Weekly Love Horoscope For March 13th – 19th

Welcome Sweethearts, and here is the introduction to our horoscopes for the week beginning 13th of March.

This looks to be a rather intriguing, possibly confusing but nonetheless interesting week for all zodiac signs. It’s also the week when we have the last quarter moon, which is on Wednesday, and therefore we are entering a phase of reflection and completion, and it’s a very important time to let go. So this is an ideal time to take a few moments to yourself to relax, to understand the events of the past 3 weeks and to give yourself some space to reflect on exactly what you have learnt and where you are at emotionally.

Neptune in Pisces is activated by the Sun, Mercury and Mars this month, meaning the rather nebulous rhythms and emotions connected with Neptune are prevalent.

So what does that mean for you?

It means it’s not a time to be competitive, to take action or to be decisive, it’s more of a time to listen to your gut, for you to understand what’s not being said, to use your emotional intelligence and to be a little bit cautious and canny.

With Venus Square Pluto, there are strong undercurrents and deceptive emotions running riot in relationships, everything is not as it seems. In relationships, there’s a greater intensity, so it’s very important to tread carefully, to be sympathetic, but also diplomatic in your actions when it comes to both new and existing relationships.

As Mars in Gemini squares Neptune, this can serve to be a very revealing and enlightening time if you are alert, it’s also a time when selfish and impetuous actions tend to backfire, so be mindful and operate with integrity.

While communication is important this week with Sun conjunct Mercury, it’s vital to be clear and concise, this is not necessarily a good time for innuendo, inappropriate jokes or deep and meaningful conversations that can come become quite convoluted. The message is: keep it simple, be succinct.

If you’re a fan of my weekly love horoscopes, I’m confident that you’ll find even more value in my Daily Cosmic Secrets. This daily horoscope offers valuable insights into the energies of each day and can help you navigate life’s twists and turns.

So, before you read your weekly horoscope, I invite you to subscribe to my Daily Cosmic Secrets and start receiving daily insights from the universe. And don’t forget to check out your moon and rising sign for even more personalized insights!

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more astrology wisdom from me!

I hope this weekly love horoscope brings you some understanding and guidance about what is going on in your romantic life. Please let me know in the comment section below about your experience this week. 

Read next : Weekly Tarotscope for  March 13th-19th

Aries – Don’t be a tiger, ’cause Tigers play too rough

Aries have a great need to set the record straight in relationships and to talk things through.

It’s a week where you can problem solve and get to the bottom of things, but this must be done in a delicate way. Aries are fairly impatient and your feelings in love are heightened, there’s a greater intensity and passion, but you must remember to be compassionate and little subtle, because you certainly run the risk of going too far or even appearing to interrogate your partner.

This can be an excellent time for meeting new people, but passions are running high, your romantic side and your idealistic side is ignited, so easy it’s to ignore practicalities and run head first into a new relationship without really thinking through the ramifications.

In all relations this month, don’t try and be a Smart Alec, it’s not all about being right and proving your point, have more humility and you will come out on top.

Taurus – Show how you care, actions speak louder than words

In marriage and long-term relationships, Taurus have to take a step back as your partner may be a little bit more detached, aloof or perhaps they are just a little bit tired and they need their own space.

It is important to be cognizant of the natural pace of relationships, this is not a time to be impatient or demanding. Right now it’s very important to give your partner affection, support and show them appreciation, as a little bit of tenderness and care go a very long way, so it’s important to say ‘I love you’ and to demonstrate your love in practical and helpful ways.

This is an excellent time to make new friends, meet new people and start hanging out with different groups, because this is an ideal way to meet a new partner. In general 2023 is an expansive and exciting time for Taurus, and this week is a case in point, so it’s important to embrace different activities, new routines and to be totally open-minded about potential partners in your new social groups.

Gemini – Let your love shine a light and lead the way in relationships

This week all may not be as it seems, it’s quite common for Gemini to wear rose colored glasses in love and you can easily be led down the garden path. So while this is potentially week of tender romantic feelings when you feel more in tune with your partner, more able to satisfy their needs and more compassionate (which can certainly assist long term relationships) sometimes there is a little bit of self-delusion, which can mean it’s not the most ideal time to hit it off with someone totally new.

This is definitely an ideal time for Gemini to inject relationships with a little bit of creative energy. You should take lead, especially if you feel that the relationship is a little flat or your partner is uninspired. You have the opportunity to provide some much needed impetus and excitement in the relationship.

This is an ideal time to wear the pants in relationships and encourage new ventures, but this should always be done in a subtle and helpful way, and you should not be disheartened if your partner doesn’t show the same enthusiasm as yourself, it’s all about patience and understanding.

Cancer – Relight the fire and remember that teamwork is the glue in relationships

This is quite a harmonious week for relationships and it’s a good time to have constructive conversations about home life and money. This is certainly a great time for you and your partner to get out the to-do list and to work hard as a team. This week is certainly a very productive time for conversations, and if there’s anything you need to debate and come to decisions about, this would be a good time to do so. However don’t forget that this is more of a discussion week than an implementation week, so get everything on the table, draw up your lists and get ready to go next week.

This can be an excellent time for Cancerians to have a workplace romance, and it may be someone in authority, someone older or someone whom you respect who suddenly pays you a little bit of attention and romance could begin.

This is a wonderful week to be travelling and exploring new places, and even if you’re not lucky enough to be taking a long trip, it’s certainly a wonderful time to fire up your imagination with an exciting new hobby or activity that enables you to experience something out of the ordinary.

Leo – Owning your issues but not your partner’s

This week is quite introspective. It is vital for you to spend time alone thinking things through and understanding the dynamics at work in your relationships. It’s very important for you not to be projecting any negative energies into the relationship, so it’s vital for you to own your own stuff and work on yourself thereby strengthening the relationship. By the same token, it is also very important for you to understand the issues your partner is having, which are not your own. So boundaries are quite a theme.

It’s very important for you to be able to step away from the relationship, and have a little bit of privacy in order that you can reestablish those boundaries, because boundaries are key to strengthening relationships and avoiding potential pitfalls to do with manipulation this week.

While this can be extremely exciting week for new relationships, it can be little bit helter skelter and you can end up quite confused. So you need to be very certain of what you’re getting into and if you are already feeling a little bit sensitive, stay away from the dating game.

Virgo – Wedding bells could be ringing

This is an incredibly powerful week for relationships, you may indeed reach a landmark in your marriage or relationship, in terms of getting engaged, taking a very important decision, moving in together or deciding to start a family.

This may even be the perfect week to get married or elope, and so if you have any wedding plans, congratulations!

Both good and bad relationships need focus this month. No matter what is going on in your love life, you need to think deeply about what you want going forward. This is the ideal week to have a think about what you want the future to look like, how you are going to get there and how you can restore balance, harmony and cooperation to the relationship, or indeed increase it.

This could be a powerful week for discussions, conflict resolution or even marriage guidance counselling if you feel you need it.

Libra – Enough is enough, know when you both are at the end of your tether

This can be a very confusing time in love, your partner needs understanding and compassion and that may be difficult to provide because they are giving you mixed signals. Thus it’s important for you to be understanding, yet also non-confrontational and gentle.

It’s also important to take a balanced approach and stay logical in relationships. Use your common sense and don’t misinterpret or over interpret any strange signals or out of character behaviors that your partner is exhibiting.

This week is an adjustment week, there’s a lot of confusion, mixed emotions and hypersensitivity, and therefore you need to be able to take a step back, ground yourself, count to 10 and not overreact to any of the signals you may be picking up from your partner.

Often problems in love this week are connected to work life balance, and if you’re finding it hard to connect with your partner, it’s probably due to stress and tension resulting from an over packed schedule. So it’s important to work leisure time into your hectic schedule, so you can both kick back and relax.

Scorpio –  Charting a new course and thinking about the future

This is a fantastic week for restoring romance, it would be ideal for you and your partner to have a little bit of private time alone, not necessarily for a hectic date night or hanging out with friends, but just to spend some quiet time and have a mini reset in the relationship.

No matter what’s been happening in your relationship, with a little bit of assertive energy you can now set the relationship onto a better course in the weeks going forward, simply by getting rid of toxic influences and getting back to basics.

Some common sense discussions, along with a good chill out, where you and your partner get away from everything that annoys and frustrates you to an oasis of tranquility – if only for a few hours – is exactly what you need to get a perspective. At the moment, it can all feel like a rush and everything is on top of you, so it’s the perfect time to just say, “stop the world I want to get off” and trigger the cut out switch, so that you and your partner can have a reboot.

Sagittarius – Space away and getting your life in balance

For Sagittarius, absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder, and often the perfect anecdote for a stale or frustrating relationship, is a total break. So this week it’s time to give each other a little bit of space, or to allow each other to indulge their hobbies, whims and passions separately.

This is not necessarily a fantastic week for new romance and dating: on one hand it can all be very exciting, the butterflies can be flying around, but at the same time the flip side is disappointment due to over expectation. Right now it’s very hard for Sagittarius to keep things in proportion, but you have to remember that what goes up, must come down, so try and keep an even keel in terms of your emotional management in new love.

This is a good time for you and your partner to spend time with your respective family members, to re-establish positive family connections away from the marital relationship.

During this phase you may both be away from your home much more due to work or travel commitments, but at the same time that increases your appreciation of your home as a sanctuary when you come back to it.

Capricorn – Embrace the magic and enjoy spontaneity and surprise

This is an important week for family matters and you and your partner may need to expend more energy helping out family members and giving your time to activities that have quite a substantial emotional element and are a little sensitive, requiring you to tread lightly.

Your long term relationships lack a clear definition as boundaries are hard to maintain. It’s extremely important that you are clear and concise in all communications, don’t leave space for misinterpretation or confusion. It’s quite a delicate time and diplomacy and empathy are winning ways.

Trust can so easily be damaged, however on the other hand a little empathy goes a very long way.

While Capricorn like to plan and have everything organized, this is actually an excellent time to let go of any expectations of what you want the relationship to be or where you want it to go, in order that that you can get a glimpse what’s truly ideal, rather than what you believe is possible, because your beliefs could be constrained by past experience, not future reality.

Aquarius – Words get in the way

This is not a good week for agreements or discussion in love, anything decided or disclosed could be subject to change or could create more confusion.

It’s vital that you restore physical closeness and affection by being more tactile, giving your partner massages and enjoy closeness without the need for constant chatter or information overload.

Aquarius who are dating will move on from a relationship that’s superficial to one that’s more passionate, even if there’s a threat of more drama or even control.

This is an excellent time to be a little indulgent and to spoil yourself and your partner, buy things that delight you, even it only provides a temporary fix. You should recognize that momentary pleasure offers relief and a few pleasures of the flesh do wonders for stimulation of physical passion.

This certainly a week of fantasy and fun, so enjoy interacting with your partner in novel and creative physical ways.

On a practical level, be cautious about any agreements that you negotiate now as these can have undisclosed elements that may cause future issues.

Pisces – Don’t be shy, be the star

Pisces have an opportunity to take center stage this week and you may get more attention or recognition than usual. This visibility may give you the opportunity to attract a new partner or have the confidence to begin a new activity that opens up your life and expands your horizons.

Be bold in speaking your mind and promoting a little self-interest. Demonstrate your abilities and talents with confidence and be competitive, it’s amazing what you can achieve.

Pisces are warm and generous when dealing with other people and in love you tend be more playful, witty and outgoing making this an excellent time for dating, holding dinner parties or entertaining in general.

This is a perfect time to state your needs and be more assertive and steering and influencing your relationship. The message this week is: do it now and make the magic happen.

Read next : Weekly Tarotscope for  March 13th-19th

Wrapping Up

With Neptune so active this week it’s bound to be whacky, so embrace the unexpected and enjoy the exciting dynamic nature of the week.

Whatever your star sign remember that this week is powerful for:

  • meditation and mindfulness
  • affirmations and mantras
  • music and artistic projects
  • subtle but important changes in attitude
  • reflection and understanding
  • escapism and trips to tranquil areas for a bit of peace and quiet

Have a question about how your horoscope might show up in your specific situation? Wanna know if you and your loved one are a forever match? Well, I’m dying to look at your chart and tell you what you need to know. Click Here for our VIP invitation.

Just reach out to me here, and I’ll be sure to get your request and respond quickly.

Wishing you all the luck in the universe,

Your sister and relationship Astrologer
Anna Kovach

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5 thoughts on “Weekly Love Horoscope For March 13th – 19th

  1. This week has been hard. The man I love blocked me on messenger today. Of course I cried because he is the only one for me

    1. Hi Patsy,
      If he has blocked you, that is a sign of disrespect and you should not tolerate it!
      Nothing is gone, just one temporary person of your life disrespecting you.
      So, better start a new journey thinking that everything happens for a good reason.
      Always remember, you deserve to be loved and respected.
      Never chase love, attention or affection. If it isn’t given to you freely then it isn’t worth having.
      I truly believe that there is someone else out there who will be everything you ever hoped for.
      I am sending my Love to you!

  2. I think my relationship is failing he is not the he used to be in the past 2 years. He doesn’t spend alot of time with me, since the beginning of this year he didn’t kiss me

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