Hello sweethearts, and welcome to the weekly love horoscope reading for February 10th – 16th! Are you ready for a fairly unpredictable week? Just like February weather, it’s gusty and possibly a little frisky.
Last week, we had Jupiter going direct, and there was a distinct change in the vibe, energy, and feel. Right now, what you set into motion last week suddenly takes off, but often in an unexpected way.
This is a time when you need to keep an open mind, because even the best-laid plans may turn out differently. But, note darling, differently doesn’t mean badly; it just means you have to be versatile and stay on your toes.
This is certainly a time to pivot. What you don’t want to do now is adopt a rigid, stubborn approach. Right now, any kind of intransigence or a dogged attitude can be your undoing.
We have the Sun square Uranus, the full Moon, Mercury square Uranus, and Mars trine Saturn and, of course, it’s Valentine’s Day. I do think this is going to be an awesome Valentine’s Day for those of you who perhaps got to know each other via an app and are meeting for the very first time.
If you guys already know each other, what a wonderful opportunity to use Valentine’s Day to do something brand new for both of you, something a little bit daring and radical that gets the pulse racing and awakens your senses.
Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for February 10th – 16th:
Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…
Aries: Thriller Valentine’s Night
Now, for Aries, this is certainly a time when your social life is on fire. If you are single, it’s an ideal time to spend time with friends, both new and old, in order to supercharge romantic potential.
This is definitely a time when a new romance can begin, and the key is chemistry—being visually excited by a new guy, feeling a sense of the tingling of the nerves and the butterflies fluttering.
In fact, new love right now is a very physical experience. The more you experience it with your body, the more you know you’re on the right track. Relationships that begin now and are great for conversation, where you share a lot of interest, may not actually be the ones that are going to work out. It’s not so much now about a meeting of the minds; it’s about the thrill.
Now, for those of you who are married, this is a very good time for honesty. This can be a time when a little bit of honesty reboots the relationship. So while you don’t want to rock the boat ahead of Valentine’s Day because everyone wants to be kind of romantic and calm, it still is a really good time to address any areas of the relationship where you feel there are too many closed doors, too many secrets—too much suppression. Release and allow the passion to ignite, even if there’s a short-term disruption.
Taurus: Hold the line, love isn’t always on time
If you’re a Taurus and single, this can be an awesome time for a relationship that begins at the office or with a colleague, particularly a boss or someone who is a little bit older.
Relationships right now tend to be a lot more exciting if the person you are dating shares your ambitions or perhaps can be a mentor. You’ll love it this week when a new guy gives you good advice and takes some interest in your personal development.
One romance killer right now is a guy who is selfish and only thinking about the next thing he’s got to do. In these cases, walk away—don’t waste your time. In fact, in all relationships right now, time is money, or should we say, time is precious. You don’t want to waste your valuable time doing things in relationships that simply fall flat or that leave you feeling unfulfilled.
So, while this is an awesome and exciting time for dating and romance, what it should come with is a strong sense of who you are and what you really want to contribute to the relationship. Relationships can actually be a little bit better now if you hold back and don’t give as much of yourself.
Gemini: Relish the Romantic Rollercoaster
For Gemini, your ruler, Mercury, is square Uranus, and what’s more, the Sun in Aquarius squaring Uranus brings a sense of being on a rollercoaster in relationships.
Now, this needn’t be bad, as in typical Gemini fashion you get bored when things are a little bit too predictable, and you begin to lose interest. What’s great about relationships now is that they demand your attention. There are so many unknowns—things to work out.
Even if you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, there may be things that are happening that are a little bit unsettling and unusual, requiring some adjustment. However all this is really fertile ground for the relationship to move in a positive new direction.
So, even if not everything this month or week is working out as you would prefer, always remember that when there’s a state of flux, there can be breakthroughs, and you could begin to understand and relish your relationship in a way that you haven’t done for a long time. This is an awesome time for long-distance relationships and for those Gemini who are dating on apps.
Cancer: Lights fantastic
With the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius and the full Moon in Leo, this is definitely a time when you need depth and satisfaction in relationships. Anything less than the best won’t impress, and that’s why Cancer is more likely to be lucky in love, because you know what you want, what you need, and you are uncompromising.
This is actually a fantastic time to attend some sort of event aimed at getting couples together. However, be a little bit more adventurous about the way in which you meet a partner, because right now relationships are more likely to come about in unusual circumstances.
So, if you’re looking for love, don’t stick to your comfort zone. The more adventurous you’re prepared to be in terms of accepting a guy that’s a little bit different from the norm, the better.
In terms of your married life, it’s vital that you and your partner are willing to give each other some quality time. Positive relationships in terms of marriage right now are all about how you invest your time in each other and the extent to which you offer to listen and truly understand each other’s current needs—particularly sexual needs.
Leo: Blow off Steam
It’s the full Moon in Leo, and what’s more, the Sun and Mercury are in Aquarius. Now, for Leo, this is a time when relationships can be somewhat emotional for you.
You are much more alert to times when your partner is a little bit dismissive, erratic, or when they don’t seem to be on the same page as you. But, what’s so important right now is to devote time to your own self-awareness and not expect your partner to fulfil all your needs or always say the right things.
Right now, your reflex actions in love will tell you how insecure you are. The more insecure you are, the more dependent you will be on your partner being supportive and affirming your identity. The challenge for you this week is to be confident enough in yourself to be able to thrive and enjoy the relationship, no matter what your partner is doing.
Now, it’s highly likely that your partner is rather distracted and stressed out, and therefore, romance and the type of things you do for Valentine’s Day have to be carefully chosen so that you both relax in the right frame of mind, not looking for nurturing, but rather looking to just let your hair down and blow off steam.
Virgo: Escape the questions and embrace spontaneity
This week information overload can mean you fail to see what is really important in your relationship, and this can make it hard to make effective decisions. This a time where you are receiving stimuli from a variety of sources, and the big picture becomes vague, you must be careful not to overestimate vague worries based in insecurity or guilt.
You will find it hard to commit yourself to a relationship goal or a person as you feel torn between the options, and you will delay as long as possible before choosing one or the other.
You need to look beyond the logic and the facts, as often the more facts you gather and the more information you collect, the less clear things are. At some point, you need to go with gut feel rather than endlessly analyzing and pontificating.
Sudden trips away or the chance to take a trip somewhere new at the last minute, can be quite a romantic adventure; indeed, even a routine journey could go very differently than planned in a way that creates some sexual excitement.
This week, although you need to project outwards, there is the feeling that you have to hold back as you are not quite ready, but you are more ready than you think. Launch yourself out into the world – have your say, initiate romance, express your opinion, and get out of comfort zones. Look for ways to expand your experience of people and places.
Libra: Love and Fate
This is a very karmic time in love, if you are single you may meet someone this Valentine’s Day with whom you seem to sense an instant bond or connection almost as if you’ve known this person in another life. At times you may mirror each other spontaneously or say the things at the same time, and there could be some strange coincidences that lead you to believe that this relationship is meant to be.
With Uranus activated by Mercury in Aquarius, there’s a powerful feeling of destiny in relationships right now, both the good and the bad things that happen seem to have meaning and seem to be steering you guys in a certain direction.
If you’re in a marriage or long-term relationship, this can be an excellent month to have counselling: like marriage counselling or sex counselling simply to help you both to gain perspective.
Often love becomes very intense this month and emotions can get out of control, that’s why it’s very helpful to have a third party who is totally impartial, who can steer you in the right direction and point out where you both might be making mountains out of molehills, or where you might be overlooking a threat to your relationship that you haven’t really considered properly.
Scorpio: Family ties, restless lives
With the Leo full moon and squares between Taurus and Aquarius, there are two elements: on one hand you feel that you need to stick with what you know, but there’s a battle between elements of your personality that are more conservative and cautious, those want to build and create stability and the other part of your personality which is demanding change no matter what. There’s a restless impatient and impetuous side of your personality that’s coming to the fore, a side of your personality that is saying ‘enough is enough’.
You are quite quick to jump to conclusions about people and you often overlook details or the obvious short comings of others, this can result in you becoming a little previous as you draw conclusions based on hope and idealism rather than on logic.
The key to good relationships this week is reconnecting with family, so it’s important to make each other’s family members feel welcome, to have family, to stay, to extend olive branches and to be as diplomatic as possible within the family environment.
It’s about appreciating and valuing your partner’s parents no matter how much they might annoy you, as that always goes a long way to restoring a relationship. Never forget that no matter what your differences with his parents, they are his parents, his flesh and blood and when you respect his flesh and blood the relationship is automatically enhanced.
Sagittarius: Sliding door of love
During this Valentine’s week romance can blossom however it’s often hard to see that potential as Uranus is square the ruler of your solar 7th, thus you may be involved in a close friendship or possibly you’ve just met a guy, and you may be very unsure of whether he is right for you even though it can be quite a fascinating time.
It may be that the new person you’ve met is saying the right things and it feels like there’s a connection, although you don’t yet feel that the chemistry is flowing or you may not yet feel butterflies, however relationships or new friendships that begin with men during this month often have more potential than is immediately obvious.
The key in romance is to be alert to the guy who is not the obvious choice, who doesn’t tick the boxes, but who is rather interesting or with whom you have a good rapport or who you share a sense of humor with, because this might just have the possibility of blossoming to something very speciaI.
If you are currently involved in a romance, this is a period when you can feel a little bit disappointed and it can often feel as if things are not on track. You might want a bit more freedom from your new partner, it could even be that they’re a little bit clingy, but it’s way too soon to dismiss the relationship or give up on it. It’s certainly a phase that you can move through, and in the following months things may get back on track and become satisfying for you again.
Capricorn: Never stop learning in love
They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and the important thing this week is to draw inspiration from your own life, because this can provide fertile material for new business ideas.
This week with Uranus strongly activated in Taurus, the themes in terms of your romantic relationship is achieving greater understanding through fun.
It’s important to cultivate a relaxed and easy-going atmosphere in relationships, be diplomatic, resist arguments and spoil your partner a little bit. This should help a brand new relationship to start flowing, it’ll help stabilize an ongoing romance and you will begin to see the true potential of a new relationship.
With the Leo full moon, don’t be complacent, don’t stop learning about each other, as human beings are constantly evolving and therefore there are fresh things to understand and discover about each other.
While it’s certainly the case that some couples will grow apart as your interests will diverge, it doesn’t have to be a ‘break-up’ factor because your different interests could actually bring the some refreshment to the relationship.
Aquarius: Attitude is everything
With your ruler squared by Sun, you should give a strong message to yourself and those around you that change will be happening and it will be for the better. Use affirmations to confirm your love and relationship intentions, and then take positive concrete steps to effect the change in your attitude.
Remember, you don’t have to make big steps, sometimes only doing a small thing slightly differently opens a door that leads to a huge rush of air. Just think that even in a warm room, a small crack can create a big draught, so just a small glimmer of something new can create a massive draught of change in your life.
You do have a lot of energy right now, and sometimes it can bubble over into frustration, so it’s very important to have distractions and to have things that will stimulate your imagination and bring a little bit of excitement into your life.
If you are able to plan ahead, it’s ideal if you keep this week fairly free so that you can act spontaneously. Even if you are on holiday, you don’t want to commit to the type of holiday which is extremely structured or where you will be very cramped in one specific situation.
If you can plan ahead, this is a period where you want to make sure that your life is open, that you can do things on a whim and you have as much scope for new activities as possible.
Pisces: Focus on the vision
This week you often feel pulled in two directions, you may feel in the middle of two powerful opposing forces. In some cases, you are put in this situation by people close to you, who want you to take sides. You are fair minded and can see both sides of a story, but you would rather offer support or guidance than get involved directly.
Balance is something that is hard to achieve for you in relationships this week, and part the lesson is learning to understand your relationships better so that you can achieve that balance. You are in a very motivated and energetic mood, you have goals and you usually achieve them, however you are also accommodating and vulnerable to people pleasing.
The danger for you this week is being used in both work and in terms of personal relationships, as you tend to put your needs on the back burner to go the extra mile for others, and this can become a habit that is hard to break.
Good relationships and success in love is being uncompromising and putting your agenda and needs up front. Be assertive about the relationship direction you desire and don’t let that vision for your perfect relationship fade.
Minor changes that happen right now could portend towards greater changes that will happen through the next few weeks and so if you get a feeling about changes afoot, do not ignore that feeling. This is a week of flux regarding career and your work situation, and you need to be alert to changes that can affect your conditions, ability to get ahead or your authority.
In relationships which are stuck in a rut, disruptions will bring a breath of fresh air. Stale relationships need a shake-up, and a period spent apart due to work or some time spent with separate groups of friends can help you to appreciate each other again.
Variety and change are vital to your relationships, and you need to establish communication again, but not dramatic and intense communication, rather discussions about life and opportunities.
Key themes to capitalize on this week:
Excitement, Positive attitude to change, Flexibility, Escapism, Fairness, Balance, Foreshadowing
See you again next week.
Your sister and relationship astrologer,
Anna Kovach
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Astrology runs deep and reveals so much about a person.
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It is time for you to empower yourself and start a new phase in your life.
Only you can do this but you’ve got to be fully informed.
3 thoughts on “Weekly Love Horoscope for February 10th – 16th”
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Good morning, l have learn a lot from you thank.
Good morning , I have learn a lot of things thank.
I would like to know if my marriage is gonna end or continue