and only you
  • Your lover can’t stand being away from you
  • You feel as though you’re in harmony with all the cosmos and the stellar workings
  • You feel both happy, lucky, AND blessed… and most of all… you feel LOVED.

Do you know how to tap into this power? 

It awakens only when you’re in deep synch with who you were meant to be.

It all starts with getting to know your sun sign.

If you want to thrive in all fields of life, ESPECIALLY in love, relationships, and marriage, you absolutely NEED to “know yourself.”

When you gain a deeper understanding of your sun sign, aligning with your stars and awakening your true potential comes as easily as flipping a switch and turning the light on.

That’s exactly how it feels. Like you wandered in the dark your whole life, but now you can see clearly and you marvel at the sights you unravel.

It feels as though you’ve finally stopped moving against the grain… as if you’re finally unstuck.

That ever-persisting feeling that something is wrong… that you are somehow wrong… completely vanishes.

You finally feel free.

Free to breathe in, live and shower your surroundings with love and gratitude so ample that everyone wants to be in your presence... especially your love interest.

The truth is that Virgo is one of the most mysterious and powerful signs in the zodiac, but…

You, as a delicate Virgo, sometimes might need just a little push to help you get where you need to be.

You’re in luck today because I won’t just give you a little push.

I’ll give you a detailed map to a perfect equilibrium with yourself AND your lover.

I’ve compiled all of my knowledge of Virgo into a guide the likes of which you’ve never seen before. 

The insights that it will give you will awaken you to your true potential and show you the way to an intimate, deep, romantic relationship with your true soulmate.

Let me introduce you to my special guide
How to Find and Keep Love as a Virgo Woman

DISCLAIMER: “Virgo Love Secrets” is a digital product. Image above is for visualization purposes only.

This is just a tiny bit of what you’ll learn inside of my book:

  • A methodical approach to growth as a uniquely entertaining, loving, and enigmatic Virgo that is sure to attract her love interest
  • All the ways in which you can resist romantic dogma and make your love life truly exquisite and fulfilling
  • The most dangerous pitfalls and how to make sure you’re avoiding them by gaining a better understanding of yourself, your romantic nature, and your relationship needs
  • A sure way to present yourself as the stylish, sophisticated, genuine, thoughtful, and witty lady that you are
  • The never-before-revealed ways in which your sun sign influences your personality, life course, choices and yes… romantic relationships
  • The sneaky way in which you can emulate high profile Virgos and become an epitome of glamour and alluring feminine charisma
  • How your ruling planet will help you retain youthful enthusiasm and appearance no matter your age and looks… you can easily charm your way to his heart with these profound insights
  • A unique way in which a Virgo woman can accomplish more and make sure that she always moves forward in both life and romance
  • One of the hidden keys to success in personal and professional life that only a few Virgo women know about… and how you can use it to find balance in your relationship
  • Learn from Beyonce’s example how to epitomize a precarious aspect of Virgos’ astral nature and how to keep his eyes glued on you and only you
  • A minor issue that may cause major problems to Virgo ladies and how to quickly resolve it so that your radiance and attraction are unbridled
  • Do you know which personality trait makes you the most vulnerable? Find out how to keep it in check and avoid the Virgo psychological traps that jeopardize your emotional stability
  • Who you should save your passion for and exactly how to unleash it so that he becomes yours and yours alone
  • 3 personality traits that you should embody, and a step-by-step instruction on how to do this if you want him to eat from your hand
  • Did you know that Virgo is a negative, feminine sign? Find out what it means for you in relationships and how you can use it to your advantage, so he showers you with love & affection
  • 3 parts of making the law of attraction work in your favor and manifest abundance in all spheres of life (especially romance)
  • All the most valuable gifts that your element (Mother Earth) bestowed upon you and how you can use those gifts to not only attract but keep Mr. Right in your loving embrace for years to come
  • The #1 downside to being an earth sign, and how to work on it so as not to ruin chances of attaining a perfectly intimate relationship with your partner
  • 3 potential flaws you need to watch out for if you want to become the best version of yourself and draw out the best version of your soulmate
  • Learn to navigate the charts – find out all the often-overlooked ways in which your ruler planet influences your habits, your character, and your destiny
  • The Virgo fact sheet will teach you the little-known facts about your sign such as your (lucky) number, the 5 colors that make you stand out and emphasize your beauty, as well as the gemstones that give you energy and power
  • Debunk the most common misconceptions about Virgo women and save yourself the trouble of trying to be something you’re not. Instead, be who you are, survive, love and thrive
  • Learn about the most dangerous pitfalls a Virgo can fall into on her road to true love… and how to easily avoid these traps
  • Discover a unique personality trait you didn’t pay attention to and how it can significantly increase the levels of your attraction (in the eyes of your true love)
  • Your biggest self-destructive habit and how to let go of it and stay balanced and enigmatic
  • A sneaky reflection of your insecurity that gives away your weaknesses and repels your love interests. Find out how to get back in tune so that you perfectly align with your stars and his
  • The best criteria by which you should qualify your partner and save yourself time and energy while looking for true love
  • The best career choices for Virgos and sure ways to be content with your professional life and hobbies
  • A Virgo’s peculiar relationship with nature and how it can strengthen her bonds with her love
  • The best advice on styling up so that he’s bound to want you even more
  • The little-known reason why Virgos often miss the bigger picture and how to make sure that doesn’t happen to you
  • Virgo’s infamous perfectionism explained! Find out how to make the best out of this double-edged trait
  • Virgos biggest fears and delusions – get rid of these and find your way back to your confidence, strength, and allure so you can seduce him beyond his wildest imaginings
  • The top 3 Virgo traits in love and how they separate you from all the other women that you might compete against
  • The insidious reason for which Virgos sometimes attract people who manipulate and use them… and how to NEVER let that happen to you
  • The #1 fear in love and relationships that makes Virgo micromanage their partners… and how to find courage in your heart and save your relationship from such petty nuisances
  • 3 surprising facts about Virgo women that can completely enthrall their mates
  • The insights that will help you transform your love life into an unforgettable adventure and the ride of your life
  • The 1 thing that you need even more than passion and affection
  • 2 traits that your perfect partner will have to develop if he wants to fit with you like a perfect piece of the puzzle
  • The interesting 2 types of men that you’re drawn to and how they can liberate you and help you enjoy life to the fullest
  • 3 most dangerous Virgo turn-offs and how to stay away from them
  • The single most important skill that you should learn to save yourself from exhaust, emotional depletion, chronic fatigue, stress, toxicity, anxiety, and panic
  • Find out what Virgo ladies are like in marriage and how you can be the best lover and wife possible
  • 5 sneaky sexual secrets of Virgos and how these can spice up your sex life and make a unique brand out of your sexual appeal
  • The 2 virtues that you exaggerate and transform into flaws which can drive your lovers farther from you
  • Only a handful of people know that there are 3 types of Virgos out there. Do you know which one you are?
  • All the most important key tips for successful relationships and heads up about the most detrimental relationship mistakes and how to avoid them
  • All this and much, much more awaits you inside…

Virgo Love secrets will completely change your love life and the way you understand yourself while a New Romantic World emerges for you in all fields of life and relationships.

I can assure you that nothing like this has ever been written.

Everything that most astrologers have to teach you about Virgo can fit on 5 pages of generic text…

Well, you’ll find that my book tops their knowledge tenfold. 

They should have taught us this in schools, but our educational system failed us both in life AND in love.

Luckily, Virgo Love Secrets will make it right.

This book will teach you how to live by your stars, overcome all challenges in romance, and seize all opportunities for a perfectly nurturing long-term relationship.

Have you ever seen such a detailed and all-encompassing approach to a single sign? I certainly, in all my time of work in the field of astrology, have not…

This is the only guide of its kind in the world and the only thing that can enable you to fully understand the workings of your sign.

Trust me; I have searched and searched and searched and searched for anything like this, and I haven’t found a book that even slightly resembles my work…

But I did read a lot of misconceptions about Virgos that are being tossed around in other manuals and let me tell you that those truly do not do justice to your relationships.

I know that because all I do these days is consult and read…

Usually, I would sell this special Virgo guide at the price of $37, but if you decide to purchase it today you get the best and fullest Virgo Love Secrets for only $17… (for a limited time only, so make sure you use this discount today)

I firmly believe that love and awakening shouldn’t be a privilege.

Successful relationships are much needed in all socio-economic classes. That’s why I’ve made a decision to make Virgo Love Secrets available to all women out there, and offer you this one-time discount.

I want everyone to apply these techniques and put them to use so that the waves of love and positive vibrations engulf the earth.

In fact… to make this an even easier choice for you, for a limited time only I’ve decided to throw in another $100 in value for you absolutely free.

FREE Premium Bonus: Ask Me Anything! (I’m here for you)

If you decide to buy the most complete Virgo guide out there - my Virgo Love Secrets - I’ll give you access to a special email address so you can email me directly and ask any question you have. It’s that simple.

I normally charge $100 for personal consultations, but I make a special timeslot in my day when I answer questions from readers who order this additional package. I must warn you, though, I won’t be able to offer this forever, so if you’re interested, now’s your chance

But, that’s not all…

I am so sure that this will do wonders for your love-life and self-discovery that I’m willing to give you a 100% money-back guarantee.

Yes, you heard it…

In case you don’t like my book, just email me in the course of 2 months and I’ll return every penny you invested… AND you can keep my book!

I’m so sure you’ll love what I have for you here that I’m willing to take this risk.

Actually, I don’t even consider it a risk. I know you’ll love it!

So what are you waiting for?

You’ve read this far for a reason.

Don’t give the other girls the advantage they can use to steal your very own Mr. Right while you wait!

Embark on a journey of transformation and improve your love life… once and for good.

If you want my Virgo Love Secrets now, simply click the “add to cart” button below to go to the secure checkout page.

You Pay Only $17

As soon as you complete your order there, you will receive access to the entire Virgo Love Secrets.

And before I forget, I want to leave you with a parting gift:

A Golden rule of dating for Virgo ladies:

Channel your industriousness inward to improve your relationship with yourself.

Virgos are great at improving things and they put this skill to great use in our society, which values this trait in Virgos. They have no shortage of places to flex their ability to improve their surroundings.

What can be a detriment to Virgos is that they are rarely good enough for their own standards. This means that they are often highly critical of themselves and can only see what they could be instead of what they are.

This means that the people around them will only be able to see how the Virgo isn’t good enough, since this is what the Virgo often thinks about themselves. What we think about ourselves cannot help but be picked up on by those around us.

Virgos should work on finding what they love about themselves, especially if they’re searching for a partnership. Their love for themself is going to be easy to pick up for potential partners, and this is one of the most attractive features in a person. 

If they allow themselves to make mistakes without judgment, they will find that their forward momentum is accelerated. They will feel more empowered to take risks and reach higher heights when they know that even if they mess up, they will find love for themselves.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s 2 p.m. or 2 a.m. on a Sunday, whether you’re in the US, New Zealand, or South Africa… I made this all available in a convenient electronic format so you have nothing to wait for and can start your journey immediately.

Yes, you can start your relationship transformation 5 minutes from now and join the battalions of my happy fans who’ve met their soulmates.


Your friend and relationship astrologer,

P.P.S. Your Moon Sign and Ascendant can also tell you a great deal about who you are and why you’re like that, but it all starts with your Sun Sign.

Be warned that knowing yourself is not an easy thing to do. You might read some things that you don’t like.

That’s why I urge you to continue only if you’ve mustered enough courage to face yourself.

P.P.P.S. You can try to bypass the ancient science of astrology. Perhaps you can know yourself even if you don’t know anything about the planets and your stars…

But it will take you decades of hard work and diligence to get there…

It requires years of careful analysis of your thoughts, actions, feelings, and emotions… and you can still make a mistake!

Why would you waste all that time and beat around the bush when you can pierce through the heart of the problem in just a few days?

Don’t try to bypass your stars. Waging war against the stars is waging a war against yourself and that’s not a war we can win.

We are but stardust. So shine with your stars and emanate your own natural light bestowed upon you at birth.

It’s the only way to avoid completely failing in life and romance…

You Pay Only $17


“You can have the relationship you want!”

Anna Kovach is known as the most sought after relationships Astrologer and advisor to commitment-seeking women across the globe. Anna's guidance and astrological insights have helped countless women get the relationship they desire.

She is famous for saving 'failed' relationships, helping women secure their 'One' and showing seemingly incompatible couples “how to speak the same language.” 

She uses her gift and knowledge of Astrology & relationship psychology to help couples connect and gain an intense understanding of each other. All through the power of practical and accurate astrological advice that anyone can apply to their relationship — just without the hype, overcomplicated professional terminology or vague and confusing astro-speak.

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