Leo Season 2024 Horoscope, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Leo season has to be one of my favorite times of the year for romance! Everyone is just feeling extra flirtatious and full of fun and lighthearted energy. The energy of Leo expresses itself best when it is able to be romantic, creative, and having a blast.

Leo season is going to start setting your life ablaze on July 22nd, but you have likely felt the effects of Venus sitting pretty together in Leo for the last week or so. Romantic energy is at an all-time high, that is for sure!

It’s time to get super glamorous and put yourself out there this month. Leo favors the brave, bold, and beautiful. It is time for you to take risks when it comes to love and put your heart out there.

You need to be able to make big moves in the name of love, and that is exactly what this Leo season 2024 is calling you to do. So, expect some fireworks, and take some chances because you never know where it might lead you!

Express your passionate side and let that sexy man know how you feel about him. What exactly do you have to lose? Most importantly enjoy yourself and don’t take things too seriously over the first half of this season, because when Venus enters Virgo towards the end of July, things are bound to become a tad more serious.

Here’s Your Leo Season Horoscope for 2024…

Are you ready to see what kind of ride Leo season is about to take you on? Then hop on and continue reading to find out what this next month has in store for you.

Make sure to read your Sun and Rising sign to get the most accurate prediction possible. Enjoy and have fun…


It is time for you to get spicy, Aries! Just embrace your bold nature and don’t hold back for one second. This is a fantastic month for your love life because the Sun is sitting really pretty in your fifth house of pleasure, romance, and playfulness.

What’s not to love?

Your confidence is at an all-time high, and you can’t help but ooze charisma and charm. Men are drawn to you like a bee to honey. You’re simply irresistible and magnetic this month. Make the most of it!

Play up your attractiveness by putting in a little extra effort in the morning and wearing your favorite lingerie. It is your little secret to reveal. Finding a date shouldn’t be too difficult for you, and getting frisky is encouraged!

Just stay safe and be cautious, because the fifth house is the house that rules fertility, and you probably don’t want a big surprise to come your way! Just do your best to have fun, and perhaps try something new and adventurous to get your creative juices flowing. It is up to you who you take to go along for the ride!

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Are you feeling a little more sentimental than usual, dear Taurus? This month all you want to do is cozy up at home and share your warmth with that special someone. You have this strong urge to connect and lay it all on the table with your man.

Just watch out and don’t become too reactive when things don’t go exactly your way. You’re looking for more attention and affection than usual, so your loved one might feel a little confused by the neediness you are demanding. 

Don’t get upset when he doesn’t quite get the message at first. It would be in your best interest to express to him that you’re feeling slightly tender and need more of his devotion than what he might be used to. Be direct with what you need this month, and don’t stress about it, Leo season is in your favor to be a tad more dramatic than usual.

It is also a great time to discuss moving in with your partner. Put your feelers out there and let him know you’re thinking about making a serious commitment, just don’t be rash and throw all caution to the wind. 

This is a big decision for you both to make, and neither of you should take it lightly.

Want daily guidance like this one? Subscribe to my Taurus Daily Secrets now.


It is time for you to put your flirtatious skills to good use, Gemini. Is it even possible for you to be even MORE charming than usual? Leo season is about to make you wittier and more likable than ever.

You’re saying all the right things, and charming the pants off of every guy you meet – literally and figuratively! There is no need for you to settle down with one guy right now, keep your options open and see what prospects are available to you. 

Leo season will encourage you to date a variety of men, just to get the feel of what is out there and who and what is best suited to you. Remember to keep things light, and don’t take it too seriously because that just takes all the fun out of it.

Take advantage of this highly sociable time to get out there and meet as many different men as possible. Variety is the spice of life, which will definitely keep your life quite interesting over the next month.

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You’re ready to take the next steps towards commitment this month, Cancer. You’re looking for a love that is mature and long-lasting. Someone you can depend on in any old situation. You know exactly what you want and aren’t afraid to ask for it. 

Being specific about the type of love you want is an integral part of the dating process. When you are clear about what kind of love you’re looking for, there is no way you are going to settle for anything less.

Standards are great, and if someone says to you that you’re too high maintenance, well then, they can get lost! Spend some time investing in yourself and indulging in something that makes you feel luxurious.

When you feel good about yourself, it is easy to attract the right kind of lover your way. This is why it is important to keep investing in yourself because by being the best version of yourself, you know exactly what you will and will not stand for.

Leo season will keep encouraging you to go after the things you desire in life and not settle for anything less because you really deserve it!

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It is your time to shine, Leo! There is no doubt about it. It is your birthday month, so take every opportunity to go after every single thing that you want, you can use it as an excuse to sneak in a kiss from that special someone.

You should feel fun, flirty, and fabulous all month long! I wouldn’t be surprised if you find a queue of admirers heading your way. His month is all about you and what you want from your relationships so don’t be shy to ask for it.

Because this month is all about YOU, do all the things that make you feel like you are alive. You are sexy and super desirable and any man would be an idiot if he couldn’t recognize this! Play up your sex appeal by wearing attention-grabbing outfits.

It is your birthright to be noticed and admired by others, but because it’s Leo season, your powers seem to multiply which just makes you more irresistible than ever. No man would be able to resist your charms right now. Girl, you are on fire and you deserve everything you desire!

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Leo season has you feeling all kinds of confused, Virgo. You can’t seem to decide if you should hit it or quit it with a particular guy. Is he the man of your dreams, or just a toxic ex who keeps knocking at your door?

Your feelings might feel a little fuzzy over the next month, so you shouldn’t make any rash decisions right now. It is simply too hard for you to figure out what you actually feel because you’re not thinking straight.

Take things slow and just take note of how this man makes you feel. Sometimes toxic relationships can feel exhilarating because they are jam-packed with adrenaline from all the highs and lows. But don’t let the inconsistent behavior fool you. You might just be addicted to the drama. 

Be easy on yourself, because you might feel a tad more emotional than usual. Just remember to never allow any guy to make you feel miserable, you are worth so much more than that. Take these next few weeks to come to a clear decision for yourself and what feels best for you moving forward.

Want daily guidance like this one everyday right in your inbox? Subscribe to my Virgo Daily Secrets now.


Don’t take yourself or anyone you are dating too seriously this month, Libra. Leo season is all about having fun and connecting with all kinds of people. You’re feeling a tinge more social than usual, so take this opportunity and see what you can get out of it. 

Cast your net wide, perhaps it is time to take your search online or to ask a friend to set you up. Nobody knows you better than your bestie, so you might as well allow them to play Cupid for once. 

You might also just come to realize that the guy you have been seeing just fits better as a friend than a partner. There is nothing wrong with that, both of you are adults and able to move on from that with relative ease.

Sometimes things just don’t work out the way we expect them to, but that doesn’t mean the opportunity was missed. The two of you might just be two people looking for two completely different things.

Who knows, he might just be the right guy to introduce you to one of his buddies. Stranger things have happened, that is for sure!

Want daily guidance like this one? Subscribe to my Libra Daily Secrets now.


You’re tired of being messed around with, Scorpio. This month you are ready to put your foot down and get what you deserve from your love life. If the guys you have been seeing aren’t meeting your standards, then you very well know that you can do better!

Make a list of all the qualities and attributes you are looking for in a man. Once you know exactly what you want from a partner you can use your powers of manifestation and attract him your way. 

It is so much easier to ask for something you want in a man when you know exactly what that is. This will leave you feeling in control of your destiny, and like you are the one in the power position.

After so many disappointments it makes sense that you would like to take back the reigns of your life and be the one making all the decisions. You can look forward to feeling a lot more stable and secure because there is so much freedom in knowing your boundaries.

If a man chooses to step over your boundaries, it will be much easier to show him the door. Leo season will give you the confidence to claim what you deserve.

If you want my daily guidance like this, everyday, subscribe to my Scorpio Daily Secrets now.


Are you ready to take some much-needed risks in your love life, Sagittarius? You have a thing for adventure, and Leo season comes guns blazing. It is time you realize how much you need experience and exploration to feel like you can really connect with a man.

You’re looking for someone willing to go on a journey with you, so you need to ask yourself if your current interest is stepping up to the plate, or if you are just settling for second best.

If fun and adventure are what you’re looking for in your love life, then you need to go after it. Leo season is all about being bold and making moves to get you noticed. Don’t get too fixated on only going for your “type.”

If you’re truly looking for something new and exciting to spice up your love life, then why not go on a date with someone you never thought you would find interesting? Being successful in love is all about taking chances, so remember to keep an open mind.

You might be pleasantly surprised at all the options that are actually out there. Love is more adventurous than what you can probably imagine.

Want daily guidance like this one everyday right in your inbox? Subscribe to my Sagittarius Daily Secrets now.


Can you feel the heat, Capricorn? Because it is sure getting hot in here! The chemistry is about to turn up a notch with your partner. You might feel a deep desire to get really intimate and feel a lot closer to your man. 

It might get a little intense and feel quite frightening at first, but feeling the ecstasy of seduction will be worth it. Just watch out for feelings of jealousy and possessiveness because getting so close to someone might be something you want to protect. 

Don’t fret, the connection you have with your man is quite special, but the more you try to control it the more likely you are going to start pushing him away. Just surrender to the process and you’ll see the depths you’re able to reach without much effort.

And if you’re single, this is a fantastic time for you to reach out and meet someone new. But make sure this guy ticks all your boxes because you’re looking for a soul connection that is going to turn your world upside down. So, there is no point in settling when you deserve your heart’s desire!

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Are you ready for a deep and soul-touching kind of love, Aquarius? Because Leo season is putting a massive spotlight on your commitments and serious relationships. Is your heart ready to take the next step? 

You need to decide what you want from your current relationship and if you are willing to make it a serious commitment. If your heart says yes, then you need to listen to it. Partnering up can be a scary business, but if you feel ready you should definitely take the next step.

If you’re feeling like you’re on the fence and on the apprehensive side, then you need to realize that this is completely normal. Your feelings are valid, and it can be quite scary to open your heart to love if it has been broken once before. 

Love will find a way if it is the right step for you to take. There is no need to rush into anything you don’t feel ready for. Take every day as it comes, and always trust what your gut is telling you to do.

Make sure that you make the best decision for yourself at this moment. Don’t let anyone else’s opinion sway you otherwise. You’ve got this!

Want daily guidance like this one? Subscribe to my Aquarius Daily Secrets now.


Is there any better way to show your love than doing things for the ones you care about? Pisces, you have a special knack for making others feel loved and appreciated by simply being there when they need your support. 

You can really show your partner how much they mean to you by going out of your way to do special little things for him. Sometimes giving feels way better than receiving. So, ask your partner if there’s anything he needs.

And if he isn’t sure, then why not surprise him with something special? You could cook him a nice meal, or treat him to a foot massage after a long day at work. All these little acts of love will have you creep deep into his heart.

Selfless acts are a sure way for you to build a strong foundation in your relationship. Everyone loves feeling cared for and appreciated. This is a really special time for you to show your man how much he means to you, so don’t take it for granted.  

Your relationship might need a little nurturing and care. And I promise he is sure to return the favor if he is one of the good ones!

Want daily guidance like this one everyday right in your inbox? Subscribe to my Pisces Daily Secrets now.

So, What To Take Away From Leo Season 2024?

There are many ways in which you can enjoy the exuberance and excitement of Leo season, but the best way is probably in the way you express your love and desire for another. This is truly the month to take your chance on love and to wear your heart on your sleeve.

Be authentic and proud of who you are. People love to see the truth in the way you live, nothing is more attractive than a woman who is self-assured and confident about who she is. Confidence is such a big part of love, and Leo season is going to push you to take chances.

And even if you don’t feel that sure of yourself, you can always fake it until you make it because eventually, you will start to feel on top of the world. That is truly the secret to positive thinking because once you start, you won’t be able to stop yourself. 

Remember to have fun and live your life to the fullest. Leo season wants you to embrace life and all the opportunities that come with it. Be a yes person and try to experience as much joy as you can over this month. 

What are you looking forward to most during Leo season? Do you have anything special planned for you and your man? Let me know in the comment section below. I’m so excited to hear what you have in store for the coming month.

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Wishing you love and light on your journey.

Your friend and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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