Your FREE personalized Compatibility Reading reveals the secrets of your astrological love profiles, the truth about your relationship, and how you can be instantly more compatible.
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{{her_name}}, you are amazing – one of a kind!
What I love most about your sign is how confident you are. It’s not easy for a woman to own her power, but {{her_name}}…as an Aries, you’re a natural! You inspire others to be more confident and respect their unique gifts.
“After you were born, they broke the mold!”
Your symbol is the Ram, and like the Ram you are eager to take charge and act on your instincts. You can be persistent and climb mountains (in fact with your willpower you can move mountains!) You are unstoppable, courageous and strong.
Fire: Your element is fire and like fire you can be creative, fast moving, and spontaneous. You can bring light and hope to others and can be intense and passionate.
The fire element is channeled in a unique way for Aries women, of course, because everything about Aries is one of a kind. For you {{her_name}}, the element of fire grants courage and energy. You need less sleep than others and have abundant stamina to juggle a career, family, friends, romance, and your many adrenaline-inducing hobbies.
You get a rush from being the first to respond and your spontaneous nature is thanks in part to the role the fire element plays in your sign as an Aries woman. You can outrun and outmaneuver people twice your size, which is an advantage when it comes to sports and athletics.
Cardinal: As a cardinal sign, you care about initiating new things. You are the first to take action when something needs to be done. Others can count on you to make the first steps. You invite change and can be an instigator, channeling your creative energy to make things happen.
Although you share this characteristic with three other signs (Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) Yours is the first cardinal sign, and the first sign of the zodiac. As an Aries woman, you are in a unique position as you “usher in” the new season of spring.
Aries women are enthusiastic and eager to start new things. You are often the first one to break new ground and may be excitable. These traits make you an excellent leader and others would do well not to underestimate you {{her_name}}.
Masculine: In astrology, masculine polarity speaks to your tendency to be assertive and to project your energy out into the world. You can be transparent and seek ways to lead others. You are influential and can be determined and confident in yourself.
You may be wondering how masculine energy manifests for an Aries woman like yourself. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As an Aries woman, your masculine polarity makes you a quick thinker who is eager to share opinions and act on impulses. You may find it difficult to sit still through long meetings. Your body needs to move and you need tasks that challenge you.
When life is too easy, you go off on quests seeking obstacles to overcome. Your identity is related to your independence, strength, and ability to overcome odds. Sometimes, you even do things the hard way just to prove yourself.
Your planetary ruler is Mars, a planet you’ve no doubt heard referred to as the “God of War.” Yet there is so much more to Mars than that. Yes, Mars is a Warrior God, making you a Warrior Queen. You are a champion for justice and pursue what you believe is right.
You can be open to asserting your ideas and are fearless in the face of challenges. Yet Mars is also the planet of passion. Your energy is exciting and you know how to uplift and motivate people. Mars lends creativity and energy.
Mars can be hot-headed, and you can have a bit of a temper yourself {{her_name}}, but mostly this planet helps you express your passion with focus and determination.
Aries can be one of the most passionate signs in love {{her_name}}. You fall in love at first sight and can be swept completely off your feet. You can be intense and are turned on by the thrill of the chase in love.
You are generous, protective, and encouraging. When you love someone, you go to great lengths to try to help them succeed. You show love and devotion and are a faithful partner.
You can be independent even when in love. You need a partner who shares your excitable, adventurous nature. Though you enjoy romance, you don’t want to spend your nights at home. Your ideal romantic partner is outgoing and loves traveling.
You need to prove yourself in love and enjoy showing off. A partner who gives you a quest or challenge to overcome keeps your interest. You become bored if a partner is too compliant.
But watch out {{her_name}}… Aries faces a major challenge in love. You can be too determined and miss clues your love interest shows you. Though you are assertive, your love interest may not be. Don’t assume that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
One of the central truths about the sign of Aries is something most people tiptoe around. Though you can be inspiring and encouraging, the truth is {{her_name}}, you relate best to people if you’ve walked in their shoes directly.
This means that friends and partners may try to explain how they feel or what they’re going through, but if you haven’t had the same experience yourself, you won’t be able to easily relate.
The best way to work around this is to try to empathize with a similar situation. Often, you do this naturally. Just be careful your habit of comparing doesn’t come across as “one-upping” your partner.
Your secret desire is to be a hero. Your biggest fear is being irrelevant or unimportant. You aren’t needy, far from it. In fact, Aries is one of the most independent signs. But your secret desire is to be the biggest, best, strongest, and fastest.
And on the flip side, your worst fear is that others will be able to stand on their own feet just fine without you. You need to feel important. You need to know that you contribute something unique to relationships and that no one can take your place.
As an Aries you can become bored in relationships if you don’t have a mission. Your friends and partners need to give you challenges you can conquer.
Another secret that is an open secret that you don’t want to admit is that while you desire the opportunity to prove yourself as a hero, you also need to win at any cost. You never shy away from a challenge but you are inclined to pick the struggles you know you can win.
You can be spontaneous and impetuous and have confidence in yourself. In relationships you may need to be careful not to dominate your partner. Your desire to always come out on top can lead to some unsavory habits in relationships.
You may try to always have the last word or project a perfect image. Though you are known for being authentic and sincere, your desire to win can lead you to be ungracious when you make mistakes.
Though you can be loving and compassionate, as an Aries woman there are certain kinds of men who are perfect for you {{her_name}} and others who are just not an ideal fit. You need to be careful to avoid common Aries love mistakes and seek a man who suits your specific personality.
Your ideal man is individualistic and bold. You are attracted to people who are leaders, not followers. One mistake you want to avoid making is to avoid dominating your partner. Try to avoid getting into power struggles.
You also need a partner who is adventurous and active. Athletic partners who inspire you to act on your desires are ideal. You can be focused and determined and a partner who is more flexible and adaptable is perfect for you.
Try to avoid micromanaging your relationship. Your desire for control can lead you to miss out on the spontaneity and process of cultivating a romantic relationship. You can also go too far showing your interest. You love pursuing your love interest but can become too focused and obsessed. Spend time with friends when in love to keep a balance. Let your love interest show you their enthusiasm as well.
One look at the Emperor card and you’ll understand why this is your power card, {{her_name}}.
The bold red robe reflects your fiery nature, yet the Emperor is seated, facing forward.
The Emperor is a force to be reckoned with but does not use his power haphazardly. Though you have an abundance of energy, this card reminds you to channel your energy where it is needed most. You can be a fair and judicious leader but also a strong advocate and protector.
The Emperor reminds you to stick to your boundaries and be reasonable with others. Conserve your energy for the most important battles.
You’ll need this energy for the year ahead, a year full of surprises and opportunities. As an Aries woman, you may find the passion and love you’ve been waiting for. You’ll want to be ready to take advantage of new changes and developments on the horizon.
{{her_name}} I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profile. But first… let’s see about that special man in your life.
Do you already have someone or are you single? Are you ready to learn about your man’s astrological sign?
Tell me his name and select his sign below.
{{her_name}}, you are a Goddess – a woman who knows her worth!
What I love most about your sign is how easily you radiate beauty, and not just physical attractiveness, but genuine beauty that glows in your spirit. It’s not easy for a woman to respect herself and know her worth, but {{her_name}}… you’re a natural! You inspire others to be more confident and respect their boundaries and talents.
“You were born for greatness.”
Your symbol is the Bull, and like the Bull you are earthy and yes… stubborn, but only when you must be. You can be persistent and nurturing. You are unstoppable, loving, and loyal.
Earth: Your element is earth and like this element you can be hearty, stable, and nurturing. You can bring stability and reliability to others and can be steady and slow-moving.
The earth element is channeled in a unique way for you as a Taurus woman. For you, the element of earth is synonymous with abundance, luxury, and comfort. You are hard-working and hedonistic, a paradox. You can be dependable and persevering, but you expect to relish in the harvest you work for.
Other earth signs can be cold and practical. While you’re sensible {{her_name}}, you’re definitely not a cold fish. You have healing skills and know how to make others feel comfortable and cared for. You may be practical but you don’t splurge when it comes to rewarding yourself and opting for quality and luxury.
Fixed: As a fixed sign, you care about creating stability. You build on the initiatives set forth by the cardinal signs. You’re not an instigator, but you are a facilitator. Others can count on you to nurture the process.
Although you share this characteristic with three other signs (Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) Yours is an earth fixed sign {{her_name}}. You use your sensibility and cautious nature to stabilize others’ ideas and plans. You encourage others but you don’t push boundaries. Others can count on you to share your wisdom and creativity but you understand that growth takes time and is a process. You never rush the harvest.
Taurus women are down to earth and wise. You avoid drama and prefer reliable people to gossips. You can be quite discerning and aren’t afraid to set boundaries with others. You have what it takes to be a leader but you’d rather play a supportive role, working from the sidelines to ensure the trains run smoothly.
Feminine: In astrology, feminine polarity speaks to your tendency to be receptive and to absorb energy from the world. You can be comforting and nurturing. You are a good listener and often pick up on others’ intentions and feelings.
You may be wondering how feminine energy manifests for a Taurus woman like yourself {{her_name}}. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Taurus woman, your feminine polarity makes you a sounding board eager to comfort others. You may find it difficult to initiate but you are motivate to respond to others’ needs. Your body moves slowly and you need to take time to absorb what you learn before you establish a plan.
You have your own sense of timing and no one can make you rush. Your identity is related to your patience, strength, and resourcefulness
Your planetary ruler is Venus, a planet you’ve no doubt heard referred to as the “Goddess of Love.” Yet there is so much more to Venus than that. Venus is associated with love, which helps your attraction power. But this planet is about so much more than that.
Venus is about beauty and more specifically, what you value. Your personal values as well as your sense of value as an individual are heightened thanks to Venus’s influence.
You radiate natural beauty and grace. You are attuned to others’ comfort needs and can be a sensual artist thanks to Venus’s impact on your personality. Romance and love are your forte but so is value, abundance, and grace.
Taurus can be one of the most romantic signs in love. You are sentimental and romantic but you avoid getting swept off your feet, you’re too practical to lose control.
You are generous and encouraging. When you love someone, you may become skeptical at first, you’re discerning and may test your love interest. But when you are confident in your love interest, you show a different side of your personality. You become attentive and devoted.
You can be practical in love. You need a partner who respects your time and talents. You look for a partner who is financially savvy, successful, and willing to provide comfort and luxury for you.
A partner who showers you with praise and admiration is ideal for you. You need a romantic, sentimental special someone to settle down with…
But watch out {{her_name}}… Taurus faces a major challenge in love.
You can be too picky and quick to write off your man if he doesn’t show love the way you expect him to. He may love you but he can’t read your mind. Taurus women need to be more flexible. Don’t lower your standards, but understand that people are not perfect. Love is a process and relationships need some grace.
Like your symbol the Bull, you can dig in your heels. This serves you sometimes, but your stubbornness becomes counterproductive the minute it turns into a grudge.
You can be careful about how you spend your energy, but when it comes to resentments, you invest so much on a prospect that gives you nothing in return.
The person you’re angry with isn’t harmed by your grudges, but you can become closed-off and narrow minded when you double down. Your resentments send you on a losing streak, sometimes you just need to let it go {{her_name}}.
Your secret desire is to be a valued.
Though you know your worth you aren’t happy unless others recognize your accomplishments and sacrifices. You crave admiration and love being appreciated.
One of your worst fears {{her_name}} is that you will do all the work and someone else will come along and take credit for your efforts. You may go too far to get the recognition you desire and can come across as vain.
As a Taurus you can become too obsessed with your image. Don’t worry about what others think of you. You know the truth. And besides, {{her_name}}, sometimes you just have to do your best even if no one ever notices.
One of your best-kept secrets is that even though you know beauty is only skin deep you do make judgments based on appearances. You are swayed by attractive people and want to be among those who are attractive and successful.
You aren’t shallow but you can be materialistic. You put much stock in appearances and image and may assume status is the same as quality.
Try not to disregard people who don’t live up to your desire for the right image. People can surprise you, not all that glitters is gold.
Though you can be loving and compassionate, as a Tauurs woman there are certain kinds of men who are perfect for you and others who are just not an ideal fit. You need to be careful to avoid common Taurus love mistakes and seek a man who suits your specific personality.
Your ideal man is sensitive, caring, and practical. You are attracted to people who are nurturing and respectful.
You also need a partner who is successful and good with money. You look forward to a life of love, romance and luxury. You may be attracted to businessmen who are accomplished and popular.
Try to avoid being carried away by your materialistic desires. You need to balance practical concerns like money and security with emotional desires like affection and romance.
One look at the Empress card and you’ll understand why this is your power card {{her_name}}. The green fields and abundant imagery, the presence of nature and the regal figure seated amidst a harvest reflects your earthy, giving nature.
The Empress has a harvest to share and is not greedy with her resources. She is loving and nurturing. She attracts animals and seems to offer comfort and healing. Like you, the Empress can’t wait to make others feel comfortable and cared for.
The Empress reminds you to balance boundaries with generosity toward others. You don’t have to close off your abundant energy or fear scarcity.
You’ll need this energy for the year ahead {{her_name}}, a year full of surprises that may rattle your sense of security and make you question your investments. As a Taurus woman, you may find the courage to pursue creative interests now but you must pick your top priorities before trying to grow your garden.
{{her_name}} I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profile. But first… let’s see about that special man in your life!
Do you already have someone or are you single? Are you ready to learn about your man’s astrological sign?
Tell me his name and select his sign below.
{{her_name}}, you are an incredible woman!
Your intelligence is boundless and you have a witty sense of humor that draws others to you. What I love most about your sign is how easily you can strike up a conversation with anyone.
It’s true what they say, “You can do anything you put your mind to.”
Your symbol is the Twins, and like the Twins, you have a dual nature and sometimes take on so many projects you may wish you could clone yourself.
Air: Your element is air and like this element you can carefree, flowing, and transparent. You go with the flow and have an easy-breezy attitude.
The air element is channeled in a unique way for you as a Gemini woman. For you, this element amplifies your intellectual, chatty nature. You are brilliant and imaginative.
Other air signs can be aloof and distant but you are naturally curious and social. You can be friendly and charming, taking an interest in everyone you meet.
Mutable: As a mutable sign, you find balance between practical and idealistic wisdom. You can be adaptive and flexible. Others can count on your wit and thoughtfulness.
Although you share this characteristic with three other signs (Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) Yours is an air mutable sign. You use your creativity and imagination to help others become more open-minded and adapt to changes.
Gemini women are playful and easygoing. You avoid drama and prefer to adapt than fight changes. You are an excellent problem solver as well.
Masculine: In astrology, masculine polarity speaks to your tendency to be assertive and project energy out into the world. You can be creative and expressive. You don’t keep your ideas concealed and have much to share with others.
You may be wondering how masculine energy manifests for a Gemini woman like yourself {{her_name}}. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Gemini woman, your masculine polarity makes you an open book, able to share your thoughts and speak your mind with everyone you meet. You are engaging and confident as you brainstorm with others.
You have a vibrant imagination and your mind moves fast. You may speak fast as well, and often you say what comes to your mind as a stream-of-consciousness. You may be spontaneous and say what you think before processing how it sounds to others.
Your planetary ruler is Mercury, a planet you’ve no doubt heard referred to as the “Messenger.” Mercury is depicted with wings on his feet and is associated with delivery services, messengers, and communications businesses which harkens back to the ancient worship of the God Mercury or Hermes, who was a divine messenger ruling over travel and communications.
Mercury adds to your flexibility and swift thinking and movement. Geminis are often considered quick as if able to fly. This planet also influences your love of travel and learning.
Gemini people are playful and romantic in love. You enjoy learning new things about your love interest and need inspiration and intellectual stimulation in romance.
When you love someone you can be charming and romantic or independent and aloof, playing hard to get. You are full of surprises in love and you also need a partner who can keep you on your toes.
You can be creative in love. You need a partner who respects your social life and gives you breathing room but who is also ready to be your companion and enjoy life’s adventures with you.
A partner who is open and communicative is ideal for you. You need a creative, fun, playful partner to share your life with…
But watch out {{her_name}}… Gemini faces a major challenge in love. You can be flighty and indecisive, giving mixed signals until he gives up on pursuing you. Gemini women need to be more committed and grounded in love. Playing mind games can go too far, you don’t want the fun and games to backfire…
Your sign is known to be flighty and impulsive but there’s actually more to it than that. You don’t just occasionally forget or have a hard time making decisions, you actually fear repetition.
The thought of a settled, stable, structured life bores you to tears. You need change and excitement. Conquering your fear of consistency (hint, you don’t need to confine yourself to a repetitive lifestyle) can help you avoid sabotaging your relationships.
You can bring some consistency and reliability into your life without sacrificing your need for change and fun. You don’t need to settle down completely but people count on you to follow up on your promises.
Your secret desire is to learn everything there is to know about everything. You are a Jack of All Trades but seldom delve deep enough into your hobbies for mastery.
You can rattle off facts, dates, trivia and all sorts of information at the drop of a hat. You collect information and even gossip the way some people collect stamps. Information is like a currency to you.
One of your best-kept secrets is that you aren’t just social and outgoing {{her_name}}, you actual fear quiet. Peace, calm, serenity, empty space, all of these things make you shudder.
You love communicating as a way to learn about people and feel connected but you also crave the noise that accompanies sharing thoughts and ideas. You may keep music playing while listening to podcasts and a movie in the background so your space never becomes too quiet and uninteresting.
But there is something empowering about overcoming the fear of stillness and quiet. By embracing quiet and becoming comfortable doing nothing you can overcome this fear and actually enhance your already stellar mental capacities.
Though you can be loving and flirty, as a Gemini woman there are certain kinds of men who are perfect for you and others who are just not an ideal fit. You need to be careful to avoid common Gemini love mistakes and seek a man who suits your specific personality.
Your ideal man is passionate, fascinating, and intellectual. You are attracted to people who are smart and quirky.
You also need a partner who is well-read and knows his stuff when it comes to pop culture and trivia. Your ideal partner is someone who shows you he cares by quoting your favorite romance comedy.
One look at the Magician card and you’ll understand why this is your power card {{her_name}}.
The figure dabbling in magic standing before an altar with one finger pointed toward the heavens and the other toward the earth is the embodiment of your sign of the Twins.
The Magician appreciates the power of the mind to manifest desires. Like the Magician you use your creativity and imaginative nature to dream up the impossible and then make it real.
You’ll need this energy for the year ahead, a year full of reminders that no matter what challenges await, the power to win starts with your ability to see your dream clearly. As a Gemini woman, you may find the focus to bring passing dreams into fruition.
{{her_name}} I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profile. But first… let’s see about that special man in your life.
Do you already have someone or are you single? Are you ready to learn about your man’s astrological sign?
Tell me his name and select his sign below.
{{her_name}}, you are an amazing nurturer!
Your sensitivity and intuition make you one of a kind. What I love most about your sign is how easily you make others feel at home.
It’s true what they say, “Home is where the heart is.”
Your symbol is the Crab, and like the Crab, you protect your soft, vulnerable nature and can be slow to open up. But when your mind is made up, you cling to your ambitions with the tenacity of the Crab.
Water: Your element is water and like this element you can impressionable, flowing, and malleable. You go with the flow and have a deep, emotional nature.
The water element is channeled in a unique way for you as a Cancer woman. For you {{her_name}}, this element amplifies your emotional, nurturing, and sensitive nature.
Other water signs can be suspicious and passive-aggressive but you are naturally protective and gentle. You can be friendly and charming, taking an interest in families, children, and protecting matters of home and finances.
Cardinal: As a cardinal sign, you are eager to take the lead and initiate change. You are focused and can usher in new momentum, often acting as a leader.
Although you share this characteristic with three other signs (Aries, Libra, Capricorn) Yours is a water cardinal sign. You use your creativity and intuition to connect with others on an emotional level.
Cancer women are devoted and sensitive. You are protective, family-oriented, and traditional, yet you’re willing to go to bat for your loved ones.
Feminine: In astrology, feminine polarity speaks to your tendency to be receptive and absorb energy from the outside world. You can be creative and empathetic. You pick up on others’ feelings.
You may be wondering how feminine energy manifests for a Cancer woman like yourself. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Cancer woman, your feminine polarity makes you a warm and gentle person. You treat others like family and are eager to comfort others.
{{her_name}}, your planetary ruler is the Moon, a planet in astrology, associated with femininity, motherhood, and intuition. The Moon brings mysteries to the surface and is associated with the subconscious and emotional realms.
Cancer people are devoted and romantic in love. You enjoy quiet nights at home curled up on the couch watching romance movies and enjoying a glass of wine with your love.
When you love someone you can be charming and demure. You have traditional sensibilities and are eager to become serious in relationships as you want to settle down and share a home with your love as soon as possible.
Often, you rush in love and sometimes this leads to mistakes in judgment.
You need a partner who is devoted, sensitive, and romantic. You prefer someone who is a homebody like you…
But watch out {{her_name}}… Cancer faces a major challenge in love. You can be clingy in love and your intense emotions can alienate you when what you want is your lover to become infatuated. Cancer women need to be comfortable coming out of their shell and standing on their own two feet. Avoid codependency at all costs…
Your sign is known to be emotional and even clingy but there’s actually more to it than that. You don’t depend on others or just feel better in the company of friends and loved ones, you actually fear abandonment.
Though you are nurturing, empowered, and tenacious, you secretly long for a partner who will be as caring toward you as you are toward the rest of the world.
You can bring emotional security and validation to others but secretly fear that if you aren’t so giving and demonstrative, others will abandon you. You may have to work on becoming more self-sufficient.
Your secret desire is to fortify yourself in your home. You want to work from home, go to school from home, and take care of meetings and social obligations from home. If given a choice, you prefer staying in the comfort of home and possibly even in your pajamas.
You can be entertaining, nurturing, and hard working but if left to your own devices you never want to venture out into the world. Yet if you can challenge yourself to leave the house more, you can often surprise yourself and find support and inspiration.
One of your best-kept secrets is that you aren’t just nurturing and caring, you sometimes actually forget that others aren’t children who need your affection and encouragement. You can be maternal toward others and sometimes forget that other people can solve their own problems.
You love making others feel comfortable and loved, yet you sometimes go too far. Your caretaking is such a natural instinct you can become paternal toward people who are older than you.
Though you can be loving and flirty, as a Cancer woman there are certain kinds of men who are perfect for you and others who are just not an ideal fit. You need to be careful to avoid common Cancer love mistakes and seek a man who suits your specific personality.
Your ideal man is caring, sensitive, and family-oriented. You may seek a partner who is eager to settle down and have a family. You are attracted to people who are traditional and affectionate.
You also need a partner who is loving and sensitive. You love people who seem troubled and you can attract the “bad boys” as you can’t resist edgy, daring people who act like they need to be rescued and cared for.
One look at the Moon card and you’ll understand why this is your power card {{her_name}}.
The Moon is your ruling planet, but this card also shows how spiritually connected you are to this archetype. Like the flowing river, your emotions run deep. The lobster emerging from the water is similar to your symbol the Crab and represents deep subconscious wisdom.
The Moon appreciates the power of secret, hidden emotions and reminds you that not everything is as it appears. You may have to delve deeper to understand your hidden feelings, don’t take things at face value. The Moon also is a symbol of your intuition, reminding you to follow your instincts.
You’ll need this energy for the year ahead, a year full of opportunities you may want to nurture. But not everything is as it seems… you may have to trust your instincts to know what truly aligns with your vision and what is just a false promise.
{{her_name}} I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profile. But first… let’s see about that special man in your life.
Do you already have someone or are you single? Are you ready to learn about your man’s astrological sign?
Tell me his name and select his sign below.
You have celebrity star power. Your confidence and creativity make you one of a kind. What I love most about your sign is how easily you make others feel empowered.
It’s true what they say, “Leos are the Royalty of the Zodiac.”
Your symbol is the Lion, and like the Lion, you are regal and distinguished. You carry yourself like royalty and know you deserve respect.
Fire: Your element is fire and like this element you can be passionate, powerful, and assertive. You are bright and creative, bringing light and hope to others.
The fire element is channeled in a unique way for you as a Leo woman. For you, this element amplifies your individualistic, creative, and boisteorus nature.
Other fire signs can be dominating though you are charming and entertaining. You can be friendly and persuasive.
Fixed: As a fixed sign, you are eager to help processes along and build on the groundwork others lay. You reliable and use your creativity to help your ideas come to fruition.
Although you share this characteristic with three other signs (Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius) Yours is a fire fixed sign. You use your courage and determination to encourage others and rally followers to your cause.
Leo women are devoted and daring. You are protective, generous and loyal.
Masculine: In astrology, masculine polarity speaks to your tendency to be assertive and project energy to the outside world. You can be creative and generate new ideas and actions.
You may be wondering how masculine energy manifests for a Leo woman like yourself. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Leo woman, your masculine polarity makes you a warm and charming person. You treat others like royalty and are eager to support others.
{{her_name}}, your planetary ruler is the Sun, a planet in astrology, associated with masculinity, creativity and drama. The Sun brings strength and hope.
Leo people are devoted and romantic in love. You enjoy sharing confidence and encouragement and can be an affectionate, protective, demonstrative lover.
When you love someone you can be obsessive and chase them with zeal. You need inspiration and excitement in love. You need adventure and excitement in your relationships.
Often, you rush in love and you want a partner who shows admiration and attention.
You need a partner who is devoted, honest, fascinating, and fun to be around…
But watch out {{her_name}}… Leo faces a major challenge in love. You can be high maintenance in love. Leo women need to be reassured of their lovers’ loyalty and feelings. Avoid setting the bar too high and making relationships unsustainable for your love interest…
Your sign is known to be bold and attention-getting but there’s actually more to it than that. You don’t depend on others or just feel better in the spotlight. You crave attention the way people need air to breathe.
Though you are confident and independent, you secretly fear becoming invisible and irrelevant. You need attention or fear if no one notices your achievements, your work won’t matter.
Work on developing the confidence to know you matter even if others aren’t paying attention to you or giving you the recognition you deserve.
Your secret desire is to be happy all the time and you use humor to diffuse tension. But when you drop a verbal bombshell and back it up by saying “just kidding” well, that’s not always true.
More often than not you’re using humor to deal with a situation you don’t want to deal with directly {{her_name}}. But this confuses others who may take you at your word.
There’s nothing wrong with having a sense of humor and laughing at your troubles. But try to be clear about when you really are upset and when you’re just making light of a stressful situation.
One of your best-kept secrets is that you aren’t just generous and giving, you’re trying to show others how you want to be treated. When they don’t get the hint, you can become hurt and resentful.
You love pampering others and expect your gift-giving and constant compliments to be repaid someday. You’re not keeping score but you do expect friends and loved ones to return favors.
Though you can be loving and flirty, as a Leo woman there are certain kinds of men who are perfect for you and others who are just not an ideal fit. You need to be careful to avoid common Leo love mistakes and seek a man who suits your specific personality.
Your ideal man is inspiring, chivalrous, and dramatic. You may seek a partner who is eager to go out on spontaneous adventures.
You also need a partner who is popular and hard working. You seek someone with status and social clout. You love people who seem bold and authentic.
One look at the Sun card and you’ll understand why this is your power card {{her_name}}.
The Sun is your ruling planet, but this card also shows how spiritually connected you are to this archetype. Like the childlike figure on the horse, you are youthful and exuberant, eager to greet each new day with joy and energy.
The Sun shines light on individualistic strengths and gifts. This card reminds you to seize the day and make the most of every opportunity. Life is what you make of it, and your upbeat attitude ensures success.
You’ll need this energy for the year ahead, a year full of opportunities you may want to chase. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to shine in the spotlight next year, but not everything promise is worth chasing.
{{her_name}} I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profile. But first… let’s see about that special man in your life.
Do you already have someone or are you single? Are you ready to learn about your man’s astrological sign?
Tell me his name and select his sign below.
{{her_name}}, you have many intellectual gifts.
Your devotion to humble service makes you one of a kind. What I love most about your sign is how easily you make others nurtured and encouraged.
It’s true what they say, “There is no greater gift than service.”
Your symbol is the Maiden, and like the Maiden, you are focused on purity. You may be eager to keep your space clean and your diet reflects your desire for quality and wholesomeness.
Earth: Your element is earth and like this element you can be grounded and still. You are patient and nurturing, bringing security and stability to help others.
The earth element is channeled in a unique way for you as a Virgo woman. For you, this element amplifies your reliable, methodical, and practical nature.
Other earth signs can be materialistic, but you are a pragmatist and view money and luxuries as a means to an end and not something to be sought.
Mutable: As a mutable sign, you are eager to blend your strengths and understand how different interests and ambitions can overlap.
Although you share this characteristic with three other signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces) Yours is an earth mutable sign. You use your grounded and practical wisdom to blend different ideas and practices.
Feminine: In astrology, feminine polarity speaks to your tendency to be receptive and absorb energy from the outside world. You can be influenced by data and information you study and analyze.
You may be wondering how feminine energy manifests for a Virgo woman like yourself. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Virgo woman, your feminine polarity makes you a great listener and sounding board. You are receptive to others’ ideas.
Your planetary ruler is Mercury, associated with communication, ideas, and travel. Mercury is the messenger of the planets and helps you pick up on and share ideas. Mercury influences your analytical nature.
Virgo people are steadfast, reliable, and methodical. You enjoy sharing unique insights and helping others make healthy choices. You are all about progress and self-improvement.
When you love someone you give them advice and try to help them find security and stability. You may worry about their health and choices. You show you care by trying to help others avoid harm and live to their full potential.
You are cautious in love and are among the more reserved signs.
You need a partner who is serious, grounded, appreciative and intellectual…
But watch out {{her_name}}… Virgo faces a major challenge in love. You can be aloof and emotionally detached. Virgo women are cautious in love and can be slow moving. Avoid talking yourself out of a great romance because your love interest is not perfect…
Your sign is known to be organized and methodical but there’s actually more to it than that. You don’t just feel more secure with a predictable lifestyle, you crave control the way people need air to breathe.
Though you are confident and independent, you secretly fear what you can’t see, including your subconscious desires. You are self-disciplined but you fear you will lose yourself in passions if you let control even the tiniest bit.
Work on trusting yourself so you won’t feel like you need predictability and control all the time.
Your secret fear of illness and disease can interfere with your love life. You take an interest in health and hygiene to new heights and may be distant and aloof to avoid catching colds. This impacts your openness to affection and closeness.
You may also be less receptive to eating the food your love interest cooks for you because you don’t know the details of how it was prepared. Try to keep your anxieties reasonable.
You can become judgmental and suspicious, you may need to be suspicious because you can be germophobic.
One of your best-kept secrets is that you aren’t just diligent, you often don’t trust others to do things according to your high standards. You believe that if you want something done right you’ve got to do it yourself.
You can be picky and discerning, sometimes you are too quick to judge others and make it difficult to build relationships because you don’t give others a chance to impress you.
Though you can be loving and flirty, as a Virgo woman there are certain kinds of men who are perfect for you and others who are just not an ideal fit. You need to be careful to avoid common Virgo love mistakes and seek a man who suits your specific personality.
Your ideal man is hard-working, conscientious, and diligent. You may seek a partner who is supportive and nurturing.
You also need a partner who is hard-working. You seek someone who shares your humility.
One look at the Chariot and you’ll understand why this is your power card {{her_name}}.
You can probably identify with the figure at the crossroads, at an impasse, analyzing which path to take next. Like the Chariot, you are on a journey and constantly blend the insights from your analytical mind and instincts to decide what steps to take.
This card reminds you to take your time but don’t sabotage your journey out of fear of making a dedicated choice. Sometimes you just need to take risks.
You’ll need this energy for the year ahead, a year full of opportunities you may want to say yes to. But saying yes to everything leaves you overwhelmed and burned out. How will you know what choices to make? For that, you’ll need to trust yourself.
{{her_name}} I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profile. But first… let’s see about that special man in your life.
Do you already have someone or are you single? Are you ready to learn about your man’s astrological sign?
Tell me his name and select his sign below.
{{her_name}}, you have many creative gifts.
Your devotion to fairness and justice makes you one of a kind. What I love most about your sign is how easily you make others feel loved and appreciated.
It’s true what they say, “everything in balance.”
Your symbol is the Scales, and like the Scales, you are focused on creating fairness and balance in all you do. You may be eager to balance others’ opinions with a different perspective.
Air: Your element is air and like this element you can be flowing and carefree. You are lighthearted and idealistic.
The air element is channeled in a unique way for you as a Libra woman. For you, this element amplifies your artistic, diplomatic, and eloquent nature.
Other air signs can be distant in relationships, but you are imaginative and love fantasy and intellectual expression
Cardinal: As a cardinal sign, you are an initiator. You can be indecisive in your own affairs but can be a great advocate for others.
Although you share this characteristic with three other signs (Cancer, Capricorn, and Aries) Yours is an air cardinal sign. You use your imaginative, idealistic nature to help others initiate change.
Masculine: In astrology, masculine polarity speaks to your tendency to be assertive and project energy to the outside world. You can be influential and other look to you to take charge.
You may be wondering how masculine energy manifests for a Libra woman like yourself. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Libra woman, your masculine polarity makes you a great listener and sounding board. You are receptive to others’ ideas.
Your planetary ruler is Venus.
You may think of Venus as the Goddess of love, but your planetary ruler is also associated with beauty, abundance and generally with resources and things of value. Venus draws attention to priorities as well as peace and harmony.
Libra people are peaceful, diplomatic, and romantic. You enjoy sharing unique insights and helping others find balance and harmony. You are all about peace and fairness.
When you love someone you shower them with affection and love. You recite poetry and make art for them. They become your Muse.
You are eager to share your life with a partner.
You need a partner who is gentle, conscientious, inspiring, and intellectual…
But watch out… Libra faces a major challenge in love. You can be indecisive and send mixed signals. Libra women are fickle in love and can second guess their decisions. Avoid talking yourself out of a perfect romance…
Your sign is known to be friendly and romantic, but there’s actually more to it than that. You don’t just feel more secure with a partner, you crave companionship the way people need air to breathe.
Though you are loving and charming, you secretly fear being alone. You fear you will lose yourself in passions or make the wrong choices in a partner and give up on your chance for true love.
Work on trusting yourself in love. The grass isn’t always greener elsewhere.
Your secret desire for a life of ease can interfere with your love life. You are an independent woman yet deep inside you dream of having a partner to take care of your practical needs.
You don’t like worrying about money and finances and wish you had a partner to help with the tedious, boring aspects of maintaining your household like budgeting.
You may also be dependent and ignore red flags in relationships because you want someone to pamper you and nurture your dreams.
One of your best-kept secrets is that you aren’t just happier with a companion, you believe that a partner makes you a better person. You may underestimate your talents and defer to your partner or friends to motivate you.
You can be dependent on others for validation and may hold off on taking steps toward accomplishing your goals unless you have a partner to walk alongside you.
Though you can be loving and flirty, as a Libra woman there are certain kinds of men who are perfect for you and others who are just not an ideal fit. You need to be careful to avoid common Libra love mistakes and seek a man who suits your specific personality.
Your ideal man is fair, conscientious, and sentimental. You may seek a partner who is supportive and romantic.
You also need a partner who is idealistic. You seek someone who shares your humanitarian and artistic nature.
One look at the Lovers and you’ll understand why this is your power card {{her_name}}.
You can probably identify with the figures standing hand in hand beneath the watchful eye of an Angel. Like the Lovers, you are divinely inspired to collaborate with a partner who helps you accept your different strengths and talents.
This card reminds you to take the time to find balance and harmony within yourself so you can harmonize your relationships.
You’ll need this energy for the year ahead, a year full of opportunities to strike a balance and ensure your romantic life and personal life are a mirror image of each other. You’ll need to trust yourself to set boundaries and collaborate with others who can open new doors for you.
{{her_name}} I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profile. But first… let’s see about that special man in your life.
Do you already have someone or are you single? Are you ready to learn about your man’s astrological sign?
Tell me his name and select his sign below.
{{her_name}}, you have many psychic gifts.
Your devotion and loyalty are unprecedented. You can be protective of the people you love. What I love most about your sign is how easily you help others embrace transformation and face their fears.
It’s true what they say, “The key to overcoming your fears lies within.”
Your symbol is the Scorpion and like the Scorpion, you are tenacious, mysterious and love to linger in the shadows. You may be attracted to dark and edgy topics but you’re really a healer who helps people make peace with their inner darkness.
Water: Your element is water and like this element you can be flowing and deep. You are emotional, intuitive, and compassionate.
The water element is channeled in a unique way for you as a Scorpio woman. For you, this element amplifies your mysterious and emotional nature.
Other water signs can be needy in relationships, but you are compassionate and empowering.
Fixed: As a fixed sign, you are a nurturer. You help others find stability and can be attuned to processes. You know there is more to life than racing to the finish line.
Although you share this characteristic with three other signs (Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius) Yours is a fixed water sign. You use your nurturing, intuitive nature to help others sustain growth and change.
Feminine: In astrology, feminine polarity speaks to your tendency to be receptive and absorb energy from the outside world. You can be impressionable yet authoritative and others can look to you to take charge.
You may be wondering how feminine energy manifests for a Scorpio woman like yourself. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Scorpio woman, your feminine polarity makes you a great listener and sounding board. You are receptive to others’ ideas.
Your sign is so intense and powerful you need two co-ruling planets to hold down the energy of change, transformation, and power.
Pluto is a deep and probing planet of power and authority. This planet influences your sign and makes you a truth seeker who digs beneath the surface in search of mysteries.
Mars is a planet of assertiveness, energy and excitement. Both planets work together to contribute to your obsessive, intellectual and intense personality. Mars gives you confidence and strength as well.
Mars is a Warrior planet associated with vitality and creativity. Pluto is the God of the Underworld and as such is associated with release, transformation, and processing losses and traumas.
Scorpio people are spiritual, intellectual, and intense. You enjoy delving deep into your interests and can become obsessed in love. You are confident and empowering but deep inside you’re sensitive and vulnerable.
When you love someone you shower them with affection and love. You can be protective and eager to spend every moment with your love interest.
You are passionate and eager to share your life with a partner.
You need a partner who is honest, loyal, sensitive, affectionate, and intellectual…
But watch out {{her_name}}… Scorpio faces a major challenge in love. You can be intense and dominating. Scorpio women are possessive in love and can become jealous and insecure. Avoid jumping to conclusions that could ruin a perfect romance…
Your sign is known to be discerning and a human lie-detector, but there’s actually more to it than that. You don’t just feel more secure when you can size someone up, you have a deep fear of being deceived.
Though you are friendly and charming, you secretly fear someone will pull one over on you and deceive you. You fear you will lose yourself in passions only to find out your lover is not who they appear to be.
Work on trusting yourself in love. You have more than enough savvy skills to notice red flags, you don’t have to always be on high alert.
Your secret desire is that you could somehow entice others to do exactly what you want.
You dream of having unlimited power and may be attracted to the supernatural because it will give you the upper hand. You hide this desire for control behind a façade of being laid back and casual, but deep inside you expect people to follow your lead.
You may become controlling in relationships when this façade disappears. Be open to letting go and let others surprise you for a change.
You may secretly wonder to yourself if you’ve had a harder-than-usual life because it seems you go through a number of trials and tribulations others can’t relate to.
The truth is, yours is one of the most challenging Karmic energies and often you do go through dramatic and traumatic experiences as you work on transforming, reinventing yourself, and finding your power.
Yet this is also one of your sources of strength and can lead you to become a champion for others. You have a healing purpose in relationships and can draw on your past struggles to help others.
Though you can be loving and flirty, as a Scorpio woman there are certain kinds of men who are perfect for you and others who are just not an ideal fit. You need to be careful to avoid common Scorpio love mistakes and seek a man who suits your specific personality.
Your ideal man is sexually adventurous, powerful, and mysterious. You may seek a partner who is romantic and wealthy as you love status.
You also need a partner who is spiritual. You seek someone who shares your creative nature and sometimes dark sense of humor.
One look at the Death card and you’ll understand why this is your power card {{her_name}}. You may even get a laugh out of this comparison. You have normal human fears but usually death is not one of them.
Instead, you instinctively recognize that the Death card just like the Death archetype in general is about change and transformation, not permanence. You feel drawn to imagery that may scare others away and perhaps you’re intrigued by the Death card because you sense it means dramatic changes and a chance to reinvent yourself are on the horizon.
This card reminds you that change and transformation are necessary to your growth.
You’ll need this energy for the year ahead, a year full of milestones that remind you it’s time to shed your past skin and reinvent yourself as you evolve and grow. You’ll need to trust yourself to set boundaries and collaborate with others who also encourage growth and don’t fear change.
{{her_name}} I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profile. But first… let’s see about that special man in your life.
Do you already have someone or are you single? Are you ready to learn about your man’s astrological sign?
Tell me his name and select his sign below.
{{her_name}}, you are an eternal optimist.
You can be confident and have a great sense of humor. What I love most about your sign is how easily you help others find meaning and empowerment.
It’s true what they say, “It’s not what happens to you in life but what you make of it that counts.”
Your symbol is the Archer, a Centaur with a bow and arrow, and like the Archer, you are adventurous, lusty, and know how to reach for the stars. You may be attracted to philosophical and lofty ideals but you never forget your human appetites.
Fire: Your element is fire and like this element you can be passionate and intense. You are creative and may be a spark of inspiration for others.
The fire element is channeled in a unique way for you as a Sagittarius woman. For you, this element amplifies your optimistic, thoughtful nature.
Other fire signs can be tempestuous and vain, but you are compassionate and empowering.
Mutable: As a mutable sign, you are flexible. You help others nurture their growth and advancement You know there is power in blending different talents and perspectives.
Although you share this characteristic with three other signs (Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces) Yours is a mutable fire sign. You use your creative, generous, passionate nature to help others become more open-minded and adventurous.
Masculine: In astrology, masculine polarity speaks to your tendency to be assertive and send your energy to the outside world. You can be authoritative and confident in your message.
You may be wondering how masculine energy manifests for a Sagittarius woman like yourself. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Sagittarius woman, your masculine polarity makes you a great speaker and teacher. You openly share ideas to a broad audience.
Your sign is so powerful and it’s no wonder with hearty and abundant Jupiter as your planetary ruler.
Jupiter is the planet of pleasure and growth, expansion and benevolence.
Just like you, Jupiter inspires others to share abundance and enjoy hedonistic pleasures. Jupiter also brings luck and a tendency to take risks.
Sagittarius is philosophical, spiritual, intellectual, and carefree. You enjoy having breathing room and can be distant in love, yet you crave companionship and want a partner who respects your need for space. You are confident and empowering but deep inside you’re sensitive.
When you love someone you shower them with expensive gifts. You encourage them to pursue their dreams and although you aren’t always physically present you remain in contact as much as possible.
You are passionate and eager to share your life with a partner.
You need a partner who is honest, loyal, independent, and intellectual…
But watch out… Sagittarius faces a major challenge in love. You can be aloof or dominating. Sagittarius women are possessive in love and can become jealous and insecure. Avoid jumping to conclusions that could ruin a perfect romance…
Your sign is known to be independent and freedom-loving but there’s actually more to it than that. You don’t just feel more secure when you’re on an open road, you feel suffocated if you have to deal with limitations.
Though you are outgoing and social, you secretly fear someone will corner you and take over your time and energy. You fear you will lose yourself in passion and become consumed by your love interest.
Work on trusting your boundaries. You don’t have to keep others at arm’s length. You have more than enough savvy skills to notice red flags.
Your secret desire is that you could get others to follow your philosophies and ideals.
You dream of having unlimited influence and may be attracted to people who inspire your mind and encourage you to follow your ideals. You will choose your righteous beliefs over a love interest any day and sometimes you expect others to adhere to your philosophies and beliefs.
You may become frustrated with a love interest who doesn’t share your ideals and beliefs. You seek to be an influential leader even in your romantic partnerships.
You may secretly wonder if monogamy is for you. You crave change and variety but the truth is you can find happiness with a romantic partner. You just need variety in your relationship.
A partner who is constantly reinventing himself is perfect for you. You don’t need to stray from a relationship but you do need to be with someone who is ever-evolving and growing.
Though you can be loving and flirty, as a Sagittarius woman there are certain kinds of men who are perfect for you and others who are just not an ideal fit. You need to be careful to avoid common Sagittarius love mistakes and seek a man who suits your specific personality.
Your ideal man is sexually adventurous, philosophical, and outgoing. You may seek a partner who is romantic and popular as you love status.
You also need a partner who is spiritual. You seek someone who shares your creative nature and sense of humor.
One look at the Fool card and you’ll understand why this is your power card {{her_name}}.
You may even get a laugh out of this comparison. You are no fool when it comes to worldly wisdom but you share this archetype’s innocence and spontaneity. You feel drawn to the adventurous Fool who wanders dangerously close to a cliff. Adventures are on the horizon.
This card reminds you that change and expansion are necessary to your growth.
You’ll need this energy for the year ahead, a year full of milestones that remind you it’s time to overcome limitations and thrive. You’ll need to trust yourself to focus and follow through when your opportunities arrive.
{{her_name}} I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profile. But first… let’s see about that special man in your life.
Do you already have someone or are you single? Are you ready to learn about your man’s astrological sign?
Tell me his name and select his sign below.
{{her_name}}, you are patient and hard-working.
You can be confident and have a great sense of responsibility. What I love most about your sign is how easily you help others find security and nurturing.
It’s true what they say, “We all need someone we can count on.” And for so many people {{her_name}}, you are that person!
Your symbol is the Seagoat, a goat with the tail of a fish. Like the mythical Seagoat, you have a practical side but also a deep, primal urge to preserve tradition and learn from the past. You may be diligent and reliable but if someone pushes your buttons, look out, you can dig in your heels and become insistent.
Earth: Your element is earth and like this element you can be reliable and consistent. You are pragmatic and can be trustworthy and unyielding.
The earth element is channeled in a unique way for you as a Capricorn woman. For you, this element amplifies your serious, mature nature.
Other earth signs can be stubborn and unwavering, but you are helpful and patient.
Cardinal: As a cardinal sign, you are an initiator. You help others nurture growth and create security and stability. You can be the first to pave the way for others, setting the framework and rules that others use to thrive.
Although you share this characteristic with three other signs (Cancer, Libra, and Aries) Yours is a cardinal earth sign. You use your steadfast, patient, caring nature to help others feel secure and thrive.
Feminine: In astrology, feminine polarity speaks to your tendency to be receptive and absorb energy from the outside world. You can be supportive and nurturing.
You may be wondering how masculine energy manifests for a Capricorn woman like yourself. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Capricorn woman, your feminine polarity makes you a great listener. You can be patient and give practical and reliable advice. You are candid yet compassionate.
Your sign is so diligent it is no wonder with Saturn as your planetary ruler.
Saturn is the planet of restriction, discipline, Karma, and time. Just like you, Saturn inspires others to persevere and put effort into establishing a solid foundation. Saturn also is associated with tradition and wisdom.
Capricorn is careful, diligent, responsible, and nurturing.
You enjoy spending time with a companion who shares your work ethic and responsibility but also want a partner who respects your need for space and work schedule. You are confident and encouraging, yet you are also cautious in love. You want commitment but must first wait for signals your love interest is trustworthy and reliable.
When you love someone you move slowly but eventually shower them with expensive gifts. You encourage them to pursue their goals in practical ways. Although you aren’t always affectionate you take commitments seriously.
You need a partner who is honest, loyal, responsible, and caring…
But watch out… Capricorn faces a major challenge in love. You can be aloof and hide in work. Capricorn women are practical and generous in love and can be emotionally detached. You must work on being more open and showing emotion in love…
Your sign is known to be cautious and slow-moving, but there’s actually more to it than that. You don’t just feel more secure when you’re on a schedule, you fear subconsciously that you are running out of time.
Though you are always on time, you secretly fear you’ll run out of time before you get to establish the home, family, and relationship you desire. You fear you will grow old before you have the chance to build up the nest egg you desire.
Work on trusting your boundaries. You don’t have to keep others at arm’s length. You have more than enough savvy skills to notice red flags.
Your secret desire is that you could provide for your loved one’s comfort needs. You dream of having unlimited resources so you could give your loved ones the lifestyle they desire. You may put more effort into your work than your relationships, but you hope your work will be a vehicle to a more settled life.
You may have to work to find the balance you need between your career and financial obsessions and showing authentic love and affection in emotional ways.
You may secretly dream of the past, not because you miss your ex but because you long for a simpler time. You are a natural historian but you hold on to the past in part because you fear change.
A partner who is constant and reliable is perfect for you. You can be resistant to change out of a deep fear of the unknown. You would rather hold on to the past than take your chances on starting something new.
This can hold you back in love if you aren’t careful. You need to overcome your fears of change so you can take risks and explore new relationships.
Though you can be loving and flirty, as a Capricorn woman there are certain kinds of men who are perfect for you and others who are just not an ideal fit. You need to be careful to avoid common Capricorn love mistakes and seek a man who suits your specific personality.
Your ideal man is hard working, traditional, caring, and patient. You may seek a partner who is successful and honest.
You also need a partner who supports your career. You seek someone who shares your goals and understands your work ethic.
One look at the Hierophant card and you’ll understand why this is your power card {{her_name}}.
You are an encyclopedia of traditional wisdom but you share this archetype’s sense of responsibility and orderliness. You feel drawn to structure and institutions of spiritual and higher learning.
This card reminds you that stability and tradition are a springboard for growth.
You’ll need this energy for the year ahead, a year full of milestones that remind you of the need to build on a foundation of practicality and tradition. You’ll need to trust yourself to know when it’s time to look to tradition and when to be innovative.
{{her_name}} I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profile. But first… let’s see about that special man in your life.
Do you already have someone or are you single? Are you ready to learn about your man’s astrological sign?
Tell me his name and select his sign below.
{{her_name}}, you are rebellious and one of a kind.
You can be independent and creative, with an innovative streak that amazes others. What I love most about your sign is how easily you help others break through limitations and embrace changes.
It’s true what they say, “There’s no one out there like you.”
Your symbol is the Water Bearer, a point of confusion for people beginning to learn about astrology. You are often confused for a water sign because of this symbol.
But the Water Bearer represents the heights of human potential, the ability to use tools to innovate and solve problems. The Water Bearer also blends the intuitive and intellectual worlds.
Air: Your element is air and like this element you can be flexible and adaptive. You are free flowing and can be a source of inspiration and encouragement.
The air element is channeled in a unique way for you as an Aquarius woman. For you, this element amplifies your intellectual, innovative, clever nature.
Other air signs can be flighty, but you are focused and intense.
Fixed: As a fixed sign, you are here to sustain the groundbreaking changes others initiate. You help others nurture growth and explore new options.
Although you share this characteristic with three other signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio) Yours is a mutable air sign. You use your futuristic nature to help others envision new paths to take to success.
Masculine: In astrology, masculine polarity speaks to your tendency to be assertive and project your energy out into the world. You are like a lightning rod, sharing epiphanies and sudden insights with intensity and zeal.
You may be wondering how masculine energy manifests for an Aquarius woman like yourself. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As an Aquarius woman, your masculine polarity makes you a powerful speaker. You can be imaginative and eager to share your unusual ideas.
Your sign is so diligent it is no wonder with Uranus as your planetary ruler.
Uranus is the planet associated with power and is considered the Father of the Titans. You are closely connected to creative source. Just like you, Uranus is a source of shocking and unexpected inspiration, helping others to break free from tradition and pave a new path. Uranus is the God of the Sky and heavens, and is associated with science and astrologers. You, too, have a vast perspective, encompassing many ideas all at once.
Aquarius is startling and full of surprises. You enjoy spending time with a companion who inspires you and shares your innovative, creative nature.
You need a partner who respects your independence as well. You are slow to open up in love and need a patient partner who can ride out your erratic moods.
You need a partner who is honest, patient, and exciting…
But watch out {{her_name}}… Aquarius faces a major challenge in love. When you love someone you move slowly and never on a straightforward path. Instead, your road to love zig-zags. You can seem erratic and may give mixed signals because you need to cool off when the relationship becomes too intense.
Your sign is known to be independent and freewheeling, but there’s actually more to it than that. You don’t just feel more secure when you can openly express yourself, you fear subconsciously that you are going to lose your freedom.
Though you go out of your way to ensure no one can step on your toes, you still fear losing your freedom and independence. You take your need for authenticity and nonconformity to the extreme.
Work on trusting your boundaries. You don’t have to keep others at arm’s length to avoid losing yourself in relationships.
Your secret desire is to always stand out and be undefinable.
You dread conformity and hate trends. Nothing frustrates you more than people falling in line to obey authority without thinking for themselves. You may put more effort into showing how unique you are but it is not necessary. Others see your authenticity.
You don’t have to become a contrarian to prove that you are unlike anyone else. Your unique style speaks for itself. You never go with the crowd if you don’t agree and you are definitely not one to be silent about your ideas.
You may secretly dream of having control but not because you want power. What you really want is the ability to call the shots. You are your own authority and resist being confined by others.
A partner who is unique and quirky is ideal for you. You are eccentric and unorthodox and you need a partner who is both passionate and inspiring.
This can hold you back in love if you aren’t careful. You need to overcome your fears of conformity and boredom if you are going to finally commit in love.
Though you can be loving and flirty, as an Aquarius woman there are certain kinds of men who are perfect for you and others who are just not an ideal fit. You need to be careful to avoid common Aquarius love mistakes and seek a man who suits your specific personality.
Your ideal man is intellectual, sensitive, socially conscious and unique. You may seek a partner who is flamboyant and unconventional.
You also need a partner who supports your ideals and vision. You seek someone who shares ideology and understands your unusual nature.
One look at the Temperance card and you’ll understand why this is your power card {{her_name}}.
The figure pouring water from one chalice to the other, standing by flowing water and harnessing the wisdom of the universe and elements speaks to your higher vision and attunement to powers from various sources.
This card reminds you that you must balance your desires and harness your energy. Avoid zealousness and going to extremes, you need to pace yourself and channel your creativity productively.
You’ll need this energy for the year ahead, a year full of breakthroughs and dramatic milestones. You’ll need to trust yourself and harness your ability to be innovative.
{{her_name}} I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profile. But first… let’s see about that special man in your life.
Do you already have someone or are you single? Are you ready to learn about your man’s astrological sign?
Tell me his name and select his sign below.
{{her_name}}, you are empathic and spiritual.
You can be compassinoate and creative, with an psychic streak that amazes others. What I love most about your sign is how easily you help others feel emotionally validated.
It’s true what they say, “Still waters run deep…”
Your symbol is the Fish who swim in opposite directions. Like this symbol, you have a complicated personality and often have diverse drives and inner longings. You want to enjoy your fantasy world yet must experience the mundane.
You want deep intimate relationships yet can hide from the world because your empathy makes you vulnerable.
Water: Your element is water and like this element you can be deep and immersed in emotion. You can feel like your emotions are a tsunami but can also be a source of stillness and reflection.
The water element is channeled in a unique way for you as a Pisces woman. For you, this element amplifies your empathic, emotional nature.
Other water signs can be empathic as well, but you are spiritual and highly psychic.
Mutable: As a mutable sign, you are here to help others adapt. You are an important bridge between the spiritual and mundane realms. You help others make changes needed for healing and insight to occur.
Although you share this characteristic with three other signs (Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius) Yours is a mutable water sign. You use your futuristic nature to help others envision new paths to take to success.
Feminine: In astrology, masculine polarity speaks to your tendency to be receptive and absorb energy from your surroundings.
In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Pisces woman, your feminine polarity makes you a powerful psychic and healer. You can be imaginative and eager to listen to those who need a shoulder to cry on.
Your sign is so mystical and it is no wonder, with Neptune as your ruler. Neptune is the planet associated with subconscious mysteries, deep emotions, trances, and altered mental states.
You are closely connected to creative source. Just like you, Neptune is a source of deep healing and inspiration.
Pisces is nurturing and empathetic. You enjoy spending time with a companion who inspires you and shares your innovative, creative nature. You need a partner who respects your sensitive nature. You are eager to find emotional validation but also need a partner who can keep you grounded.
You need a partner who is honest, patient, and sensitive to your moods…
But watch out {{her_name}}… Pisces faces a major challenge in love. When you love someone you rush in to a relationship and may bear your soul before your relationship has a solid foundation.
Your sign is known to be loving and romantic, but there’s actually more to it than that. You don’t just feel more secure when you are in a partnership, you fear subconsciously that you are going to lose yourself if you are alone.
You often feel defined by who you are in relation to others and can feel deeply uncomfortable when you are alone or single. You may move too quickly in love to avoid this fear of irrelevancy.
Try to have faith in your unique gifts and personality. You are valid and free to change your mind, but you don’t need a partner to define you.
Your secret desire is to spend all day lost in fantasy. You have a rich imagination but hate dealing with the mundane tasks involved in everyday life. Bills may pile up and you abhor household chores.
But with some effort you can prioritize those nagging tasks and still have plenty of time left for fun and creativity. The more you can challenge yourself to make mundane tasks feel like fun and games, the better.
One of your strongest superpowers is your empathy, but your deep secret is that you can use your intuition and knowledge of others’ subconscious minds and desires to your advantage.
You can be manipulative if you want to try to make someone pity or fall in love with you and this toxic trait leads you to a path of codependency if you are not careful.
You don’t need to take advantage of others and trigger guilt trips, Pisces. You are charming and influential enough when you are honest and assertive.
Though you can be loving and flirty, as a Pisces woman there are certain kinds of men who are perfect for you and others who are just not an ideal fit. You need to be careful to avoid common Pisces love mistakes and seek a man who suits your specific personality.
Your ideal man is artistic, emotional, spiritual, and sensitive. You may seek a partner who is grounded and stable.
You also need a partner who supports your ideals and vision. You seek someone who understands your unusual nature.
One look at the Queen of Cups card and you’ll understand why this is your power card {{her_name}}.
The woman on a floating throne surrounded by a seascape with a chalice in hand speaks to your nurturing and psychic nature.
This card reminds you that you must balance your desires and harness your imaginative, sensitive energy with some practicality as others seek your wisdom.
You’ll need this energy for the year ahead, a year full of breakthroughs in love and romance You’ll need to trust yourself and harness your ability to set boundaries.
{{her_name}} I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profile. But first… let’s see about that special man in your life.
Do you already have someone or are you single? Are you ready to learn about your man’s astrological sign?
Tell me his name and select his sign below.
Please provide his name. Thank you
{{his_name}} is courageous and strong-willed. His devotion and passion are unprecedented. He can be protective and encouraging. What people love most about his sign is how willing he is to help others, often dashing to the rescue as he loves being the hero.
It’s true what they say, “He’s a Knight in shining armor.”
His symbol is the Ram and like the Ram, he is determined, willful, stubborn and courageous. He is attracted to confident, empowered women.
Fire: The Aries element is fire and like this element he can be playful, passionate, and optimistic.
The fire element gives Aries men their courage, confidence, and perseverance. Other fire signs can be demanding and quick to anger, yet Aries are usually positive and optimistic.
Cardinal: As a Cardinal sign, your Aries man is a natural leader. He’s the first to take the lead and initiate change. He puts ideas into action before anyone else and can be spontaneous and exciting.
Although there are three other Cardinal signs (Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) Your Aries man is born under a Cardinal fire sign. He uses his penchant for confidence and leadership to help pave the way for others to pursue their dreams. He can be an inspiring coach and encourages others to take risks.
Masculine: In astrology, masculine polarity speaks to your Aries love’s tendency to be assertive and project energy to the outside world. He can be authoritative and sets the pace for others.
You may be wondering how his masculine energy manifests in a relationship. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As an Aries man, your love’s polarity makes him an avid protector who uses his creativity and extroverted nature to lead the way for others. He looks to you to be receptive, supportive, and nurturing, balancing his personality.
Your Aries man’s sign is so intense and powerful in part because Mars is his planetary ruler.
Mars is a planet of assertiveness, energy and excitement. This planet influences {{his_name}}’s personality, making him obsessive, confident and strong as well. Mars is a Warrior planet associated with vitality and creativity which shows in your Aries man’s personality.
Aries men are ambitious, individualistic, and intense. They enjoy spontaneous adventures and have many friends and recreational interests. They can become obsessed in love. If you are confident and empowered, you can attract and keep an Aries man.
When they love someone Aries showers them with affection and praise. They are protective and move fast in a relationship. But don’t let this fool you. Aries men come on strong but become bored easily. You must keep them on their toes.
They are passionate and eager to share adventures with the right special someone…
Aries needs a partner who is honest, loyal, inspiring, and playful…
But watch out… Aries faces a major challenge in love. They can be intense and dominating. Aries men are possessive in love and can become jealous and insecure. Never play mind games with an Aries man.
Your man’s sign is known for your fear of missiong out, but there’s actually more to it than that. He doesn’t just feel more secure when involved in all the exciting happenings, he has a deep fear of being left out.
Though he is enthusiastic, {{his_name}} secretly fears others are planning fun, exciting ventures and he won’t be included. He fears he will be the last to know about an opportunity.
He overbooks himself because he wants to be a part of everything, all the time. But the truth is he just can’t be everywhere at once. Try to help him make peace with being present in the moment.
His secret desire is to be your actual knight in shining armor.
He dreams of being able to rush in and save the day. Your Aries man has unlimited courage and may be attracted to adrenaline rush inducing feats of bravery because he wants to prove himself.
Your Aries man may seem to have a challenging path, but some of it is self-induced. Because of his hero complex, your Aries goes out of his way to make life harder than it has to be.
Even when he has an easy option, he won’t take it. Aries prefers fighting uphill battles because this way, they can feel more accomplished when they succeed.
He is optimistic and expects to win, so he doesn’t mind breaking a sweat as he vanquishes obstacles. But being along for the ride can be anxiety inducing for you. Never try to make life easier for an Aries man. He puts obstacles in his own path on purpose so he can feel better about his success.
Though he can be loving and flirty, your Aries man has certain needs that not just any woman can fulfill. To know how to be the perfect fit for him, you must understand his unique love style.
You need to be careful to avoid common love mistakes and understand how to suit his specific personality.
Your Aries man is sexually adventurous, spontaneous, bold, and daring. He needs a partner who needs rescuing and appreciates his strength and courage.
He also needs a partner who is active, optimistic, and athletic.
One look at the Strength card and you’ll understand why this is your power card when you’re in love with an Aries man.
You may even get a laugh out of this comparison. Like the image on the card of a woman gracefully placing her hand inside the mouth of a Lion, you may feel like life with an Aries man sometimes places you squarely in the Lion’s den. But the trick is not dominating the beast but taming it. Learn his nature and you can persuade an Aries man and make the most of his power, courage, and energy.
This card reminds you that life with an Aries man requires you to appreciate your strength and harness your power.
You’ll need this energy for the year ahead, a year when your Aries man faces milestones that call for empowerment and assertiveness. You’ll need to trust yourself to set boundaries and collaborate with others who also encourage growth and don’t fear change.
I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profiles. But first… are you ready to learn more about your compatibility with {{his_name}} and how you can connect on a deeper level?
{{his_name}} is patient, hard-working, and strong-willed.
His devotion and sensuality are unprecedented. He can be protective and nurturing. What people love most about his sign is how generous and caring he is, often acting as a source of stability, a reliable confidant.
It’s true what they say, “You can always count on Taurus.”
His symbol is the Bull and like the Bull, he is graceful, willful, stubborn and generous. He is attracted to beautiful, sensual women.
Earth: The Taurus element is earth and like this element he can be practical, sensual, and nurturing.
The earth element gives Taurus men their healing gifts, patience, and reliability. Other earth signs can be indifferent, yet Taurus are usually caring and affectionate.
Fixed: As a Fixed sign, your Taurus man is a facilitator and nurturer. He puts energy into helping others follow through on their ideas and is dependable and hard-working.
Although there are three other Fixed signs (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) Your Taurus man is born under a Fixed earth sign. He uses his patience and perseverance to help pave the way for others to pursue their dreams. He can be a healing, encouraging, and inspiring guide for others.
Feminine: In astrology, feminine polarity speaks to your Taurus love’s tendency to be receptive and absorb energy from the outside world. He can be intuitive and can be a sounding board for others.
You may be wondering how his feminine energy manifests in a relationship. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Taurus man, your love’s polarity makes him a receptive, affectionate, nurturing partner. He can be introverted and sometimes seems inhibited, but he is always listening and observing. He looks to you to be assertive and to initiate change, balancing his personality.
Your Taurus man’s sign is so attractive in part because Venus is his planetary ruler. Venus is a planet of value, love, and beauty.
This planet influences a Taurus man’s personality, making him generous, prosperous, and romantic. Venus is associated with manifestation and creativity which shows in your Taurus man’s personality.
Taurus men are sensual, creative, and nurturing. They enjoy sharing their favorite pleasures and can be loyal and devoted. If you are compassionate, creative, and honest, you can attract a Taurus man.
When they love someone, Taurus showers them with affection and gifts. They are protective and move slowly and with caution in a relationship. But don’t let this fool you. Taurus men come on strong but slam on the brakes because they fear making mistakes in love. They need to establish trust and security.
They are romantic and want to share affectionate, sentimental evenings with the right special someone…
Taurus needs a partner who is honest, loyal, reliable, and traditional…
But watch out… Taurus faces a major challenge in love. They can be stubborn and dominating. Taurus men are possessive in love and can become jealous and insecure. Never play mind games with a Taurus man.
Your man’s sign is known for fear of being deceived, but there’s actually more to it than that.
He doesn’t just feel more secure when he knows he can trust you. He has a deep fear of opening his heart to you only to regret it later.
Though he is sensitive, he secretly fears revealing his deeper emotions.
He fears he will be played by someone he invests in and this can lead him to withhold emotion in a relationship.
His secret desire is to be wealthy enough to give you a lavish lifestyle. He dreams of being able to make your dreams come true based on his hard work and success.
Your Taurus man has unlimited creativity and patience.
He strives to give you the life you desire. You can encourage him to open his heart to you by encouraging his career.
Taurus men are more inclined to settle down when they feel financially secure. They want to share opulent gifts with you and can use material gifts to show love.
Your Taurus man may seem to be lazy at times, although he is a hard-working and ambitious man.
He will cut corners whenever he can because he wants to conserve his energy and be efficient.
Taurus prefers taking the easy path and can be slow to act. They must be motivated and also can follow their ambitions. They are diligent but don’t rush. They subdue their passions and this can feed into complacency.
Though he can be loving and flirty, your Taurus man has certain needs that not just any woman can fulfill. To know how to be the perfect fit for him, you must understand his unique love style. You need to be careful to avoid common love mistakes and understand how to suit his specific personality.
Your Taurus man is sensual, cautious, nurturing, and sensitive to your needs for comfort and luxury. He needs a partner who enjoys life’s pleasures but can also be resourceful and thrifty.
He also needs a partner who is patient, traditional, and affectionate.
One look at the King of Pentacles card and you’ll understand why this is your Taurus man’s power card.
You may even get a laugh out of this comparison. Like the image on the card of a man on a throne surrounded by lush abundant harvest, you may feel like life with an Taurus man sometimes places you squarely in a garden of plenty.
Like the King of Pentacles, your Taurus man loves being treated like royalty. He needs the stability and security of being surrounded by the fruits of his labor.
This card reminds you that life with a Taurus man can be grounding and he needs practical support and stability.
You’ll need this reminder for the year ahead, a year when your Taurus man faces milestones that call for empowerment and abundance. You’ll need to take stock of your material and career goals now as well.
I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profiles. But first… are you ready to learn more about your compatibility with {{his_name}} and how you can connect on a deeper level?
{{his_name}} is intellectual, flirty, and fun.
His excitable, witty and humous nature can be endearing. What people love most about his sign is how inventive and friendly he is, often acting as a facilitator and messenger, helping others understand each other.
It’s true what they say, “A Gemini man is a Jack-of-All-Trades.”
His symbol is the Twins and like the Twins, he has a dual nature. He is attracted to fascinating, complicated women.
Air: The Gemini element is air and like this element he can be carefree, creative, and fickle.
The air element gives Gemini men their intellectual and communicative gifts. Other air signs can be indifferent, yet Geminis are usually caring and affectionate.
Mutable: As a Mutable sign, your Gemini man is a facilitator who can be open-minded and adaptibe. He puts energy into helping others blend their talents and skills.
Although there are three other Mutable signs (Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius) Your Gemini man is born under a Mutable air sign. He uses his creativity and gift for communication to help pave the way for others to find intellectual connection and understanding. He can be an encouraging, and inspiring guide for others.
Masculine: In astrology, masculine polarity speaks to your Gemini love’s tendency to be assertive and project energy into the outside world. He can be a source of ideas, inspiration and imagination, helping others imagine new opportunities.
You may be wondering how his masculine energy manifests in a relationship. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Gemini man, your love’s polarity makes him an adventurous, clever, resourceful partner. He can be extroverted and sometimes seems to be people-pleasing, but he is always eager to chat with anyone he meets. He looks to you to be receptive to change and creative ideas.
Your Gemini’s man’s sign is a skilled communicator in part because Mercury is his planetary ruler. Mercury is a planet of change, flexibility, and languages.
This planet influences a Gemini man’s personality, making him fun, lighthearted, and gifted with languages and communication. Mercury is associated with travel and creativity which shows in your Gemini man’s personality.
What is your Gemini Man’s unique love style?
Gemini men are intellectual, creative, and inspiring. They enjoy sharing their plans and whimsical ideas. They can be funny and entertaining. If you are spontaneous, open-minded, and well-read, you can attract a Gemini man.
When they love someone, Gemini showers them with complements and encouragement. They are eager to help you achieve your goals and can be impulsive and intellectual in a relationship. But don’t let this fool you. Gemini men come on strong but slam on the brakes because they fear making mistakes in love. They often overanalyze their relationship choices and don’t trust themselves to make a commitment.
They are romantic and want to share their lives with the right special someone…
Gemini needs a partner who is patient, flexible, and inspiring…
But watch out… Gemini faces a major challenge in love. They can be distant and slow to settle down. Gemini men are aloof in love. Never try to smother a Gemini man.
Your man’s sign is known for fear of being tied down to domestic responsibilities and mundane tedium in a relationship, but there’s actually more to it than that. He doesn’t just feel more secure when he has the freedom to come and go as he pleases. He has a deep fear that you’ll clip his wings and confine him in a relationship.
Though he is loving and caring, he secretly fears revealing his deeper emotions. He fears he will become trapped in a romantic relationship.
His secret desire is to be free from boredom. He longs to travel and pursue his desires and interests with his partner by his side.
Your Gemini man has unlimited creativity and new ideas. He strives to pursue his every whim and notion. You can encourage him to open his heart to you by encouraging his exploration of various interests.
Gemini men are more inclined to settle down when they know you won’t stifle their desire to move and roam free.
Your Gemini man may seem to be the perfect partner. He will tell you what you want to hear, but does he mean it?
Not always.
Gemini men have a dual nature and can have a dark side. They strive to maintain peace and harmony, but they will ultimately follow their interests. This is why you must never let a Gemini man become bored.
Gemini men can talk themselves into anything. They can convince themselves that it’s okay to dismiss the boundaries and expectations in their relationship. Avoid micromanaging him. Instead, stimulate his curiosity and keep him interested in you.
Though he can be loving and flirty, your Gemini man has certain needs that not just any woman can fulfill. To know how to be the perfect fit for him, you must understand his unique love style. You need to be careful to avoid common love mistakes and understand how to suit his specific personality.
Your Gemini man is playful, intellectual, and creative. He needs a partner who enjoys life’s pleasures but can also be resourceful, clever, and entertaining.
He also needs a partner who is complicated, unpredictable, and exciting.
One look at the Magician card and you’ll understand why this is your Gemini man’s power card.
Like the image on the card of a man with one finger pointed to the heavens and another to the earth, your Gemini man is attuned to the intellectual and spiritual realms but never strays too far from practical matters.
You may feel like life with a Gemini man can be filled with epiphanies and ideas that manifest as if from a Magician. Like the Magician, your Gemini man loves dabbling in tomes and researching ideas that bring him power and authority.
This card reminds you that life with a Gemini man can empower your creativity and intellect. Keep your mind focused on what you wish to attract.
You’ll need this reminder for the year ahead, a year when your Gemini man faces milestones that call for clear vision and focus. You’ll need to take stock of your goals now as well.
I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profiles. But first… are you ready to learn more about your compatibility with {{his_name}} and how you can connect on a deeper level?
{{his_name}} is emotional, nurturing, and intuitive.
His sensitive, compassionate nature can be endearing. What people love most about his sign is how family-oriented and protective he is, often treating others like family.
It’s true what they say, “A Cancer man makes everyone feel at home.”
His symbol is the Crab and like the Crab, he has a tough exterior but is soft on the inside. He is attracted to vulnerable, nurturing women.
Water: The Cancer element is water and like this element he can be impressionable, deep, and changeable.
The water element gives Cancer men their sensitive and empathetic gifts. Cancers are the most tenacious of the water signs, especially when it comes to caring for family and loved ones.
Cardinal: As a Cardinal sign, your Cancer man is an initiator who can be direct, ambitious, and nurturing. He puts energy into helping others break new ground.
Although there are three other Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, and Capricorn) Your Cancer man is born under a Cardinal water sign. He uses his creativity and gift of intuition to help pave the way for others to find emotional security and connection. He can be an emotional, nurturing, and inspiring guide for others.
Feminine: In astrology, feminine polarity speaks to your Cancer love’s tendency to be receptive and absorb energy from the outside world. He can be a source of validation and empathy, helping others feel secure enough to embrace change.
You may be wondering how his feminine energy manifests in a relationship. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Cancer man, your love’s polarity makes him an empathetic, nurturing, intuitive partner. He can be introverted and sometimes seems to be people-pleasing, but he is always eager to nurture those he meets. He looks to you to be assertive and encouraging.
Your Cancer man’s sign is a nurturing homebody in part because the Moon is his planetary ruler. The Moon is aligned with intuition, emotions, and cycles.
It is a planet of change, growth, family, and the subconscious. The Moon influences a Cancer man’s personality, making him adaptable, emotional, nurturing, and intuitive.
Cancer men are sensitive, creative, and traditional. They enjoy sharing their homes and family traditions in love. If you are nurturing, emotionally validating, family-oriented and affectionate, you can attract a Cancer man.
When they love someone, Cancer showers them with complements, love, affection, and attention. They are eager to help you achieve your feel at home. But don’t let this fool you.
Cancer men come on strong but slam on the brakes because they fear being hurt in love. They often overanalyze their relationship choices and don’t trust themselves to make a the right choices.
They are romantic and want to share their lives with the right special someone…
Cancer needs a partner who is patient, understanding, and devoted…
But watch out… Cancer faces a major challenge in love. They can move quickly and overlook red flags. Their people-pleasing tendencies can lead to resentments and their moody nature can frustrate their partners. Never dismiss a Cancer man’s moods.
Your man’s sign is known for fear of being abandoned in a relationship, but there’s actually more to it than that. He doesn’t just feel more secure when he has you by his side. He has a deep fear that you’ll leave him high and dry after he opens his heart to you in a relationship.
Though he is loving and caring, he secretly fears revealing his deeper emotions. He fears he will be abandoned if he lets his guard down in a romantic relationship.
His secret desire is to settle down and start a family as soon as possible. He longs to cut through the tedium of dating and get right to the comfort and security of home and family life.
Your Cancer man is eager to have a serious and close relationship but he may miss red flags because he moves too quickly. You can encourage him to open his heart to you by showing him you are trustworthy and serious about family.
Cancer men are more inclined to settle down when they know you aren’t playing games and take family and commitment seriously.
Your Cancer man may seem to be the perfect partner. He’s romantic, affectionate, and he loves your family. But he has a dark side, like all signs.
Cancers are intuitive and sense what you want. But Cancer men can use this gift to become manipulative. They know how to get your attention and your sympathy. A Cancer man who feels insecure about his relationship may manipulate you by trying to make you feel sorry for him.
Guilt trips are a Cancer man’s secret weapon of choice. They can use their emotional savvy skills to manipulate you if they are jealous or insecure.
Though he can be loving and devoted, your Cancer man has certain needs that not just any woman can fulfill. To know how to be the perfect fit for him, you must understand his unique love style. You need to be careful to avoid common love mistakes and understand how to suit his specific personality.
Your Cancer man is affectionate, loving, and loyal. He needs a partner who enjoys the comforts of home and is devoted to family life.
He also needs a partner who is empathetic, patient, and understanding.
One look at the Moon card and you’ll understand why this is your Cancer man’s power card.
Like the image on the card of a wolf and crayfish emerging from the shadows under a full Moon, your Cancer man is attuned to the emotional and spiritual realms. He’s deep and his desires are complicated. He has a vulnerable nature and a wild side.
This card reminds you that life with a Cancer man can empower your creativity and require deep intuition and emotional connection. Things aren’t always what they seem.
You’ll need this reminder for the year ahead, a year when your Cancer man faces milestones that reveal hidden desires and deeper truths. You’ll need to unravel your own subconscious motivations now as well.
I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profiles. But first… are you ready to learn more about your compatibility with {{his_name}} and how you can connect on a deeper level?
{{his_name}} is generous, theatrical, and creative.
His bold and dramatic nature can be endearing. What people love most about his sign is how funny and entertaining he is.
It’s true what they say, “A Leo man can brighten your darkest day.”
His symbol is the Lion and like the Lion, he has a loud roar but can be charming and friendly. He is attracted to adventurous, exciting women.
Fire: The Leo element is fire and like this element he can be intense, passionate, and warm.
The fire element gives Leo men their intense and courageous gifts. Leos are the most creative and theatrical of the fire signs, especially when it comes to making groundbreaking moves.
Fixed: As a Fixed sign, your Leo man is a facilitator who can be encouraging and supportive. He puts energy into helping others maintain their growth and creative momentum.
Although there are three other Fixed signs (Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio) Your Leo man is born under a Fixed fire sign. He uses his creativity and confidence to help others to find courage and inspiration. He can be a motivating and encouraging guide for others.
Masculine: In astrology, masculine polarity speaks to your Leo love’s tendency to be projective and direct energy into the outside world. He can be a source of inspiration, encouraging others to pursue their goals and promote change and growth.
You may be wondering how his masculine energy manifests in a relationship. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Leo man, your love’s polarity makes him an assertive, expressive, individualistic partner. He can be extroverted and sometimes seems to be dominating, but he is always eager to promote others’ growth. He looks to you to be adventurous and receptive.
Your Leo man’s sign is a courageous leader in part because the Sun is his planetary ruler.
The Sun represents identity and ego. It is a planet of creativity, strength, confidence, and radiance. The Sun influences a Leo man’s personality, making him bold, bright, encouraging, and optimistic.
Leo men are theatrical, entertaining, and charismatic. They enjoy sharing entertaining stories. If you are receptive, passionate, loyal and affectionate, you can attract a Leo man.
When they love someone, Leo showers them with compliments, love, affection, and admiration.
They are eager to help you grow and thrive, encouraging you to live up to your higher potential. But don’t let this fool you. Leo men come on strong but can give mixed signals. They can become bored easily and let a connection go cold when they feel confined.
They are romantic and want to share their lives with the right special someone…
Leo needs a partner who is spontaneous, courageous, and appreciative…
But watch out… Leo faces a major challenge in love. They can move quickly and overlook red flags. Their grandiose tendencies can lead to resentments and their dominating nature can frustrate their partners.
Your man’s sign is known for fear of being overlooked or ignored but there’s actually more to it than that. He doesn’t just feel more secure when he has the spotlight. He has a deep fear of becoming unimportant and irrelevant.
Though he is entertaining and fun to be around, he secretly fears being bored or being boring to others. He fears he has nothing to offer others if he doesn’t keep others smiling and laughing.
His secret desire is to prove himself by being your knight in shining armor. He wants you to look up to him and see him as a hero. He takes criticism personally and can be sensitive to feedback because he wants you to admire him.
Your Leo man is eager to offer help and solve your problems. He wants you to look to him to as a celebrity and put him on a pedestal. He thinks the only way you’ll love him is if you can’t solve your problems without his strength, wit, and ideas.
Leo men are more inclined to commit to a relationship when you show your praise and adoration for him.
Your Leo man may seem to be the perfect partner image of strength and confidence, yet he has a secret he hopes you’ll never learn…
Leos project an image of strength yet they have a sensitive side that they want to hide from the world. They are hurt easily and criticism can devastate a Leo man.
You can reassure a Leo man if you acknowledge his sensitive side while pretending not to notice his vulnerable side. Leo men don’t want to seem weak and they try to hide their softer side.
Though he can be loving and devoted, your Leo man has certain needs that not just any woman can fulfill. To know how to be the perfect fit for him, you must understand his unique love style. You need to be careful to avoid common love mistakes and understand how to suit his specific personality.
Your Leo man is proud, loyal, and loving. He needs a partner who enjoys sharing adventures and is also encouraging and inspiring.
One look at the Sun card and you’ll understand why this is your Leo man’s power card.
Like the image on the card of a figure riding a horse beneath a shining Sun, wide smile showing enthusiasm, your Leo man illuminates others’ talents and potential. He’s inspiring and loves uplifting others. He is often successful because of his positive attitude.
This card reminds you that life with a Leo man can empower your confidence. Keep smiling and you can influence others.
You’ll need this reminder for the year ahead, a year when your Leo man can break new ground and rise to meet new opportunities. You’ll need to work on developing your confidence and express your unique talents as well.
I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profiles. But first… are you ready to learn more about your compatibility with {{his_name}} and how you can connect on a deeper level?
{{his_name}} is organized, methodical, and nurturing. He has a subtle and intellectual nature can be endearing. What people love most about his sign is how caring and responsible he is.
It’s true what they say, “A Virgo man finds the answers to any problem.”
His symbol is the Maiden and like the Maiden, he is obsessed with purity. He is attracted to sensible, intelligent women.
Earth: The Virgo element is earth and like this element he can be grounded, stable, and reliable.
The earth element gives Virgo men their practical and healing personality. Virgos are the most sensible and helpful of the earth signs, especially when it comes to establishing healthy routines.
Mutable: As a Mutable sign, your Virgo man is encouraging and can help draw from different talents to help others. He puts energy into nurturing your foundation.
Although there are three other Mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces) Your Virgo man is born under a Mutable earth sign. He uses his intellect and attention to detail to help others to find comfort and security.
Feminine: In astrology, feminine polarity speaks to your Virgo love’s tendency to be receptive and absorb energy from the outside world. He can be reliable, responsible, cautious and encouraging.
You may be wondering how his feminine energy manifests in a relationship. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Virgo man, your love’s polarity makes him a sensitive, receptive listener. He can be introverted and thoughtful, he is always eager to lend a helping hand. He looks to you to be assertive, secure, and reliable.
Your Virgo man’s sign is a conscientious helper and guide in part because Mercury is his planetary ruler. Mercury represents communication and analytical gifts.
It is a planet of learning, intelligence, and research. Mercury influences a Virgo man’s personality, making him cautious, intentional, and thoughtful.
Virgo men are subtle, understated, and helpful. They enjoy sharing their advice and offering to help you improve your health and finances. If you are receptive, health-conscious, intelligent, and well-read, you can attract a Virgo man.
When they love someone, Virgo becomes protective and can be cautious and anxious about their love interest. They are eager to help you grow but may also fret over your health and security. But don’t let this fool you. Virgo men come on strong but can give mixed signals. They go cold and can be cautious and distant.
They are romantic and want to share their lives with the right special someone…
Virgo needs a partner who methodical, responsible, and drama free…
But watch out… Virgo faces a major challenge in love. They can move slowly and miss opportunities. Their cautious tendencies can lead you to question their interest.
Your man’s sign is known for fear of messes and meticulous tidiness but there’s actually more to it than that. He doesn’t just feel more secure when his surroundings are clean and neat. He has a deep fear of germs and contamination.
Though he is vigilant about his health, he secretly fears being exposed to toxins or germs. He takes hygiene seriously and avoids affection and kissing unless you also are attentive to health and hygiene.
His secret desire is to be your perfect match. He wants you to look up to him and see him as a hero. He avoids commitment if he can’t be a perfect partner and provider.
Your Virgo man is eager to offer help and solve your problems. He wants to make you comfortable and secure and won’t move forward with a relationship if he is not in the best possible position to provide for you.
Virgo men are more inclined to commit to a relationship when they are financially stable and can solve your problems and provide a secure foundation for you.
Your Virgo man may seem to be the perfect partner. He is receptive, attentive, and caring. Yet he has a secret longing that can frustrate his partner…
Virgos rely on routines to succeed. They are rigid and inflexible. When your partner is a Virgo man you must be willing to stick to his schedules and timelines.
Even when a Virgo man is in love, he is not one to be spontaneous. He finds security and stability in his routines and thrives on repetition and predictability.
Though he can be loving and devoted, your Virgo man has certain needs that not just any woman can fulfill. To know how to be the perfect fit for him, you must understand his unique love style. You need to be careful to avoid common love mistakes and understand how to suit his specific personality.
Your Virgo man is faithful, loyal, and cautious. He needs a partner who can maintain a low key relationship and avoids drama.
The Judgement card represents your Virgo love’s personality. The Judgement card often depicts figures rising from graves embracing the call of Gabriel’s trumpet.
This morbid imagery symbolizes discretion, transformation, and evolution. Your Virgo man serves others and is discreet and analytical. He uses his intellectual skills to help others improve themselves and their paths.
This card reminds you that life with a Virgo is a path of constant growth and self-improvement.
You’ll need this reminder for the year ahead, a year when your Virgo man will use his discretion and analytical abilities to clear distractions and reset his priorities. You’ll need to work on personal growth and evolve with him.
I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profiles. But first… are you ready to learn more about your compatibility with {{his_name}} and how you can connect on a deeper level?
{{his_name}} is romantic, caring, and sensitive.
His compassionate and intellectual nature can be endearing. What people love most about his sign is how caring and responsible he is.
It’s true what they say, “A Libra man is a perfect partner.”
His symbol is the Scales and like the Scales, he must have balance and harmony. He is attracted to sensitive, beautiful, compassionate women.
Air: The Libra element is Air and like this element he can be creative, inspiring, and carefree.
The air element gives Libra men their compassionate and harmonious personality. Libras are the most romantic and artistic of the air signs, especially when it comes to establishing balanced partnerships.
Cardinal: As a Cardinal sign, your Libra man is inspiring and initiates change, encouraging others to follow their ideals.
Although there are three other Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn) Your Libra man is born under a Cardinal air sign. He uses his intellect and charm to help others to explore growth and leadership.
Masculine: In astrology, masculine polarity speaks to your Libra love’s tendency to be assertive and project energy into the outside world. He can be extraverted, imaginative, and charismatic.
You may be wondering how his masculine energy manifests in a relationship. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Libra man, your love’s polarity makes him a sensitive, receptive listener. He can be social and outgoing and balances his extroverted and assertive sides. He looks to you to be patient, receptive, and affectionate.
Your Libra man’s sign is a sentimental and charming companion in part because Venus is his planetary ruler. Venus represents loving and affectionate gifts.
It is a planet of partnership, compassion, and empathy. Venus influences a Libra man’s personality, making him affectionate, sentimental, and caring.
Libra men are encouraging, inspiring and playful. They enjoy sharing their experiences and love doing everything with their partner. If you are receptive, kind, intelligent, and well-read, you can attract a Libra man.
When they love someone, Libra becomes flirty and projects their hopes and ideals onto their love interest. They are eager to form a partnership but may waver. They are affectionate, devoted and loyal. But don’t let this fool you. Libra men come on strong but can give mixed signals. They go cold and can be cautious and distant.
They are romantic and want to share their lives with the right special someone…
Libra needs a partner who is gentle, kind, and empathetic…
But watch out… Libra faces a major challenge in love. They can become indecisive and miss opportunities. Their cautious tendencies can lead you to question their interest.
Your man’s sign is known for fear of missing out. He doesn’t just feel more secure when others take charge, he is perpetually procrastinating because he doesn’t want to be unfair and exclude any options. He has a deep fear of making the wrong decision.
Libra fears making mistakes because he thinks you will not forgive him if he lets you down. He avoids committing to one course of action because he doesn’t want to limit himself. And this can mean he avoids committing to you, even when he loves you.
His secret desire is to find a perfect partner. He may not be realistic and when a relationship becomes too challenging, a Libra man panics. He doesn’t know how to react when reality interferes with his perfect image of what love should be.
Your Libra man is eager to make you happy. He wants to be your Knight in Shining Armor but shies away from conflict and confrontation. He may back away from a relationship when things become too difficult or when you have complicated issues to resolve.
Your Libra man may seem to be the perfect partner. He is receptive, attentive, and compassionate. Yet he has a secret longing that can frustrate his partner…
Libra is the sign of the scales. He needs a partner who is his opposite in some way. He thrives in a relationship with someone who can balance his perspective and avoids people who are too similar to him.
Libra falls in love based on opposites attracting. He needs a partner who keeps his perspective open and flexible. He wants to learn new things from a partner who offers new insights.
Though he can be loving and devoted, your Libra man has certain needs that not just any woman can fulfill. To know how to be the perfect fit for him, you must understand his unique love style. You need to be careful to avoid common love mistakes and understand how to suit his specific personality.
Your Libra man is faithful, romantic, and artistic. He needs a partner who can engage in intellectual conversations and share his appreciation of the arts and humanities.
The Lovers card represents your Libra love’s personality.
The Lovers card often depicts a couple standing beneath the gaze of an angel. The image embodies balance, collaboration and of course, romance. Your Libra man is supportive, creative, and thrives in partnerships. Like the Lovers card, Libra must find a balance between opposites.
This card reminds you that life with a Libra man will open your mind to new perspectives. You’ll find empathy, love, and compassion at every turn.
You’ll need this reminder for the year ahead, a year when your Libra man will use his intellect and insights to help attract new opportunities that bring balance and harmony to his life. But there is no good without bad, no dark without light. The year ahead brings many reminders of the need for balance and perspective.
I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profiles. But first… are you ready to learn more about your compatibility with {{his_name}} and how you can connect on a deeper level?
{{his_name}} is enigmatic, seductive, and intuitive.
His intense and intellectual nature can be endearing. What people love most about his sign is how mysterious and charming he is.
It’s true what they say, “A Scorpio man is magnetically attractive.”
His symbol is the Scorpion, and like the Scorpion, he has a gift for finding power and truth in dark, hidden places. He is attracted to sensitive, deep, mysterious women.
Water: The Scorpio element is Water and like this element he can be deep, healing, and transformative. Also like water, your Scorpio man has many nuances. He can be still and reflective or tumultuous and stormy.
The water element gives Scorpio men their intense and emotional personalities. Scorpios are the most enigmatic and authoritative of the water signs.
Fixed: As a Fixed sign, your Scorpio man is tenacious and stays the course when he commits to a course of action.
Although there are three other Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius) Your Scorpio man is born under a fixed water sign. He uses his intellect and sensitivity to nurture others’ growth and success.
Feminine: In astrology, feminine polarity speaks to your Scorpio love’s tendency to be receptive and absorb energy from the outside world. He can be introverted, brooding, and intuitive.
You may be wondering how his feminine energy manifests in a relationship. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Scorpio man, your love’s polarity makes him a receptive, caring, intense lover. He can be social and outgoing and balances his introverted and assertive sides. He looks to you to be patient, receptive, and affectionate.
Your Scorpio man’s sign makes him a loyal, devoted, and affectionate partner. He can be a handful, but his energy is so intense it takes two planetary rulers to guide him.
Mars gives him spontaneity, energy, and confidence. He’s a natural leader and knows what he wants. Mars gives him focus, but his ambition and desires are further accentuated by Pluto.
Pluto gives your Scorpio man the power of transformation and close connection to the spiritual realms. His gift for initiating death and rebirth types of change can make him overpowering and dominating.
Scorpio men are obsessed with intimacy. They are highly sexual and also love emotional connection and deep, nurturing relationships. They enjoy sharing their experiences and love doing everything with their partner. If you are gentle, spiritual, emotional, and patient, you can attract a Scorpio man.
When they love someone, Scorpio becomes flirty but can project their fears and insecurities onto their love interest. They are eager to form a partnership but may waver. They are affectionate, and loyal. But don’t let this fool you. Scorpio men come on strong but go cold. They leave their love wondering the reason for their sudden emotional abandonment when they go cold. They may even pick arguments seemingly for no reason.
They are romantic and want to share their lives with the right special someone…
Scorpio needs a partner who is gentle, kind, and romantic…
But watch out… Scorpio faces a major challenge in love. They can become indecisive and miss opportunities. Their cautious tendencies can lead you to question their interest.
Your man’s sign is known for fear of being deceived. He doesn’t just feel more secure when he trusts you, he is perpetually looking for proof that you are lying to him or deceiving him.
Scorpio fears misplacing his trust. He needs control and never wants to be shown up as a fool. He undermines the relationship and sabotages himself because he fears being misled.
His secret desire is to have an advantage in the relationship. He wants to know your secrets but hide his own. This all comes down to Scorpio men having major control issues.
Your Scorpio man adept at making it seem like something is your idea when he’s actually pulling the strings behind the scenes. He knows how to influence others and can hide his controlling nature behind a veneer of benevolence and generosity.
Your Scorpio man may seem to be the perfect partner. He is receptive, attentive, and compassionate. Yet he has a secret Achilles heel that can interfere with his relationships…
Scorpio men have addictive personalities. They don’t know how to do anything in moderation. When they like you, they chase you obsessively. They bring the same intensity to their interests and hobbies.
Scorpios strive to be experts. They don’t want to dabble in various hobbies, they want to become experts. Scorpio’s lose sleep researching their interests, including their love interests. Rest assured your Scorpio man knows everything about you by the time he agrees to a date.
Though he can be loving and devoted, your Scorpio man has certain needs that not just any woman can fulfill. To know how to be the perfect fit for him, you must understand his unique love style. You need to be careful to avoid common love mistakes and understand how to suit his specific personality.
Your Scorpio man is romantic, and spiritual. He needs a partner who can engage in intellectual conversations and share his appreciation of the occult and mysteries.
The Death card represents your Scorpio love’s personality. The Death card often scares people, but this archetype represents deep change and transformation.
The card depicts a reaper-like figure and often includes imagery of submersion and rebirth. The Death card challenges your Scorpio man to confront his deepest fears and let go of control.
This card reminds you that life with a Scorpio man will bring change and transformation into your life.
You’ll need this reminder for the year ahead, a year when your Scorpio man will find new opportunities to release the past and embrace transformation.
I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profiles. But first… are you ready to learn more about your compatibility with {{his_name}} and how you can connect on a deeper level?
{{his_name}} is optimistic, generous, and charming.
His intense and intellectual nature can be endearing. What people love most about his sign is how entertaining, smart, and funny he is.
It’s true what they say, “A Sagittarius man can brighten any room.”
His symbol is the Archer, a centaur from mythology who quests for adventure and wisdom. Like the Archer, he has a craves excitement and loves the thrill of the chase. He’s attracted to outgoing, friendly, popular, and philosophical women.
Fire: The Sagittarius element is Fire and like this element he can be passionate, illuminating, and creative. Also the Fire element makes your Sagittarius man confident, assertive, and courageous.
The Fire element gives Sagittarius men their intense and dramatic personalities. Sagittarius is the most philosophical and thoughtful of the fire signs.
Mutable: As a Mutable sign, your Sagittarius man is flexible and adaptive. He can be a facilitator, bridging the gap among various groups of people.
Although there are three other Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces) Your Sagittarius man is born under a Mutable, Fire sign. He uses his intellect and creativity to adapt to changing times and connect with people from all walks of life.
Masculine: In astrology, masculine polarity speaks to your Sagittarius love’s tendency to be a leader. He is assertive and projects energy into the outside world. He can be creative, intellectual, grandiose, and passionate.
You may be wondering how his masculine energy manifests in a relationship. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Sagittarius man, your love’s polarity makes him a determined, caring, intense lover. He can be social and outgoing and looks to you to be patient, receptive, and affectionate.
Your Sagittarius man’s sign makes him an inspiring, fun, and affectionate partner. He can be a handful, but his energy is so intense because his planetary ruler is the giant of the cosmos, Jupiter.
Jupiter gives him grandiosity, energy, and confidence. He’s a natural leader and knows what he wants. Jupiter gives your Sagittarius man the energy of a Philosopher-King.
Sagittarius men are obsessed with freedom. They are compassionate and loyal but slow to commit because they never want to settle down and lose their independence. They enjoy sharing their experiences and love traveling with their partner. If you are spiritual, philosophical, and patient, you can attract a Sagittarius man.
When they love someone, Sagittarius is flirty but dodges commitment at first. They are affectionate and lusty. But don’t let this fool you. Sagittarius men come on strong but go cold. They leave their love wondering the reason for their sudden emotional abandonment.
They are romantic and want to share their lives with the right special someone…
Scorpio needs a partner who is gentle, kind, and romantic…
But watch out… Sagittarius faces a major challenge in love. They keep a distance no matter how much they love you. Their aloof nature can lead you to question their interest.
Your man’s sign is known for being frank. He doesn’t just tell you the truth as he sees it, he often blurts out his thoughts and can be abrupt.
Sagittarius men are friendly, loving, and philosophical, yet they don’t sugar coat communication. When Sagittarius has something on his mind he says it. He doesn’t think twice about how his words may affect you.
His secret desire is a long-distance relationship. He wants to enjoy love without losing freedom. As soon as a relationship becomes serious, he will find a reason to disappear.
He’ll call you from a location miles away and tell you he just went on a spur-of-the-moment vacation. If you question why he didn’t invite you, he’ll claim you’re cramping his style and acting needy.
Your Sagittarius man won’t become serious in love until he sees that you respect his space and freedom. Cling too tightly to a Sagittarius man and he will run for the hills. You must give him plenty of room to roam free.
Your Sagittarius man may seem to be the perfect partner. He is encouraging, passionate, and confident. Yet he has a secret Achilles heel that can interfere with his relationships…
For better or worse, Sagittarius men are grandiose. They don’t know how to do anything in moderation and they won’t shrink to fit others’ needs. They are seldom quiet and demure. When they like you, they chase you obsessively. They buy you expensive gifts and try to win you over by impressing you with their dreams and visions.
Sagittarius men tell you all about their extravagant achievements. Their stories are mostly true but often embellished. They overpromise and change focus frequently. Thus, if you expect a Sagittarius man to follow through on the details of his promises, you’ll be disappointed.
He has a big heart and big dreams, yet Sagittarius doesn’t always pay attention to detail. He skips over foundational steps and may overestimate himself or his resources. Money often burns a hole in the pocket of a Sagittarius man, he is the gambler of the zodiac.
Though he can be loving and devoted, your Sagittarius man has certain needs that not just any woman can fulfill. To know how to be the perfect fit for him, you must understand his unique love style. You need to be careful to avoid common love mistakes and understand how to suit his specific personality.
Your Sagittarius man is adventurous and spiritual. He needs a partner who can engage in intellectual conversations and share his appreciation of the occult and mysteries.
Although money can be easy-come-easy-go for your Sagittarius man, stick around long enough and you’ll see he is the luckiest man you’ve ever met.
Sagittarius are known for their luck, and the Wheel of Fortune tarot card is a reminder of this. He doesn’t commit to routines and schedules and is often late. But he has a gift for being in the right place at the right time.
The Wheel of Fortune tarot card reminds you that life with a Sagittarius man is full of surprises, and this includes surprise ups and downs.
You’ll need this reminder for the year ahead, a year when your Sagittarius man will once again roll the dice and take chances, leading to adventure, excitement, and new opportunities to grow and succeed.
I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profiles. But first… are you ready to learn more about your compatibility with {{his_name}} and how you can connect on a deeper level?
{{his_name}} is serious, hard-working, and traditional.
His chivalrous and old-fashioned style can be endearing. What people love most about his sign is how patient, nurturing, and reliable he is.
It’s true what they say, “You can set your watch by a Capricorn man.”
His symbol is the mythical Sea-Goat, a creature from mythology who quests blends practicality with the deep wisdom of subconscious emotional waters.
Earth: The Capricorn element is Earth and like this element he can be stable, secure, and unyielding. Also the earth element makes your Capricorn man stoic, confident, and humble.
The earth element gives Capricorn men their patient, practical personality. Capricorn is the most reliable, conscientious, and responsible sign.
Cardinal: As a Cardinal sign, your Capricorn man is nurturing and leads others through his patient, caring, and methodical approach. He can be a facilitator, encouraging others to learn from the past and make a solid foundation.
Although there are three other Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, and Libra) Your Capricorn man is born under a Cardinal Earth sign. He uses his instincts and unshakeable commitment to build the frameworks for social stability, benefiting future generations.
Feminine: In astrology, feminine polarity speaks to your Capricorn love’s tendency to be a receptive, stoic, diligent helper. He is holds space for others, absorbing energy from the outside world. He can be trustworthy, secure, and stable.
You may be wondering how his feminine energy manifests in a relationship. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Capricorn man, your love’s polarity makes him a determined, caring, traditional lover.
Your Capricorn man’s sign makes him an inspiring, fun, and affectionate partner. He is reliable, self-disciplined, and stoic because of his planetary ruler.
Saturn gives him persistence, patience, and a gift for timing and responsibility. He’s an old soul thanks to the influence of his planetary ruler, Saturn.
Capricorn men are obsessed with rules, order, and structure. They are loyal and nurturing but cautious. They want commitment but approach relationships slowly. They enjoy the idea of building a stable, concrete, and solid foundation for your future.
When they love someone, Capricorn is reliable, responsible, hard-working, and caring. They are affectionate but avoid public displays of affection. But don’t let this fool you. Capricorn men come on strong but go cold. They leave their love wondering the reason for their sudden emotional abandonment.
They are romantic and want to share their lives with the right special someone…
Capricorn needs a partner who is gentle, kind, and romantic…
But watch out… Capricorn faces a major challenge in love. They keep a distance no matter how much they love you. Their aloof nature can lead you to question their interest.
Your man’s sign is known for being into rules and order. He doesn’t just prefer structure, he thrives on control and often lives by tedious rules. In relationships, Capricorn often acts like a micro-manager, to the dismay of those closest to him.
Capricorn men have a lot to offer in relationships, but they can be too regimented for some people. Their best partners are earth and water signs who feel comforted and secure with his numerous rules and expectations.
His secret desire is a long-term relationship commitment. Just because Capricorn takes his time settling down doesn’t mean he isn’t serious about love.
He wants to ensure his relationship is going to last. A Capricorn man takes his time to be certain about you. But once he feels he can trust you and sees you are stable and reliable, he wants to settle down.
Your Capricorn man won’t become serious in love until he sees that you respect his time, work, money, and family. Show him you are resourceful and reliable.
Your Capricorns man has a quirky habit you won’t find with any other sign. He may be in love with you, but he still talks about the relationship like it was a business.
He thinks in terms of return on investment. He considers you an asset or liability. Yes, he knows you’re a person, but Capricorn can’t help putting the world into a black and white business paradigm.
The good news is, you can easily appeal to a Capricorn and get him to open his heart and let his guard down if you speak to him in financial and business terms.
Though he can be loving and devoted, your Capricorn man has certain needs that not just any woman can fulfill. To know how to be the perfect fit for him, you must understand his unique love style. You need to be careful to avoid common love mistakes and understand how to suit his specific personality.
Your Capricorn man is responsible and serious. He needs a partner who can help him create a legacy to leave to future generations. He craves a traditional home and family.
The Hierophant is also known as the Pope in some tarot decks.
This card is all about tradition, hierarchy, stability, and learning from the past. Your Capricorn man finds comfort and security in the archetype of the Hierophant. Wisdom from past experiences and safeguarding traditions is what Capricorn is all about.
The Hierophant tarot card reminds you that life with a Capricorn man is all about preserving wisdom from the past and honoring tradition.
You’ll need this reminder for the year ahead, a year when your Capricorn man will once again be called on to preserve family traditions and carry on important tasks to secure his legacy.
I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profiles. But first… are you ready to learn more about your compatibility with {{his_name}} and how you can connect on a deeper level?
{{his_name}} is exciting, outgoing, and quirky.
His intense and intellectual nature can be endearing. What people love most about his sign is how entertaining, smart, and unorthodox he is.
It’s true what they say, “An Aquarius man is unlike anyone else.”
His symbol is the Water Bearer, a symbol of innovation, futuristic insight, and technology. Like the Water Bearer your Aquarius man is rebellious and introduces new ideas to society. He looks for an outgoing, friendly, and innovative woman.
Air: The Aquarius element is Air, not water as some mistakenly believe. Like the element of air your Aquarius man can be carefree, inspiring, and exciting. The air element makes your Aquarius man creative, open-minded, and social.
The air element gives Aquarius men their intense and extroverted personalities. Aquarius is the most rebellious and intuitive of the air signs.
Fixed: As a Fixed sign, your Aquarius man is ambitious and determined. He can be an encouraging, inspiring force.
Although there are three other Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio) Your Aquarius man is born under a Fixed, air sign. He uses his intellect and creativity to encourage others to follow innovative ideas and greater vision.
Masculine: In astrology, masculine polarity speaks to your Aquarius love’s tendency to be outgoing and assertive. He projects energy into the outside world. He can be creative, intellectual, intense and gregarious.
You may be wondering how his masculine energy manifests in a relationship. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender
As an Aquarius man, your love’s polarity makes him a determined, adventurous, intellectual lover. He can be social and outgoing and looks to you to be independent, carefree, and thoughtful.
Your Aquarius man’s sign makes him an inspiring, fun, and futuristic partner. He can be a handful, but his energy is so intense because his planetary ruler is the rebel of the planets, Uranus.
Uranus gives him an eccentric, surprising, and shocking personality. Uranus helps your Aquarius man open his mind to erratic changes and spontaneity.
Aquarius men are obsessed with freedom.
They are shocking and erratic, and can be slow to commit because they never want to settle down and lose their independence. They enjoy sharing their experiences and love adventures and intellectual conversations with their partner. If you are spiritual, rebellious, and patient, you can attract an Aquarius man.
When they love someone, Aquarius is aloof but dodges commitment at first. They are full of surprises and love having a good time. But don’t let this fool you. Aquarius men come on strong but go cold. They leave their love wondering the reason for their sudden emotional abandonment.
They are romantic and want to share their lives with the right special someone…
Your Aquarius needs a partner who is distant, independent, and intellectual…
But watch out… Aquarius faces a major challenge in love. They keep a distance no matter how much they love you. Their aloof nature can lead you to question their interest.
Your man’s sign is known for being sincere. He doesn’t just tell you the truth, he often blurts out his thoughts and can be shocking.
Aquarius men are intense. They can’t hold back when they are excited and can be blunt and abrupt. When Aquarius has something on his mind he says it. He doesn’t think twice about how his words may affect you.
Aquarius men go to extremes, even in relationships. He is hot for you one moment and cold the next. He never outgrows this rollercoaster of emotions and burnout.
He wants to enjoy love without losing freedom. As soon as a relationship becomes serious, he will find a reason to disappear.
Your Aquarius man won’t become serious in love until he sees that you respect his space and freedom. Cling too tightly to an Aquarius man and he will ghost you.
Your Aquarius man’s biggest secret is that as much as he wants to be in charge of his own destiny, he feels lonely much of the time. He alienates himself with shocking and unpopular opinions.
Though Aquarius is ahead of his time, he often feels lonely because he burns bridges and keeps people at arm’s length. Aquarius men create self-fulfilling prophecies in which they push others away but then feel isolated and lonely.
Though he can be loving and devoted, your Aquarius man has certain needs that not just any woman can fulfill. To know how to be the perfect fit for him, you must understand his unique love style. You need to be careful to avoid common love mistakes and understand how to suit his specific personality.
Your Aquarius man is unorthodox and spiritual. He needs a partner who can engage in intellectual conversations and share his appreciation of the occult and mysteries.
The Star tarot card represents your Aquarius man for reasons that seem obvious when you study the symbolism on this card.
Like the Water Bearer, the figure on the Star card bears two pitchers of water, which she pours both onto the land and into a lake. The Star is a card of genius, breakthroughs, and epiphanies.
The Star tarot card reminds you that life with an Aquarius man is full of surprises, and this includes unexpected insights and breakthroughs.
You’ll need this reminder for the year ahead, a year when your Aquarius man will once again find adventure, excitement, and new opportunities to grow and succeed.
I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profiles. But first… are you ready to learn more about your compatibility with {{his_name}} and how you can connect on a deeper level?
{{his_name}} is emotional, sentimental, and empathetic.
His artistic and emotional nature can be endearing. What people love most about his sign is how clever, compassionate, and caring he is.
It’s true what they say, “A Pisces man wears his heart on his sleeve.”
Your Pisces man’s symbol is a pair of fish swimming in opposite directions. This reflects his nature as a mutable sign and also shows his dualistic and deep, emotional personality.
Water: The Pisces element is water. Like the element of water, your Pisces man can be loving, gentle, and emotional. He’s deep and attuned to his intuitive and spiritual nature.
The water element gives Pisces men their empathetic, healing abilities. Your Pisces man is creative and flexible, free-flowing like water.
Mutable: As a Mutable sign, your Pisces man is flexible and adaptive. He can be spiritual, empathetic, and inspiring. Your Pisces man knows how to adapt to his audience and can be flexible and open-minded
Although there are three other Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius) Your Pisces man is born under a Mutable water sign. He uses his intuitition and creativity to encourage others to follow innovative ideas and greater vision.
Feminine: In astrology, feminine polarity speaks to your Pisces love’s tendency to be reflective and introspective. His imaginative and receptive nature are created by his feminine energy.
You may be wondering how his feminine energy manifests in a relationship. In Astrology, like many metaphysical studies, the terms “masculine” and “feminine” refer to flow of energy, not gender.
As a Pisces man, your love’s polarity makes him a sensitive, caring, affectionate lover. He can be social but prefers connecting on a deep, emotional level.
Your Pisces man’s sign makes him an inspiring, fun, and compassionate partner. He can be sensitive, but his energy is so vulnerable because his planetary ruler is the deep, psychic healer and ruler of intoxication and subconscious realms, Neptune.
Neptune gives your Pisces man a spiritual, sensitive, and romantic side. Neptune perceives the depths of his emotions and encourages his creativity and imagination.
Pisces men are obsessed with emotional connection.
They are affectionate, empathetic, and eager to settle down and lose themselves in the relationship. They enjoy sharing their experiences and love spiritual and esoteric conversations with their partner. If you are spiritual, creative, and empathetic, you can attract a Pisces man.
When they love someone, Pisces is devoted and loyal. But don’t let this fool you. Pisces men come on strong but go cold. They leave their love wondering the reason for their sudden emotional abandonment.
They are romantic and want to share their lives with the right special someone…
Your Pisces needs a partner who is emotional, understanding, and spiritual…
But watch out… Pisces faces a major challenge in love. They are sensitive and often martyr themselves in relationships. Their self-sacrificing and people-pleasing nature can cause problems in the bedroom.
Your man’s sign is known for being sensitive. He doesn’t just understand your feelings, he can be a tuning fork picking up on your emotions and amplifying them.
Pisces men can be sensitive to a fault. They need plenty of reassurance and you may feel overwhelmed by their vulnerable, insecure nature. Watch how you communicate with Pisces. They are easily hurt and often read too much into your words or tone of voice..
Pisces doesn’t just fall in love, he becomes obsessed. Of course, what romantic woman wouldn’t want a perfect man like Pisces to be obsessed with them?
But for a Pisces man, love and devotion become extreme. He often takes people pleasing too far. He tries to change himself to please you and this spells trouble.
The best thing you can do is be compassionate toward your Pisces man while encouraging his boundaries and confidence. He will gladly give up his dreams and desires to focus on you, but this leads to resentments and burn out.
Your Pisces man can be his own worst enemy. People take advantage of him but he often sells himself short. Your Pisces man fears abandonment and rejection so he becomes accommodating and sometimes takes things too far.
He sometimes allows others to walk all over him. Your Pisces man hates setting limits, but this is one area in which he needs the most support. Your Pisces man may be over-accommodating and you may think he’s following your lead, but don’t take his placating nature- or him- for granted.
Though he can be loving and devoted, your Pisces man has certain needs that not just any woman can fulfill. To know how to be the perfect fit for him, you must understand his unique love style. You need to be careful to avoid common love mistakes and understand how to suit his specific personality.
Your Pisces man is loving and spiritual. He needs a partner who can engage in deep conversations and share his appreciation of the arts and humanities.
The Hanged Man seems ominous but it is the perfect archetype for your Pisces man. He’s self-sacrificing, but he also understands the value of accepting restrictions and limitations.
Like the Hanged Man, your Pisces love may find himself suspended in some challenging situations but through this change of perspective he gains wisdom and insight.
You’ll need this reminder for the year ahead, a year when your Pisces man will find new opportunities for growth, healing, and transformation.
I will send you many more secrets about your astrological love profiles. But first… are you ready to learn more about your compatibility with {{his_name}} and how you can connect on a deeper level?
“You can have the relationship you want!”
Anna Kovach is known as the most sought after relationships Astrologer and advisor to commitment-seeking women across the globe. Anna's guidance and astrological insights have helped countless women get the relationship they desire.
She is famous for saving 'failed' relationships, helping women secure their 'One' and showing seemingly incompatible couples “how to speak the same language.”
She uses her gift and knowledge of Astrology & relationship psychology to help couples connect and gain an intense understanding of each other. All through the power of practical and accurate astrological advice that anyone can apply to their relationship — just without the hype, overcomplicated professional terminology or vague and confusing astro-speak.
Copyright ~ Relationship Astrology