Weekly Love Horoscope for September 30th – October 6th

Hello sweethearts, and welcome to the weekly love horoscope for September 30th – October 6th. This week we have the New Moon in Libra, and a New Moon means an action-packed fortnight where you can get your ideas onto the starting blocks, be proactive, get out there, date, enhance romance, make decisions, and take your life by the scruff of the neck to ensure things are shaping up.

The New Moon is a time when one receives a bit more energy, there’s impetus, and sometimes our emotions and heart are pleading with us to do something new, that’s why it’s important to be open. 

The New Moon is conjunct Mercury, which is fantastic because it indicates debate, discussions, new information, and getting good advice. It’s important to be open-minded, to see both sides of the story, and not jump to conclusions because there’s always more than meets the eye to every piece of information that falls into your lap.

Now, the other exciting thing happening this particular week is a Grand Water Trine. This doesn’t happen very often, but we have Venus in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer, trine Saturn in Pisces, giving us a very romantic, intuitive vibe.

This is a wonderful time for creativity, music, making memories, and doing thoughtful and meaningful things for our partner. In love, it’s certainly a time to be lucky in love and lucky romantically because this is a rather tender and magical week.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for September 30th – October 6th:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: Be magical and mindful

Now for Aries, with the New Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury, the whole key right now is relationship reboot via communication. It’s so important to clear the calendar and make sure that this week, you and your partner have time to discuss and debate.

This doesn’t mean you need to pick up an argument, nor should there be a rush to judgment or a race to make decisions. It’s a time for getting all the issues out there on the table and better understanding the choices you face as a couple and what you both truly feel. 

It’s important this week that relationships enter a fresh new phase, and the way to do that is by discussing options and having some decent conversations about the dynamic between you two.

This could mean you are planning a big event, maybe a wedding or engagement, or it could be that you’re in a brand-new relationship and simply need to get on the same page about some things to make sure the relationship proceeds well.

The Grand Water Trine represents a time when you can tap into your intuition and use your gut feel to really seal the deal. This is particularly handy for those Aries who are dating because your intuitive awareness of other people’s feelings helps you get the timing right in love, but remember, don’t be overpowering.

You don’t have to be persuasive, and you don’t have to oversell yourself in love, be a little bit of a mystery; that enhances the magic and makes it more likely you will succeed on the dating circuit.

Taurus: Choose cappuccino not flat white

The New Moon in Libra is definitely a time when you want to be thinking about the state of your life, and that includes your stress levels. Are you getting enough sleep, and is work getting you down?

It’s very important right now to align your priorities and create a holistic approach to your life. With the new moon in Libra and Mercury in Libra, it’s very important to have balance, and that means having boundaries with colleagues and also with your clients and customers.

Work is quite intense, with lots of new opportunities. This is a great time for those in a slightly new role at work or applying for a job, but at the same time, you don’t want to become overstressed simply because there’s so much to learn. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so give yourself time to adjust. 

The Grand Water Trine in Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces is particularly gorgeous for Taurus because it encompasses a fantastic phase for dating, romantic communication, improving affection, and also connecting at a core spiritual level with your partner. If the relationship feels a little black and white or a little flat, then it’s probably not the right person—keep looking.

Gemini: Unmasked 

For Gemini, the New Moon in Libra, particularly conjunct your ruler Mercury, is fantastic news. You should be feeling a high level of energy, a sense of anticipation, and excitement.

What’s key right now is romance and your dating life. This is an awesome time to get back into the dating game, or if you’ve been sort of shopping around for guys, now is the time to really immerse yourself in activities, group events, or any social setting that can help you meet the right person, because Cupid is poised to strike.

In terms of ongoing relationships, this is a time to be more creative in love and let your true personality show. If you feel that you’re holding back in any way, now is the time to really express yourself.

Your partner should love you unconditionally and accept you for all your ideas, quirks, and eccentricities. Therefore, don’t wear a mask, be yourself and shine—not only in relationships but in your work as well.

The Grand Water Trine represents luck in connection with your work, career, and making money. This is an excellent time to shine, get recognized, and have people appreciate your contributions.

The key idea is: exploit every opportunity and don’t hide your light. Anytime you feel an opening, step forward and let your ideas make a difference.

Cancer: Love light shining bright 

Now, the New Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury is a great time for a personal reset and also for shedding unnecessary baggage. This is a time when you must be highly aware of any negative thought patterns you may be inadvertently carrying around. Right now, it’s all about rewiring your thinking to align with what you truly want in life. 

It’s also important to ensure you’re projecting yourself in the right way, particularly in your love life, and that you’re giving your partner or prospective partners the right signals.

So many times, people wonder why their relationships aren’t working or why they aren’t meeting the right person when, very often, it’s because they are sending out signals that say, “I’m anxious, steer clear,” or “I feel vulnerable.”

You always have to analyze your thinking and ensure that you’re sending out signals that say, “I want to have fun, I’m receptive to new experiences, and I’m ready for a brand-new journey.”

The Grand Water Trine is particularly lucky because it concerns Mars in your solar first house, trine Venus in Scorpio in your house of romance, and trine Saturn in Pisces. This is a wonderful, lucky time in love and romance.

In fact, for all Cancerians, this is a sensational time for improving levels of affection and fun in existing relationships and for finding that perfect match. So, date in style and have a good time.

Leo: Sail away with me

The New Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury is a time when a lot of information is coming your way, and it’s also a time for multitasking. In fact, it can be hard to keep your love life on track simply because there are so many demands on your time.

The key right now is using appropriate fun and quality communication to keep relationships on track, even when you may not have as much time to spend together.

It’s highly likely you’ll be traveling for work, working late, or attending work events, which means your partner could feel a little neglected. That’s why you have to be mindful of your partner’s state of mind and stay ahead of the game by making sure you reassure them with your communication. Ensure that the time you do spend together is full of laughter, humor, and good conversation.

The Grand Water Trine featuring Mars in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio, and Saturn in Pisces is sexually very stimulating. However, it’s also a time when you could feel a little withdrawn and want to take time for yourself.

Sometimes the best way to enhance romance is to do it in your own mind—make sure you have books that stimulate you, or use your imagination and bring that romantic feeling into your relationship.

This is a great time to improve your sex life, but what’s needed is downtime—time to detach, reflect, and ensure your relationship is an oasis of calm in what can be a very busy week.

Virgo: Relationship detective 

For Virgo, the Grand Water Trine featuring Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces is great for fun and relationships, reigniting your sense of spontaneity and youthful exuberance.

What’s important right now for moving your relationship forward is new activities, new friends, going to different places, and incorporating a little bit of adventure.

However, it doesn’t mean you need to push out of your comfort zone—it’s more about making better use of the wonderful opportunities you have as a couple and being grateful for them.

The New Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury is a good time to get money affairs in order, make time for budgets, and have discussions with your partner about spending plans.

It’s also a great time in brand-new relationships to make sure you understand who your partner really is. Ask the right questions. Sometimes dates are just about fun, but right now it’s important to be more thoughtful.

Use that Virgo logic to probe beneath the surface and find out if a new partner is being honest with you or putting up a facade.

Libra: Game Plan

The New Moon in Libra, especially conjunct Mercury, is an excellent time for all your new projects. This is also a great time to create a whole new message.

Think of this as a time to write your mission statement for the year ahead, since your birthday is coming up soon. What do you want to achieve? Now is the time to write your wish list. There’s something powerful about coordinating your thoughts and putting pen to paper.

People often feel unhappy or a little lost because they don’t have a game plan. It’s always good to crystallize exactly what it is you want, write it down, and then set about making small or big steps—it doesn’t really matter. Whatever you do, make the first step, and that’s so important right now.

The Grand Water Trine between Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces is excellent for prioritizing and evaluating. This is a good time for a spiritual reboot—some mindfulness, some contemplation, and really understanding the kind of signals you’re giving your partner.

Are they the right signals? Are you communicating effectively? Right now, your power is in helping your partner understand how you think the relationship could improve, and taking the lead in that.

In terms of new love, quality communication is essential. This week, international relationships or those formed on social media are the strongest going forward this week.

Scorpio: Love Mojito 

The Grand Water Trine includes, very importantly, Venus, which is in your sign of Scorpio, trine Mars in Cancer, and trine Saturn in Pisces in your solar fifth house of romance.

This creates a wonderful, lucky cocktail of creativity and spark when it comes to love. This week is ideal for all Scorpios looking for new relationships or wanting to make an established relationship deeper, more understanding, and more affectionate. 

What’s key right now is not selling yourself short. Make sure your partner jumps through hoops and clears a high bar—accept nothing less than the best in love because you deserve it. Don’t be a people-pleaser. Make sure your partner understands your value and true worth and appreciates you.

This is also a time when love has many strange twists and turns, so with the New Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury, there’s always a flip side to everything. It’s important to see things through, not just look at the surface.

Sagittarius: Taking your time is key

The Grand Water Trine is somewhat subtle for Sagittarius. The Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer represents your more secretive, intuitive houses. That’s why it’s important to engage in any of your favorite holistic practices right now.

This is an awesome New Moon to incorporate crystals, healing, cleansing, and recharging your batteries. Your key to tapping into the lucky trine this week is retreating, resting, and finding calm and your center.

The New Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury indicates a surprise opportunity from a friend. However, it’s important to analyze what exactly this opportunity entails, whether it’s a romantic opportunity, an introduction, information, or a favor. Take your time and don’t make a decision too soon—you really need to know what you’re getting into.

In terms of love, the key to better relationships is projecting a sense of calm and self-assurance into the relationship and you do that by being clear in your own mind about your feelings and creating a clear intention.

Capricorn: Right on track

The New Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury is one of the best times of the year for you to make a change. This means creating opportunities, deciding what you need to do to make your life come alive, and going for it.

In relationships, it’s also a time to address things that have become stale, repetitive, or meaningless. Right now, it’s about getting your life on track and building a future that inspires both you and your partner.

This is also a good time for job interviews, so good luck to those embarking on a new career or looking for something more suited to you. It’s also an excellent time to start looking for a job if you haven’t even begun yet.

The Grand Water Trine between Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces highlights Mars in your seventh house of relationships. This is a great time for taking both new and existing relationships to an exciting new level.

Excitement, teamwork, and using the power of visualization to bring your options into focus are important right now. Whatever’s happening in your life, the key is not to stand still—be ambitious, think big, and don’t be afraid to push hard for what you want.

Aquarius: Brainy Passion

With the New Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury, it’s okay to ask questions. It’s totally okay to want to know more. This is a time when you should be curious and maybe a little skeptical.

Information is power, and what you need right now is an open mind as this will help you understand the nuance and complexity of both new and existing relationships.

The key to love going smoothly right now is connection on a mental level. For Aquarius, this is a core requirement, but it’s often overlooked in the early stages of dating, which are usually more passionate and physical.

Now is the time to develop the intellectual side of your relationship, improve communication, and find shared interests. Let your partner know what excites you, and invite them to share in your passions.

The Grand Water Trine between Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces is particularly lucky when it comes to your career, but it also means that a potential love interest could be in your workplace.

If you’re looking for love, someone like your boss or a colleague from another department could make a suitable partner and also a good comrade and friend. Romance right now is about intellectual connection, and you’re likely to find that at work.

Pisces: Grand Trine

The grand water trine means you can relate easily to other people and are more animated, creative and passionate in your expression, especially with members of the opposite sex.

This makes you a powerful force on the dating scene. You however crave interactions that are stimulating and exciting and will engage in a little flirtation – just to make sure that others know you’re interested. 

Your creativity is also stimulated and you’ll find it easy to express yourself, especially through performance or artwork that requires physical strength. Dancing and also using costumes are perfect ways to stimulate your partner visually as physical affection and relating sensually are vitally important.

This is a good week to make progress in financial and business matters, as you have great insight into the potentials for profit and will be motivated to work hard to achieve your goals.

Assuming responsibility earns you the appreciation of your partner who will admire your commitment. While this is not a time for splashing out and being extravagant, it does bring pleasure and a good lasting taste to relationships helping even struggling relationships back on track.

A good friendship or fwb relationship can become better when you make it a priority now. 

My Final Words For The Week Of September 30th…

That’s the full reading for this week. Each unique sign has specific opportunities and energies to tap into, particularly with the New Moon in Libra and the Grand Water Trine creating such a dynamic backdrop.

Key themes to capitalize on this week:

Debate, Open minded, Intuition, Creativity, New information, Romance, Creativity

See you again next week.

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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