If you are a Gemini woman who is wondering what type of man may be best for you; this may help you get the information you need so that you end up with someone who goes well with your life and personality.
Gemini Woman And ARIES MAN Compatibility
Physically speaking; you two are likely drawn together quite easily. You’re both very charming people and so on the surface; you’ll attract like magnets. The problem may be that he wants to move quicker than you do.
While you’ll want to take your time and not rush in; he’ll want to jump in and go for it. However; if he’s really into you; he’ll make the effort that you’re asking for. He doesn’t typically walk away from a good chase.
The Aries man can be a bit jealous and possessive. This could become an issue for you if you become flirty with others. To compromise; you’d have to dull yourself down a little in order for him to feel secure. Your varying moods will keep him excited though and engaged in the relationship.
While there would need to be a whole lot of work put into this relationship to make it work; it is possible for it to succeed.
Now, if you’d like to fully grasp the Aries man in your life, go here.
Gemini Woman And TAURUS MAN Compatibility
This man will be incredibly drawn in by your intellect and charm. He is also an intellectual type of guy who wants to have stimulating conversations. This will bring you two together from the start.
While you both have lots of incredible ideas; he’ll help keep you grounded since that is what he does best. Another he does well is in the bedroom. You two will have an amazing connection when it comes to intimacy as long as you both use your imagination. A little role playing may be in order here. It will keep things exciting for you both.
The Taurus man isn’t as outgoing as you and he may have a hard time keeping up with you. While you want to find new adventures; he’s happy at staying home. If you two can meet in the middle; you may be able to make this a lasting commitment.
But Taurus men don’t have to be such a mystery anymore…learn all about him in my step-by-step guide to capturing a Taurus man’s heart.
Gemini Woman And GEMINI MAN Compatibility
Is there a better match than a Gemini woman with a Gemini man? Highly unlikely! The two of you intuitively know each other on a deeper level. You seem to know how to talk to each other, how to touch each other, and how to connect better than others.
You two will have many adventures together and you’ll also understand each other’s need for personal space. You no doubt will both have busy careers or jobs that keep you both very satisfied.
It’s also possible for you two to do business together as well. If wanted your dream partner who will also run a business with you; this would be the right set up.
Just like every sign who dates their own sign; you two could bump heads here and there because you’re so much alike. You will both need to find ways to keep things exciting for each other.
To understand your Gemini man and read him like a book, check out my ultimate Gemini man guide.
Gemini Woman And CANCER MAN Compatibility
The Cancer man actually compliments your nature Gemini! He’s very caring and intuitive. He will have no trouble giving you the happy home that you seek. He will help excite you and keep your creativity high.
This man will love you enough that he’ll be able to flow with your ever changing moods and ideas. Your shifting attitudes or thoughts will be understood and taken well by your Cancer man.
You two will have no lack of excitement in the bedroom. In fact, it will be a transcending spiritual experience for you both. You will connect on a high level that allows you two to become as close as it gets.
Problems could arise when you decide to explore things and new opportunities without him and he will be hurt. He needs to be needed and when you want personal freedom; he will not understand it. Communication is the only way to make it last.
Learn ALL About Your Cancer Man Here >>
Gemini Woman And LEO MAN Compatibility
When the Leo man commits to his Gemini lady, he is strong enough to withstand the flux and change that comes with your personality. He will also allow for you to have your space and ability to explore ideas you may have on your own.
He has no trouble with loving you and letting you have the personal freedom you need in your life to function. As such, you’ll feel compelled to give him the love and adoration he craves.
He is just as social as you are so getting out and spreading around great joy will be an easy thing to do.
If the Leo man senses that you are not completely “present” and “in the moment” when you’re with him; it may hurt him. So you’ll need to work at learning to be more in the moment when you’re intimate with him in order to give him security.
And if you need more information about your Leo, then I suggest you to get a copy of Leo Man Secrets. There is everything you need to know about this interesting sign.
Gemini Woman And VIRGO MAN Compatibility
This man is witty and intellectual. He will see this mirrored in you and this will likely be the initial attraction between you two. While you’re dreamy; he is a bit more grounded.
You are both energetic people. You’re always looking for your next adventure or business opportunity and he’s always looking for ways to succeed with his own business or career.
Intimacy should be very creative and enjoyable between you two. He will have no trouble satisfying you emotionally and mentally. You’ll have no problem giving him imaginative foreplay.
You’ll be loyal to your Virgo guy as long as he gives you the wiggle room that you need. There will need to be great compromise between you two because he may not like your flighty nature at times. He wants more stability in his love life. As long as you can understand where he’s coming from; you can make it work.
If your Virgo man is still confusing you with his behavior, it’s time for you to take a very deep and detailed look into what’s going on in his mind.
Gemini Woman And LIBRA MAN Compatibility
This is another intellectual connection here. You will be drawn to each other for the depth that each of you bring. He is more seeking balance while you are seeking deep thought.
The sex life between you and the Libra man will likely be very satisfying and enjoyable. You seem to understand one another on a level that needs no words. In this way, you’re balanced.
The Libra man is romantic but he’ll need to learn to be more creative as to keep your attention. He wants harmony and togetherness while you seek stimulation and excitement in your connection.
Libra men seek stability and it’s possible that he may get weary of your desire for personal freedom. However; it doesn’t bother him as much as you would think. That means that really, there aren’t too many problems that could cause destruction for the two of you. This is a great match!
Click here to learn more about your Libra man >>
Gemini Woman And SCORPIO MAN Compatibility
There is lots of energy and sex appeal that happens when you meet a Scorpio man. He’s alluring and so are you. The attraction is likely very strong between the two of you.
You will likely become fascinated with one another. You both have some very interesting ideas. He is able to stimulate you intellectually and enhance your creativity as well.
There is lots of lusty and passionate feelings flowing between the two of you which means there is no lack of oomph in the bedroom. The flirtation and sexy arousal is a means to draw you two to spend lots of time playing.
A problem that could happen here is that the Scorpio will take his emotions to the next level and this could make you a bit uncomfortable as you’d rather take your time. To make this work; you’d have to get him to slow down a bit and he’d have to develop understanding for your needs.
The Scorpio man is truly one of a kind…he can be yours…but only if you learn to fully understand him and Speak his language.
Gemini Woman And SAGITTARIUS MAN Compatibility
You two have a similar life view and is what tends to draw you in to one another. You both seek adventure and love excitement. The two of you will have no trouble finding amazing things to keep you entertained.
This is one of the men that may actually be able to keep up with you and your energy levels. He will not mind allowing you personal freedom when you need it and will provide you with excellent ideas.
In the bedroom; he is just as full of flirtation and ideas as you are. Imagination is well matched between you and so you both should feel fairly fulfilled. In life he’s very grounded and can help balance you a bit.
The only real problem that you two may experience is the need for more creative ideas and adventure in the bedroom. Keeping each other properly stimulated will be important for you both. This is a wonderful match!
Click here to learn more about your Sagittarius man >>
Gemini Woman And CAPRICORN MAN Compatibility
The Capricorn man is driven and sees his relationship like he sees business. It’s important to him. He isn’t likely to talk much so he may let you do most of the talking where it’s needed.
You’re sociable but he’s not one for being all that social. This could make him seem dull and uninteresting. He knows what he wants which is stability and security. He may not deal well with your need for freedom.
He’ll also not like your tendency to flirt with other people. Once he commits; he’s in it for life. If he feels you aren’t; he will start to rethink whether or not you’re the one for him.
There may be more problems than there are reasons to stay together. If there is true love there though; there may be a way to salvage the relationship. You would both need to work hard at it and possibly even get counseling.
Learn ALL About Your Capricorn Man Here >>
Gemini Woman And AQUARIUS MAN Compatibility
You two are drawn in to each other due to your intellect and physical attraction. You’re both lovers of freedom which means that you likely are not at all trying to tie each other down in any way.
Neither of you are in any hurry to settle down. Both of you also like to take your time to be absolutely sure you’re picking the right person. This is a great thing for you two to have in common as you’ll likely be on the same page.
Spontaneity and trying new things in bed will not be a problem for either of you and will help maintain excitement for you both.
The only real problems that may develop between you two are mood swings. You both have them and you both can be unpredictable. If you are both understanding of this in each other; you can likely make it last.
If you’d like to learn more about your Aquarian man, go ahead and study my step-by-step guide to an Aquarius man’s heart.
Gemini Woman And PISCES MAN Compatibility
This man is wonderful but may not be the best match for you. He will appeal to you with his gentle nature and his ability to be a care taker. However; you two may not see eye to eye when you want personal space or freedom.
He is also very sensitive and can be deeply wounded if he feels ignored or if one of your moods hits him the wrong way. He would have to learn to develop some thick skin in order to survive.
He’s very dreamy just like you are which is another appeal you two share and one of you would have to find a way to become grounded otherwise you’ll both float away from each other.
In bed he will want a deep spiritual connection while you’re more into just the physical aspects. This doesn’t appear to be a fantastic match. Lots of bending and compromising would have to happen here.
Hopefully this helps you to narrow down your search or give you more insight on the guy that you’re already dating. If you’re single; you’re armed with some really amazing information on what you should be looking for.
Did you know that Pisces is one of the hardest signs in the zodiac to understand? Find out more about your Pisces man here.
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