For all my sisters in need of clarity & direction in their relationships
Instant And Laser-Accurate Answers To The Most Pressing Questions About You, Your Partner Or Your Relationship
Horary Astrology Provides You With Exact Answers To Exact Questions And Helps You Steer Your Life & Relationships Towards Long-Term Success
Would you like to receive an immediate “Yes” or “No” answer to any relationship question? (or any other personal question…)
. . .
“Is he cheating on me?”
“Does he really love me?”
“Should I marry him?”
“Is now a good time to...?”
“Is there a future to this relationship?”
Horary Astrology can (and DOES) answer any of these for you — with SHOCKING accuracy — and even if you don’t yet know his exact birth date!
Some of you may not have heard for Horary Astrology.
Unlike regular readings of Natal Charts, Horary Readings are straight to the point and they shed light on issues that are of pressing concern to us.
Birth charts reveal tendencies and aspects of our celestial nature, but Horary readings reveal simple and actual facts about where we are (and what’s best to do or NOT do) right now.
Horary Astrology is actually the prerequisite for an adequate interpretation of Natal Charts so it’s a good way to test your astrologer’s knowledge.
If she/he is not skilled at Horary readings, chances are that his/her knowledge of Astrology is incomplete.
Horary readings are not only a simple and useful wisdom-tool. They also give you precise and verifiable results that you can immediately test yourself.
Through my career, I’ve used Horary Readings to guide thousands of women on their way to happiness and romantic bliss (or help them avoid certain heartache.) In fact, this is kind of my “secret ingredient”.
As far as I know, I’m the only person that discovered secret techniques of applying Horary methods to relationship counseling specifically.
I’ve perfected and applied this 4,000-year-old Astrological method to love and relationships and used it to help thousands of women like you find, seduce and keep the right guys in long-term relationships and marriages.
So how does a Horary Reading Work?
In a nutshell, Horary Astrology gives you exact answers to exact questions.
However, there’s a trick.
The question has to be specified in the right way.
It has to focus on the specific situation that impacts and involves you directly.
You have to be emotionally invested in the outcome of your question and it really has to be important for you.
The very approach to Horary Charts is unique and different from the reading of Natal Charts.
Instead of planetary aspects, it studies dignities and detriments as well as receptions between different kinds of planets.
However, Horary Reading doesn’t depend on Sun Sign as much as it depends on the specific astrological chart cast at the moment when the question is received by the Astrologer.
Because it focuses on a specific issue, it doesn’t have to untangle a complex web of problems and planetary aspects…
The fact is that Horary Readings are far more precise than other branches of Astrology and they’re certainly far more precise than any relationship counseling you’d get from a therapist.
On top of it all, a Horary Reading enables you to understand the myths that the constellations embody.
The meaning that constellations have in each specific situation in your life can be discovered using this method.
These myths are archetypal narratives that have again and again been played in relationships for eons… and counting.
These patterns are fixed and there’s little space for maneuver between them.
All love stories are governed by the same laws and rules of the genre so to speak…
Now, I know what you’re thinking. Not all relationships and love stories are the same, right?
Yes, yours is unique as others are… but the general principles under which all love stories develop are immutable and eternal.
Once you get to know these principles, you’ll be able to predict and influence how your story will play out.
You’ll discover the tools for much-needed work on yourself, because, unfortunately, being a good person or a kind soul is sometimes not enough to save you from the world of hurt.
Horary Astrology can thus uncover what your relationship interest thinks and how he feels about you.
You only need to know which questions to ask!
The right questions are the ones that make your heart quiver when you ask them.
The best part is that you don’t even have to know his date of birth.
You can ask one or two subsidiary questions to shed more light on your main question of course…
However, you can only use this method to find out things that directly impact and involve you.
You can’t use it to spy on your partner or ask vague and general questions such as Who is he seeing?
That’s why it’s best to ask “Yes or No Questions” and use the answers to pave your path into a perfectly stable, long-lasting romance with him.
However, Yes or No questions are not the only ones you can ask.
Here are just some of the questions I can accurately answer for you using Horary:
- Does he love me?
- Will I get along with him?
- Will he get along with my son?
- What does he think of me?
- What does he feel?
- Is he the right person for me?
- Is he going to call?
- Will we get back together?
- Is he honest with me?
- Is he telling the truth?
- Is he having an affair?
- Does he like someone else?
- When will he propose?
- Are we going to break up?
- Which one should I choose?
- Can we be friends if we break up?
- Does he want to have children with me?
- And so much more...
You wouldn’t believe what kinds of complex situations Horary Readings can untangle for you…
But don’t just take my word for it…
Here’s how women like you feel about their Horary readings:
“I needed to know how my friend feels about me. Anna is phenomenal in her insight and I feel confident she can help me in my journey!”
“I had a burning question. So when I read the email. I thought it would be fun to try it out. I was confused about a relationship so became curious to try this reading. I think I always knew the answer. Receiving the reading was confirmation of what I was sensing. I am delighted that it is so on target!! Unbelievable!! Anna has the gift to know the feelings and emotions in a relationship. She is not guessing. She definitely knew mine and my partners.”
“I have been reading Anna’s readings daily and enjoying her insights, and when there’s opportunity presented itself, I knew I had to ask the question that has been in my heart for a while now by reading how Anna has such a kind heart and soul, she speaks to me and how She delivers her readings and I feel completely connected to her. I felt and feel that she is the proper person to be able to give me a correct answer, as well as insight to myself, as well as any question I have to pose to her. Before booking my Horary reading I felt anxious and conflicted and worried. Anna has given me hope and with her answers she has given me insight to myself as well as the situation. She is the real deal! She can give you insights to yourself as well as the situation and gently let you know what’s going on within yourself as well as the relationship. She gives you actual guidance and specifics. She is amazing!”
“What motivated me to book a reading is that Anna has been the biggest blessing in such a hard time, she is talented and knowledgeable beyond anything i have ever experienced. After receiving my reading I’m blown away by the planetary details on the situation and how my question is fully answered and literally feel this is the best way to make deep decisions. I do not think I will want to make anymore love decisions without Anna by my side! Glad I ordered a large package of horary readings!”
“I have been reading a few of Anna’s Scorpio guides and they were accurate so I decided to book a Horary reading and it was also great. I was a little nervous for the results of my reading but also confident that Anna would give me an accurate reading. I am happy with the results I received from Anna’s reading because it wasn’t vague like other Astrologers. She gave great details and insight to things I didn’t provide to her. She’s the real deal. I would describe Anna as the real deal, she knows her stuff and is not just saying anything to people just to get paid. She really knows her stuff and I’ll definitely be back for more readings.”
“I had a burning question, and Anna provides honest and accurate advice. Before booking my reading I felt nervous about my situation, now I feel reassured. Anna provides accurate and honest advice; sometimes the message may not be what we want to hear but Anna is a stellar messenger and helps you understand what you NEED to hear.”
“I’m in situation now where I need some answers. Anna seems very professional. I was very curious and couldn’t wait to get answer. My reading was very accurate and amazingly correct. Impressive! Anna is a professional and accurate astrology master!”
“Thank you, Anna, you are so on point with this answer, and it reassures me about Brian. I have such a stronger connection and chemistry with Paul, but Brian is safe and I know he loves me a great deal… this is so interesting, your reply… Thank you for all of your answers, you are wonderful and so very dear!”
“You are right on so many things so often plus you really do get it. You help more people then you realize. I appreciate your honesty. Thank you for always wanting better for all of us. You are gift to the world. So very proud to be your sister in this world of ours.”
“Thank you Anna!! You are spot on and truly appreciate your level of accuracy and truth! Love and light!”
“Anna, like clockwork the argument happened this morning! WOW!!!! And what’s crazy is after we spoke much later today I told him I was initially angry with him but realized I was really angry with myself! I talked about intimacy. It’s so crazy how I actually used these words. I hadn’t looked at this email since you first sent it it me until today. I looked back and today made the 4th day. Now I need to know if there’s more I need to know.”
“This is extremely accurate, I’m in disbelief!!”
“I greatly appreciate you thoroughly answering my first question!”
“Thank you so much Anna! You are a true Gem.”
“Hi Anna, wow this is very accurate. Thank you!”
“Hello Anna-THANK YOU! The more I re-read your analysis the more I absorb what you convey-fascinating! Of course I will reach out soon with additional questions. Have a delightful evening- I really appreciate all that you do.”
“I wanted to see what the response would be based on our signs. I was skeptical at first, but now I can’t believe how accurate it was.”
“I booked it because I never tried Horary reading. Before I felt curious and lost. What I got was very accurate, Anna reads my mind, I know what I have to do with my Capricorn, but wanted to have some reassurance. Anna is a very professional accurate astrologist.”
“Anna is amazing she has so much knowledge about astrology. I knew she could help me figure something’s out. I sensed something was off with the guy I was seeing. He was never available on the weekends. Anna confirmed what I was sensing. I’m sad. but I needed to hear what Anna said. I would definitely recommend Anna. She cares about people and wants to teach us about astrology. I find astrology very interesting and want learn more.”
“I was very intrigued and inexplicably drawn to buying a Horary reading with Anna and have now purchased 3. Before I booked the reading I felt I needed clarity around my gut feelings. Anna's response was what I was intuitively feeling and I feel relieved and validated. She is unerringly accurate, concise and ultimately very very helpful.”
“I booked a reading because I just needed a definite answer about a certain question. Before I could not settle my brain. It was very active all the time. Now I feel calm and relaxed ready to sit back and let time answer my question. Brilliant reading. I loved it and it made me feel alot happier.”
“I was feeling lost in my relationship. He would not open up to me but also didn’t want to break things off. I needed some advice on what I needed to do. I had a lot of unanswered questions inside of me. The reading has put me at ease it contained information which I think in his way he was trying to tell me. He is in a difficult place at the moment and does need space. I feel like I can maybe do that now. Anna’s reading really put some of my thoughts to bed and I have a plan now. Anna is obviously a very talented and warm individual.”
“I have learned a lot about the specifics of my Cancer man from Anna, but wanted the insight to a specific question. Before I fel somewhat anxious, but open. After the reading I feel validated, calm, hopeful. Anna is someone with a ton of in-depth helpful insights and knowledge that provide real life, actionable recommendations. She knows her stuff and is not afraid to shoot it straight.”
“I needed to get an answer wheter I should keep on hoping and trying to make a romantic relationship work. Before the reading I felt desperate and confused. I got an answer and even though it wasn't what I hoped for, it's a relief so I can move on. Anna is honest and caring, will not sugarcoat anything.”
“I’ve seen the light on this, and this reading confirms exactly how I am feeling and whats happened. This is very interesting, I got great insight on relationships, Anna is spot on and to the point.”
“I’ve been using your horoscopes and other guidances for a while and so far it has been very helpful. So when I got the email for your horary reading it came at a time in my life I needed some extra guidance. I felt down before booking my reading. Now I feel better… I have a sense of understanding I didn’t have before which brought me peace. Anna is very knowledgeable and insightful 10 out of 10.”
It’s truly remarkable how much you can get to know yourself and grow while learning the answers to your questions.
“Anna, I want my Horary Reading too! What’s the price?”
The regular price for Horary Readings is usually around $100, and at the lowest around $75…
But despite being able to charge more… I know how helpful this can be to you and I wanted to make my Horary Readings affordable and available to you and that’s why you can now book your reading at more than 70% OFF the regular price for this type of service. I reserve this special offer only for my newsletter subscribers and regular clients.
Since you’re seeing this page — this is you.
This is my way to introduce you to Horary Readings so that you can see how “CRAZY ACCURATE” they really are. But please note that this special offer is available for a short time and at a limited capacity.
If you’d like to try and if you have a pressing question bother you right now - book your Horary Readings with me (offered exclusively to my subscribers) for just a one-time investment of $19.95.
Once you send your question, you’ll receive your Horary Reading via email from me within 7 days or less.
You only need to follow the instructions on the following page to ask your specific question that personally involves you.
Once you get your answer, you’ll know what to do and which path to take in your relationship or regarding your unique question. You can also book a reading if you are Single or have ANY OTHER dilemma that’s bothering you.
I’ve made sure that you’re 100% protected and safe so, if my answers are not to your liking, I’ll give you a complete refund without any questions asked.
Let’s be fair, however. If you don’t have the guts to hear the truth about your relationship situation, don’t opt for a Horary Reading.
The Horary chart of your question reveals the naked, unpampered truth so make sure you can handle it before you proceed to the next page.
If you are a curious, adventurous spirit who wants to gain knowledge about the most pressing matters of the heart… Click “Add To Cart”, and ask your question immediately upon completing your booking. I’ll get back to you ASAP with an exact answer.
You Pay Only $19.95
Time is of the essence since your Horary Charts can give answers to your questions only in relation to the pressing time in which the question is asked.
My “You Will Be AMAZED” 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: Nobody else does this. But here’s what I have for you… I’m so confident that I am able to provide you with laser-accurate, meaningful and valuable answer… that I’m happy to guarantee your satisfaction. In the unlikely event that you are not entirely happy with your reading, simply email me within 60 days of your order, and I’ll return every penny.
I can’t wait to see what the charts reveal for your situation.
Talk to you soon,
Sending you love,
Your Sister & Relationship Astrologer,
P. S. If you are given a detailed description of the circumstance you’re in… and if you feel stuck… the answer will suggest a solid course of action for you to take and move towards your true goal.
P. P. S. Horary Charts don’t just provide “yes” or “no” answers. They also indicate the events most likely to unfold in your relationship so… use this predicament tool wisely and gain the advantage over any woman who might compete against you for your partner.
Once you complete your order, I’ll give you immediate access to my special VIP email address where you can get in touch with me directly. I will also email you from this address after studying your chart & your unique situation.
If you feel that this is not yet for you, that is also okay… and I would still love to remain in touch with you through my newsletter and books.
“What you do to help people is amazing. Thank you. I never put too much stock in astrology because the usual description of me is so far off the mark for me- but after reading a few things on Him and realizing it fit him to a T, I decided it was time to look more deeply into it. Your book is an amazingly valuable resource.”
Kyra, 45, Aquarius
“Thank you so much for inspiring books! Read them several times. My (potential) scorpio man is amazing... we have connected on such a deep, soul level, but the timing is awkward, difficult. I wanted to gain some insight, largely to know if I should keep going or distance myself. Your books have been really insightful. I only wish I'd read them sooner.”
Alex, 33, Sagittarius
“I recently dated a Scorpio and wanted more insight into this intriguing sign...The way our zodiac signs play a part in our mannerisms and personalities interests me, and understanding what actually makes a Scorpio man tick would be very helpful if I ever encounter another. I’d like to thank you for the incredible insight on the enigmatic Scorpio man. I’ve only recently discovered your guides and I was truly fascinated with your accuracy.”
Evangelina, 46, Scorpio
“You can have the relationship you want!”
Anna Kovach is known as the most sought after dating & relationships Astrologer and advisor to commitment-seeking women across the globe. Anna's guidance and astrological insights have helped countless women get the relationship they desire.
She is famous for saving 'failed' relationships, helping women secure their 'One' and showing seemingly incompatible couples “how to speak the same language.”
She uses her gift and knowledge of Astrology & relationship psychology to help couples connect and gain an intense understanding of each other. All through the power of practical and accurate astrological advice that anyone can apply to their relationship — just without the hype, overcomplicated professional terminology or vague and confusing astro-speak.
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