Hello, sweethearts, and welcome to your weekly love horoscope for March 24th – 30th. Now, it’s been a hectic March – there’s been frustration, joy, expectation, and disappointment…
But right now, it’s time to think of the purpose of our own lives, to understand how we can all make the world a better place in a small way, and how we can influence others in a positive way through the best use of our God-given talents.
Mercury and Venus retrograde suggests that you do not want to place yourself in any situation where you are completely out of your depth and have no real idea what you are doing. You want to feel at least on solid ground knowing that you understand what you need to do and you most certainly do not want to give the impression you are a new kid on the block .
Even if you have not been in the dating game for a period, you should not alienate yourself from apps or social groups, stay in the game even if you aren’t actually going on a date, keep talking to different people.
In married life and long term relationships things are highly changeable and uncertain, with you both feeling ambivalent or a little tense and stressed out. You may be unsure about where the relationship is heading and whether you can depend on your partner.
You may both be risk-taking with little consideration for the long-term consequences of your actions. Although this may bring simulation and suspense it can mask an underlying feeling of uncertainty and insecurity.
Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for March 24th – 30th:
Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…
Aries: Onboard for the Ride
This is a time to be really pragmatic in terms of your relationships: Rome wasn’t built in a day, relationships require work and consistency. So the key to achieving more love and affection in your relationship, is being a strong, stable partner who gives your loved ones clear information and feedback, so that everyone knows where they stand.
Favorable opportunities usually arise this time period although you may lack the incentive to take advantage of the opportunities. Because most outcomes tend to go your way, especially in certain areas, you simply may enjoy the ride that this cycle can give you.
Intense striving is likely not your approach now although you generally prefer activity to inactivity. However, you likely pursue what you enjoy whether it brings achievement or not.
If you really like what you do for work, then you indeed may receive rewards or commendation for your efforts. If your real passion lies outside of your worldly persona, this is an excellent time to go for it because you probably will love the results.
Taurus: Personal Power
As Mercury is retrograde in your solar 12th house, during this week, you will need a little bit of space and private time. It’s very important for you to have time to think, and therefore you don’t necessarily just need time away from your partner, you need time away from the perpetual scrolling and the social media.
Your personal power is activated during this time with a sense of determination that’s truly formidable. You may initiate projects that are intense and thorough in nature and will strive to improve or reform your environment. You may not have any interest in activities that are superficial or unimportant.
This intensity will be hard to contain at times and you’re easily set off by criticism, but your reaction will be to seethe in anger and plot your revenge rather than engage in an impulsive outburst.
You’ll be interested in what’s under the surface and may explore the deeper realms in your area of interest, and will often find hidden resources or expose secrets.
Your financial drive is also more intense and you may plunge headfirst into projects that promise great rewards. While success is possible now, you’re likely to push harder than you need to and may use manipulative tactics to achieve your goals
Gemini: Winds of Change
This is a very energetic and independent phase, it’s very important for you to be determined and to set yourself goals to work on. You can achieve an awful lot right now but you should focus on what you are doing and not be concerned on what other people are doing.
There’s a lot of rumor, gossip and misinformation going around with Mercury retrograde, and this can be very distracting, so it’s very important for you to stick to your plans, to work to your strengths and have faith in yourself and you will be the cream that rises to the top.
Generally in this period, change is good and is a force that brings welcome excitement even if you prefer no disruptions. You may get as little or as much out of this period as you like since it can pass by with only an occasional stepping outside your normal boundaries. The more friends you have the more likely that you will taste at least some of the remarkable features available now.
While it often means that distinctive people enter your life and have a pleasant impact, it can indicate extraordinary experiences shared with others. You often are bolder in company than you are alone which can set up conditions that have a unique and exhilarating effect.
Cancer: Lead with Love
This can be a tricky time when communicating with people in authority as Mercury retrograde is in your 10th house. It may be a time when there are many promising developments within your career, but everything seems to be on hold, or there can be delays in terms of contractual arrangements, or perhaps the relevant pieces of the puzzle are still to fall into place.
If you are eager for something to happen within your career, you have to be patient right now because it may be a case that those in authority, or in your line of command don’t have enough information or are still getting their ducks in a row, and there’s not much you can do until they get organized.
Working hard can define this period, and the effort you expend often rewards you. You can take charge more easily now, especially of your own life, but others likely follow you willingly, as you can project a firm resolve.
To the extent that you know what you want, this interval assists you to fully concentrate on your aim with minimal distraction. You can perfect certain skills now that you have developed over the years, and new ones that you learn tend to stick through repetition.
If you lack direction, this is an excellent time to find one that suits you. You generally have a clearer awareness of what compels you and what doesn’t. Pursuing an interest that motivates you can have an enduring effect and place you on a fulfilling path.
Leo: Roar
This can be a very successful if not topsy turvey week for dating, don’t rule out any long distance relationships and cast the net wide. It’s certainly time to consider people that may seem on the surface like they aren’t your cup of tea, but you should give them a chance because they could be something really special.
It’s important right now to look for guys who have high standards, are good leaders and have warm personalities – don’t settle for a wallflower. Your confidence is especially healthy as Sun is sextile Pluto and you are able express yourself in an assertive and creative manner, being competitive and also inspiring so that you set a good example.
You really know how to sell your ideas and convince other people with your positive attitude, and are more courageous when approaching projects that would otherwise seem too risky or out of comfort zones.
You’re also more motivated to initiate financial ventures that involve risk, and it’s more likely you will be successful. Your youthful spirit is aroused and you feel playful and will look for any opportunity to have fun, preferring activities that are physical, daring and exciting.
Virgo: Get a result
With Mercury retrograde in your solar eighth house, this is an important time for you and your partner or spouse to get a good understanding when it comes to your finances. It’s time to pull your horns in and be a little bit of cautious, this is not a time for big spending, it’s a time for putting money aside and thinking about investments. It’s also a good time to have honest conversations.
Sometimes it’s the small things that need resolving – they say, “If you watch the pennies the pounds will take care of themselves,” but this week in relationships, if you deal with the small issues, sometimes the big issues will resolve themselves.
New Moon in Aries means that applying yourself to fundamental and intimate issues can bring real progress in understanding and gaining resolution. This is an awesome week to recognize the difference between the situations that have shaped you and your relationship and the needs that are your own.
It is likely that some of the expectations that you attempt to fulfill are a product of your past or of someone else’s projection onto you and may actually hinder your own development.
You can use this week’s energies to eliminate unwanted patterns that have conditioned you to react in particular ways that may not be conducive to the well-being of your relationship. While you must summons the motivation, actions that you take now, to bring greater personal contentment likely take hold and can have permanent results.
Libra: Fascinate and facilitate
This week, with Mercury retrograde in Aries, communication becomes absolutely essential in relationships—you simply can’t afford to take anything for granted. When you and your partner come to an agreement, make sure everything is clearly understood and, ideally, written down.
During Mercury retrograde, it’s especially important to talk things through thoroughly and avoid leaving any loose ends. Misunderstandings are more likely now, and either one of you might hesitate to follow through or even change your mind.
Allow space for flexibility. Even after a decision is made, it’s wise to keep the door open for further discussion or adjustments, especially as new information may come to light.
With the Sun forming a sextile to Pluto, your desires intensify, and your approach to relationships or dating becomes passionate, persuasive, and magnetic. You radiate confidence, and your flirtatious energy can create an instant connection with someone you’re attracted to.
You’re also highly driven when it comes to financial projects, pouring focused energy into your work and seeing tangible, productive results. Creativity flows freely, especially in areas that involve physical expression—whether that’s performance art, sculpture, crafts, gym workouts, or yoga. Your ability to channel energy into something hands-on is especially powerful right now.
Scorpio: Brand New Deal
With Mercury retrograde in Aries, there’s a strong tendency to jump the gun in relationships. It’s important to slow down, be patient with your partner, and truly listen rather than making assumptions about what they’re thinking.
Your partner may be going through some inner shifts of their own—they’re more open to dialogue and even to healthy debate. So don’t assume that anything is set in stone. Start the conversation, and you may be surprised by how much you can align or even suddenly agree on.
This is a powerful time to let go of what’s been and open the door to a brand new chapter in love. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or exploring something new, the past doesn’t define what’s possible now. A completely new understanding is within reach.
With the New Moon in Aries, your mind is sharp, focused, and action-oriented. You’re clear about what you want to achieve, and this is the perfect time to turn ideas into action. You’re competitive, driven, and ready to push forward toward your goals.
This energy is ideal for launching a business idea, stepping into a leadership role, or even engaging in a spirited debate—especially where courage and boldness are required. You’re eager to be recognized for your efforts and won’t shy away from a challenge.
To balance out the mental stimulation, physical activity can be very beneficial. Whether it’s sports, workouts, or even daring adventures, you’ll find joy in movement and in pushing your limits with confidence and style.
Sagittarius: Energy Supreme
Because Mercury is retrograde in Aries, you have to choose your words carefully when dating. Less is more, so don’t be gushy or too eager, be direct and allow your new date an opportunity to tell you what they need to say without fear of judgment.
You are quite competitive right now, but in romance your high energy could put your date in edge, so know when to relax and chill out when dating. Be more compassionate and patient in relationships and use your positivity to lighten the mood, not to lecture.
They say that to change your life you have to change your thinking, and this is very true this week – a new insight, a changed attitude or new information can transform your life direction.
Like-wise a PMA (positive mental attitude) can be the key to success in new relationships, what you envision, you materialize – do beware though as thinking about negative things can also result in them materializing.
This is a very good week for marriages and partnerships as long as you do not feel controlled or inhibited – this is a time when you are free to give love and support generously. However, as soon as you feel curtailed or bossed around in any way, you will get your back up and could react quite dramatically.
Capricorn: Fertile Imagination
Mercury retrograde in Aries as well as Mars trine Saturn, makes you very intrigued by dates or new men in your life who seem a little vulnerable it even mysterious. Mystery and a fascinating backstory are what turns you on in love and you rather enjoy a new partner who makes you work hard to get to know them.
Your imagination may be especially fertile, and what you dream can inspire you. Often there are fewer boundaries, real or perceived, that interfere with your enjoyment. By being less judgmental you can attract supportive influences that in the past you may have disregarded.
On a practical level, you can resolve personal issues more easily not so much by direct action but through forgiveness and trust. You have the ability to consider long-standing contentions without distorting them. Generally your need to defend your personal position in any dispute is less urgent which can bring you closer to those people and situations that matter most to you.
You are rather enigmatic in new love relationships this week – internally you are feeling rather vague and disconnected and, as a result, you are giving out mixed signals that are very confusing. In fact, your internal state of confusion can be projected onto the relationship, creating intrigue.
Aquarius: Breakthrough
Any difficulties that you have in your interactions with others can reach a sudden breakthrough if you apply yourself to working out differences. You have the facility now to approach long-term issues from a fresh angle that can obtain results.
Exploring the unusual typically appeals to you. Risks that you assume can work out favorably from the very small to the very large although you probably only get out what you put in, and you sometimes prefer not to make much of an effort since positive occurrences tend to come your way unsought.
With Mercury retrograde and Venus retrograde too, this week the important thing in love is learning through your mistakes. Love is not just about companionship and passion, it’s a vehicle through which we learn about ourselves, and so constant self-reflection or introspection in love is a vital ingredient for your own personal growth and also better relationships.
Pisces: Fate and Foundations
Mercury is retrograde in Aries your solar 2nd house and this is a very important time for long-range decisions for you and your partner. It’s important to have conversations and to think about exactly what you want in the coming two years, and then set down a concrete strategy.
This is potentially a time for structured and organized thinking, and when you and your partner can come together in a rational way to make decisions of both an emotional and practical nature.
Meeting someone at this time who seems more than just a casual acquaintance can develop into a successful long-term partner. You tend to take your friends more seriously now, which can allow you to deepen existing relationships that have a firm foundation while recognizing the limitations of those that are shallow.
This is an excellent time to make important choices about people because you tend to see them clearly and your decisions concerning them usually are in your best interest. You likely find it easy to interact with others, although you often restrict contact to those whom you value while at the same time avoiding superficial encounters.
I wish you all a wonderful week, and may you go out of March with positive thoughts, cultivating an attitude of gratitude and optimism about the future. Remember, it’s okay to think big; it’s okay to be ambitious and to want more.
We all must shine a light of optimism ahead like a torch in a dark night so we always have something to follow. Key phrases for this week:
Thoughtfulness, Cooperation, Focus, Perspective, Project confidence, Patience, Be canny, Self analysis
See you again next week.
Your sister and relationship astrologer,
Anna Kovach
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Astrology runs deep and reveals so much about a person.
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