What To Do When A Guy Ignores You Based on His Zodiac Sign

Are you tangled up with a guy who suddenly seems to have started to ignore you? Maybe he just hasn’t noticed you and you wonder what you can do. Here are some helpful hints based on his sun sign.

When An Aries Man Ignores You…

When An Aries Man Ignores You - What To Do When A Guy Ignores You Based on His Zodiac Sign

If an Aries man is ignoring you it’s either because he’s not into you or he’s upset with you in some way. If he doesn’t know you like him; he may also be rather oblivious so it may take you stepping up for him to realize what is on your mind.

Now if you’ve upset him in some way and he’s giving you the cold shoulder; just give him a little time and space. He’ll likely get over it fairly quickly unless it’s something devastating.

Aries doesn’t stay mad very long so that is where you are in luck. If he isn’t into you though; he’ll go out of his way to stay away from you in all ways possible because he wouldn’t want you getting the wrong idea.

If he isn’t into you, there may not be much you can do. If he’s upset; he’ll get over it and you should be fine.

Now, if you’d like to fully grasp the Aries man in your life, go here.

When A Taurus Man Ignores You…

When A Taurus Man Ignores You - What To Do When A Guy Ignores You Based on His Zodiac Sign

Taurus men can be very stubborn. So if you’ve upset him; it may take him a bit of time to work past his feelings. To cope with him; you’ll need to allow him to take the time he needs and possibly space.

Unlike the Aries man; he’ll need a bit more space. It honestly depends on how upset he may be with you. If it’s something that isn’t a big deal; he may get through it quickly. If it’s something that really rattled him; he’ll need a bit of time.

If you’ve pushed a button that shouldn’t be pushed; he’ll likely give you the silent treatment. The only thing you can do is wait him out until he feels he can actually sit and talk to you.

He’s also not one to notice very easily if a woman is interested so if that’s the case; you may want to flirt a little.

Taurus men don’t have to be such a mystery though…learn all about him in my step-by-step guide to capturing a Taurus man’s heart.

When A Gemini Man Ignores You…

When A Gemini Man Ignores You - What To Do When A Guy Ignores You Based on His Zodiac Sign

With a Gemini man; it takes an awful lot to make him upset enough to where he would be ignoring you. Either that or he isn’t into you at all and doesn’t want to give off the wrong impression.

If you’ve been dating a Gemini man and he ignores you; it’s a possibility that he may just be very busy or distracted. They tend to take on many different projects or jobs so it’s not unusual for his mind to be elsewhere.

Now if he seems angry; you may just want to ask him what’s bugging him. He typically isn’t one that gives his lady the cold shoulder. He will be open and just tell you. If not; he may just break it off.

If it’s the case where you aren’t dating and are interested in a Gemini who isn’t paying attention; just simply flirt with him. He’ll get the picture.

To understand your Gemini man and read him like a book, check out my ultimate Gemini man guide.

When A Cancer Man Ignores You…

When A Cancer Man Ignores You - What To Do When A Guy Ignores You Based on His Zodiac Sign

The Cancer man doesn’t deal well with confrontation. If he’s ignoring you then it can only mean that you’ve said or done something that upset him. He may be quiet for awhile but it won’t stay that way.

This isn’t the type of guy to keep giving you the cold shoulder. If he doesn’t it will be short lived. As such he’ll probably open up to you when he feels comfortable enough to share his feelings.

It’s also possible that rather than ice you out; he’ll throw a fit in protest to whatever it is that he’s upset about. For him to ignore you would have to be something over the line.

If he’s ignoring you because he has no idea you have a crush on him; you may want to somehow find a way to let him know. All men are sometimes dense when it comes to knowing a woman wants them.

Learn ALL About Your Cancer Man Here Now >>

When A Leo Man Ignores You…

When A Leo Man Ignores You - What To Do When A Guy Ignores You Based on His Zodiac Sign

For this guy to ignore you; you may have done something to devalue him or someone he loves. Maybe you devalued yourself in some way and it made him upset with you.

Leo is often outspoken and will want to talk about whatever issues may be going on. Be honest with him and he’ll be honest with you. He isn’t one to draw back and ignore you. Talk to him and find out what’s on his mind.

However; there are times where he may feel that what he’s doing or thinking is more important or pressing and as such; he may blow you off. It isn’t because he wants to hurt you; he just isn’t seeing things the way you do.

He may try to cool things off or maybe even run if you chase him too much. He prefers a woman who allows him to do the chasing. He is after all; and alpha male.

Learn ALL About Your Leo Man Here Now >>

When A Virgo Man Ignores You…

When A Virgo Man Ignores You - What To Do When A Guy Ignores You Based on His Zodiac Sign

When a Virgo man ignores a woman; it’s likely either because he’s really upset about something or he’s found something he doesn’t like which makes him shut down.

If you’re dating a Virgo and he’s suddenly ignoring you; either he’s upset or he has found something in the relationship that made him uncomfortable. He doesn’t like confrontation but you do have a right to ask.

You may want to ask him in a very calm way what is on his mind. Perhaps a calm approach will allow him to feel safe enough to open up. If he’s mad though; he may need time to cool off and think about things.

There is also the possibility that he ices you out entirely. If he does this then he may be done with the relationship. You’ll need to figure out for yourself if you want to stick it out or move on.

If your Virgo man is still confusing you with his behavior, it’s time for you to take a very deep and detailed look into what’s going on in his mind.

When A Libra Man Ignores You…

When A Libra Man Ignores You - What To Do When A Guy Ignores You Based on His Zodiac Sign

Libra men are very sensitive and can get upset easily. If you said something that hurt his delicate nature; he’ll give you the silent treatment for sure. That means he’ll ignore you until you notice that he’s not speaking.

He actually wants to make it obvious to you that he’s upset without telling you because then you can realize how much you hurt him. Even if you don’t know what it is that you did; it may benefit you to just ask him flat out.

If you do not; you can expect to watch him mope around or to ignore your texts, calls, etc. If not completely you’ll notice how short he is with his answers. He won’t tell you anything unless you ask him what is going on.

The only other cause of a Libra man ignoring you would be that he’s totally not aware that you’re into him and would like to be more than friends.

Click here to learn more about your Libra man >>

When A Scorpio Man Ignores You…

When A Scorpio Man Ignores You - What To Do When A Guy Ignores You Based on His Zodiac Sign

The Scorpio man is an emotional one that doesn’t like anyone to know it. However; you know when he’s upset with you. He makes it quite obvious by his temper.

Ignoring you only comes when he’s already shown you his pinchers and you simply blew him off or you yourself ignored him. He needs reassurance that you’re there for him.

The first emotion the Scorpio male goes to is anger, then hurt, and then to the ignoring. If he’s gotten that far then things have definitely blown up and you need to find a way to calmly talk to him about it. I’d advise doing it as calmly as possible.

Unlike the other men; Scorpio is quite intuitive and can actually tell when a woman is into him. So if you aren’t dating him and he’s ignoring you; he alas may not be into you. He is a flirt but he also knows what he likes.

The Scorpio man is truly one of a kind…he can be yours…but only if you learn to fully understand him and Speak his language.

When A Sagittarius Man Ignores You…

When A Sagittarius Man Ignores You - What To Do When A Guy Ignores You Based on His Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius men are simple when it comes to what it means when he ignores you. He’s upset with you. It’s plain and simple; he has been hurt by you or is angry with you and doesn’t know how to process it.

The best thing you can do with him is to give him some time to cool off. He doesn’t stay angry for long typically so it shouldn’t take too long for him to come around and be ready to discuss it.

He will want to talk about what happened as he often will not want it to happen again. That means you will just have to be patient and wait for him to be ready to open up to you.

If you aren’t dating the Sagittarius of your interest and he is ignoring you; he’s just not interested. He does tend to know if a woman likes him. He doesn’t want to lead you on.

Click here to learn more about your Sagittarius man >>

When A Capricorn Man Ignores You…

When A Capricorn Man Ignores You - What To Do When A Guy Ignores You Based on His Zodiac Sign

This man can be a bit confusing. He gets really shy and can stumble over his words if he really likes a woman. This could sometimes seem as though he’s ignoring you. It’s a bit like the old story where he acts like a boy that doesn’t like you when he actually does.

There is also the ignoring that comes from having been incredibly hurt or pissed off. It’s a matter of figuring out which case it may be. You can typically figure out which it is by watching his actions.

While he may not talk or admit that he’s upset; his body language will give it away. Once you figure out what it is; you’ll need to figure out what you can do to fix things.

An apology is always a good start but sitting down and really listening to him may help him open up to you in a way he hasn’t before.

Learn ALL About Your Capricorn Man Here Now >>

When An Aquarius Man Ignores You…

When An Aquarius Man Ignores You - What To Do When A Guy Ignores You Based on His Zodiac Sign

Aquarius men appreciate their personal freedom. When he retreats to it by being quiet toward you; he may have been pushed over the limit. If you’ve been too pressing; he may be pulling back.

This man is typically thick skinned. He doesn’t get upset easily but if you belittle him in any way or make him feel less than what he is; he’ll bite back by completely ignoring you.

This is another guy that will need to have space and patience. Aquarius is one to quickly cut someone off if he decides that the woman isn’t the right match. However; if it wasn’t that big of a deal; let him cool down and come back to you.

Aquarius definitely doesn’t give off flirty vibes to anyone they aren’t interested in. If that is the case, you may want to move on. He knows what he wants and won’t entertain anything less.

If you’d like to learn more about your Aquarian man, go ahead and study my step-by-step guide to an Aquarius man’s heart.

When A Pisces Man Ignores You…

What To Do When A Guy Ignores You Based on His Zodiac Sign

The Pisces man is very sensitive and tender. It won’t take much to hurt him. He may not be quick to anger but he is quick to be wounded very deeply by words that you express.

If this is what has happened, you’ll need to do what you can to explain to him what it is that you meant and that you didn’t mean to hurt him. Of course; if you did mean to hurt him; you may want to re-evaluate your relationship.

Pisces men are dreamers and when his dreams are shot down by someone who verbally assaulted them; they will pull back and may not recover easily. He needs a patient, loving partner who will think before they speak.

Pisces is a flirt and isn’t one to ignore a woman who is crushing on him though he may not play into it. He will simply find a way to let you know he isn’t feeling it.

These are just basic facts about each man’s sign. However; there are always more factors that play in to why any of these men would be upset, why they would ignore you, and what it is you can do to rectify the situation.

Knowing whether or not you’re actually right for each other will help you strengthen your relationship or to help you move on with someone else who is better suited for you.

Did you know that Pisces is one of the hardest signs in the zodiac to understand? Find out more about your Pisces man here.

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