Hello, sweethearts, and welcome to your weekly love horoscope for March 3rd – 9th. It’s the first full reading of March, and it’s the time of year when the seasons are shifting, and there’s a distinct feeling of change afoot.
Usually, the weather is changeable, the air has a certain fresh quality, and you begin to slowly adjust to something new. This week Venus is retrograde in Aries and Sun is square Jupiter in Gemini.
You may have to reassess the people you’re involved with; you might find that they are no longer interested in the things that excite you, or perhaps you realize they’ve shown insincerity or over-promised.
So, while you might need to take on extra responsibility, it could be better for you to go it alone right now and cut certain people adrift, as they aren’t helping as much as you had anticipated.
Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for March 3rd – 9th:
Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…
Aries: Say no to the inevitable
You’re less inclined to want to be a team player. In relationships you can even act a little selfishly. At times you can also be a bit self-indulgent—focusing on how any situation is affecting you rather than on the impact on your relationship as a couple.
With Sun square Jupiter in Gemini, you tend to be quite individualistic, which also impedes joint decision-making. You’re also likely to be very indecisive right now; you have a narrow sense of what’s important and can quickly change your opinion on matters.
Sometimes in love you come across as more distant—you don’t really realize how your attitude can affect the status quo of your love life by putting your partner on the back foot. While using humor and idealism is a wonderful tool, do it in moderation.
It’s very important that you don’t resign yourself to fate. Even though you’re naturally proactive and always looking for opportunities, you can still become slightly fatalistic in your relationships.
What you need right now is to be active in love. Your partner should encourage you by being noncritical and open to your ideas—even if they’re not all to their liking. Work together; even if you don’t entirely agree with every suggestion, talk them through to see where things lead.
Taurus: Karma and shadow stalking
This is an important Venus retrograde period because it links in to themes about the past returning to haunt you. This can mean that a past relationship is casting a shadow and needs to be dealt with, or that you are entering March after leaving a relationship but still have baggage connected to it that you haven’t sorted out.
Both these issues will continue to haunt you throughout the month as you struggle to draw a line under things; your deep sentimentality for the past can sometimes skew your appraisal of the future.
This is a time for dealing with past karma, particularly relating to past relationships (though not necessarily past marriages). Perhaps you need to review your most significant recent romances and understand their problems more dispassionately.
Often your desires are so strong and idealistic that you become incredibly ambivalent; therefore, it might not be a good time for you to enter a new relationship, as you could cause confusion and upset—especially since you’re still dragging around issues from previous relationships.
Sun square Jupiter in Gemini in June represents an excellent time for business ventures. It’s a very profitable period for you to begin a new business, establish a foothold in a new industry, or grow your existing enterprise.
With a strong emphasis on using a broad range of talents and amassing a good network of suitably qualified people, you can make great strides—it should be a good money week for you.
Gemini: Don’t look in old places for new answers
The Venus retrograde in Aries occurs in your solar eleventh house, which covers your group associations, networks, and higher aspirations. During this time, relationships and cooperation with friends or fellow professionals in your network are strained.
There can be issues of trust and difficulty coordinating in teams because people’s values and priorities clash, so it’s probably better for you to spend a little time alone—away from the group—to avoid being drained by ongoing arguments or conflicts.
A lot will happen this month, making it one you’ll look back on as a positive period for your self-development—a time when you initiated change and sought answers in different places.
New and existing relationships based on fear and control are going to struggle unless you find a way to let go and see different potentials and unorthodox solutions to problems. Relationships where both parties have an element of faith and trust in the universe—and a desire to creatively change life—do well.
In terms of friendship circles, it’s very easy for your intentions to be misinterpreted. If someone in your social circle has a platonic relationship with you, it’s best to keep things strictly friendly and avoid mixing friendship with intimacy right now, because you may be sending the wrong signals, which could lead to an upsetting situation.
Cancer: Reserve Judgement
Venus retrograde in Aries is a difficult time if you’re a Cancer involved in a relationship with someone you also work with—it’s a tricky period for the social aspects of your relationships. You might be getting less enjoyment or satisfaction from your job and resent some of your responsibilities, with that dissatisfaction seeping into your relationship.
If you work together, you and your partner may have different opinions or moral standpoints about workplace happenings, causing a cooling-off in your relationship. On the other hand, a bit of competitiveness between you can also sour things, so it’s very important to keep work matters separate from your personal life.
During this Venus retrograde, you tend to be a lot more judgmental. You’re less willing to understand where others are coming from and more likely to put yourself in their shoes only to criticize them for not acting as you would.
This isn’t a favorable time for job interviews or for you as a couple to do anything very visible socially. If you’re having problems as a couple, keep them private instead of discussing them in public—even on Facebook.
It’s probably best to spend time alone together, having important conversations rather than projecting your energy into the outside world as a way of avoiding current issues.
New relationships are especially awkward for you right now because you often don’t put your best foot forward—you can come off as clumsy or nervous, especially on very public dates.
If you do go on a date, choose something private like a movie, a long-distance cyber date for the moment, or even an old-fashioned drive-in. Avoid social pressures such as double dates, bars, or crowded outings where you’re likely to bump into many friends, as that may only heighten your awkwardness.
Leo: Revved up
You really need a partner who can hold their own, give you some constructive pushback, and exude self-confidence. This isn’t going to be an easy time if you find yourself in a romance where your partner is feeling needy or craving constant attention.
It’s also not a comfortable week if you man is longing for a settled existence, because you’re revved up—you find it hard to relax, and you’re often highly strung, which can affect your intimate moments. You might feel that life is a bit too hectic rather than romantic.
Depending on your partner’s personality, that high energy might be exactly the buzz they’re looking for after a period of stagnation. However, if he’s someone who is more laid back and enjoys gentle moments—holding hands, having quiet conversations, and maintaining a steady relationship—you might find yourself pushing your partner’s buttons.
You sometimes bring a lot of pressure and stress into a relationship simply because you’re always chasing the next big thing; you’re rarely satisfied, which can make you quite volatile.
Virgo: Money confidence conundrum
The Venus retrograde this month occurs in Aries, the realm of joint financial affairs, debt and values, so it’s important that you are very vigilant about your money. This is definitely a period to put the brakes on spending, to consolidate, and to think of ways to save.
It might also be a time when you and a partner review your various income sources and consider how much time you devote to each. You may want to start refocusing on the most productive ways of earning money and find more sensible ways to utilize your cash or resources.
This is a good week for sensible financial planning with a common-sense approach—not austerity, but increasing efficiency. Avoid making any big purchases, especially on luxury or status items.
Common sense is also important when it comes to sex and intimacy, don’t cultivate unrealistic expectations but definitely work on improving your intimacy day by day.
On a spiritual level, issues with money often coincide with problems of self-esteem. If you feel stuck in a low-paid job, are being taken advantage of, or your employer isn’t appreciative (or isn’t paying you enough), that probably reflects a lack of confidence. Work on those internal emotional issues; you may find that when you value your skills and abilities properly, others will respect you more and compensate you more fairly.
Sun square Jupiter in Gemini is excellent for helping you be more outgoing, self-confident, and to make the most of life. It’s a great time to focus on self-improvement and career goals—and to develop a fresh philosophy and perspective on life that feeds positive energy back into your relationships.
Libra: Microscope on relationships
Because Venus is retrograde in Aries—your solar seventh house of marriage and important partnerships—it’s definitely a time when cooperating and reaching compromises in relationships becomes more challenging.
Agreements can break down, misunderstandings can arise, and it can be hard to strike a balance of give and take. You might even find yourself a little selfish or willful this month. To get your partner’s attention, you’ll need to be incredibly patient and persistent.
Sometimes you can be a bit judgmental during this time, often overreacting or dismissing things without proper consideration. If you need to bring your partner around to your way of thinking, be prepared—it might take time and may not happen this week.
This isn’t a good time to get married or engaged; in fact, if you’re already engaged, your partner might get cold feet and want to stall or delay things. You might also be more indecisive about both recent and long-term relationships—asking for extra time to think and perhaps growing a little more emotionally distant as you question your feelings. But don’t see this as entirely negative—it’s more a period of questioning than a breakdown.
This is also a fantastic phase for you to leave a past relationship behind. If you’ve felt that a previous relationship’s lingering hurt, resentment, or shenanigans have tainted your current love life, now is an excellent time to put that chapter in the past. You can demonstrate great strength by moving on decisively.
Scorpio: Gimme the Knight
With Venus retrograde, you may feel dissatisfied with teamwork or your current working environment—a sign that changes in your career are on the horizon. This isn’t a good time to delegate; it’s best if you see things through to the end yourself or check employees’ work thoroughly. It’s also not an ideal time to recruit or take on new team members in either your work or home environment.
During this period, working with others may feel very frustrating, possibly prompting you to try to improve office cohesion or morale—even though your efforts might be met with opposition. It’s harder than usual to gain cooperation from colleagues, even when you have positive and beneficial ideas for everyone.
Feeling underappreciated at work might inspire you to consider changing jobs or seeking different employment opportunities. On the plus side, this is an excellent time for healing. It could be a good moment to begin a healthy dietary regime or try alternative medicine or therapy to improve your health, boost healing, or help you recuperate from an illness. A retreat or holiday to fully recharge—getting plenty of sunlight, fresh air, and nutritious supplements—could also work wonders.
You’re especially attracted to ambitious people this month. You love being with a partner who has a purpose in life—a person who sets out their stall and goes for it. You admire those who have a strong sense of self, who embrace challenges, and who are not easily deterred.
It’s always beneficial for you, Scorpio, to be with someone resilient and stoic; this period in particular, you’re not interested in flaky, superficial people or anyone who breaks promises without following through. To gain your respect, you must ensure that everyone keeps their word and shows fortitude and grit, no matter the circumstances.
Sagittarius: Success and turnarounds
This week you can experience sudden success or turnarounds—a boost where events seem to go your way. How much you can capitalize on that depends on how well you’ve prepared and your willingness to improvise.
The Jupiter square Sub means you’ll need to take some calculated risks. You also need to move away from getting bogged down in details and use your ability to project into the future, joining the dots to make decisions that set you on an exciting course for the next six years. Don’t think small; don’t stay within your usual limits—but also, don’t get carried away.
Opportunities often involve closer cooperation with others. You might form stronger alliances in business, or find that you and your partner are less isolated, with more support from friends and family to help you feel stronger and more optimistic.
Because Venus is retrograde in Aries, it falls in your fifth house of romance. This means that right now isn’t a great time for romance or new relationships.
If you meet someone during this period, the relationship may get off to a tricky start because you might not come across as very affectionate—perhaps even a bit coy and reserved. Even if you do fancy someone, you’re likely to be more cautious with your feelings during March, and you might not make the first move.
If you’re looking to reconnect with someone you were previously involved with, it could be quite cathartic for both of you to get back together—one last chance to see if things work. If it doesn’t, nothing is lost; at least you’ll clear up lingering feelings and resolve issues. On the other hand, things might indeed work out.
Capricorn: Renew the vibe
The Venus retrograde is occurring in Aries this year—in your fourth house, which governs home, family, and property matters. Family matters might be a bit strained right now, and it may not be the best time to invite relatives over, as that can complicate your life unnecessarily. It might also be difficult to get everyone to agree, since people tend to be more selfish and less cooperative at the moment.
This month, you’re keen to start brainstorming new ways to structure your family and home life. Often, the dissatisfaction you feel about your current home situation spurs you on to make changes that will come later in the year.
You frequently need support from family members; if that support isn’t there, you might become a bit withdrawn. During this phase, it’s important that your partner compliments you and helps boost your self-esteem, especially when you’re feeling down.
March can be an enjoyable time if you like buying home-decorating catalogues together or shopping online for ideas to improve your home—for entertaining and for everyday family convenience.
Jupiter in Gemini also brings increased job satisfaction and better relationships with colleagues. You might even find yourself recruiting new people or joining a new team that offers the support and encouragement you need, creating a positive atmosphere that’s conducive to growth in your career.
Aquarius: Playing Solitaire
When it comes to dating and romance as an Aquarius, you need to have a clear understanding of what you’re actually looking for—or it will be a non-starter. You’re in a more serious frame of mind; you’re not interested in flirting or messing about in love, because you see dating and romance as serious business that should lead somewhere.
Venus retrograde in Aries occurs in your third house of communication and day-to-day activities, affecting relationships with colleagues and neighbors as well. You’re not always as congenial as you could be—you might withdraw or come off as rather abrupt, and you tend to pay less attention to diplomacy and niceties. You can be quite brash, calling a spade a shovel, and you may be unwilling to deal with people who are tricky or indecisive.
This isn’t necessarily a great time for pleasure trips or for arranging outings with immediate family. It’s probably better for you to spend some time alone relaxing, since it’s easy for you to become stressed and irritated by others. In a fashion not unlike Aquarius, this is a good time for you to be reclusive—keep your own counsel and take a short break from people.
Right now, learning experiences, training, or education might not be particularly enjoyable, so it’s best to delay embarking on any new courses because you might not get much from the experience.
You prefer spending time alone—even if you’re married, you might obsess over a hobby or interest and disappear into your den. You would rather avoid insincere dinner dates or dinner parties because you won’t be very happy in those social settings.
Pisces: Reassess your roots
The Venus retrograde this month occurs in your second house in Aries—the house of financial affairs and values. This is a good month for sensible financial planning with a common-sense approach—not austerity, but increasing efficiency. You should avoid making any big purchases, particularly on luxury or status items.
Jupiter square Sun indicates positive effects in family matters. This is a good time to celebrate landmark family events, anniversaries, weddings, and to entertain at home. It’s also a wonderful period for renovating your property or even house hunting. If you’ve been thinking about making a move, you might want to start putting plans into action seeking somewhere that helps you fulfill your aspirations.
However, a new home should represent a brandnew start—it isn’t just about moving into a different place where you continue doing the same old things. A home move should be substantial, with a new environment that’s somewhat different.
For example, moving to the country if you’ve always been in the city, or relocating to a different state with a fresh mindset, or moving somewhere that’s better for your children’s education.
In other words, there should be meaning behind the move—not just about the home, but an almost spiritual significance that makes the change far more successful and rewarding.
This isn’t a lucky time for speculation or gambling in love or with money. If you do get involved in a romance during March hold onto your heart—it might turn out to be just a fling, with you reassessing your feelings at the end of the month.
And if you’re already in a romance, you might feel things are on shaky ground as doubts creep in when everything seems to slow down and cool off. It might help to take a step back and give each other some space—but don’t jump to conclusions. You’re simply not in your most affectionate or romantic mood right now; that doesn’t necessarily mean the relationship is doomed
Key phrases for this week:
Moderation, Diplomacy, Reserving judgment, Relax, Reboot, Patience, Conflict avoidance
See you again next week.
Your sister and relationship astrologer,
Anna Kovach
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