Weekly Love Horoscope for September 9th – 15th

Hello sweethearts, and welcome to the weekly love horoscope for September 9th – 15th. Now, Mercury is entering Virgo, which is really positive because, unlike when Mercury is in its fall in Leo, it is in its home sign in Virgo because Virgo is ruled by Mercury, and it tends to be more potent and more powerful.

What does that mean? It means that it gives impetus to all our plans, the contracts that we are making, relationship communication, and improving our understanding of ourselves and the world.

Now, Mercury in Virgo is, of course, very pragmatic, and that can help us with problem-solving in relationships and just seeing things in a way that is quite clear and uncomplicated.

So, the focus this week is certainly on reducing clutter—the clutter of the mind—and understanding what is core, what’s really important, and doubling down on what works.

Now, as you know, Mars is in Cancer, which can be a little bit sensitive; there are vulnerabilities exposed, but it also unleashes a highly proactive side of Mars, giving excellent opportunities for making money.

Don’t forget, the Sun, which is in Virgo, is triggering both Saturn and Jupiter, so it’s another time to be ambitious, to bring your goals into focus, and, in relationships, to see the bigger picture and understand what truly impacts your relationship and what you need more of and what you need to reduce.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for September 9th – 15th:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: High Inspiration 

Now, with Venus in Libra and Mercury in Virgo, this is a period in relationships for discussion, evaluation, and creating harmony. Right now, it’s so important to get those discussions out of the way.

You guys need to try and get on the same page and improve ways of cooperating. It’s also time for compromise. These two planets mean it’s no time to be pigheaded.

I know that you Aries love to have momentum—you can be quite impatient—and sometimes it’s frustrating for you during the negotiation phase, but see it as a vital part of a vibrant relationship. 

If you can be persuasive, convince your partner of your course of action, and do it in a way that takes account of their feelings, the relationship can run so much smoother, like a fuel-injected engine.

Now, with Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, you don’t necessarily know what you want yourself. Your ideas are big, the inspiration is high, but sometimes you really need to gather some more information before you can honestly understand the best way forward, and that’s what I want you to do: be ambitious, but gather the information.

Taurus: Action and Ambition 

Now, this week for Taurus is an excellent time for workplace romances. So, if you are looking for love, the ideal place to find it is either in your workplace, at the gym, or somewhere where you volunteer.

Places where you and potential partners have a mutual goal and are diligently trying to work for a project or the common good are ideal places to find love. 

Now, in terms of marriage, right now it’s all about actions more than words. It’s a time to strongly understand what your partner is feeling, ask them about what is most important for them, and that will help define your goals for the relationship.

I’m not saying be self-sacrificing and forget about your own needs, but make sure you are actually clear on what your partner’s needs, concerns, and issues are right now because that will be gold in terms of relationship trust and stability. 

Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces means that in terms of your job, it’s all about networking; it’s about making those contacts count and being ambitious in terms of creating side hustles or new earning streams. If you are working, make sure you outdo the competition with a little bit more initiative and effort.

Gemini: Events and creating a buzz

Sun triggering both Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces means this is an awesome time for career progress, so go for that promotion, or if you have a business idea, start doing the research and make it happen.

This is such an important time for new projects and new challenges, so if you’ve felt lackluster or like something’s lacking in your life, now’s the time to go after it and make it happen, but always take a step-by-step approach. 

Now, with Venus in Libra, and Mercury in Virgo, this is an excellent time for events. So, if you’re planning a work event, go for it as that could be an ideal place to meet a new partner if you’re single.

On the other hand, planning family events and perhaps hosting a big birthday or a surprise party can be an excellent way to revive your relationship and create a buzz of excitement around your home.

What you need to do right now is not neglect the home environment. There should be exciting things happening in the home: changes, visitors, clutter busting, arranging parties, or even having work meetings in the home because often that is what creates the vibrancy to keep a relationship fresh.

Cancer: Writing and reinforcement 

Mercury in Virgo and Venus in Libra mean it’s an excellent time for journal writing. Often it can be very important, particularly for Cancer, to capture all your thoughts, emotions, and feelings within a private journal because sometimes that can help you to sort the wheat from the chaff, to make better sense of your relationships.

So this week a better relationship starts from you contemplating exactly how you are feeling and beginning to realize what the priorities are.

It’s possible that recently that you have made some mistakes in dealing with aspects of your relationship, and now’s the time to take a step back and create a positive strategy that you think will help you achieve the harmony you want in relationships.

The key right now is a sense of inner peace, so what you want to get from your relationships is calm. Take a step back from a partner who’s feeling really restless, who’s perhaps unhappy or struggling at work, and create a safe space for yourself.

In dating, avoid partners who disrupt your inner sense of peace—they are the wrong people. The right partner can be identified by a manner which reinforces your strength and your inner peace by having a strong sense of familiarity and an immediate bond.

Leo: Patience and Diplomacy

Now that Mercury has gone into Virgo and Venus is in Libra, this is a very strong time for diplomacy and negotiation. So when it comes to anything you need in your relationship, or perhaps also with clients and business partners, be smart, act smart, be diplomatic, and be persuasive.

This is also a key time to be observant in terms of all your relationships. Watch people’s body language, understand whether they are engaging with eye contact, and then judge your approach. 

Right now, you may find that your partner is a little bit more evasive; perhaps they’re very busy, or maybe they are not as willing to open up and communicate, and that’s why you need a soft, strategic approach.

Right now, results in relationships don’t happen overnight, and that’s why you have to judge the mood and pay attention to timing. 

With Jupiter in Gemini being activated by the Sun as well as Saturn in Pisces, this is a time where you feel quite impatient for change, and yet change doesn’t come instantly. You have to understand what you actually want in your life versus the superficial change that you could rush after in the short term.

Right now, work on substantial, positive changes that will progress your life, not on superficial changes that paper over the cracks.

Virgo: Light at the end of the tunnel

Mercury is in the sign of Virgo, and that’s great news for understanding and clarity, and you will need to have your wits about you because the Sun is activating Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Gemini, and that means you’re not always sure where your relationship is going.

Very often, issues with a partner can be more strained; it may be that your partner’s having issues at work, with their health, or in their own life, and you have to be more patient and compassionate.

However, at the same time, you are feeling quite positive, so it’s a balance right now of things that are demanding and tiring in your life, but things that offer a lot of promise.

So it’s important to be able to deal with compassion and pragmatism with the more challenging and tiring aspects of your life while not forgoing any opportunities for your own personal growth and development.

This particular time is ripe for you to spot an exciting and brand-new prospect that will increase your well-being and level of achievement in life.

Libra: You gotta have faith faith faith

Venus is in Libra, and that tends to make crave love—companionship is so important right now—and if you’re single, you’re likely to feel a little bit more lonely.

However, this is a time when you actually need to be self-sufficient. So whether you’re looking for love or in a relationship, the key to enhancing relationships is to look after yourself. Know the things that you can do for yourself to make life feel sweeter and more worthwhile, and pamper yourself a little bit. 

This is also a time where you must take care of your health and your mental health. With Mercury in Virgo, and Saturn in Pisces, along with Jupiter in Gemini, it’s very important for you to cultivate optimism and to work on positive growth, and that means knowing how to isolate and counteract negativity and toxicity in your life.

Learn how to always put everything in a philosophical context. You deal well with life and relationships right now if you understand that there are certain things you can control, and there are certain things where you just have to have faith and trust.

I know Libras like to understand things, but faith is an important aspect of your life, which you cannot neglect right now, and you must cultivate that belief in the unknown.

Scorpio: Be prepared 

The message for Scorpio is patience. Sometimes things, in terms of romance, maybe with a new partner, or maybe in terms of creating more affection and intimacy with your long-term partner, are a bit slow, and it takes effort and the rebuilding of trust and respect to generate passion.

Sometimes you can feel unfulfilled because you’re just not getting the reaction you want, and yet it’s important to maintain that momentum and keep going because the planets are aligned for greater emotional harmony. 

This week, for Scorpio, it’s also about practicality. The day-to-day, mundane aspects of life are so important, so create a positive routine, get yourself organized, and create better boundaries in your life.

This is the way to create harmony because your partner’s watching what you’re doing, and if they see that you’re running a tight ship and that you have discipline and organization, they will automatically be more inclined to respect you.

In fact, you will respect yourself more, so this is a time when Scorpio needs to be organized, pragmatic, and well-prepared for things that could go wrong because, as you prepare for things that go wrong, you automatically build up greater harmony and greater respect in relationships.

Sagittarius: Pump the brakes 

With Mercury in Virgo and Venus in Libra, the message for Sagittarius is to slow down. You’re likely to be a little bit too impulsive. You can feel good in terms of relationships because you’re getting a positive reaction, but it’s important to think before you speak and to understand that sometimes less is more.

It’s really vital to just engage your common sense and not jump to conclusions and then act in a way that’s not helpful for relationships. So Sagittarius has to slow down, be more philosophical, and think before you speak. 

When it comes to relationships, it’s a good idea to take a step back and not engage too vibrantly because, right now, you need a little bit of thinking time.

In terms of work, this is a key time to upskill, take new courses, and make sure you’re in a position to be promoted by either volunteering for new projects or just putting yourself out there more. 

Right now, in relationships, you have to back off a little and let your partner make some decisions, but at work, you have to be more proactive in making sure you have your finger on the button for any opportunities that are coming along.

Capricorn: Pit Stop for Romance 

Now, with Saturn activated in Pisces and Jupiter in Gemini, this can be a week where all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So, it’s very important to understand whether you are overcommitting to either your work goals or tasks.

You don’t want to be a slave to routine. There must be space in your life for passion, letting your hair down, and exploring your creativity.

Remember, with Capricorn, creativity and love are so intertwined that the more you make space for hobbies, the more you are likely to free your mind and open your soul to a good relationship or to better relationships.

Now, in terms of love relationships, both new and old, it’s important not to get caught in the weeds. Sometimes, right now, you may overthink things or see things that aren’t really there, and this can often be a symptom of stress.

To have the best of relationships, you need to relax, know how to calm yourself down, and detach for a while as this is when everything comes into perspective. So, don’t allow your mind to run away with questions, issues, or worries.

Stop your mind, experience some peaceful moments, and then reapproach your relationship, seeing it in totality and not getting caught up in any meaningless issues that are only ephemeral.

Aquarius: Balancing Act

With Jupiter in Gemini and Venus in Libra, this is an awesome time to have fun in relationships. In many cases, you may be taking a trip away, or there may be a cause for family celebrations, but you feel in a lighthearted mood and are likely to want to leave the cares for another day.

However, with Mercury in Virgo and Saturn being triggered in Pisces, there are sometimes nagging doubts that you are pushing to the back of your mind. Often, it’s a good idea to have lighthearted distractions, but there are also important issues that shouldn’t be brushed under the carpet. 

In some cases, your partner may be crying out for a serious conversation or for more of your attention or focus, so make sure you make time to listen to what your partner has on their mind. It may surprise you—there may be some things concerning them that you haven’t considered.

This is also a time when you should be a little bit careful with money. You need to stick to plans and budgets, and it’s not a good time for any impulsive spending.

Your impulsive, restless side is definitely peaking right now, but remember, a partner could be feeling neglected. So, you have to balance seizing the moment and enjoying yourself, which is very important for you, while also being mindful of your partner’s state of mind, which could actually be hard to decipher.

Pisces: Energy Replenish 

This is a really important week for relationships, and there’s also a strong focus on family values and home life. In a brand new relationship, it’s very important that you both understand the importance of home—things to do with family, where to set down roots, and whether he enjoys setting down roots.

Understand your new partner’s family complexes and issues, the influence of his parents—whether it’s positive or negative—and how that affects him in relationships.

It’s vital in a new partnership to understand his past. The more you’re in tune with your upbringing and past experiences, the better. It doesn’t mean you have to come from the same town or culture; there are many psychological similarities that you could share, regardless of ethnic differences.

There’s a strong focus on the seventh solar house of marriage, so it’s important to work hard at your relationship but also not expect overnight results.

What you may have to do with your partner is bring a bit of positivity into his life. He might just be feeling a little bit blue or negative, and it’s so important that you can emphasize the plus points because those are easy to lose sight of, particularly as this is a draining period.

Don’t overestimate anything that happens in relationships—usually, it’s nothing serious, it’s just a matter of being a bit jaded and needing something to spark you into a slightly more uplifted mode. Do anything you can to pick yourself up and give yourself an energy boost.

My Final Words For The Week Of September 9th…

This is an important time for safeguarding your own life and being aware that sometimes you could be going in the wrong direction. In terms of relationships, be prepared for mistakes, misunderstandings, and the odd bit of confusion.

So don’t jump to conclusions; don’t make accusations. Give your partner the benefit of the doubt, as a little bit of patience and understanding could go a long way right now.

This is not a time when you will have total clarity. Sometimes, this is just a phase where we are meant to feel a little bit confused and unsure, and that’s why you shouldn’t make any drastic decisions. 

Key themes to capitalize on this week:

Optimism, Focus, Understanding, Impetus, Ambition, Harmony, Appreciation

See you again next week.

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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