Weekly Tarotscope for April 17th – 23rd

Hello, Beautiful Souls,

Welcome to our weekly Tarot love readings for the week of April 17th – 23rd, where we delve into the mystical messages of the cards. Before we begin, have you had the chance to explore the free three-card Tarot reading that my dear friend Angel Adams has kindly allowed me to share with all of you? The astonishing accuracy of these readings has garnered rave reviews, so don’t miss the opportunity to uncover what the cards reveal about your love journey.

This week, there’s a palpable sense of slowing down as Mercury prepares to go retrograde in Taurus, and we find ourselves in the waning crescent phase ahead of the new moon on Saturday. It’s an ideal time to step back, relax, and recuperate. Embrace the natural inclination to pause and consider your options, as the upcoming weeks will bring new information to light.

With Sun entering Taurus and nearing a square with Pluto, it’s crucial to tap into your emotional intelligence and be mindful of the subtle messages in your relationships. Be an intuitive detective, paying attention to what lies beneath the surface. Remember, it’s okay to take it easy and not stress over things outside of your control. Make sure to finalize any admin, paperwork, or learning before the retrograde period kicks in.

Prepare for a week of introspection and heightened intuition as we unravel the wisdom of the Tarot to guide us on our love-filled journey. And always remember to read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for the most accurate and comprehensive message.

Sending you all love and light!

Read next : Weekly Love Horoscope for April 17th – 23rd

Aries – Five of Swords

The message for Aries this month is that you have to fight a battle more than once to win it. What this means is that if you and a partner are trying to come to an agreement, or if there is an issue in your life that you are trying to get the better of, remember to keep at it, to keep the communication going and not to give up.

The key to making progress is that you have to maintain a positive mindset but also be patient. So when it comes to improving your relationship or making decisions with your partner, think of it as a process rather than a one-stop shop, and that means you have to keep your foot on the accelerator, and keep trying a different strategy until you find that you are hitting the right notes

The key to success this month is a mixture between aggression and also diplomacy, the last thing you should do is be passive, and you shouldn’t confuse being passive with being diplomatic. Remember that in relationships, humour and also using analogies is incredibly persuasive, so pay more attention to how you present ideas or arguments to your partner rather than just going in bluntly, as you will get a lot more cooperation.

Taurus – Eight of cups

The key now for Taurus is to focus on your heart’s desire rather than on your doubts. What we focus on or pay attention to tends to become magnified, so if you are thinking a lot about the problems and anxieties you have or the negative feedback you are getting, then that can become overwhelming. So even if there’s only a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, it’s very important to pay far more attention to that, and let that light inspire you and drive you forward.

Right now, a lot of patience is required in relationships, and your commitment is tested. You may not be totally content with how things are in your relationship, but it’s important to reflect on your relationship as a journey where there’ve been good times and bad times, and so whatever you going through right now, this too shall pass, and it’s important to acknowledge that.

Events in your relationship and your personal life may incline you to look for deeper meaning and to find your personal truth. Thus even the struggles right now can be a way of awakening to you to your deepest authenticity and helping you to understand what the key to happiness is, apart from what could make you superficially or ephemerally happy.

Gemini – Four of Swords

During this week, it’s a mixture between work and relaxation. It’s very important to give yourself a chance to recuperate so you don’t need to have your foot on the gas all the time. A little bit of passivity is rather important, so don’t be a workaholic or allow others to put pressure on you. It’s quite okay to have periods where you are inactive and quite receptive to information coming towards you without actively seeking it.

In your relationships, it’s important for you to be a tranquil oasis of calm, and sometimes calm means not giving an opinion, not engaging in debate, and not being forced to make a decision. So the key in your love life is: take yourself out of the ring or out of the battle and be an observer. Put the ball in your partner or boyfriend’s court and relinquish responsibility for the situation.

Very often, there’s more power in what you don’t say, rather what you do say. Thus in all relationships, use this as an a period to watch, observe and get a deeper feel of what’s going on with your partner by observing their reactions, but not by egging any situation on.

Cancer – Two of Wands

This remains an extremely bright phase for Cancer, you feel optimistic, and you sense that the tide is turning and that everything is up for grabs. This is a time when you are itching to make decisions, to take a leadership role and to determine your fate.

In love, it’s important to be the one who gives a relationship direction, it’s also a good time to make the move on a potential partner whom you fancy. There’s nothing to be gained now by sitting back and wondering, go forward and use your excellent people skills to impress and charm potential partners. You can also utilize your emotional intelligence to communicate better with your partner.

The key right now to reaching a goal or getting over a relationship hurdle is not to feel that you need to know all the answers in advance. As long as you have a clear idea of what the problem is or what the eventual outcome looks like, and you can keep focused on that in a positive way, the pieces will fall into place. Thus as long as you show the universe that you are determined to reach that end goal, things will conspire to help you.

Leo – The Moon

The key right now for feeling more secure and gaining more control in both your relationships and life in general is understanding the difference between illusion and truth.

It’s important to examine your perceptions because from perceptions come your reality, but very often, we focus on perceptions that are not actually based on truth. So right now, it’s time to take a step back, fully understand how you are perceiving your marriage or your romantic prospects, and see if this is clouded by past experience, fears, anxieties or negative messaging which you may have received in a previous relationship. Tackle these emotions head-on.

It’s very important in love that you are playing the ball and you aren’t stuck in the last point. I find that a tennis analogy fits the situation perfectly i.e. sometimes players lose a point by missing up a shot that was an absolute doddle, and they go on to lose the next 3 points because they have still got their mind on that sitter of a ball that they missed. So I want to say to Leo, fight the battles that are in front of you, and don’t focus on the battles that were in the past, because otherwise, you will have much more difficulty problem-solving or creating the harmony that you really need in relationships.

Virgo – Nine of Swords

This week Virgo can be quite preoccupied, there’s a mixture between shyness, reticence, and this tends to drive your indecision. It’s very important right now to be careful of living out self-fulfilling prophecies, so try and cultivate a positive mindset as often right now; thinking the very best about your relationship or your partner leads to better results than being suspicious or fearful of the worst outcome.

If you fail to keep moving forward by keeping current romances going or by communicating in a positive way with your partner, you can actually miss an opportunity because all is not lost. In fact a mixture of tiredness and possibly social stress is causing a cloud over your relationship, but it’s not really your relationship that’s the problem; it’s simply a case that your batteries are a little bit low right now, and you need a rest and recuperation.

This is an ideal week for you to get away by yourself one day to do something thoroughly escapist and relaxing. Maybe you should quit work early and go and sit in the movies with a big bag of popcorn and have a good cry or a mighty good laugh because it can get a lot of emotions out of your system and you’ll come out with a new perspective on love.

Libra – Two of Wands

Right now, the wheels of change are actually moving, so whether you realize it or not, the positive decisions you have made in order to enhance your relationship or create opportunities for a good new relationship, are actually working, even if you haven’t seen results yet. You should just be patient, because it won’t be long before you start seeing the fruits of your recent efforts.

New relationships right now involve you stepping out of your comfort zones in order to progress and develop your own personality. So you’re looking to get involved with people who help you explore sides of yourself that you haven’t before. An ideal relationship is one where you are beginning to feel a little bit adventurous and you can sense the more outgoing and assertive side of your personality to open up. If you find that you’re quite emotional, wearing your heart on your sleeve and rather sentimental, you know that you are onto a winner.

In marriage, take your romance to a net the next level. It’s time to try new things sexually, or just try approaches that you haven’t tried before to enhance affection. Use your imagination more and don’t be scared of telling your partner what turns you on.

Scorpio – Two of Pentacles

The key to love and good relationships right now is timing. It can be a big struggle having a successful relationship with the demands of work, children, responsibility for your parents and maybe your fitness routines and other hobbies, and that’s why scheduling can actually be key to romance. Thus disorganization and allowing a hectic lifestyle to control you rather than controlling it, is only going to lead to arguments, frustration, and this will dampen any attempt at romance.

It’s important right now for Scorpio to set romantic goals, don’t let life run away with you. We’re all looking at the calendar and thinking, “Oh my gosh it’s May already!” and what have we achieved? So don’t waste any more time, decide what you and your partner would really want to do, what would turn you on and make you feel great, then ruthlessly clear the calendar and set aside time in the diary. Make sure it happens!

The key right now is – NO more excuses, everyone has a right to have fun and have their needs met, but it can’t happen if you don’t make time for it, so that is the takeaway message.

Sagittarius – Five of Pentacles

This week financial matters are of importance, and it’s vital for you and your partner to have discussions about money. Sometimes events can become quite demanding and it’s easy to just put things on the credit card, but it’s important to be cognizant of what you are spending. It may even be a good week to tot up your receipts on a daily basis to avoid any arguments later on about money and spending.

This is a good time for you and your partner to enjoy outings, socializing with friends and letting your hair down. Obviously with the proviso that it doesn’t involve an awful lot of spending, because this can be a time where money goes out like water.

Sagittarians looking for love should be careful that you don’t attract someone who is excessively needy or who has a lot of emotional baggage. Right now you are in a very generous frame of mind, but that can mean that you are slightly too forgiving and not discerning enough with new relationships.

Capricorn – Ten of Pentacles

The important message for Capricorn this month is “Succeeding is a habit,” so when you’re on a good run you’ve got to keep going. At the same time, you should always keep trying, whether it be in terms of improving your relationships or meeting someone ne, because you never know when you’re going to get on a roll.

This is a week of positive news financially, and either yourself or your partner may be able to get some overtime or a raise which will help ease any financial pressures.

It’s important to remember that in terms of the finances, it’s a team effort for the family, and so don’t forget to keep to your side of the bargain.

Relationships with family or even extended family is extremely important this month, so this week so it’s a good time to reach out to relatives you haven’t seen for a while or invite family to stay, because renewing the bonds you share with family can create a lot of pleasure and can also help stabilize you emotionally.

Aquarius – Justice

This is a perfect week for Aquarius because it requires your ability to play devils advocate.

It’s very important for you to make decisions or pass judgment on a certain issue, but it’s important for you to be as objective as possible and not to allow emotions to intervene. So don’t take sides; look at facts rather than loyalties and vested interests.

This can be a slightly challenging weak for relationships because you may find that you and your partner have a difference of opinion about a very important matter, but as long as you stick to your principles and have a strong understanding of what you feel is right in the situation, you can come out with your self-respect intact.

This is actually a good time to formalize a relationship in terms of getting married, making a prenuptial agreement or even signing a lease on a home together. Any affairs of a legal nature related to either past or present relationships should be successfully negotiated. This is also a good time to make peace with a former lover and to release that person so that you can move on to have a prosperous new relationship.

Pisces – Tower

The message for Pisces this month is – pride comes before a fall, so bear that in mind when it comes to your love life and also your career.

For Pisces, one of the things that you’re excellent at is letting go, but sometimes you need a little bit of a prompt to let go. So you should see any events which occur this week, even if on the surface they are a bit of a disaster or rather chaotic, as an essential nudge that you need to be moving in a slightly different direction and letting go of an attachment to something that is in effect holding you back.

Remember that often breakdown comes before breakthrough, so it’s important to see everything that happens this week, both good and bad, as a big opportunity and a potential for moving in a slightly different but much more fulfilling direction.

Your subconscious is drawing you towards what is good for you and for your relationship life, and your conscious mind has yet to catch up. That’s why it’s important to remain open-minded and impartial about what happens this week, as everything is a clue to the next opportunity.

Read next : Weekly Love Horoscope for April 17th – 23rd

Wrapping Up

As we conclude another magical week of Tarot love readings for April 17th – 23rd, I want to express my immense gratitude to each of you who trust and support me on this wondrous journey. My purpose is to serve you with my whole heart and share the blessings and gifts that have come my way, inspiring you to do the same. Remember, you are incredibly deserving of all the success and fulfillment that life has to offer, so never doubt your worth for even a moment.

Embrace your inner strength and watch your life prosper with every step you take.

Additionally, I invite you to discover the delightful offering of my friend’s personalized Three Card tarot reading. It’s a fantastic resource that I’m eager to share with you all.

Lastly, I would love to hear about your zodiac sign and what’s happening in your life right now. Your stories and experiences bring immense meaning to my life, and I’m truly honored by your continued love and support.

Wishing you an abundance of love and happiness,

Your friend and relationship astrologer,


2 thoughts on “Weekly Tarotscope for April 17th – 23rd

  1. Thank you Anna for your reading. A lot has been going on and I the stress has been overwhelming at times. It’s been effecting my stomach as well as my throat chakra. So I just need to let go and stop worrying so much. Have a great day..

  2. Hello Anna, your tarot reading is right.
    I gonna follow your advise.
    😘 😘 😘
    Have a blessed week.

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