Weekly Love Horoscope for July 22nd – 28th

Well, hello sweethearts, and welcome to your weekly love horoscope for July 22nd – 28th. This is another exciting week, and there’s a rather creative and playful air to it, which is quite appropriate as, in many parts of the world, the summer holidays are off to start.

Now, what do we have? We have Mars entering Gemini, which I think is fantastic for the spirit of the season, with time to indulge our inner child, enjoy exciting and different activities, and satisfy our curiosity for life. 

We also have the Sun going into Leo, which is awesome for creativity and new love affairs, but it’s opposite Pluto, so there’s a lot of intensity and quite high expectations. We can also push ourselves to extremes, which is great for all of you who have sporting quests and ventures planned.

Mercury in Leo is square Uranus, and I feel this excites and stimulates the love and romantic juices, but in a way that’s highly spontaneous and innovative.

So, what is the message for this week? It is: think big, be strong and bold, live your life in full color, and definitely respond to your heart and your intuition in love.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for July 22nd – 28th:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: Passion for life is key

Mars entering Gemini is a cue that you want to be busy. With the Sun entering Leo opposite Pluto, you are craving greater meaning in your life and in your relationships. This is also a great time for increased understanding.

Communication is supercharged, but it’s not necessarily about emotional communication; it’s about you and your partner doing fun-filled activities that help you get in touch with your true passions. The more you both feel valued as individuals living a fulfilling life, the better love relationships go. 

So, what’s key in love? It’s understanding that your life should be meaningful and going after those things that make you feel alive and that you are contributing. When you do that, you are able to plow so much positive energy back into your love relationships.

Self-denial is the biggest problem in relationships; if you’re not expressing your true needs, if you’re not living with flair and authenticity, you are doing yourself and any new or existing relationship a disservice. So, honesty and living your best life actually make relationships stronger.

Taurus: Obliterating the blockages

Now, for Taurus, the flavors are quite spicy and rather fragrant. This is definitely not a week where you feel bored or bland. In fact, the emotions are running high for you.

Mars going into Gemini and the Sun in Leo opposite Pluto mean that you are really in touch with your true inner self. Sometimes feelings and emotions that you’ve suppressed come to the surface, and it forces you to realize what is most important in your life. 

This will be a time when you focus on what makes you happy and what’s holding you back from happiness. The question that needs to be asked is why? Whether you’re looking for love or you’re in the doldrums in your relationship, you need to understand what within your own mentality is holding you back.

This is certainly the time to tackle any anxieties, self-fulfilling prophecies, or toxic emotions that are festering and creating blockages to the expression of love. The power is in your hands; through regeneration and emotional understanding of yourself, relationships can improve.

Gemini: Knowing is your power

Mars entering Gemini is a fantastic boost of excitement. It’s time to feel motivated and start looking for ways to bring a dynamic, go-getting energy into your life, which I know is not difficult for Gemini.

At the same time, we have the Sun entering Leo opposite Pluto and Mercury in Leo square Uranus. This is an information- and ideas-rich time, but perhaps for Gemini, it’s not just about blasting off the starting blocks and doing all those things you want to do; it’s a time of idea generation, positive thinking, understanding the options, and information gathering.

When it comes to a new partner or relationship, it’s important to understand the lay of the land. You want to be asking questions, listening, being observant, and doing your best to understand the deepest psychology of a new partner.

When it comes to existing relationships, knowledge is also power. It’s key to having conversations; they can be light-hearted and don’t have to be deep, but all conversations are more revealing because the information is there, and all you have to do is be alert to it.

Right now, success in relationships is all about that deeper level of awareness and mindfulness.

Cancer: Soul Sanctuary 

Now, there are two planets in Leo: one is the Sun opposite Pluto and the other Mercury square Uranus. This brings a lot of unexpected opportunities when it comes to making money.

You need to dig deep, be courageous, and perhaps consider options you may not have before to open up a wealth of earning potential. With Mars going into Gemini, sometimes there’s a feeling that your life is pregnant with opportunity, but nothing is yet ripe. 

So, what’s important in your relationships is being incredibly patient, understanding the lay of the land, allowing a little bit of space, and letting things organically develop without rushing. 

In terms of existing relationships, it’s important that you have your own space. Now is a time to draw boundaries, to know when to say enough is enough, and to create for yourself an oasis of calm in relationships.

Do not get drawn into your partner’s drama, their ambitions, or their issues. Yes, it’s important to be supportive, but you always need to know how to support yourself and provide self-care because that’s the key to love.

Leo: Know your power 

Well, what a powerful time for Leo! The Sun finally enters Leo, but it’s opposed to Pluto. What does that mean? It means you feel particularly adventurous and ambitious, and there’s a powerful drive within you.

This is definitely not a time when you want to take a back seat to life. You have to take a big bite out of life, be true to yourself, courageous and brave, and understand your potential.

If there are any barriers in your way, remember with Mercury in Leo square Uranus, the ideas are out there. All you need is some ingenuity, and you can be a problem solver.

In all relationships, you want to take a leading role. You want to be the one who inspires your partner and sets a path forward. What you don’t want to do in relationships is overcompromise or people-please.

You have to understand that your life and your needs are important. If a partner doesn’t understand that, perhaps you need to take a step back from the relationship and let them really appreciate you.

Virgo: Setting targets 

Your ruler, Mercury, is square Uranus in Taurus, and Mars is entering Gemini. This represents a time when you should be ambitious. There are opportunities to change your life, and you need to be aware of where they are, but time is not of the essence, as you can be patient; you can plan your move.

This is a great time for you Virgos to be doing things you love: making lists, gathering information, generating ideas, and then getting really comfortable with opportunities and honing in on them. 

Now, sometimes with the planets now in Leo (for example, the Sun, Mercury, and the Sun opposed Pluto), there can be issues with work-life balance. It may be you who’s quite devoted to work at the moment, or it could be that you and your partner are both neglecting the relationship because you’re involved with work.

In both new and existing relationships, communication is vital because growing apart can happen before you know it. You may be less involved in each other’s lives, and although you’re communicating, perhaps you haven’t had enough meaningful romantic communication.

This is a time when romance counts, but it doesn’t have to be big grand gestures, as just a few little romantic moments here and there are like magic. So, it’s not about over-egging romance; it’s about a sprinkle of magical romance throughout the week.

Libra: Into the deep of love 

Now, with Pluto activated in your fifth house of romance and Mars entering Gemini, there is something a little bit challenging about new love affairs—something that makes you excited but also causes you to question yourself because these relationships may challenge certain perceptions, ideas, or checkboxes you have.

What you need right now in love is an adventurous attitude. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Only by stepping into the deep end of love right now can you really experience the full benefit of the exotic emotions available.

This can also be a time when, in existing relationships, commitment is tested on both your part and your partner’s. When the relationship faces challenges, do you pull together and act as a team, as you desire as a Libra, or are your different philosophies and beliefs about life tearing you apart?

This can also be a time when things like societal and political differences are more of a problem in relationships. However, at the core, do you believe in each other, and do you support each other?

Because that is the most important thing in relationships going forward. So, this can be a testing but revealing time in relationships about how much you truly value and have the desire to show empathy for each other.

Scorpio: Building yourself up

Now, for Scorpio, this is a particularly emotional time. If you have anything that tends to upset or annoy you or even wind you up, you may have to confront this right now. However, this is a very good time to understand those influences or elements of your life that are toxic.

What in your life or in your relationship has the propensity to make you unravel, to make you feel insecure? Right now, your power is that you are able to work on those things and improve your understanding, and therefore lessen the impact that certain people or events have on your life.

This is also a time when you can be very resilient in relationships. Whether your partner is having difficulty in their life or the relationship feels more strained, you are able to find a calm oasis that you can retreat to and summon your strength.

What you should never underestimate right now is your individual strength. You are powerful and you can overcome, and it’s so important with Mars in Gemini and the Sun opposite Pluto that you understand that you are a pillar of strength. Be strong in your mindfulness and in the way you are determined to make your relationships, and yourself, stronger.

Sagittarius: You don’t have the answers yet

With Mars entering Gemini, it represents an exciting time for relationships. There’s more passion and energy, so relationships can be improved, along with your sex life. New relationships can go through the gears quickly as you both get excited and do stimulating activities together, which reinforce your passion for each other.

On the other hand, opinions are strong and there can be some debate and arguments in relationships. This is a time when you are very uncompromising and can tend to get very set in your opinions and expressing them.

What you need to do is to be conscious of times when you are perhaps preaching, moralizing, or being a little bit dogmatic, and know when to step back. Relationships work best where there is contrast. You don’t always have to agree, but it’s important to bring on board different ways of doing things and opinions and just try them out.

Right now, you shouldn’t take a close-minded attitude. Whatever happens in love, you don’t know the answers yet. So, take a step back, wait for things to develop, and see if this has the potential to shed new light or to change your mind.

Capricorn: Solutions and Trust 

Now, for Capricorn, this is a period when details count. You are more likely to notice aspects of your relationship where your partner is vague, non-committal, or perhaps not following through on promises.

This can make you doubt, and trust is really tested in relationships. In good relationships, you work together and do practical, thoughtful things to help each other. There should be tangible demonstrations of love right now.

In emerging and existing relationships, it’s about deeds, not words. It’s about the extent to which people show their true colors and speak with integrity and honesty.

If you’re in a new relationship and you have doubts, this is definitely a time for a small break while you reassess and process what exactly has been going on. Sometimes new relationships go incredibly quickly, but this may be a time for you to just have a small pause while you understand what this person is really about.

In marriages, any issues are laid bare right now simply because you are more realistic, but that’s a huge positive because once you’ve identified issues, it’s so much easier to find solutions. This is a solution-rich time.

Aquarius: Light fire of passion 

Mars in Gemini and Mercury square Uranus indicate that this is a time when you are buzzing, looking for excitement, and easily bored. This is an awesome time for those of you who are hunting for new romance, whether at social gatherings or online, and you may be spoiled for opportunity.

So, what you want to do is keep your options open, maintain communication with a lot of people, and allow yourself to truly experiment before you find the right person.

This is also a great time to reintroduce excitement into your relationship. If your partner and you have recently slipped into any patterns that are making your life feel a bit stale and dull, and you are kind of thinking there’s no progress, there’s no need to worry.

This is an awesome time for doing different things, generating ideas, and for you and your partner to be a bit adventurous and experimental. No one said we have to do the same thing throughout our lives. You have to recognize that every day is a new opportunity, and it’s also so in love.

So, it’s a time for a spontaneous trip, inviting friends around, and just lighting the fire of passion through taking a chance.

Pisces: Rich but subtle 

Now, with Mars in Gemini and the two planets in Leo, the Sun opposing Pluto, and Mercury square Uranus, this is a time when you are very open, psychic, and intuitive. Things that your partner is thinking but not feeling may be perceived by you.

In the best relationships where you and your partner are on the same wavelength, sometimes you need to put a little bubble around yourself because those psychic messages can be so strong that they actually can be quite confusing. 

In new relationships, communication is something that really has to be worked on. You may be in a relationship where your love languages are totally different, so it’s important right now not to make assumptions or jump to conclusions.

Events right now can take on a certain flavor of their own, and in many cases, you and a new partner are influenced by friends and events more than you think. So sometimes your problems are external, not internal.

In relationships where you have psychic attunement, often it’s best not to let that totally throw you. Know how to spend time quietly by yourself, where you reach true awareness and understanding away from the hubbub.

This is a really good time for relationships to become deeper, and yet progress is often on a subtle level. So, there may not be overt romantic gestures, but the relationship really is becoming that much richer.

My Final Words for The Week Of July 22nd

Challenge your mind as well as the ideas of others.

Opportunities come from being on the cutting edge of your comfort zone.

Understand the strength of your desire, you are capable of going to great lengths to achieve your creative and relationship aims.

This is the week to recognize the forces that compel you and the obsessions that drive you.

Awareness and manifesting can effect a fundamental change.

Key themes to capitalize on this week:

Understanding, Awareness, Passion, Truth, Trust, Spontaneity, Enjoyment 

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Wishing you all the luck in the universe,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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