Weekly Tarotscope For February 6th – 12th

Hello, my gorgeous angels! Isn’t it a beautiful day to make magic happen? Ah, I have been loving the energy of February. Venus in Pisces makes me feel so loved up!

I know you all think I help you, but the truth is you really help me and give me an amazing purpose for my life. I don’t know where I would be without your support and generosity. It means the world to me that you all trust me so much to guide you on the process of becoming stronger women, but also finding that perfect relationship. 

I love this community! All of my readers are my manifestation come true and I think that is amazing. All it took was a dream and the hard work to get here. It just shows you what we are all capable of!

I sincerely hope that this reading brings you the clarity you need for whatever situation you have got going on in your life currently. I love how the Tarot can make the message so obvious and help guide us forward. 

Please remember that my advice is to read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for the most accurate reading. Just take what resonates and let go of everything that doesn’t feel like it is serving your greater purpose! You have got this girl!

Read also: Weekly Love Horoscope for February 6th – 12th

Aries – Page of cups

This card tells you to go to water, Aries, despite your fire! Your emotional needs deserve to be met, love. You know what you need. Be careful not to rely on your partner or romantic life for everything! It’s up to you to be your own emotional rowboat. 

Do you have a therapist, friend, or coach that you can lean on? You are fully capable of setting up the support structures that you need, just reach out and ask for help. 

What creative outlets do you have to channel your emotions? Maybe you like painting, writing poetry or dancing… Keep moving, keep flowing and your intuition will flow through you.

Remember you are a channel. Perhaps you are holding emotions that are not only yours but a reflection of those around you? Let those go and only hold on to those that belong to you. 

Taurus – The Hermit

Is your loneliness getting to you lately? Taurus, you are always moving between periods of being super social and then being on your own. Take some time to embrace this part of yourself and step into the Hermit’s cave. The darkness may enrapture you, but beyond it is light.

Even within a long-term relationship, there are cycles of separation and connection. If you’re an introvert you may need extra time on your own. Make sure to get some alone time at home to channel energy inward. 

Connecting deeply with your own inner truth will support your relationships going forward. What is it that you truly want from a partner? How can you show up as the best version of yourself? What lights you up? Find your own light within the void. 

Gemini – 6 of Cups

It’s a very sweet and nostalgic reading this week… The 6 of Cups relates to childhood; perhaps you have reconnected with a childhood sweetheart or you have simply reconnected with your inner child.

With this card, there is a nurturing element that indicates a loving relationship, as well as the possibilities that come with it. There is a sense of safety here. A harmonious, equal, and giving-and-receiving balance exists. Are you willing to let go of control and surrender? Is it possible for you to embrace a childlike innocence?

Consciously spend some time thinking of yourself as a child. What do you love about her? Can you step past the shame, the sense of not-enoughness? How can you bring out your playful side and indulge your partner?

Your soft side deserves love. Be youthful a bit. Let yourself be wild and free. Answer to the call of your soul’s song. 

Cancer – 2 of Swords

Indecision is the classic card. Water signs are prone to getting stuck in their feelings and forgetting logic sometimes. There may not be a clear rational choice for you, and arguing with yourself won’t help… What else can you do? The practice of patience is always a good one. Would you be able to sit in this unknown space? 

What about your intuition? Make that inner voice be heard.

The number two often represents relationships in the Tarot. Maybe the time has come to choose between two lovers or two jobs? You may be a bit of a dreamer so remember to come down into your body and check in with your corporeal needs. 

There might be a blockage or something you’re deliberately looking away from. What have you been trying to hide from in your mind? How can you stay connected to your body to help you to connect to your mind and what your gut is saying?

Leo – The Emperor

It seems that something has been going right for you! Known for your hard work, you deserve your moment in the spotlight. The Emperor is stable, grounded, and powerful. Get it, babe! It may indicate an older man and a relationship with him. Nothing like sexy older energy to get a girl going!

You’re at the pinnacle of success and reached a point where you feel in control of your life. You know how to speak your truth and ask for what you want. Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve.

If you’re struggling in your love life, remember to stay rooted in your inherent worth. Your relationship reflects your inner world. If there are communication issues, maybe spend some time unpacking how to speak to yourself?

But don’t forget to let your hair down and have some fun as well!

Virgo – 5 of Wands

Good times come and go, and you’ll be up again soon. Things have been going well, until now… Concerning matters of the heart, the 5 of Wands represents conflict, confusion, and a lack of clarity. You may find this to be quite a challenging time in your life. 

You can certainly be a bit spicy, dear Virgo! You know what you want and sometimes you tend to be a little critical, so watch out. This may be an invitation to look at your own actions and think carefully before you speak. You may easily set something on fire with a big argument! Can you speak truthfully and lovingly?

If you’re single, is there more than one man fighting for your attention? This isn’t a great time to make a call here, perhaps wait another week or two before making your decision. Bridges may get burned, so tread carefully. 

A retreat or alone time in nature may be a good way for you to pause.

Libra – 3 of Pentacles

It is now a time for things to move, three is a dynamic number, and in pentacles, represents movement in areas such as work, finances, family, or relationships. Anything having to do with the material world. How about some teamwork?

How can you invite the help and support of your community? You don’t have to do it alone, you know! Dearest Libra, you are extremely capable; grounded, and driven. But you’re still a human and we all need a little help from our friends. 

What are your unique skills and talents? How are you sharing these with your wider network? Are there some spaces where you can drop some tasks and have someone else fill in the gaps? 

Keep moving, you’ve got this! 

Scorpio – 9 of Wands

It’s time to pay attention, girl! Things are looking up for your love life, and there might be something exciting around the corner. There’s a shift happening and you’ll have something to celebrate soon, whether you’re in a relationship or single.

The wands are the fire element and thus connected to your heart; your dreams and desires. You may have a tendency to move quickly through passions and that’s ok… but are you sure you want a long-term relationship right now? If you do, compromises may need to be made. 

Here’s an invitation to reflect on where you are right now. What steps have you taken to get here? What served and what didn’t? You’re reaching the completion of a cycle and starting to think about the next. 

What does your ideal love-life look like?

Sagittarius – Strength

There is no doubt that this is a positive sign for your love life! Symbolizing passion, compassion, and inner strength, Strength is a wonderful card. If you’re in a relationship, it’s probably well-balanced, heartfelt, and soul-full. I love it!

You haven’t always had the easiest time managing your emotions, dearest Sagittarius. Either you’re hiding them deep within yourself or using them as a form of escapism and never touching the surface of what you are feeling. Well, now is the time to master this aspect of yourself. 

What strengths lie within your heart? Can you express yourself with empathy? You are being called into the light. You have the power to cultivate spaces of safety within yourself and within your relationships. 

How will you choose to show up today?

Capricorn – The Empress

Dear Capricorn, here is a lovely card for you. There is a sense of sensuality about you. You’ve travelled a long way to get here, but you’ve made it. Empress symbolizes fulfillment, satisfaction, and celebration of life and love. 

The major arcana cards signify a moment on your soul’s path so this is big! Perhaps you tend to take life seriously; working hard and keeping your emotions deep inside yourself. The Empress invites you into a softer side of yourself while remaining grounded in your own essence. 

Take yourself or someone else on a date this week. Maybe a walk on the beach or in the forest? Write a list of everything you have created this year and take a moment to reflect on everything you’ve worked hard to achieve. It doesn’t have to be an empire to be important!

You deserve a break. Whatever that means to you. 

Aquarius – 2 of Cups

Greetings, sweetheart! As a card of partnership, the 2 of Cups is very similar to the Lovers card, so it’s a good sign for relationships and love! Recently, have you met someone new? You might find someone right around the corner if you keep your eyes open. 

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, there’s always an opportunity for inner work. How can you celebrate and love yourself with a beautiful intimacy? Aquarius, you are always looking for ways to stand out. Doing the work within reflects back into your outer world. 

Relationships, new or old, take a commitment to unity and harmony. Can you find new ways to look at your partner, even if you seem to be stuck in the same old pattern? 

You have a tendency to look at the world through rose-tinted glasses and this is the perfect moment to embrace that side of yourself! 

Pisces – 5 of Swords 

Pisces, the fives are some of the most challenging cards in the tarot. The time you are in is important and necessary for your growth, even though it may not be the most desirable card. Conflicts in your relationships or within you may be troubling you. 

Swords represent communication. Can you speak your truths without cutting so deep? Are you able to tune into a place of calm within the chaos? Movement, change, and the transition is happening, can you flow in peace or will you succumb to the anxiety? 

Balance can trip up sometimes. When is it a good time to walk away? Surrender doesn’t always mean failure. 

Perhaps there are a few guys competing for your attention. Keep your own council and all will be revealed in time, don’t you worry. 

Read also: Weekly Love Horoscope for February 6th – 12th

Love And Light

Thank you so much my lovelies for taking the time to read your weekly tarotscope! I hope it had some significance on your current situation and that it can help you in making better choices for the week ahead.

I am so grateful to each and every one of you who trusts me enough to come back here time and time again. I do this all for you! The way I share my blessings and gifts with the world is what I wish for all of you.

You have so much to offer, so don’t doubt yourself for one second!

Please also let me know what sign you are and what is going on in your life right now? Hearing from you all gives my life so much meaning! Thank you so much for your love and support, it means the world!

Have you yet checked the free three-card Tarot reading my friend Angel Adams gave me permission to share with you?

I’ve heard some awe-struck reviews attesting to the accuracy, so I encourage you to take a peek at what the cards have to say about your love life.

Wishing you all the love in the Universe.

Your sister and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

2 thoughts on “Weekly Tarotscope For February 6th – 12th

  1. Pisces.
    I have found a long distance love on a dating site. We have talked there for 2 years, 2 months. He says he is coming to my country to meet in June / July this year. Hope it is true. I ended an unhappy relationship 3 years ago but the ex keeps causing issues and tries to turn the daughters against me if he sees men with any male. He has moved directly across the road in last 2 months. I struggle financially. I just want a happy, normal life with my adult children and live my life out with the love of my soulmate and daughters ✌🤞🙏🕊😊

  2. Hello Anna, thank you so much for your readings. They help me in my journey of peace and perspective of life. I’m a Pisces and sometimes feel like I’m always swinging in circles. Thanks again.


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