Weekly Love Horoscope for March 10th – 16th, 2025

Hello, sweethearts, and welcome to your weekly love horoscope for March 10th – 16th. I hope you are all feeling the momentum of the year picking up as we head into the week of the full moon in Virgo and the Ides of March.

I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying that comes from Julius Caesar—”Beware, beware the Ides of March.” This is a time that can lead to some surprises, and I feel that with the Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces, Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries retrograde, and Mercury about to turn retrograde at the Ides of March, something curious is afoot.

It’s very important to take a fairly conservative approach and be a little bit risk-averse. It’s also vital for everyone to understand that what is subtle—the nuances and what lies between the lines—is far more important than what is overt.

This is a time of mysteries and secrets. It’s a time of some confusion and miscommunication, but it’s also a time when we can gain deep insight into the mysteries of ourselves, the universe, and our relationships, using that to our advantage.

So, it’s very important not to see all these rather chaotic and esoteric influences as bad. It’s just a matter of interpreting the coincidences, signs, and signals, and seeing it all as an opportunity for those who are aware.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for March 10th – 16th:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: Hurley Burley 

For Aries, this week requires a deeper analysis of relationships and your interactions. Now, I know you guys like to be fairly straightforward when you shoot from the hip, but this is definitely a time when I would advise you to be more strategic. Listen to that Aries intuition. Try to understand what your heart is telling you.

This is also a time when, if you want something done properly, you have to rely on yourself. People may let you down and make misrepresentations. It’s also vital that in brand-new relationships, you understand that there’s sometimes a little bit of excitement when things are up in the air and you don’t know someone well.

Very often, relationships become stale after that initial phase of getting to know each other, so try to enjoy the times when your relationship is confusing and uncertain. Try to thrive during the hurly-burly of this particular week, but always understand your own perceptions—what are they telling you? Don’t underestimate them. This is a time when your dream world is very exciting, and sometimes, your dreams are trying to tell you something.

Taurus: Alignment of intention

Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces can make Taurus very idealistic. This, along with your ruler Venus going retrograde and Mercury going retrograde in Aries, means you are quite vulnerable to your own delusions. It is a time when you can get carried away with certain notions, fantasies, and activities that make you feel good—but the question is, do they really deliver?

Whether in relationships or your work, it’s important to understand now what is actually going to make a practical difference. Very often, the things you enjoy doing aren’t really helping any kind of situation develop in a more positive direction, so you often have to reassess. Now, I’m not saying that it’s bad to do things that make you feel positive and upbeat, but that may be the only thing they achieve.

Right now, you are less likely to engage in activities that will leave practical results. This can be a powerful time for mantras, positive thinking, and using meditation.

So, what’s most important for you right now is aligning your spiritual and psychological will so that you can achieve your goals. That often requires some space and time for thoughtfulness and being mindful of your intentions—what will deliver you your goals?

Gemini: You can’t take all the nonsense

Mercury retrograde and Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces mean that some people may let you down—not necessarily your partner, but it could be a mentor, authority figure, or even a parent.

It’s very important that you don’t have rose-colored glasses or unrealistic expectations of people. Always remember, everyone is human. All people make mistakes, and all people have conflicts of interest that make it hard for them to always see the wood from the trees.

Sometimes, success right now is about understanding the failings and weaknesses of other people and not expecting them always to come up with the goods. What you need to do right now in your life is stay in your lane—don’t worry about things that aren’t your problem, and don’t take responsibility for issues that aren’t of immediate concern. Let your partner deal with their issues, and don’t be burdened—other people’s problems are not your own.

You can actually be very successful now in wading through the nonsense, as long as you follow these simple tips: stay focused and pragmatic, use your analytical skills, and don’t get sidetracked into blind alleys.

Cancer: Put your mind to it

Now, this is a week where you will get mixed messages from people. You may find that there are people in your life—perhaps your partner or someone you’re dating—who seem confused about what they want or can’t give you a decision.

What’s important right now is for you to be more philosophical about life. You have to take the ups and the downs without obsessing over one particular outcome. Your strength now lies in your ability to be flexible and to inject some purpose into your relationships.

Often, you need to play hardball in love, and that means showing a partner that whatever they’re doing, you have a clear intention. Life goes on, and you are going to put your mind to things and get on with it.

In terms of marriage, it’s often important to work out legal matters right now, so be very careful with any bureaucracy, paperwork, or anything that might have legal implications.

Leo: A little humility

Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces represents an emotional and tricky time for Leo. This is a particularly delicate time in relationships—there may be some sexual issues and also bridges to be built. However, this can also be a time when you restore a relationship.

In fact, a little bit of humility goes a very long way. What can undermine you right now is your own stubbornness. Sometimes, it’s a good idea to just drop the issues and move on with the relationship, focusing on the strengths and rebuilding.

This is an excellent time for a turnaround if your relationship has broken down, become boring, or if you aren’t relating sexually. Never say never, because right now, with a little bit of effort, determination, and a conciliatory approach, you can get things back on track.

This is not the best time—with two retrogrades—for international travel or trying to negotiate any legal matters. It may also not be the perfect time for a complicated journey like hectic sightseeing, because things tend to go wrong. So, make sure your plans are solid.

Virgo: Denialism

Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces means this is a powerful time in terms of relationships, and even new relationships can begin to feel a lot more solid and satisfying. You are feeling confident about the future.

However, there are many unknowns, and it may be the case in relationships that there are some secrets, hang-ups, and no-go areas where you both feel that you don’t want to talk about certain things.

It’s really important to introduce conversations about topics where you both tend to feel vulnerable and sensitive. These need to be brought out into the open.

Another thing you may need to talk about is previous relationships and the shadow they cast or the effect they are having. One of the problems right now in relationships is denial.

You are very good at getting on with things, building the relationship, and acting as a team, but there’s always something being swept under the carpet. This is what you need to recognize.

Libra: Start Small

This week, we have Venus retrograde in Aries and Mercury going retrograde in Aries. Both of these affect relationships, particularly ongoing relationships, and they impact communication and affection.

What’s more, you also have Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces, which means this is a time of year when you tend to have a lot of work to do. It may feel like there’s an awful lot on your plate, and relationships could get lost on the list.

In fact, that’s why relationships can break down this week—because there’s a lack of focus on coherent communication. So, you must make sure that despite the busyness, when you do communicate, it’s at least fruitful.

Also, start small. This is not a time when you and your partner should try to do anything complicated or ambitious—be it planning a trip, entertaining friends, or making major changes. Keep it simple, consolidate, and stick to basics.

Make sure that you keep promises and maintain good timekeeping because this helps keep things on track and reinforces the teamwork aspect of love.

Scorpio: Stick at it

Now, for Scorpio, this week brings good news—particularly for those of you who have recently begun new relationships. There is a chance for these relationships to become quite poignant and meaningful quickly.

However, the best relationships right now have a slightly spiritual connection. Perhaps you share a past, a struggle, or a certain emotional characteristic that bonds you, giving the relationship added depth and fulfillment.

If the new relationship feels like a lot of hard work and an uphill climb, keep going—it might actually turn into something quite beautiful. Don’t give up. Stay with it.

In terms of marriage and dating, this is not the best time for date nights. You guys often need to take care of business first, so this is probably a good week to get organized, clear things off your to-do list, and handle paperwork. That way, you can open up the rest of the month for fun.

Sagittarius: Pump the brakes

With Venus retrograde and Mercury going retrograde in Aries, those of you who are dating, looking for love, or using dating apps need to be a little bit careful—first impressions can be misleading.

Now, that doesn’t mean that if you meet someone now, they are putting on an act or will let you down (though it’s possible). It may simply mean that the relationship will encounter short-term hiccups and logistical problems, making it hard to get off the ground.

The key to online dating and new relationships is to manage your expectations. Sure, you can feel quite excited right now, but there’s still a lot to know and work out.

Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces suggests that Sagittarius should keep something in reserve. Don’t give your all in relationships. I know, as a fire sign, you tend to be very expressive and fiery, but self-control and pumping the brakes in love is important.

Capricorn: Balance the past, focus the future 

The key right now for Capricorn is something that plays very well to your character—slow and steady wins the race. Whether it’s a new relationship or you are working on improving an existing one, it’s important to take a systematic, step-by-step approach rather than rushing ahead. It’s also vital that you and your partner don’t spend too much time going over old ground.

Right now, there’s a need to clear up emotional debris. There may have been past events, arguments, or family developments that still need a little more discussion before you can truly draw a line under them.

The key is to find a balance—don’t be too quick to move on without processing things properly, but at the same time, avoid dragging out discussions unnecessarily. Try to understand past issues as best as possible, practice forgiveness, and move forward.

What matters most in relationships right now is clear, purposeful communication. It’s important to be balanced, to keep a light emotional touch, and to avoid letting emotions cloud logical discussions. Right now, consistency and even-handedness in love will serve you best.

Aquarius: Step by step, day by day

This week brings activity in your second and third houses, which means financial matters will be at the forefront. It’s a good time to ensure long-term prosperity, but it’s not the time to take risks—you need a solid game plan when it comes to money and career ambitions. You may also have the chance to rectify recent financial mistakes or renegotiate agreements in your favor.

In love, what’s key right now is showing your partner that you are reliable and practical. Aquarians are often very idealistic in love and enjoy expressing affection in creative or unconventional ways, but your partner may be looking for more tangible support right now.

This could mean acts of service, offering practical help, or even just being a good listener. Sometimes, the little things—like showing up, keeping promises, and helping with everyday matters—mean more than grand gestures.

With two retrogrades in Aries, online dating and long-distance relationships could be tricky right now. It’s best to take things step by step and not rush into anything serious until you’ve had time to fully assess the situation.

Pisces: Milestone 

Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces makes this a very significant time for you. This week, you may experience an important development that could shape the next few years of your life.

This could involve a substantial relationship milestone, an important decision with your partner, or a personal realization that affects your love life. Whatever the case, you need to take everything seriously and approach situations with mindfulness.

Right now, it’s essential to clear your calendar, focus on what truly matters, and understand your priorities in love and life. This is a time for making long-term choices, not just reacting to the moment.

With Venus retrograde and Mercury going retrograde in your second house, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between temporary emotions and deeper, more lasting concerns. You may feel uncertain about your desires, or you might be struggling to tell whether a current issue is a passing phase or something that requires real attention.

The key to success right now is to focus on what is fundamental and essential in your life—not fleeting trends, superficial worries, or outside distractions. When it comes to love and business, act with patience, clarity, and purpose.


This is an important time when there can be significant events taking place, it’s also a period of indecision and some emotional discombobulation, so what’s needed is a strong sense of who you are, what you believe and what you want in life, because this can help you steer the course.

The more you don’t understand what’s really important, the more you will struggle to make the right decision, but those of you who have a good grip on the realities of your life and and know what you want to achieve will be able to make wise, even if difficult decisions, and your life will continue to move in a good direction after the retrogrades are over next month.

It’s the Ides of March, so remember this is when Brutus stabbed Caesar, so not everyone is trustworthy, not everyone is your friend and it’s not a bad thing to remember that.

Key phrases for this week:

Caution, Pragmatism, Grounding, Moderation, Clarity, Patience, Common Sense

See you again next week.

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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