Weekly Tarotscope For October 31st – November 6th

Hello my darlings, welcome back to your weekly Tarotscope!

This time for October 31st – November 6th. I think the Universe has decided to take it easy on us all during Scorpio season because this week has only the Venus opposition to Uranus that we’ve seen last week.

Since there is so little going on as far as official aspects, that means that some of the energies that typically are noticed less become more pronounced since it’s all that we’re experiencing! 

What do I mean by that? Well, let’s take the concentration of planets in water signs right now. We see the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Scorpio as well as Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces and even Lilith in Cancer. These bodies are all in a trine to one another by sign. 

The lucky trine energy is normally defined by planets being in a closer alignment than just by sign, but this week things are quiet enough otherwise that this energy becomes more apparent. 

Many of us should be excited about this because the gentle and positive vibes brought forth by this subtle energy can set a backdrop of tranquility. 

More than influencing events, these alignments indicate a general feeling of contentment in the back of many people’s minds. This can be interrupted as stronger energies from your environment make themselves known but, with any luck, you’ll feel cool and calm. 

Scorpio is the predominant energy of the week, and we can’t forget that Uranus is still forming an opposition to Venus still. This only lasts for two days this week, so you’ll likely feel an energy shift. 

Venus opposite Uranus signals some shakeups within one’s relationships, especially romantic ones. Uranus guarantees some sort of upheaval or assertion of independence and in relationship to Venus, you or your partner may differ on ideas of how much independence should be acceptable within your relationship. 

Alternatively, you and your partner may distance yourselves from others and choose to be a more independent unit from other parts of your life. 

Without wasting any more time, let’s move on to the additional nuance the Tarot can provide this week.

Something interesting happened this week, as some astute signs may have noticed. Two signs got the same card this week, the 4 of Cups.

The meditative and introspective 4 of Cups has shown itself twice, which makes sense to me due to the extra potent water energies present this week!

This does not at all make your reading less interesting or special! It occasionally happens where more than one sort of person needs the same, or a similar message.

Find your Sun and Rising sign down below to find out more about how you should tackle this week to receive the best outcome.

Read next: Weekly Love Horoscope October 31st – November 6th


Weekly Tarotscope for Aries: Page of Cups 

Aries, the Page always represents movement and beginnings of some variety, and the Page of Cups is no different. This week could prove to be deeply emotionally vulnerable, but ultimately, you’re bound to see the benefit in the way that the Universe aligned events and people in your experience.

My Page of Cups card features a princess with a soft smile on her face, surrounded by symbols of love, peace, and the inner child. Look within this week and ask if your inner child and most vulnerable inner self needs some TLC. The Page would approve!


Weekly Tarotscope for Taurus: Queen of Wands

You’re radiant this week, Taurus. Uranus in your own sign may be sensing the ways that you feel subjugated by the disrespect of others. If you feel unseen or unheard, then this is your week. Your fighting spirit is revived and you’re powering forward based on keen insight and emotional attunement. 

Remember that the reason that the Queen of Wands is powerful is that her decisions are in alignment with all the elements. She is free to flex her fiery side because the rest of her is in alignment with her passionate words and actions. She’s empowered by her alignment, and she uses it as her greatest weapon. Ensure that your passions are directed by just as much inner congruity. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Gemini: Justice

Gemini, the Justice card indicates that a decision needs to be made one way or another, but what approach will you take? The figure on my Justice card has a double-edged sword suspended in front of her Chakras, symbolizing that she makes her decisions or ‘cuts’ only once she’s in alignment spiritually, emotionally, rationally, and Karmically. 

She considers all laws when she makes her judgment; she does not play favorites. This is your signal to move forward with what you know is right over what you’d really like to be right. And in your dealings with others, it’s important to have the whole story and to respond to their words and actions in a balanced and fair way. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Cancer: Four of Cups

Cancer, this week it could become apparent that you’re not quite emotionally content. There is something that has been bothering you or lingering energy that you wish wasn’t still affecting you. The Four of Cups asks that you find a place where you’re neither upset nor overjoyed, simply experiencing. 

The Four of Cups is an indicator of your attachment to negative emotion. The Four of Cups also shows the way out of this emotion though, and it is through getting presents and being quiet with yourself. When you meditate and otherwise practice mindfulness, you distance yourself from heavy emotions which allows a clear-minded approach to processing them. Close your eyes and say “oooommmm,” dear Cancer. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Leo: Strength

Leo, this card is representative of your own energy in the Tarot. This tells me that your natural, most positive urges are what you should focus on at this time. You are being asked to move forward with confidence in yourself. Not the type of fake swagger ego-based confidence. True faith in your abilities and your value that shines from within. 

More than relying on a generic ‘treat yourself’ mentality or uncaringly reciting self-love affirmations, show up with sustainable, real manifestations of your love for yourself. This means confidently cutting ties with those that bring you down and speaking less instead of more in petty conversations. Your light should shine so confidently that you don’t feel the need to dim the light of anyone around you. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Virgo: Two of Pentacles

Virgo, sometimes life feels like a juggling act, especially with someone as busy as Virgos tend to be. This week asks if you’re balancing out of fear of what happens if you stop, or if you are finding balance in order to harmonize with your most mature higher self.

You can strike a balance between the practical and the exciting this week, Virgo. You may be learning to integrate an interesting new project into your schedule while maintaining what needs to be done. This is a card of movement and the beginning stages of a new venture, so keep your eyes open for anything that screams ‘ready, set, go!’


Weekly Tarotscope for Libra: Four of Cups

Libra, this week you are being asked to pause in emotional reactions. The Four of Cups signals a need to shift to introspection. After a lot of intense emotional involvement in events out of your control, it’s important to be willing to step back. 

A concentration of planets in the sign of Scorpio tends to make you introspective to a fault, largely due to a feeling of isolation. This card encourages you to center yourself and become present in the moment. This allows the intensity of feeling to dissipate once some space between yourself is gained. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Scorpio: Temperance 

Scorpio, Temperance is the card representing alchemy and ‘tempering’ two opposite energies. This card indicates that your responsibility is to be an energetic alchemist this week. This card demands that the energy of your inner world combine harmoniously with the energy of the outer world. 

Temperance lives to strike congruity between the outside and inside. Thus, you’ll be tasked to correct internal double standards and to express your inner self more to make a mark on the world around you. Your (sometimes) tightly locked emotions can’t always be put away into their own corner. Your experience of the world is meant to also change the world! That can’t happen when you don’t expose the two to one another. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Sagittarius: Death

Sagittarius, the Death card signals an ending, but also a new beginning. This card rarely comes with a dead, flat “end” with no epilogue attached. Instead, this card promises some discomfort but also a fresh perspective and perhaps new opportunities that arise after. 

Sagittarius, some part of your life has been in a cycle and this week it feels like it’s coming to a close. With all the water energy present, my bet is that you’re ending an emotional attachment. This hurts and is deeply uncomfortable, but as I said, this transit indicates that a new beginning (perhaps pointing to even better things) is on its way. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Capricorn: Five of Swords 

Capricorn, the Five of Swords tells me that some discord has crept into your life. Perhaps it feels like attempting to translate cloudiness and confusion with light and clarity. Your head can feel as if it’s in disarray, almost as much as the world outside of your own anxieties. 

This card is a hard lesson since it indicates that you must step backward out of the confusion and tumult to find a bit of clarity. The key is not to feed into upsetting situations. Perhaps you can’t change your external world right now, but you can get quiet enough internally to make your inner self a safer feeling place to be than outside reality. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Aquarius: King of Pentacles 

Aquarius, as your chart ruler (Uranus) is in relationship to Venus, it seems that you’re reaping some rewards from the planet of Earthly delights and riches. You’re meant to step into your power as a master manifester and ruler of your own experience here on Earth. 

Uranus in relation to Venus signals that you’re in a position to see the ways to abundance with clearer eyes and more self-assurance. You are trusting your ability to move forward to keep your physical needs in alignment through your ultimate faith in the fact that the Universe will always provide. 


Weekly Tarotscope for Pisces: Knight of Cups 

Pisces, the Knight of Cups charges forward over the sea on his white horse; gallant, brave, and sensitive. He does not shy away from deep emotions, but rather sees their utility and the great role they play in attaining a fulfilling life. 

This card urges you to move forward with your emotions. Find a balance between your emotions and the world of spirit. Your subjective emotional experience is meant to coexist with the higher order of your life this week. Do not shy away from deep connections, intimacy, or romance. Instead, charge forward!

Read also: Weekly Love Horoscope October 31st – November 6th

Wrapping Up

Wow, my dears – I was a little taken aback by the profundity of the cards this week! I can honestly say I was really connecting to the messages this week and I am sure that some of that will come across to you. 

Some signs always ask me, but what do the cards say about love? Like Astrology itself, the signs requesting love readings tend to move in cycles!

Have you yet checked the free three-card Tarot reading my friend Angel Adams gave me permission to share with you?

I’ve heard some awe-struck reviews attesting to the accuracy, so I encourage you to take a peek at what the cards have to say about your love life. 

Wishing you all the love in the Universe.

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach


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