Weekly Love Horoscope for August 19th – 25th

Hi sweethearts, and welcome to the weekly love horoscope for August 19th – 25th. This one is set to be a really significant week as every one of the inner planets and many of the outer planets too are active.

So, it’s an absolute smorgasbord of planetary energies, and yet they are at square with each other, which means it’s not always easy to find immediate progress. It’s important to be both ambitious and cautious in relationships.

There’s a strong need for sexual satisfaction, affection, and more loyalty, but there also needs to be a broader understanding of relationship issues. 

Now, the biggest problem that you can have right now is being simplistic. Problems tend to be complex and multi-dimensional, but there is the energy to power through.

So, I want to inspire you with confidence about this week because, with a little bit of mindfulness and some intuition, it is possible to make a lot of progress. While square angles are problematic, they are also extremely potent in energy and likely to yield important results.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for August 19th – 25th:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: Don’t pass up the opportunity 

Now, the Sun in Leo is square Uranus in Taurus, and the Sun is also conjunct Mercury. This indicates a time of vibrant communication in relationships, but it’s so important to think outside the box and be spontaneous. Relationships have to be sincere, and communication has to be authentic, or a certain amount of indecision and restlessness can set in.

Now, Venus is in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces, indicating that some degree of compassion and self-sacrifice is important in love. With Mars and Jupiter still in Gemini squaring up to Saturn and Venus, it’s important to have good conversation and a high dose of optimism and forgiveness. 

What’s so important in relationships right now is working together to achieve the best result, never giving up, but always having empathy, giving each other mutual support, and using communication to encourage and never to blame or pass the buck. New relationships are pretty cat and mouse, so try to enjoy yourselves but don’t push for intimacy.

Taurus: Strive to Thrive 

For Taurus, there are some unexpected events on the home front, perhaps to do with family and your home, and it can cause a big rethink about your future. Sometimes you feel like the rug is almost pulled from under you, and you need to reassess what is most important in life because sometimes it turns out to be something different from what you think.

With Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces being squared by Mars and Jupiter in Leo, this is a time when you sometimes have to assess what is most important and go for it. This is a time to be uncompromising in terms of unearthing what makes your relationship tick and what you have to do to preserve a relationship or to make it better. 

Right now, surviving isn’t good enough; you really should be thriving in love and life, and if you aren’t, it’s a time for some fundamental changes. This is a rather good time for money. It’s a great time to seize new opportunities, but don’t be put off if you feel a little bit frustrated or lack self-confidence because there are bound to be good friends out there who can help you get onto the right track, so be open to advice.

Gemini: Take Two on Communication 

Well, this is a really pivotal time for all Geminis. You have the go-getting vibrant planets of Mars and Jupiter in your sign, and these are squaring up to Saturn in your solar 10th house of career and Venus in your house of family.

So, this should be an ambitious time. It’s definitely a period where you need to put your mark on the world. You should be rather uncompromising, but that doesn’t mean that you have to be insensitive because, with a little bit of diplomacy, you can get your friends and family on board and right behind you. 

Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus means that in relationships you can’t assume anything because sometimes if you neglect proper communication, your partner may throw you a curveball. So, this is a time when it’s hard to do the juggling act; you have to kind of keep your relationship and your career on track, and it’s totally possible with a little dose of foresight and planning.

However, communication needs an open mind because your partner is sometimes a little bit stressed and not always communicating effectively, so sometimes it takes a few shots to get that important conversation in love right.

Cancer: Getting on the right track

Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus can mean surprise news from an old friend. This may be a time when you get back in contact with someone that you haven’t spoken to for a long time, and they may have some important advice for you.

It’s always important to pay attention to solid friendships and to prioritize those above fickle friends who perhaps don’t have your interest at heart. So, know your enemies, know your friends, and preserve good contacts. 

Now, Venus in Virgo is opposite Saturn in Pisces, and these planets are squaring up to Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. This represents a time of some confusion in love. You may not know exactly where things are going, so it’s very important not to get ahead of yourself in love. You have to manage your expectations. Things are likely to take a different turn from what you have been expecting, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

What you have to acknowledge in relationships is that there are unexplored options and there are things you haven’t taken account of and these will now crop up and create some surprises and some hurdles, but overall, you are getting onto a better track and things are improving, so don’t despair.

Leo: Friends will be friends 

Now, this is quite a restless time for Leo. Sun conjunct Mercury in your sign is squaring Uranus. You don’t want to be caught napping as opportunity knocks, but it’s so important to stay on your toes because very often the opportunities that come will send you chasing in a slightly different direction from what you expected. 

Right now, it’s quite natural if you are experiencing a little bit of disappointment and frustration. Recent decisions you have made may feel like they are not panning out, but you don’t want to flog a dead horse. So, this is a great time to take that step back, be totally honest with yourself, and then reconfigure and go ahead again.

Venus is in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces, and these two are squaring up to Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, which can mean some insecurity in love. Often a good friend might have advice which can reassure you.

It’s a time when someone important may enter your life who can offer a lot of solace and bring calm. So, while love and relationships are important, so are important friendships and advisors who can give you perspective.

Virgo: Relationships that deliver 

Now, this is an interesting week for mutable signs, particularly Virgo. Venus is in Virgo opposed to Saturn in Pisces, meaning some important relationship decisions. You may reach a crossroads where it comes to a point in your relationship when a decision needs to be made. So, this is an important time of discussion and debate. 

If you are single, this may be a time for an emotional break before you re-engage in the dating scene. Sometimes it’s very important to have a little bit of space and private time away from everyone else so you can decipher what it is you really need going forward.

It’s important to understand your future priorities and how the relationship is either impeding or enhancing those priorities. Your partner needs to understand that your personal growth and ambitions are important, and you need to understand that a relationship without authenticity is one that will fail to deliver positive compromises and communication, so honesty and transparency, are absolutely vital in love.

Libra: One step at a time 

Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus with Mercury retrograde in Leo indicates that this is a time when you have to be really clear on your priorities. There can be moral and ethical dilemmas in both love and your professional life, and therefore it’s so important right now not to rush into any decisions in love and life.

Right now, you may feel like questioning your partner, and you may feel that there are more questions than answers and a lot of misunderstandings. However, there are some issues where you and your partner can achieve clarity, and there are also some things that only time can provide the answers to. It is wise to know which is which. 

So, it’s important right now to be both pragmatic and calm in relationships, taking things one step at a time. In terms of new love, you should be really careful of friends with benefits right now. While it can provide a release and some excitement, it may not really provide the romance and answers you are looking for.

Scorpio: Reserve Judgement 

Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus means that you and your partner need to have urgent discussions. Recently, things have changed; the landscape is different, and you need to adjust.

Now, Scorpios often tend to be quite stoic, but this can also mean that you are determined but a little bit stubborn, and right now, flexibility is required. Sometimes the options are not quite what you think they are, and therefore new information should be gathered. 

With Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces, it is very important that relationship communication is diplomatic and sensitive. It’s so easy right now to wade in thinking you know the answer or you know what your partner is thinking, but very often you don’t.

So, it’s very important that you don’t put words in your partner’s mouth and you don’t make assumptions. With Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, this can be an exciting time for a new sexual relationship, but you must manage your expectations as it may not be exactly what you think it is. So, enjoy the excitement, but reserve judgment.

Sagittarius: Uplifting 

Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces means that there are decisions to be made that affect the family as a whole. However, you and your partner could achieve an enormous amount through cooperation.

This shows a dynamic time in relationships when the vigor, enthusiasm, and spark of your relationship can be reignited. Often it is through working on goals to enhance your home or deal with family matters that you come together and re-establish camaraderie.

This is actually a really great time for celebrations and gatherings and enjoying life. So, for Sagittarius, expect a positive and uplifting week when things in relationships feel a lot more interesting and on a positive track.

Now, there are often surprises with Sun conjunct Mercury square Uranus in Taurus and a little bit of stress, but you will tend to get the support you need from either your new partner or your spouse, and that can make all the difference.

Capricorn: The little things add up

Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus indicates a rather exciting time for your sex life, but it’s important to have exciting foreplay and create an ambiance. What’s important right now is the fantasy element of love, feeling inspired by images, and nostalgia, and getting the juices going in a way that preserves respect while maintaining excitement. 

Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces also indicates that it’s a time for important discussions in relationships. While you may be working on your sex life and improving intimacy and the spiritual bond you have, it’s also important to work on practical matters.

So, the way to show love and enhance your relationship right now is to do things that will be of practical assistance to your partner. Be punctual, and show your appreciation with good manners. It’s all the little things that add up right now.

So, they say in terms of money, “Watch out for the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves.” Well, the message in relationships right now is, “All the little things add up to one big dose of appreciation,” which will pay dividends and put your relationship in a strong position going forward.

Aquarius: Twist and shout 

With Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces, you can feel more needy, and that can make you a little bit touchy and sensitive in love. You are more alert to times when your partner seems a little bit detached and aloof, but it’s important to recognize that sometimes space in a relationship is important.

We must all focus on our goals and our personal awareness and not become so plugged into the relationship that we lose touch with who we are. So, this is a very important time to take a step back from relationships, understand your priorities, your red lines, and what you want in love so that you can re-engage in a positive way. 

Now, because Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in Gemini, this is a really excellent time for all of you guys on the dating circuit for a spontaneous new romance to emerge. However, the path forward will be unexpected, so embark on new love with a lot of hope and expectation but also with an open mind for the twists and turns that will inevitably come.

Pisces: Cooperation and Alignment 

Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces square Mars and Jupiter, which are still very active in Gemini, indicates a pivotal time in relationships. There is however a balance to be struck.

Now, if you are in a long-term relationship and recently things have become a little bit out of proportion or you feel you’re on the wrong track, this is a week to wrestle back control over your lives. It’s so important right now to have sincere discussions and understand whether you are on the right track or whether there needs to be a little phase of pumping the brakes and changing direction. 

Couples who have a strong focus and goals can steer their relationship in a positive direction and make solid progress. However, couples who lack cohesion and find it difficult to agree on the major issues are going to have their work cut out for them. However, there is a huge amount of energy available, and bridges can be built, all you need to do is make time for those important conversations. 

So, this is a week to establish those relationship rituals, particularly ones that will involve improving communication, so that you make sure that in the month ahead you are constructively moving in a direction to enhance the relationship. Even new relationships need some cooperation in terms of aligning priorities.

My Final Words For The Week Of August 19th

Remember, this is a powerful week, don’t underestimate the energies available. Make sure you stay in a positive mind frame, but that doesn’t mean you should go out all guns blazing because this is a time to be highly thoughtful and constructive.

It’s a time when you should plan in terms of relationship goals and money-making goals. Sensible decisions and creative use of your talents and potential will pay dividends.

This is not a time to sit back, relax, and let life pass you by. It’s a time to see problems coming and fix the roof while the sun is shining, and it’s also a time to bring your future back into focus and make sure you’re not copping out on your hopes and dreams.

The themes for this week are:

Re-asses, Motivation, Enthusiasm, Realism, Decisions, Understanding options, Stoicism

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Wishing you all the luck in the universe,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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