Weekly Tarotscope for January 30th – February 5th

Hello, sweethearts! Hope your week is going well. Do you feel a sense of peace in the air? It’s because there are no major events happening in the sky at the moment. Thank goodness for that! 

Take advantage of this opportunity to absorb everything that happened astrologically in December and January. Everything seems to have calmed down in February. This is going to change in a few months, so let’s take advantage of it now. 

Hopefully my tarot reading this week will provide you with the guidance you need to live the life you’ve always wanted! I am so happy that I am able to assist you with self-improvement and self-assessment with tarot. 

For the most accurate reading, I recommend reading your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign. Embrace what resonates and let go of what doesn’t!

Read also: Weekly Love Horoscope January 30th – February 5th

Aries – Queen Of Pentacles

Your nature is generous, you want to give to people and make them feel loved and cared for. You are so kind and caring, and you wouldn’t hesitate to do anything to provide for the people in your life you love most. You are a powerful leader because of this. Believe in your giving nature if you want to be abundant. 

The more you believe you deserve everything you desire, the more likely it is to come true. You only need to believe in yourself and in the world around you to manifest security in your life.

Don’t forget to give to others graciously, but don’t forget to meet your own needs first. If you take care of yourself first, then it will be much easier for you to make room for others. If your cup is empty, you cannot give.

If you have a lack mentality, this lesson is especially important. You will keep attracting this energy into your life if you think you have so little. You will continue to attract these high vibrations of energy if you affirm to yourself that you have so much!

Taurus – Eight Of Pentacles

You can reach your goals if you put in the effort and put the time in, but don’t give up just yet. To achieve your dreams, you have to work hard and be determined. 

As a result, you should never give up on falling in love. For love to come true in your life, you must believe in it. Hope and belief give us a purpose to continue, even in the darkest days. Don’t give up on hope!

Being on your own might seem like a sacrifice, but it gives you the perfect chance to get to know yourself better before entering into a relationship.

 You should use this time to figure out who you are and what you want in life and love. 

By knowing who you are on your own, you will be able to show up better for your partner in the future.

Gemini – Justice

You face many choices every day, and these choices can range from small to life-altering. Every choice you make has an impact on your life and the lives of those around you. Considering everything carefully is therefore so important. 

During this week, you may learn that every action has a consequence, so think carefully before making any decisions. It is important for you to speak goodness in your words and actions because Karma is always watching. 

Don’t forget that what goes around, comes around. The amazing thing about life is how things always work themselves out to reach a greater balance for us all. Therefore, don’t worry about seeking retribution from those who have hurt you, because life will always sort itself out. 

You can do nothing more than act with honor and integrity in your life, the rest will take care of itself. 

Cancer – Nine Of Pentacles 

Having a sense of security in your life is perhaps the most satisfying feeling in the world. Moments when nothing matters and you don’t have a care in the world. There are moments in life that make it worthwhile to live. 

The best part is that you did it yourself, no one did it for you. Self-worth is something you can only truly understand after a lot of hard work. You must prioritize it every day if you want to thrive properly. 

You need to stop putting others ahead of yourself, and realize that you are number one in your life, not anyone else. It’s important to stand up for yourself!

No, this isn’t conceited or self-centered; it means you respect yourself, know your boundaries, and know what you are worth. You are more wonderful than you could ever imagine, so don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. You will recognize this in yourself, and others will as well!

Leo – Four Of Cups

You may gain some interesting insights about your life this week. Do you ever feel bored in your life? You feel like nothing excites you anymore, and you just go through the motions day after day. It’s time for a change…

To find joy and excitement in your life, you need to try something new. Despite all the disappointments and heartbreaks in your life, there is always the opportunity to grow and make changes. 

However, you shouldn’t close your heart to the outside world. Allow yourself to breathe deeply and accept the fact that you are once again able to love. When it comes to relationships, there is always a risk involved. Don’t be afraid to have fun out there!

There’s nothing worse than monotony and boredom in life. Don’t be afraid to experience new things and let new people into your life. Stop holding yourself back from living the life you’ve always dreamed of. 

Virgo – Two Of Swords

You can be prone to overthinking and overanalyzing as a Virgo.  Surely you are well aware of your tendency to be quite indecisive when it comes to making decisions. You may feel one way one moment, and then another. It’s going to be a challenging week for you this week. 

When you find yourself in a stalemate, torn between two decisions, you may experience quite a heavy burden of inner conflict. There’s nothing good about this. You should step away from the situation and reassess it. It’s up to you to decide what you really need. 

Weighing up the pros and cons of each option will allow you to gain greater clarity about where you are truly leaning. Make big decisions only after you have given yourself some time to think about what you actually want. 

Do not beat yourself up for not knowing what is best for you, be patient with yourself. In the midst of the chaos, take as many deep breaths as you can and find the situation that makes you feel the calmest. 

Libra – Temperance

It’s all about taking one small step at a time this week. Don’t forget, life isn’t a race, but a marathon, and patience and perseverance are the keys to success. Make this week a week of harmony and balance. 

Keep your movements moderate and avoid extremes. It’s all about controlling yourself in challenging situations. When making decisions, do you act with grace or do you rush? 

Take a step back and reevaluate the situation if something upsets you this week. It is important to find a way to step into the center and not lose yourself in the extremes. 

Don’t rush yourself or others. Just be patient. All should be well if you think before you act. 

Scorpio – Four Of Wands

There is something to celebrate this week. In addition to celebrating the high points in your life, you should also honor the low points. Even if only you notice your progress, you deserve to be recognized for what you’ve accomplished. 

The acceptance you receive from others can sometimes be a little easier to swallow than the acceptance you receive from yourself. Well done, you’ve worked hard and sacrificed a lot to get here, so give yourself a pat on the back! 

Enjoy the peace and harmony in your life at this moment in time. It is a time of respite and a sigh of relief. You should be able to take advantage of more happy opportunities when you feel this good. 

As you feel better about yourself and your life, you will attract this kind of energy. Stay positive!

Sagittarius – Six Of Cups

Although you are quite nostalgic by nature, you may experience a flood of memories this week. It is possible that you find yourself thinking about old connections, memories, and relationships from the past. 

This is murky water, so tread carefully. Have you been living in the past because you can’t handle the reality of today? Getting out of this slippery slope is very difficult. 

You can damage your confidence by constantly thinking about the “what ifs?” of your life. There’s no point in berating yourself for the choices you’ve made in the past if you don’t deserve it. 

You cannot change certain things in your life, and you should leave them behind. Let go of the guilt you feel about the things you once did. 

Keep your focus on the present by avoiding the past’s mistakes. 

Capricorn – King Of Pentacles

Everything you want in life is possible, but it will take a lot of hard work and determination to get there. It is important for you to accept responsibility for your own actions. 

In blaming others for the negative aspects of your life, you are only making yourself the victim, and by claiming the victim role, you only deprive yourself of your own power. There are many more magnanimous things in you than you can ever imagine. 

The time has come for you to take control and recognize that you are in control of your destiny. Listen to yourself, establish better boundaries in your relationships, and don’t do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. 

Embrace all the wisdom you’ve acquired over the years and start living according to it. The patterns of your life are clear to you, so why not change them? Take a chance on something new.

If you put in the effort, you can accomplish anything.

Aquarius – The Devil

This life is filled with mystery and magic, and sometimes these experiences may seem strange and unusual. The Universe is sending you these messages to sit up and pay attention. You are being guided by your inner guidance. 

Why do we ignore this little voice inside our heads so often? Why do we ignore what our intuition tells us? As a result, the ego comes along and decides what we should do and how we should think. 

Our natural tendency is to put ourselves in bad situations just because we know what to do and there is a sense of safety in familiarity. In reality, this will only enslave you and perpetuate the cycle of “not being good enough.” 

You are bound by these shackles. Because you possess more power than you can imagine, no one is forcing you to be in a bad situation. Live your life to the fullest by breaking free. 

Pisces – The Tower

Although you might start the week off on the wrong foot, don’t worry, we all have good days and bad days, and this is just a chance for you to reassess. It’s important to make peace with the fact that not everything goes as planned. 

At first, disruptions to your plans may seem challenging, but I view them as an intervention from The Universe to get you back on track. In most cases, if things don’t work out, it means you weren’t meant for them.

Acceptance can be difficult, but you have to learn to surrender to the process. It is suffocating to hold on too tightly to someone or something. You can set something free if you love it. 

You might find it difficult to walk away from something you care about, but closing one door will help you open a new one. 

My Final Wishes For You This Week

Keep dreaming, sweetheart. It is so important that you keep yourself positive and believe in the possibilities of your life. There is so much worth living for, so don’t give up. Recognize that you are such an amazing woman and you have so much to share with the world. 

With, or without a man! It is important to realize that you are so much more than being defined by your relationship status. That should only be one aspect of your life, so don’t reduce yourself to such a small possibility. 

Because your potential is endless, you just need to keep believing in yourself and you will see how quickly your life changes into something beautiful. 

Goodness knows that we all can use some assistance in the realm of romance! Because of that, I’ve partnered with a friend to provide you all with this amazing love and romance three-card tarot draw.

I can attest to the power and accuracy of this tool personally.

I hope my advice this week has helped you in some way and I really hope you are open to listening to my suggestions. Please leave me a comment below and let me know what is going on in your life right now. I would so love to hear from you. 

Wishing you so much love

Your friend and relationship astrologer 

Anna Kovach

17 thoughts on “Weekly Tarotscope for January 30th – February 5th

  1. Hi, I’ve had a life full of trauma & I’m a grieving mother. My oldest son Michael was my soulmate he died on 8-31-17. I’ve been Mentally & emotionally abuse by my ex & my husband since I was 15yrs old. I’m done! I’m just starting to learn to live again. My husband hides all the money so I can’t leave, I’m working on ways to make money as I’m disabled Mentally and physically. So I ask you please help me. I don’t need anyone else lying to me. I take anymore being taken advantage of. I need someone in my corner. Everyone abandoned me after my son died, I have no friends

    1. Dear Tammy,

      I am truly sorry for all that you went through. Please email me with your date of birth and I will make sure to provide proper guidance.

  2. Anna my name is Joyce and I am seeing a guy I went to school with. We have been seeing each other about a year. He was and still is in a relationship. The girl is in real bad health. I am having a very hard time letting go of him,but I feel we have no future. Can you please give me some in sight for the future?

  3. I’m not sure where my situation is going with a particular man that I’m really interested in. I have friends, but there’s one I really have hopes for.

  4. Me and soon to be ex husband are no longer living together and are on the verge of a divorce. Do you see us getting back together or do you see something else that is different? Can you please tell me what you see and what I should do? Thanks

  5. I fell for a Aries man one day he was hete n two days later he sent a message through a family member that he wanted nothing to do with me.He blocked me .now5 months later after he said he never wanted to talk to me or text he unblocks me.whats this all about.im scared to text back because he showed my text to my family and he belittled me for no reason..I still care for him.Am I crazy?I want to be with him after what he did…he’s texted me twice I answered the first one but not the second

    1. Hi Sandra,

      What he did was disrespectful and you should not settle for that. He wants to fulfill his own needs, not very much concerned about the needs of others. You shouldn’t have to deal with a man who is disrespectful and rude.
      I hope you will meet a man who will love you and appreciate you.

    1. Dear Terrie,
      You can tell him your viewpoint, ask him how he sees this relationship going but ultimately, tell him that you’ll be there for him no matter what he does. This is a very important secret to a happy relationship with a Pisces man. Talk to each other about important things. Make him feel like he’s in control because if there’s chaos in a situation, Pisces will stay away from it at all costs. Once you have his mind, you will also gain his heart. Keep the conversation alive, don’t sound needy or clingy. He wants no hard talk, no judging and accusations.

  6. Hello Anna, thank you for bringing clarity to me with certain situations, I really appreciate it My life is not how I want it to be, but I’m not complaining because it could be worse. My love life looks like crap at the moment. But I am also working on me to my best ability and loving it. I just need to let certain people out my life that I feel like their blocking blessings. I hope all is well with you 💞

    1. Dear Tyesha,
      Yes, I agree.Those who don’t know your worth and who don’t appreciate you should not be a part of your life. Love and respect yourself and beautiful things will happen!

    1. Hi Jaraya,

      I would say intensity because you both create drama as you move forward through life, and love the idea of an epic love story, so when you first meet, there is bound to be a strong attraction, almost from another life. As your differences emerge, you can brace yourself for a bumpy ride that will certainly be interesting and adventurous.

  7. Hey Anna,
    thank you so much for all your inspiration tips and advices.
    I have really tried so much to have my picse guy take things to another level but all in vain,
    i have finally given up.
    i have decided to let it go and start a new life.
    hopeful i will get another man to love me soon

    1. Hi Janet,

      Better start a new journey thinking that everything happens for a good reason.
      You need to appreciate and love yourself so much to the point that your energy rejects anyone who doesn’t know your worth.
      Always remember, you deserve to be loved and respected.
      I truly believe that there is someone else out there who will be everything you ever hoped for.

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