WARNING: DO NOT HIT YOUR “BACK” BUTTON. Pressing your “back” button can cause you to accidentally double-order. 

STEP #2: Thank you for your order of Aquarius Love Secrets. You made the right investment for your love life. The product details will be sent to you via email within 5 minutes. But before continuing to the download page, I have a SPECIAL OFFER you may want to add to your order. I’m sure you'll love this!

The Magical Golden Keys To Everlasting Love ? 
 Make All Heart-aches and Confusion Be A Thing of The Past!

My dear,

I cannot describe with words how excited I am that you are about to open a new chapter of your life with the secrets I reveal to you in my Aquarius Love Secrets guide... 

Not only is your love life going to be transformed, but you will become so connected to your true needs and desires, that a completely new way of seeing things will unfold in front of you, without you even realizing it...

This special guide provided so many Aquarius women with clarity and stability in understanding themselves to such an extent, that the insights you will get will be beyond any astrological or psychological consultation you may have had until now...

It will give you practical guidance, and provide you with all accurate answers to those overwhelming questions we women tend to ask ourselves whenever we meet, date or enter into a relationship with a guy that seems to be conquering our hearts...

When you align with your stars thanks to the secrets I share in this guide, you will KNOW if he's actually giving you what you need..

You will KNOW if you should consider him or not...

You will FEEL connected to yourself, which will make you feel more CONFIDENT...

You will become that RADIANT woman that men want to know more about...

You will start GLOWING from within and create a wonderful circle of people around you wherever you go...

Needless to say, this change that will occur within you will be so noticeable that you will be surprised how men will start treating you...

And not only men; your friends, your colleagues, and family will all look at you in a different way... They will see a new, intelligent, strong, but still serene and deeply fulfilled version of you... They will see how you suddenly seem so much happier and more attractive than ever before, that they will want to learn what's your secret!!!

Again, I am truly happy that you are about to reveal this new world of opportunities and deep self-appreciation to yourself which will change your life forever.

In order to thank you appropriately, I would like to reward your trust with a one-time special offer that will SPEED UP the progress you make in your love life (and social life too).

These special guides are specifically designed to get you FAST & EASY results…

Once you truly absorb all the knowledge from the Aquarius Love Secrets guide, soon enough, you will have to arm yourself with a deeper knowledge on how you match with other signs, what you need in marriage (yes, what you need in dating and relationships, differs A LOT from what you need in marriage) and, ultimately, you will need to learn how to recognize the Right Man that will provide you with everything you've ever wanted...

Here’s what I’ve prepared for you if you take advantage of this offer today…

You’ll get my Ultimate Love Essentials for Aquarius Women Package, which contains 2 guides and 2 audio reports in order to help you gain a complete understanding of what Aquarius ladies need in love and marriage with every zodiac sign (you will also learn what they will be able to give you, what they will be able to change, and what you should simply accept without resistance).

You will learn about the challenges Aquarius ladies come across with in a relationship with man of each sun sign.

AND you will save so much time by not dating the wrong guys!!!

Plus, I have an amazing surprise for you at the end of this letter, so keep reading! ;)

If you want to prevent falling for the wrong guys and if you want to attract your true love, you need to supply yourself with the right tools

Prevent Challenges Aquarius Women Experience in Relationships and Learn Which Kind of Relationship (and Partner) Will Make You Feel Loved and Cherished with my Ultimate Aquarius Woman Love Essentials

PLUS Unleash Your Inner Attraction Powers and Attract Your True Love With A Special FREE Gift

The Ultimate Aquarius Woman Love Essentials

Special Guide #1 - Aquarius Woman Moon Sign Secrets - How Your Moon Sign Affects Your Aquarius Approach to Love – valued at $47 

DISCLAIMER: “Aquarius Woman Moon Sign Secrets” is a digital product. Image above is for visualization purposes only.

Your Sun sign is the most important astral aspect that determines how well you relate to yourself and others around you.

But your Moon sign and connection between your Moon sign and Sun sign is essential for understanding how your emotions and intuition work.

Learn why your reactions are the way they are… and how you can better steer them towards more fulfilling relationships.

Once you tap into the knowledge shared in this special guide, you will be able to detect when your intuition and emotions are sending you clear signals of what you should accept, change or dismiss, avoid and leave...

This guide will reveal to you:

  • Exactly how your Moon Sign influences your chart in general and especially in love and relationships,
  • Specific patterns of behavior, emotional reactions, and memories that are related to your Moon Sign and how to reap its power to nourish a stellar relationship with yourself and your partner,
  • How to unearth a deep emotional residue that you’ve carried for years and unwind in order to declutter and feel whole and light once again,
  • A complete set of approaches to understanding your astral relationship-situation,
  • The safest and easiest way to get to the bottom of things whenever you experience anxiety and similar problems,
  • How Moon Signs affect cardinal signs and can cardinal signs even work together or not,
  • What part does the Ascendant play in all of it,
  • How to balance masculine and feminine energy (Aquarius is masculine) for maximum sexual attraction
  • What are the irrational fears your Moon Sign is engraving deeply into your mindset - making you blocked and unable to react to "red alerts" when you date "toxic guys"

Special Guide #2 - Aquarius Woman Love Matches - The Best Zodiac Matches For Your Aquarius Heart And How To Make It Work – valued at $47

DISCLAIMER: “Aquarius Woman Love Matches” is a digital product. Image above is for visualization purposes only.

This guide will reveal to you exactly how your sign relates to other signs in love, sex, marriage, and relationships,

Not all Sun signs work best together and some need a special kind of approach in order to shine...

Without the right kind of approach, it may not work between you two!

Also, with the insights gained from the Aquarius Love Secrets, you will KNOW much faster if he's worth it or if you should simply walk away.

This is why this guide will teach you:

  • How you should manage your relationship with each sign and get the most out of your relationships,
  • What's hot and what's not for each sign,
  • How to stop chasing your tail and find stability, fulfillment, and satisfaction,
  • What are the specific deal-breakers for your love combinations,
  • Tricks to understand not just guys but how each sign works with you because all relationships are based on love and communication.
  • Examples of real-life situations. Find out exactly what he loves about you and what he cannot and will not tolerate.
  • How to interpret his behavior if it gets too confusing,
  •  How to give what he wants and get what you need from him in return

Special Audio Guide #3 Aquarius Woman Compatibility With Zodiac Signs – valued at $37

This love match report goes into the depth and detail of how Aquarius ladies relate to other signs in love, sex, relationships and marriage. It’s a perfect complimentary report to Aquarius Woman Matches.

In order to help you deepen your understanding and communication with your lover or your date, I’ve made this special recording for you.

The name says it all…

Find out in detail exactly how your sign works with all other signs from the Zodiac and optimize your romantic relationship, but also your social life.

  • Specific, practical situation driven keys to success in relationships with each sign…
  • A detailed guide to finding a perfect match and never walk alone again,
  • Exactly how to organize your sex life and date-nights to make the best out of your schedule,
  • What he wants and what he needs from you based on your particular combination ( and what you are or aren't able to give him)
  • What it means when your ruler planets collide…
  • How and why never to get Scorpios jealous,
  • What does it mean if he doesn’t show signs of affection?
  • How to tell if he’s only playing you or he’s for real,
  • When should you work on communication and what to improve in lovemaking (specific tips) to quadruple your intimacy
  • What you can expect him to develop through your relationship and what is completely beyond his capacities 

Special Audio Guide #4 Aquarius Woman in Love and Marriage – valued at $37

It may surprise you to hear that what you (are) like in dating may not be what you (are) like in marriage!

Many of the rules still apply of course because some things never change…

But others do.

Imagine what an advantage you'd have if just after a couple of dates you could know if you two can be the true love match and if he's the right candidate to walk you down the aisle? I cannot emphasize how important this is... It just saves you from wasting your time with wrong guys, saves you from needless heart breaks and relationship failures...

In just a few days you can learn what so many women never learn (and that’s why marriages break so often):

  • Which secret actions can help you inspire trust in your partner,
  • The best ways to reconcile if his trust, by mistake, got compromised along the way,
  • A sneaky way to spice up your marriage so that it never gets dull,
  • Daring challenges that will make your orgasms more intense than ever before (yes, even when you’re married),
  • When can you push, speak the truth, be open, honest, and intimate... and when it's time to be respectful, reserved, a bit more cold and careful how you communicate...
  • What weighs down marriages with Aquarius and kills their vibe... and also how to uplift it,
  • What to do and how to organize your time together to have an amazing love adventure,
  • Best evasive maneuvers for silent treatments and mood swings,
  • When you need to hold your tongue and which sign needs to think twice before he speaks...
  • When you need to avoid destructive arguments and how not get the relationship hectic and emotionally negligent... when to take it slow and intimate...
  • How to know exactly when you are a match,
  • How your ruling planets decide your mutual affection and sexuality,
  • Is there such a thing as too much honesty?
  • Which signs get offended quickly and just cut you off even after years of marriage... and how to prevent that from happening,
  • Understand where his vulnerabilities and strengths lie to be able to give him the maximum support and bring out the best in him... he will never leave you if you help him become the best version of himself,
  • Mutable signs are more difficult options for you and how to assuage them
  • What sort of a partner you need in marriage to make it succeed like a fairytale marriage with a happy ending,
  • Why „seek and you shall find“ should be your motto in love and how exactly to do the seeking in order to catch the best ones out there,
  • What to watch out for in marriage with discriminative guys,
  • And many more valuable lessons,

Once you combine all the knowledge from these guides and use the practical tips I shared in them, you will watch your love life literally reach the heights you never thought were possible for you...

This is my way of helping the world heal and establish bonds and connections powered by Love – the mightiest force in the Universe.

That’s why I’m giving off the complete package for an amazing price.

I don’t know how long I can keep this special package at such a low price, so I advise you to order now and ensure that you are able to attract your true soul mate.

In only a few minutes you’ll have access to secrets that will forever change the way you experience love.

Your love life will never, ever become a source of unhappiness, the reason of your low-self esteem...

I want you to think about this…

What’s it worth to you to:

  • Become the best possible version of yourself,
  • Deepen your self-awareness,
  • Increase clarity of your vision,
  • Increase your sexiness,
  • Improve your relationships with others,
  • Significantly deepen the intimacy and yearning your lover feels for you,
  • Attract the right kind of man you need in your life
  • Never have to worry about ending up alone,
  • Finally get all the support and affection you deserve,
  • Finally have him commit to a long-term relationship
  • Get that big diamond ring
  • Activate your inner goddess
  • Erase unwanted situations from your life that you create for yourself
  • Have your dark side completely under your control
  • Fall asleep in the arms of a man that truly loves and protects you?

I remember a time when I’d give all the money in the world to get this sort of shortcut to understanding myself and improving my love life. And to imagine I actually didn't know for decades that there actually was such an easy shortcut!! It almost seems ridiculous that I couldn't realize it in my younger years...

And now you’re given more than just a chance…

You’re given a guaranteed way to form a long-term stable relationship with Mr. Right.

Now let me briefly describe the special bonus I am offering for FREE today!


premium bonus #1 - Relationship Manifestation Workbook (valued at $97, yours free)

  • This 110-page workbook helps you journal your feelings and build a kind of bridge between your conscious and subconscious mind.
  • This workbook is designed to ingrain each and every rule in affirmation-form deep into your belief system. It helps you feel and visualize each affirmation in a new dimension of depth… reflecting on each idea and gaining a new understanding of why and how this new system will bring an abundance of love into your world.
  • Each of 100 rules in affirmation-form is explained so you may grasp its true meaning and purpose. This understanding adds an extra layer of impact because you now know why a certain belief is so beneficial to your love life and personal satisfaction.
  • Each affirmation is print-ready so you may hand-copy it for added depth, speed and impact… PLUS, you may journal your thoughts, feelings, and ideas and tailor it to your current relationship situation. You may focus your mind to attract exactly what you desire right now.
  • Whether it is a new relationship with a man you did not meet yet, or to attract a certain man in your life who you already know… or even, to manifest your ex back into your life, as I have. Only this time – you'll have all the rules and tools you need to build a solid, healthy foundation for long-lasting romance.
  • This is a 30-day program. I promise that if you honestly commit to listening to the Relationship Manifestation guided manifestation audio, PLUS actively journal your feelings, reflect on and hand copy affirmations in this workbook edition… you WILL manifest the perfect relationship into your life!
  • You will open the doors of love… and finally experience the relationship you truly deserve. Everyone does.

premium bonus #2 - Relationship Manifestation  visual surround system (valued at $97, yours free)

I've prepared 10 of my most powerful rule-affirmations, designed for your phone and computer to program this new set of beliefs about love and relationships deep within your subconscious mind…

Helping you attract the perfect relationship even faster and easier…

PLUS, you may print these, as well, and SURROUND yourself with messages of love and abundance… but not just any messages. Not just wishful thinking. No.

These are hand-picked and derived from the rules, making sure that you make all the right moves and avoid all those relationship-killing mistakes most women make.

Surround yourself with these messages just like successful people do. Visualize your successful relationship wherever you turn… Put one on your fridge, hang another on your mirror as you prepare for your date with that brand-new guy…

Have one in your wardrobe and another on your door to remind yourself as you step out into the world… the right men will flock to you and you may pick and choose the one you like most.

I give you these color designs free of charge… for your phone, computer and walls in the tangible world, so you may print them out and let them do their magic for you.

To complete your RELATIONSHIP MANIFESTATION KIT I’d like to add another two Special Bonuses to this one-time offer that will help you enter the Manifestation World, find that first connection to your Natural Powers and understand which mistakes you’re making that are blocking you from having a love life you want. 


The first step to ATTRACTING love is to stop PUSHING it away…

This is what this special guide will do for you:

  • What are the powerful, natural components that make you who you are and how to make them to work for you and guide you to your dreams
  • How you’re making yourself disconnected from your physical body and how that affects your self-esteem and spiritual wholeness
  •  How to reconnect to your womanly intuition that we’re thought to “ignore” instead of using it’s potential to guide us to the life we are made to live
  • Things that you’re doing wrong that are pushing you into the abyss of suffering and codependent toxic relationships
  • How to remove abundance blockers that you’re doing every day by using compassion and empathy
  • The everyday ways you’re unconsciously approving negative projections that are erasing real love from your surroundings
  • You will learn how to activate your feminine energy and attract ANY man you want into your life

premium bonus #4 - UNLOCK YOUR ATTRACTION POWER (valued at $37, yours free)

And to finalize your Relationship Manifestation Program, I want to add this amazing guide that will teach you how to activate your inner attraction power.

As I already elaborated, only a soul that is in tune with itself is rewarded with a true love partner.

On the other hand, if you don’t learn how to unlock your true potential and maintain balance in your spiritual life, never meeting your Soul Mate is not the worst thing that will happen.

Simply put, until you find peace and light, nothing that you do will bear fruit.

That’s why I made this special guide that will engrave all the manifestation and attraction teachings in your mind and slip into your subconscious so that the Relationship Manifestation audiobook can do all the wonders for you once you start practicing it.

You have to believe in what you do, that’s why it is absolutely necessary to understand how attraction works and what you can do to activate it.

Plus, I will show you how to use the power of attraction to avoid mind games and commitment-avoiding types while dating, and help you fast-forward to finding your Mr. Right.

  • How to elevate and excel on the physical, emotional and spiritual level and how to bring these 3 aspects into a fine-tune so that you attract everyone and not just Mr. Right,
  • Sure ways to annul the criticism and self-loathing and discover the self-love and strength you’ll need to attract your one true love,
  • Relationship and soul-saving lessons that all those repeating patterns in your relationships can give you… (You’ll be shocked to find out how many times you made the same mistake all over again in your love life),
  • 6 types of boyfriends that you should avoid and that can only take you farther from the guy you’re supposed to be with,
  • A secret reason why you’re always attracting the same set of characters all your life…
  • The one essential thing attraction comes down to and how you can use it to manifest everything you really desire in your life,
  • How to properly charge and discharge your energy so that you don’t repel positivity, but start reeling it in. Importance of rituals and unknown ways they affect your psyche (this will be an important revelation for you),
  • Protection, abundance, and growth spiritual practices that really work and fulfill their purpose,
  • Subconscious signals you give out to attract Mr. Wrong and repel Mr. Right and how to completely turn the tables,
  • How to rediscover your purpose and connection to the Divine and why it matters in your love life,
  • How to draw an energetic map to create what you want and release what you don’t want in your life,
  • The best way to employ the power of scents, essential oils, crystals, totems, and which are which… these will significantly amp your spiritual practice and instantly make you more attractive AND attracting,
  • All this and many more valuable lessons await for you inside…

So here’s what you get in total… if you order today, a one-time investment of ONLY $37 will get you:

The total value of this special package is $436…

And although I know I can charge as much, I’ve made a special deal for you today for less than what you spend on monthly cosmetics…

Now imagine if you could get a $37 cosmetic package that could turn your love life around (better than any makeup). 

That’s what buying the Ultimate Aquarius Woman Love Essential package plus the two premium bonuses will do for you if you decide to act now.

Simply click on the button below, and you will get access to all of these right away!

You pay only $37

If you’d like to add these special reports to your original order… all for just an additional payment of $37, click the green button above, and receive immediate access to everything.

NOTE: This special package comes in convenient PDF/electronic format. You receive immediate access on the following page. It all comes at just a one-time additional charge of $37. Click “Add To My Order” to automatically take advantage of this special offer.

After You Click ‘Add To My Order’ . . .

You’ll then be sent to a special page that contains your copy of Aquarius Woman Moon Secrets, Aquarius Love Matches, Aquarius Woman and Compatibility with Zodiac Signs, Aquarius Woman and Love and Marriage, Relationship Manifestation Visual Surround System, Relationship Manifestation Workbook, Unlock Your Attraction Power, 10 Most Common Abundance Blocks .

The guides are in PDF/electronic format so simply click on the links and they’ll start downloading immediately. You can access the files on your computer, phone or tablet.

You’ll will also receive an email with a Direct link so you can re-access your purchase anytime in the future.

The results you will experience once you dive into the knowledge and 4000-year old Astrology wisdom from my Ultimate Aquarius Woman Love Essentials:

  • You will always know which guy has a true potential of becoming your ideal partner
  • You will be prepared for all possible challenges that can happen with a man of a certain zodiac sign 
  • You will know how to handle relationships better
  • You will clearly understand the difference between relationships that can work for you vs those that will waste your time
  • You will learn how much to give and what you can expect in return with your man 
  • You will be able to identify who is worth your time and effort
  • You will have a more realistic approach to relationships and will be able to make sure your realistic expectations from your partner are always met
  • You will be able to transform your relationship in a way you desire

...Sounds fair enough?

What are you waiting for?

Maybe a sign?

I believe you are here for a reason. It is up to you…

You can either read this as a sign, and tap into the wisdom of astrology that so many successful and truly happy people use to guide them through their life decision… And if you do interpret this as a sign from the skies, I’m sure you will let inside a whole new world of opportunities into your life and start feeling that golden spark within you shine brighter than ever… attracting abundance and true love wherever you go…

OR you can ignore this offer and continue throwing darts in the dark, while trying to figure out what has been blocking you from becoming what you’re truly meant to be…

With this being said, I leave you to decide on your own…



Can't wait to see you inside!

You pay only $37

Friendly Note: This Is A One-Time Offer. If you're serious about changing your love life, add this to your order today.

Click “Add To My Order” above to get started. I promise, your relationship will never be the same again.

Sending you love,

Your Sister & Relationship Astrologer,


“You can have the relationship you want!”

Anna Kovach is known as the most sought after relationships Astrologer and advisor to commitment-seeking women across the globe. Anna's guidance and astrological insights have helped countless women get the relationship they desire.

She is famous for saving 'failed' relationships, helping women secure their 'One' and showing seemingly incompatible couples “how to speak the same language.” 

She uses her gift and knowledge of Astrology & relationship psychology to help couples connect and gain an intense understanding of each other. All through the power of practical and accurate astrological advice that anyone can apply to their relationship — just without the hype, overcomplicated professional terminology or vague and confusing astro-speak.

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Disclaimer: Anna Kovach is a pen name and brand name of AnnaKovach.com

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