Weekly Love Horoscope for September 16th – 22nd

Hello dear, and welcome to the weekly love horoscope for September 16th – 22nd. We have reached the full moon phase of the month, and I think this is both a lucky and lazy period.

Now, the full moon is always a good time to pause and reflect. It’s a period where we either have got the ball rolling and have some momentum, or we are feeling rather stuck.

Either way, it’s a good time to think about what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and ensure that there’s a lot of focus and authenticity in our recent actions in life and love.

Now, we also have some helpful transits this week, which is great after a lot of really tense aspects recently. There are some trines and helpful aspects to Jupiter this particular week.

Now, the Sun trine Uranus means it’s a great time to tune into our inspiration, see the light, and feel positive energy. Venus trine Jupiter is wonderful for harmony and healing, so this is an important time for relationships, cooperation, and appeasement.

Mercury square Jupiter indicates we should treat ourselves, be forgiving of ourselves and others, and indulge a little bit in what we fancy because it does us good.

However, let’s be mindful with Mercury also opposite Saturn, and take responsibility, but we should also be kind to ourselves and know when we need a break.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for September 16th – 22nd:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: Heart of the matter

Now, for Aries, this is somewhat of a money week where good karma can mean rewards, and hard work done and the use of your imagination and pioneering Aries spirit can pay dividends.

So, it’s very important to trust your instincts, believe in your talents, and continue working at goals that you feel represent the very best of yourself. Now, Venus is in Libra, which represents an excellent time for relationships, and being trine Jupiter in Gemini, it’s time to have fun with your partner.

They say that couples who play together stay together. It’s so important to reinforce your relationship by always having good times, making happy memories, and supporting each other through laughter and enthusiasm for each other’s hopes and dreams. 

Now, this is also a fairly good time for your fantasy life, so even if you have just begun dating someone, it’s rather good to share moods with the person. Get to know them by finding out what cultural things they really enjoy and what impacts them emotionally because that is the window into understanding their personalities.

So, sometimes just understanding the books they like, the films, or the music they like can be your clues to what they are really like at heart.

Taurus: Friends will be friends 

Now, this is a busy time for those Taureans looking for love and dating, and it’s vital to put yourself out there, attend parties, go to events, and start new hobbies because it’s a wonderful time for Cupid to strike and to meet someone who is going to have a positive impact on your life. 

Now, this is also an excellent time to meet a suitable person at work. With Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini, someone who shares your money goals and ambitions is sometimes the perfect partner. 

Now, Mercury in Virgo is opposite Saturn in the 11th and square Jupiter in the 2nd, meaning that it’s important to be a good friend. Being a good friend and having trust in your friendship circles is not only good for you, it’s also good for your relationship.

Sometimes neglecting mutual friends or taking them for granted can have a domino effect where it ends up weakening your relationship. So, it’s important that you acknowledge and appreciate the important people in you and your partner’s lives who contribute to your well-being and are cornerstones to your romance.

Do not forget them, include them in your events, make sure you remember their birthdays, and show them appreciation because one day they may be helpful to you.

Gemini: Blood is not thicker than water

Well, the good news is that this is a fun and sociable week. It’s an excellent time for you Geminis to organize parties, get groups together for special events, and perhaps even go on an excursion with some friends or your partner to do something exciting, like attend a concert, a debut, or a gala event.

During this phase, issues to do with home life and family can, however, be stressful. Sometimes it’s your parents, sometimes it’s your partner’s parents, or maybe even if you’re dating, your various parents are throwing a spoke in the wheel, being critical, or just generally being unhelpful.

That’s why it’s important to spend time away from those influences and embrace a wider perspective by increasing the range of people you hang out with. The saying, “You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends,” is very, very relevant right now.

So, it’s important for you and your partner to choose friends that contribute to your well-being and who you can have a laugh with. It’s quite okay to have a little bit of escapism, especially creatively, from the pressing, trying, and draining elements of your life.

Cancer: Your home, your castle

Now, the important message for Cancer right now is: you can’t win ’em all, all the time. What you need to do is focus and consolidate your efforts. It’s important not to be lured into over-delivering and trying to keep everyone on board or to create a role of peacemaker for yourself.

Sometimes other people have to be left to their own devices and have to take responsibility for themselves and this may include your children and other members of your family.

What you need to do right now is to make sure that people who should know better are not detracting from your relationship. You and your husband or your partner need a little bit of space and time to yourselves, particularly to create some peace and tranquility in your home.

For Cancer, more than any other sign, your home is your castle, and if your home is invaded by unwanted guests or other family members bringing their problems home, then maybe it’s time they all take a break, go and visit friends, go and stay with friends, and give you and your partner time to enjoy your home environment free from stress and strains. 

This can be an excellent time for redecorating, remodeling your home, or just doing something to make it feel yours and put your personal stamp on it because a safe space to enjoy life is so important to Cancer.

If you’re dating, this is a good time to be introduced to someone by your family, but avoid relationships with work colleagues; those aren’t ideal right now.

Leo: Shine shine

Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus represents another good time for spotting money-making opportunities and finding ways to be appreciated for your unique skills and talents. So, Leo loves to shine; Leo loves to be creative, and it’s a great time for you to use the unique and special abilities you have to shine and create a wow factor.

Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini means it’s a great time for traveling with friends and colleagues. So, if you’re looking for love, get out of town with some friends, even all enjoy a work event.

Don’t pass up an invitation to go to a different place and discover some exciting new haunts where you may potentially meet someone, because love is to be found in brand new spaces. 

It’s not a bad time at all for those dating online, and it’s quite likely that you will meet someone right now from out of town or even from another country. 

In terms of long-term relationships, this is definitely a time where there should be positive boundaries. Positive boundaries don’t mean being cold or uncooperative; it simply means that you work on areas of mutual concern and agreement, and you make it clear that there are other areas where work needs to be done.

Don’t deny there are aspects of your relationship that require more compromise, but the time is not right yet for that compromise. So, continue to discuss and don’t stress out about disagreements.

Virgo: True love for yourself

This is a really important week for Virgo. With the full moon happening in Pisces and several planets, including the Sun and Mercury, making aspects to Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune, plus your ruler Mercury squaring Jupiter, what this indicates is a kaleidoscope, almost a smorgasbord, of energies that you can tap into.

This is a time of multitasking, and it’s also a time of being aware of all the different facets of life. So, you’ve got quite a few balls to juggle…

Try not to become obsessed with either work, your relationship, your career, or even your home and family. It’s important that you devote a little bit of time to everything and retain space for reflection and contemplation. 

Whatever you do right now, you need quiet times to just withdraw from the hubbub of relationship expectations and demands so that you can consider what you want and assess whether you might be over-delivering, people-pleasing, and in effect losing yourself in the process.

So, this is about multitasking and then withdrawing so that you can see the fuller picture and how your needs can better be served by understanding what you truly require, particularly this month.

Libra: Awareness and your journey

Now, with Sun and Mercury in Virgo plus the full moon happening between the Sun in Virgo and Moon in Pisces, along with Venus in your sign of Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini, this is definitely a time for meditation and mindfulness. The spiritual side of your nature needs attention. What does that mean? It means understanding the bigger picture and the journey. 

So, when it comes to relationships, it’s very important that you contemplate the process that you are going through, whether the relationship is allowing you to grow as a person or whether it’s holding you back as that’s key right now.

You need to understand whether your partner truly appreciates your desires and respects your ambitions and your needs, and if he doesn’t, you have to create a little bit of awareness for him on that issue.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for a new relationship, you don’t want to get involved in anything that’s going to confine you or hold you back.

That’s the key in love right now—relationships must feel like an open vista that you’re going to explore and expand together, and if a new relationship feels like something that’s full of compromise and hard work, that’s probably not the right relationship.

Scorpio: Chiming in love

With the full moon in Pisces and Sun trine Uranus in Taurus, this is a time when the friendship factor is vital in love. Are you guys lovers, or are you also friends and comrades? Do you respect each other’s ideas, and does your partner respect your opinion?

What’s so important right now in relationships is the phrase “a problem shared is a problem halved,” and while you don’t want to make the relationship all about discussing problems, you do want to be in a relationship where your partner gives you wise advice and positive feedback so you feel supported.

If your husband or long-term partner is not fulfilling that role, it’s time to draw back and reassess what you invest in the relationship until you can turn that around and, through some good discussion, make him understand what you really need to be hearing from him. 

In terms of brand new relationships, this is a time when fate has a large role to play. With Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini, luck is on your side.

In brand new relationships, new love can blossom and become intimate incredibly quickly, and you should feel a great deal of relief, like you are so understood. So, in a new relationship, what are you looking for? Someone who totally gets you and chimes with you because that’s the right relationship.

Sagittarius: See saw 

With the full Pisces moon and your ruler of the solar 7th house, Mercury, having multiple aspects to Saturn and also Jupiter, there’s a seesaw effect in love. One minute it’s up, and the next it’s down; there’s not a smooth momentum.

It’s not quite a rollercoaster because it’s not really that dramatic—it’s just that sometimes you feel a great deal of optimism, and other times you feel insecure and have questions and nagging doubts.

So, all relationships right now are a combination of feeling that there’s solid progress, that you’re having fun, but also having concerns about the overall trajectory of the relationship. 

So right now, what’s important is learning, understanding, and always improving communication. In general, you are finding it hard to put your finger on exactly what you want, and this could be because things in your life are in flux. That might be why it’s okay to have these doubts and ask questions of your relationship. 

With Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini, this is a potentially very healing time. So, your main goal is achieving relaxation, creating more harmony in both new and old relationships, and in your relationships with others.

Always seek to extend an olive branch, to issue an apology, and to smooth things over, because that’s key in terms of achieving happiness and well-being this week.

Capricorn: Seek your nurture nature

Now, Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini represents some luck. You may get a promotion, start working with interesting new colleagues, or experience fulfillment through your job.

If you’re really unhappy in your job, this is a time to think about possible changes or ways that you can improve your work-life balance, particularly. This is also a time to shake up the routine. 

Now, I know that Capricorns like to plan and have a sense of continuity in terms of your day-to-day life, but this is a time where you could easily begin to feel stale and inhibited.

So, when it comes to your new relationship, your marriage, or committed relationship, don’t be too stuck on the same routines and rituals. Even when it comes to date nights, do things a little differently and surprise your partner. 

If you are looking for love, this is a time when there are ample people out there within your friendship circle, but the right person may be under your nose, and you’re overlooking them.

So, you have to just throw out the rule book and try to see who you feel you have an emotional connection with—someone who likes to nurture and who likes to be nurtured by you. This could be the key to love.

Aquarius: Money and Baggage

Now, with the full moon and the triggering of two planets in Pisces, along with Mercury and the sun in Virgo, Aquarians are needing some stability and security in their lives.

There are a couple of things you need to tackle: the first is money. There may be money concerns that are weighing you down, and this is an important time to get full information and to make sure that you step into first gear in terms of addressing those. 

Sometimes it’s these money concerns that are proving tricky in a relationship. Maybe a rift has developed between you and a partner simply because these money concerns are lingering, and they are widening the gap between you as you begin to wonder if you share priorities and perspectives.

Often, working on money issues reinforces trust in a relationship and can also help establish a brand new phase in the relationship where you can put certain things behind you.

In terms of a brand new relationship, what’s important right now is not to take on anyone with too much baggage. You may feel very drawn to someone who has similar issues to yourself, but sometimes it’s bringing too many of the problems of the past into the relationship.

So, the best relationships are ones with a person who is very different from you, as this can bring a different perspective, as their problems are not going to stack up and compound your own.

Pisces: Simply the best

Now, this is a really exciting week for Pisces. There’s the full moon in Pisces, plus the ruler of your 7th solar house is very active, creating aspects to planets in your first house.

So what does this mean? It means that you feel a sense of power, determination, and purpose, yet sometimes it can be hard to make a partner understand exactly what you need from them. This is a vital time for change that can improve your life, help you achieve your goals, and also improve your relationships. 

However, where the tricky part comes in is how exactly to help your partner understand where you’re going, why you’re going in this direction, and why you might have recently changed your mind about a few things.

So, this particular week tests all levels of understanding in the relationship. What’s interesting is that different facets of your relationship will be stimulated, and therefore you have an opportunity to gain understanding on both a spiritual, practical, and aspirational level in terms of love.

Now, if you’re looking for love, you are expecting a great deal right now. You’re ambitious, aiming high, and sometimes that’s the best possible mood to be in when looking for love.

Very often, Pisces take what comes along, but right now you’re going in there with the attitude that you deserve the very best, and that’s why I feel you will attract a very interesting partner.

My Final Words For The Week Of September 16th…

There’s a lot going on this week. There are positive aspects that will help us to achieve more harmony and to make productive changes. There’s a little bit of luck that can help things go our way.

It’s also a time where we should be mindful and use the logical and rational side of our brain to make sense of everything, while of course not discounting matters of the heart. 

So, this is an intuitive time where we feel things strongly and have very emotional reactions to what’s going on around us and to the people in our life, but we must always filter those carefully by looking at facts and using a bit of logic so we can totally decipher what’s going on.

The key right now is flexibility, being open to greater understanding, and always being willing to learn about others and ourselves.

Key themes to capitalize on this week:

Harmony, Contemplation, Understanding, Flexibility, Attention, Luck, Logic

See you again next week.

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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